Once again Trump makes the right decision. Transgender cannot serve in military

Transanimals, is that the next class, that liberals will champion?

  • Yes, if someone identifies as an animal, then he/she/it should be an animal. Look at Bill Clinton

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • No, Insane people need to be put away, before they hurt themselves or someone else.

    Votes: 16 88.9%

  • Total voters
Each and every day DT loses voters either with his lack of loyalty with his own Cabinet, his infantile lyin tweets, his guilty conscience with the Russian investigation, on and on.

Then why your objection? If the Democrats lose votes for their actions, we don't try to stop them, we encourage them to continue on.

I don't think Trump is losing any votes. I think Democrats are with this idiotic Russia thing. So again, keep going, keep going......
The FBI will keep going, don't have any delusion about that.

Your delusion will come when the final results are in stating it was nothing more than a waste of time and money. Of course we on the right already know that. You on the left keep grabbing for straws hoping it will save you from drowning.
“I'm sorry but this is insane!!!! Why does it matter how people identify themselves??? Anyone who wants to serve this country should have the right to sign up and serve this country. What happened to the most powerful person in this country bringing everyone together?? What a shame!!

“We all have the right to love who we want to love, live where we want to live! We must resist these idiotic ideas being spread about from this White House. I care about the inclusion of all people!! We do not live on this earth alone, let alone in America. If you don't like my opinion and you wanna spew hate just unfollow me.” - Ray Allen social media rant on Trump ban
The military is unpopular to such an extend that even monkeys and unicorns will be accepted. The days of widespread patriotism seem to be numbered. Its not only "lifestyle" but also the wellfounded lack of willingness to be burned for suspicious policies.

Well, After seeing them serving in the wasteful wars. Really, no mission accomplished. Or ever will be.
Why do any, want to die or be wounded so the upper 1%ers get richer?
WWII was for something real. ISIS is a Drone, Policing, and Seal teams issue. As we have seen. And DO NOW!
Draft dodger Trump thinks he knows what's best for the military. If a transgender person is willing to lay their life down for this country, what's the problem?

He's quoted as saying he consulted with military leaders...my guess is Mad Dog said ah hell no
Why would he bother to consult with military leaders when he himself said --- not tweeted --- that he knows more than the generals?

He thinks he's king and that his every little wish is immediately granted. But the pentagon is ignoring him.

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Draft dodger Trump thinks he knows what's best for the military. If a transgender person is willing to lay their life down for this country, what's the problem?

He's quoted as saying he consulted with military leaders...my guess is Mad Dog said ah hell no
Why would he bother to consult with military leaders when he himself said --- not tweeted --- that he knows more than the generals?

He thinks he's king and that his every little wish is immediately granted. But the pentagon is ignoring him.

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The Pentagon can't ignore him. He's CiC.
Each and every day DT loses voters either with his lack of loyalty with his own Cabinet, his infantile lyin tweets, his guilty conscience with the Russian investigation, on and on.

Then why your objection? If the Democrats lose votes for their actions, we don't try to stop them, we encourage them to continue on.

I don't think Trump is losing any votes. I think Democrats are with this idiotic Russia thing. So again, keep going, keep going......
The FBI will keep going, don't have any delusion about that.

Your delusion will come when the final results are in stating it was nothing more than a waste of time and money. Of course we on the right already know that. You on the left keep grabbing for straws hoping it will save you from drowning.
If there was nothing in Russia helping Trump get the US presidency, Donald Trump would not be so upset.
Obese people are rejected by the military. Is that unpatriotic?

1 in 20 Americans is suicidal. For trans folks it's 1 in 4. look it up!
As a taxpayer, I don't want to foot the bill for some faggot who joins the military in order to get free sex change surgery. ...... :eusa_hand:

Why do you feel you paid for it? I want to cut Miltary Spending By Half.
You do know, you can tell yourself here. As you feel you're paying for thangs. Somehow?.
Do you track the money? Show me the paperwork, you personally paid for these thangs. You HATE!
So just tell yourself. Your little-paid in tax money only gets spent on thangs you approve of.
And the Dems money paid in went for the body equipment adjustments.
BTW... Another Orange Douche BROKEN PROMISE!

Trans people add nothing to military readiness, ability, or effectiveness. Allowing in the trans is ONLY to make trans feel good about themselves. They can feel good about themselves only if they are getting very expensive surgery and medical care. Fact is, a transitioning trans cannot be deployed to any area of conflict. They can only go where adequate medical care is available. Forget a trans Navy Seal actually doing something that seals do. He can't. He can't be away from his medication. He has to sterlilize his vagina form. He has to be cleaned several times a day until the transition is complete and healed.

So trans should stop complaining. They add nothing to the military. Nothing at all.
As a taxpayer, I don't want to foot the bill for some faggot who joins the military in order to get free sex change surgery. ...... :eusa_hand:

Why do you feel you paid for it? I want to cut Miltary Spending By Half.
You do know, you can tell yourself here. As you feel you're paying for thangs. Somehow?.
Do you track the money? Show me the paperwork, you personally paid for these thangs. You HATE!
So just tell yourself. Your little-paid in tax money only gets spent on thangs you approve of.
And the Dems money paid in went for the body equipment adjustments.

If he pays taxes he helped pay
Each and every day DT loses voters either with his lack of loyalty with his own Cabinet, his infantile lyin tweets, his guilty conscience with the Russian investigation, on and on.

Then why your objection? If the Democrats lose votes for their actions, we don't try to stop them, we encourage them to continue on.

I don't think Trump is losing any votes. I think Democrats are with this idiotic Russia thing. So again, keep going, keep going......
The FBI will keep going, don't have any delusion about that.

Your delusion will come when the final results are in stating it was nothing more than a waste of time and money. Of course we on the right already know that. You on the left keep grabbing for straws hoping it will save you from drowning.
If there was nothing in Russia helping Trump get the US presidency, Donald Trump would not be so upset.

He's not upset--the left are.

You have to understand how American politics works especially on the left.

People on the left believe most of the people in the country think like them. I'm a liberal, my friends are liberals, my family are liberals, and everybody at Starbucks are liberals, therefore, most people in this country must be liberals!

That's why they get so upset when they lose elections. It can't be possible. Most people in this country are liberal, therefore if a Republican wins, something had to go terribly wrong.

The puppet masters in the Democrat party placate them. The tell them that Bush stole an election, that he had friends at Diebold to insure his second win, Trump had Russia help him out. Do you see a pattern here???

If Democrats ever told their constituents the truth, and that is liberalism is a failure in America, it would knock the wind of their voters sails. Some would quit voting. That's why they promote this lie that every presidential election the Republicans win was not so. The Republicans cheated, don't you see? So you liberal voters didn't lose anything. Most of the country are liberals just like you always thought. You just got cheated out of an election.

Nobody promoted Socialism/ Communism more than Barack Obama. Since he took office, Republicans not only gained leadership of the House, the Senate, and now the White House, but most of the governorships, city and county seats across the country; over 1,000 in all.

The Republican party is not a bunch of old white racists that are dying off like the Democrat party tells their constituents. We are gaining strength, popularity, and more leaderships all the time; all across the country.

We are not Europe and we don't want to be.
Draft dodger Trump thinks he knows what's best for the military. If a transgender person is willing to lay their life down for this country, what's the problem?

While I'm a libertarian I kind of agree with this Executive Order. The military commanders have enough to deal with in terms of training soldiers and national defense. They don't need to be distracted by these kinds of inane cultural issues.

LGBT have always served and will always serve. Most accept them, no problems. It's President Trump who is mixing and stirring.

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Draft dodger Trump thinks he knows what's best for the military. If a transgender person is willing to lay their life down for this country, what's the problem?

While I'm a libertarian I kind of agree with this Executive Order. The military commanders have enough to deal with in terms of training soldiers and national defense. They don't need to be distracted by these kinds of inane cultural issues.

LGBT have always served and will always serve. Most accept them, no problems. It's President Trump who is mixing and stirring.

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Elections have consequences
He said he would listen to the commanders and take their advice. Obviously they thought that transgenders add nothing to military readiness or morale. Weighing the options, military ability to fight, v. trannies feeling good. Medical care for wounded vets v. sex change operations.

Trump made the right call.

Pretty Spot On take. :thup:

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