Once again Trump makes the right decision. Transgender cannot serve in military

Transanimals, is that the next class, that liberals will champion?

  • Yes, if someone identifies as an animal, then he/she/it should be an animal. Look at Bill Clinton

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • No, Insane people need to be put away, before they hurt themselves or someone else.

    Votes: 16 88.9%

  • Total voters
I would have played the Charmander card ...

Trump is a very evil man...I think he is the anti-christ as he controls the faithful and he certainly shouldn't be as his entire life is a piece of shit.
-Adulatory up the ass
-Being a fucking pig

on and on
Trump is a very evil man...I think he is the anti-christ as he controls the faithful and he certainly shouldn't be as his entire life is a piece of shit.
-Adulatory up the ass
-Being a fucking pig

on and on
What makes him worse than the others?
The Big Orange Idiot is finding himself sinking deeper and deeper into the sh!t pile of his administration’s corruption.

ban has conservatives smiling from ear to ear, and has given them back that same gleeful spring in their step they get when congress votes to steal healthcare from tens-of-millions of their fellow Americans.

However, the conservatives’ denial of Big Orange’s collusion can only go so far. This ban enacted by the Big Orange Idiot will act as shot in the arm to rekindle the conservatives overwhelming hate for those who are not white conservative Christians. But its effects are only temporary.

Happily, Mueller’s investigation will soon have the conservatives entertaining everyone else, as they resume vehemently denying reality again, and proclaiming the innocence of Big Orange and his crooked cronies.

Trump's Cruel Military Ban On Transgender People Is An Attempt To Save His Base

More truth and reality for conservatives to deny.
You should inform yourself about why the MILITARY RECOMMENDED THE BAN
( that they complained about this when it was forced upon them at the end of the last term).
It's not intended prejudice against transgenders to apply the ban, it was strictly done because of the financial burden it would have and affecting cohesion weighed out to the minute numbers that it would be inclusive to. Also they felt it would be abused by people who would use the army as last affordable resort to surgery.
You do realize someone can't be stationed in another country in a front line only to be taking months off to come hack home for hormone injections and surgeries, right?
=expensive, & disruptive=non cohesive.
BE REAL, stop being fooled by Tabloid media.
The Pentagon asked for this change.
Trump's tweets took the Pentagon by surprise.

Maybe they were surprised we actually have a President now that will do the right thing regardless of the scrutiny. But Trump probably figures F it. If not this, they will find something else to bust my balls about.
The problem is bigger than attacking transgender servicemen. There is a Commander-in-Chief who is a mentally unbalanced, unpredictable, divisive, disruptive, and just plain weird conman. What repercussions this could have on the cohesion of the US armed forces is difficult to foresee. Furthermore, demoralized members of the military such as transgender front line combatants in war zones like the Middle East can put personnel and the United States at risk.
The Big Orange Idiot is finding himself sinking deeper and deeper into the sh!t pile of his administration’s corruption.

ban has conservatives smiling from ear to ear, and has given them back that same gleeful spring in their step they get when congress votes to steal healthcare from tens-of-millions of their fellow Americans.

However, the conservatives’ denial of Big Orange’s collusion can only go so far. This ban enacted by the Big Orange Idiot will act as shot in the arm to rekindle the conservatives overwhelming hate for those who are not white conservative Christians. But its effects are only temporary.

Happily, Mueller’s investigation will soon have the conservatives entertaining everyone else, as they resume vehemently denying reality again, and proclaiming the innocence of Big Orange and his crooked cronies.

Trump's Cruel Military Ban On Transgender People Is An Attempt To Save His Base

More truth and reality for conservatives to deny.
You should inform yourself about why the MILITARY RECOMMENDED THE BAN
( that they complained about this when it was forced upon them at the end of the last term).
It's not intended prejudice against transgenders to apply the ban, it was strictly done because of the financial burden it would have and affecting cohesion weighed out to the minute numbers that it would be inclusive to. Also they felt it would be abused by people who would use the army as last affordable resort to surgery.
You do realize someone can't be stationed in another country in a front line only to be taking months off to come hack home for hormone injections and surgeries, right?
=expensive, & disruptive=non cohesive.
BE REAL, stop being fooled by Tabloid media.
Please provide the names or link to these imaginary generals and military experts, otherwise just admit that you have no idea what you are talking about.
The military is unpopular to such an extend that even monkeys and unicorns will be accepted. The days of widespread patriotism seem to be numbered. Its not only "lifestyle" but also the wellfounded lack of willingness to be burned for suspicious policies.

GTFO. You must believe that these are still the days of the old 1970's "Volunteer Army" or something. The qualification for becoming part of the American military has changed a lot since then, and standards are higher than any other country.

My own niece enlisted in the U.S Army several years ago. She is a college graduate and was given the commission of First Lieutenant. She completed medical school while she was in there and is now a practicing doctor and a Captain.

Your ignorant statement sounds like something John Kerry said a few years ago.

Sorry for interrupting your truth but why is the army paying minors to make them sign they´ll join? And they are only accepting the women because of the lack of volunteers.
Please show that the army is accepting children or minors.
Uhm? I did not even claim it.
Yes you did, you said they are paying minors. Thanks for proving, you hate the military.
Why the Transgender Troop Ban May Backfire Politically
Before Wednesday was over, President Trump’s ban on transgender troops already looked like a political miscalculation.
Report: Effort To Allow Transgenders In The Military Faces ‘Indefinite Delay’
Former President Barack Obama’s directive was issued in June 2016 and gave the services exactly one year to craft policy implementation.
What is next for liberals to champion, Transanimals, where humans who want to be dogs, cats or horses, will be allowed to join the K-9 units with the 4 legged creatures, or Mounted cavalry, where the person on all 4s is ridden like a horse? The blame rests on the liberal parents who instead of acting like the adults in the room and telling little Johnny, that he is a boy, and little Debbie, that she is a girl, the children come up to the adults, demanding that the children are other than what they really are, and the liberals, instead of facing a difficult decision, just allows the child to be whatever they want. So when a child wants to be a dog, will the liberal tell the child,
a. No you are not a dog, because you are a human and will always be a human, denying their child their TRUE identity.
b. Here is your can of dog food, you are such a precious snowflake.

Transgender Suicide Rate Isn’t Due To Discrimination
This is not a surprise: “transgender” individuals have an alarmingly high suicide rate, somewhere north of 40 percent by some reliable estimates.
Individuals who believe they are a different sex than that of their biology are psychologically ill—self-evidently so—and one would quite reasonably expect a higher suicide rate from a portion of the population that suffers from so significant a mental illness (particularly a mental illness it is fashionable to indulge rather than treat).

Working class people , Gays , Lesbians and transgenders who voted for Trump are like bugs voting for a can of Raid .....

The Big Orange Idiot is finding himself sinking deeper and deeper into the sh!t pile of his administration’s corruption.

ban has conservatives smiling from ear to ear, and has given them back that same gleeful spring in their step they get when congress votes to steal healthcare from tens-of-millions of their fellow Americans.

However, the conservatives’ denial of Big Orange’s collusion can only go so far. This ban enacted by the Big Orange Idiot will act as shot in the arm to rekindle the conservatives overwhelming hate for those who are not white conservative Christians. But its effects are only temporary.

Happily, Mueller’s investigation will soon have the conservatives entertaining everyone else, as they resume vehemently denying reality again, and proclaiming the innocence of Big Orange and his crooked cronies.

Trump's Cruel Military Ban On Transgender People Is An Attempt To Save His Base


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More truth and reality for conservatives to deny.
Working class people , Gays , Lesbians and transgenders who voted for Trump are like bugs voting for a can of Raid .....


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