Once again Trump makes the right decision. Transgender cannot serve in military

Transanimals, is that the next class, that liberals will champion?

  • Yes, if someone identifies as an animal, then he/she/it should be an animal. Look at Bill Clinton

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • No, Insane people need to be put away, before they hurt themselves or someone else.

    Votes: 16 88.9%

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reading the article why would the gay community be up in arms about it

they shouldnt be

Gays are not that fond of 'transgenders.'
transgenders are not even gay

Bruce Jenner is trans and not gay. He still likes women. Only now he's a lesbian with a penis!

I thought he got it chopped off

No. The reason why he lost his show was because he refused to date men. The Kardashians had a few black guys all picked out. Jenner said no, and lost his show.

In fact, Jenner recently joined the Brentwood Country Club under the name Bruce Jenner. He didn't want to use the women's showers or dressing room.

Trump has been digging the hole he is in deeper with a hand trowel. But Pence handed him a full sized gold plated shovel and is telling him, DIG DIG DIG. And the orange turd is digging for Russia.

He'll get bitch-slapped again by the courts and republicans in Congress have already condemned his idiocy. Dig away Merrill.

Explain how a conservative dominated SCOTUS will rule against this?

You need to lay off the drugs while posting.

Draft dodger Trump thinks he knows what's best for the military. If a transgender person is willing to lay their life down for this country, what's the problem?

While I'm a libertarian I kind of agree with this Executive Order. The military commanders have enough to deal with in terms of training soldiers and national defense. They don't need to be distracted by these kinds of inane cultural issues.

People said the same thing when minorities and women were allowed to serve.

Not even remotely the same thing, but nice try.

Yes it is the same thing. Its discrimination. People complained about blacks serving in the military. Then women. Then people freaked out over gay and lesbians serving in the army. And now people are freaking out over transsexuals. Being transgender doesn't effect your performance in the army.

Its only a distraction because small minded people allow it to be.

Finally someone who makes some sense.
I think anyone who wants to 'serve' their country should be able to. Lots of homeless out there could use three hots and a cot plus free medical care. Any seniors out there living in poverty? C'mon and join the navy and get the gravy, since age limits are out the window since there's no more discrimination.

Once again Trump proves that he is a two faced liar, scoundrel and completely off the rails. He promised that he would advance LGBT causes as president during the campaign. He now claims that he " consulted the generals on this, but those generals at the Pentagon approved the service of transgender people only one year ago.

Donald Trump Says Transgender People No Longer Allowed To Serve In Military | HuffPost
The move, which ironically comes in the middle of the White House’s American Heroes Week, was wholly unexpected. It’s not clear why Trump decided to announce such a significant policy change via Twitter or when it would take effect. His timing in relation to other political events is also odd: He shared the news in the midst of Senate Republicans’ high-stakes fight to repeal Obamacare this week.

Trump claims he made the move after consulting with military experts, despite the Pentagon lifting the ban on transgender service members in 2016 after an exhaustive review of its military readiness policies.
The generals lifted the ban on transgender service members when obama told them to and they didn't want to end up like General McChrystal. Of course the generals didn't believe that transgendered service members were of a benefit to the military. It's ridiculous to even suggest such a thing. They were told to conduct a study and told what they result of the study should be. It does't mean these military experts really believed that transgendered military was any benefit to the military or the nation.
Once again Trump proves that he is a two faced liar, scoundrel and completely off the rails. He promised that he would advance LGBT causes as president during the campaign. He now claims that he " consulted the generals on this, but those generals at the Pentagon approved the service of transgender people only one year ago.

Donald Trump Says Transgender People No Longer Allowed To Serve In Military | HuffPost
The move, which ironically comes in the middle of the White House’s American Heroes Week, was wholly unexpected. It’s not clear why Trump decided to announce such a significant policy change via Twitter or when it would take effect. His timing in relation to other political events is also odd: He shared the news in the midst of Senate Republicans’ high-stakes fight to repeal Obamacare this week.

Trump claims he made the move after consulting with military experts, despite the Pentagon lifting the ban on transgender service members in 2016 after an exhaustive review of its military readiness policies.
The generals lifted the ban on transgender service members when obama told them to and they didn't want to end up like General McChrystal. Of course the generals didn't believe that transgendered service members were of a benefit to the military. It's ridiculous to even suggest such a thing. They were told to conduct a study and told what they result of the study should be. It does't mean these military experts really believed that transgendered military was any benefit to the military or the nation.
Another one spouting off with assertions while thinking that you can do so without providing some documentation and be taken seriously.
are we to compromise our military to appease everyone from the political left ?

he talked to his generals, he made an executive decision, i would have too.

don't ask and don't tell for the TGs there now. war isn't a game or a political perch for the left.

he stopped the corrupt liberal army of in their tracks.
he won't let the military be obfuscated by the simpleton democract, their endgame is to collapse our civilian led military, unless it's their candidate.
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Because being transgender is a choice. It's not like being gay, where you just are that way. You have to elect to undergo a surgical procedure. That procedure isn't thrust upon you.

And the bizarre and frankly unnatural condition wrought by that surgery presents obvious complications in a military setting. Given the intimacy and lack of space between soldiers, you can't expect it to have no negative impact on morale, and accommodating such a tiny minority is far from cost-effective.

Hate to say it, but Trump was right about this one. It is the pragmatic, and therefore morally correct (in matters of national security), course to take.
reading the article why would the gay community be up in arms about it

they shouldnt be

Gays are not that fond of 'transgenders.'
transgenders are not even gay

Bruce Jenner is trans and not gay. He still likes women. Only now he's a lesbian with a penis!
So he is not gay, but she is gay.

Jenner is a hot mess, loony as a toon
Shit, I didn't notice this thread before I posted a dupe. My b.

But yeah, this is the right thing to do. Totally agree. Probably not for the same reasons, but it's the right call.
reading the article why would the gay community be up in arms about it

they shouldnt be

Gays are not that fond of 'transgenders.'
transgenders are not even gay

You are wearing your ignorance on your Sleeve. They may or may not be gay.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

yes that is possible

and you assisted in making my point

other then that

who cares what you think
I am "shocked shocked " LOL He lied ....Hello ...He lied LOL

Caitlyn Jenner @Caitlyn_Jenner
There are 15,000 patriotic transgender Americans in the US military fighting for all of us. What happened to your promise to fight for them? https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/742771576039460864 …

12:57 PM - Jul 26, 2017
As I read this thread, the number of transgendered in the millitary seems to keep going up. In a hundred or so more post to this thread the number of transgendered in the military may easily reach 100,000.

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