Once again Trump makes the right decision. Transgender cannot serve in military

Transanimals, is that the next class, that liberals will champion?

  • Yes, if someone identifies as an animal, then he/she/it should be an animal. Look at Bill Clinton

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • No, Insane people need to be put away, before they hurt themselves or someone else.

    Votes: 16 88.9%

  • Total voters
Only the intellectually challenged think that it is that simple.
I bet you think people can become dogs on a whim too. If not, why not? Maybe I'm 66 now and so give me my full social security.
That is just fucking moronic! Men and women are the same species. Gender is complicated and there is more to it that what is visible between your legs. But, I'm sure that you are too incurious and anti-intellectual to take the time to explore and understand that ,
Oh, so you're speciephobic. And your phobia also says sex is based upon feelings, not chromosomes or genitals. You really need to see a psychologist.

Woman says she is a cat trapped in the wrong body - she hisses at dogs, hates water and claims she can even see better at night
Now that is mental illness. You might want to look into that chromosome . That is exactly what I'm talking about Bubba. You might be interested-or, I suspect not- to learn that not everyone is clearly male or female biologically . However, everyone is clearly human , or not . Now cut out the ignorant horseshit!
So at best your argument is to let the physically handicapped into the military.

Still a loser.
Notice the dumbass is conflating transsexualism with hermaphrodites..
I bet you think people can become dogs on a whim too. If not, why not? Maybe I'm 66 now and so give me my full social security.
That is just fucking moronic! Men and women are the same species. Gender is complicated and there is more to it that what is visible between your legs. But, I'm sure that you are too incurious and anti-intellectual to take the time to explore and understand that ,
Oh, so you're speciephobic. And your phobia also says sex is based upon feelings, not chromosomes or genitals. You really need to see a psychologist.

Woman says she is a cat trapped in the wrong body - she hisses at dogs, hates water and claims she can even see better at night
Now that is mental illness. You might want to look into that chromosome . That is exactly what I'm talking about Bubba. You might be interested-or, I suspect not- to learn that not everyone is clearly male or female biologically . However, everyone is clearly human , or not . Now cut out the ignorant horseshit!
So at best your argument is to let the physically handicapped into the military.

Still a loser.
Notice the dumbass is conflating transsexualism with hermaphrodites..
Pretty hard to defend a dude with a dick saying he is a girl whenever he wants not being a mental issue.
I bet you think people can become dogs on a whim too. If not, why not? Maybe I'm 66 now and so give me my full social security.
That is just fucking moronic! Men and women are the same species. Gender is complicated and there is more to it that what is visible between your legs. But, I'm sure that you are too incurious and anti-intellectual to take the time to explore and understand that ,
Oh, so you're speciephobic. And your phobia also says sex is based upon feelings, not chromosomes or genitals. You really need to see a psychologist.

Woman says she is a cat trapped in the wrong body - she hisses at dogs, hates water and claims she can even see better at night
Now that is mental illness. You might want to look into that chromosome . That is exactly what I'm talking about Bubba. You might be interested-or, I suspect not- to learn that not everyone is clearly male or female biologically . However, everyone is clearly human , or not . Now cut out the ignorant horseshit!
So at best your argument is to let the physically handicapped into the military.

Still a loser.
Notice the dumbass is conflating transsexualism with hermaphrodites..
What I'm noticing is that you dumbasses are to ignorant to know that intersexuality and transsexuality are in fact related in many cases.
That is just fucking moronic! Men and women are the same species. Gender is complicated and there is more to it that what is visible between your legs. But, I'm sure that you are too incurious and anti-intellectual to take the time to explore and understand that ,
Oh, so you're speciephobic. And your phobia also says sex is based upon feelings, not chromosomes or genitals. You really need to see a psychologist.

Woman says she is a cat trapped in the wrong body - she hisses at dogs, hates water and claims she can even see better at night
Now that is mental illness. You might want to look into that chromosome . That is exactly what I'm talking about Bubba. You might be interested-or, I suspect not- to learn that not everyone is clearly male or female biologically . However, everyone is clearly human , or not . Now cut out the ignorant horseshit!
So at best your argument is to let the physically handicapped into the military.

Still a loser.
Notice the dumbass is conflating transsexualism with hermaphrodites..
What I'm noticing is that you dumbasses are to ignorant to know that intersexuality and transsexuality are in fact related in many cases.
You are equating mental to physical. It's extremely dishonest
Oh, so you're speciephobic. And your phobia also says sex is based upon feelings, not chromosomes or genitals. You really need to see a psychologist.

Woman says she is a cat trapped in the wrong body - she hisses at dogs, hates water and claims she can even see better at night
Now that is mental illness. You might want to look into that chromosome . That is exactly what I'm talking about Bubba. You might be interested-or, I suspect not- to learn that not everyone is clearly male or female biologically . However, everyone is clearly human , or not . Now cut out the ignorant horseshit!
So at best your argument is to let the physically handicapped into the military.

Still a loser.
Notice the dumbass is conflating transsexualism with hermaphrodites..
What I'm noticing is that you dumbasses are to ignorant to know that intersexuality and transsexuality are in fact related in many cases.
If you had a brain you would understand that you cant separate the mental from the physical. They are inextricably intertwined You are just spouting off about shit that you know nothing about, and worse, don't really want to know about because actual knowledge would undermine the basis of your pathetic bigotry. I will try to educate you but I don't hold much hope that it will do any good.

Theories of the Causes of Transsexualism

The Transgender Brain
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Any doctor that carves up a person and mutilates them should lose their license... Yes keep trans gendered out of the military and away from our schools.
I bet you think people can become dogs on a whim too. If not, why not? Maybe I'm 66 now and so give me my full social security.

RegressiveParasite is an apparatchik. He can not be reasoned with. He is a pseudo intellectual malcontent and you will find arguing with a fish tank more productive.

This is how far out into insanity leftists will take our culture.

Of course I identify as The Emperor of the Western Hemisphere. My subjects refer to me as His Assholiness, and dissidents refer to me as "Please God don't sh..."

With enough lawyers, guns and money I could actually become the EOTWH, but all the doctors on earth, with all the wealth in the universe can not make me a woman. I wouldn't want to bleed out of a gash between my legs anyway.
Notice the dumbass is conflating transsexualism with hermaphrodites..

It's probably a personal problem.

RegressiveParasite probably got fucked in the ass by a sick relative in his youth and believes it's actually a vag. He probably believes being a cum dumpster is "normal" and the rest of us are bigots because we don't share his appetite for being sexually abused by former inmates.

Only the intellectually challenged think that it is that simple.
I bet you think people can become dogs on a whim too. If not, why not? Maybe I'm 66 now and so give me my full social security.
That is just fucking moronic! Men and women are the same species. Gender is complicated and there is more to it that what is visible between your legs. But, I'm sure that you are too incurious and anti-intellectual to take the time to explore and understand that ,
Oh, so you're speciephobic. And your phobia also says sex is based upon feelings, not chromosomes or genitals. You really need to see a psychologist.

Woman says she is a cat trapped in the wrong body - she hisses at dogs, hates water and claims she can even see better at night
Now that is mental illness. You might want to look into that chromosome . That is exactly what I'm talking about Bubba. You might be interested-or, I suspect not- to learn that not everyone is clearly male or female biologically . However, everyone is clearly human , or not . Now cut out the ignorant horseshit!

So at best your argument is to let the physically handicapped into the military.

Still a loser.

Most members of the military support fewer members of the military in direct combat operations. Why can someone in a wheel chair, for example, act in support of the mission of those physically fit to fight?
we ain't got no draft

You mean, "we ain't got no draft YET". Give it time, because it looks like Trump is gonna get us in a war sooner or later, and a draft will be required.

probably will not need a draft

Unfortunately, I think you might be wrong. Why? Because when it came out about what caused those Navy ships to collide with civilian ships, one of the main causes was them being over worked on deployment because they were short staffed.

And that is on a peacetime footing. If a war is declared, they are going to need a hell of a lot more people, and that is why there will be a draft.

maybe trump will be able to make it economically attractive ENOUGH---to attract

Hate to tell you, but it's really hard to make serving in the military attractive during a time of conflict. I was running the Navy office at MEPS Amarillo when 9/11 happened, and I can tell you that enlistments dropped sharply when Jr. declared war. It got so bad, that for many jobs, we were giving initial enlistment bonuses for up to 10,000 just for signing up for 4 years. I saw enlistment bonuses for jobs that I'd never seen bonuses for in the 18 years I'd been serving before I got to MEPS.

Sorry, but other than a bonus, there really isn't that much incentive to serve, because the pay sucks and you'll never get rich as an enlisted person.

Do your think a draft would have to be expanded to include Women, Gays / Lesbians and eliminate deferments for College Students, all members of The Congress' families and even those disabled physically but not mentally?
Meet the Transgender Americans Who Won on Election Day | Human Rights Campaign


In an incredible turnout of pro-equality voters, Americans across the country elected at least eight out transgender people to office during yesterday’s election.

These historic wins took place in states across the country from Georgia to Pennsylvania, as Americans rejected the vitriolic rhetoric that Donald Trump and Mike Pence continue to spew.
You mean, "we ain't got no draft YET". Give it time, because it looks like Trump is gonna get us in a war sooner or later, and a draft will be required.

probably will not need a draft

Unfortunately, I think you might be wrong. Why? Because when it came out about what caused those Navy ships to collide with civilian ships, one of the main causes was them being over worked on deployment because they were short staffed.

And that is on a peacetime footing. If a war is declared, they are going to need a hell of a lot more people, and that is why there will be a draft.

maybe trump will be able to make it economically attractive ENOUGH---to attract

Hate to tell you, but it's really hard to make serving in the military attractive during a time of conflict. I was running the Navy office at MEPS Amarillo when 9/11 happened, and I can tell you that enlistments dropped sharply when Jr. declared war. It got so bad, that for many jobs, we were giving initial enlistment bonuses for up to 10,000 just for signing up for 4 years. I saw enlistment bonuses for jobs that I'd never seen bonuses for in the 18 years I'd been serving before I got to MEPS.

Sorry, but other than a bonus, there really isn't that much incentive to serve, because the pay sucks and you'll never get rich as an enlisted person.

Do your think a draft would have to be expanded to include Women, Gays / Lesbians and eliminate deferments for College Students, all members of The Congress' families and even those disabled physically but not mentally?

You know, my personal opinion is that if they have to institute a draft, then anyone who is age eligible and physically qualified should be included. That means gays (they have been serving since the military began anyway), as well as males and females, and if the transgendered person is qualified and can serve, they should be included as well.

Sorry, when it comes to patriotism and national defense, I don't see gender, color or sexual preference.
probably will not need a draft

Unfortunately, I think you might be wrong. Why? Because when it came out about what caused those Navy ships to collide with civilian ships, one of the main causes was them being over worked on deployment because they were short staffed.

And that is on a peacetime footing. If a war is declared, they are going to need a hell of a lot more people, and that is why there will be a draft.

maybe trump will be able to make it economically attractive ENOUGH---to attract

Hate to tell you, but it's really hard to make serving in the military attractive during a time of conflict. I was running the Navy office at MEPS Amarillo when 9/11 happened, and I can tell you that enlistments dropped sharply when Jr. declared war. It got so bad, that for many jobs, we were giving initial enlistment bonuses for up to 10,000 just for signing up for 4 years. I saw enlistment bonuses for jobs that I'd never seen bonuses for in the 18 years I'd been serving before I got to MEPS.

Sorry, but other than a bonus, there really isn't that much incentive to serve, because the pay sucks and you'll never get rich as an enlisted person.

Do your think a draft would have to be expanded to include Women, Gays / Lesbians and eliminate deferments for College Students, all members of The Congress' families and even those disabled physically but not mentally?

You know, my personal opinion is that if they have to institute a draft, then anyone who is age eligible and physically qualified should be included. That means gays (they have been serving since the military began anyway), as well as males and females, and if the transgendered person is qualified and can serve, they should be included as well.

Sorry, when it comes to patriotism and national defense, I don't see gender, color or sexual preference.

Well said! We are all in this together.
Unfortunately, I think you might be wrong. Why? Because when it came out about what caused those Navy ships to collide with civilian ships, one of the main causes was them being over worked on deployment because they were short staffed.

And that is on a peacetime footing. If a war is declared, they are going to need a hell of a lot more people, and that is why there will be a draft.

maybe trump will be able to make it economically attractive ENOUGH---to attract

Hate to tell you, but it's really hard to make serving in the military attractive during a time of conflict. I was running the Navy office at MEPS Amarillo when 9/11 happened, and I can tell you that enlistments dropped sharply when Jr. declared war. It got so bad, that for many jobs, we were giving initial enlistment bonuses for up to 10,000 just for signing up for 4 years. I saw enlistment bonuses for jobs that I'd never seen bonuses for in the 18 years I'd been serving before I got to MEPS.

Sorry, but other than a bonus, there really isn't that much incentive to serve, because the pay sucks and you'll never get rich as an enlisted person.

Do your think a draft would have to be expanded to include Women, Gays / Lesbians and eliminate deferments for College Students, all members of The Congress' families and even those disabled physically but not mentally?

You know, my personal opinion is that if they have to institute a draft, then anyone who is age eligible and physically qualified should be included. That means gays (they have been serving since the military began anyway), as well as males and females, and if the transgendered person is qualified and can serve, they should be included as well.

Sorry, when it comes to patriotism and national defense, I don't see gender, color or sexual preference.

Well said! We are all in this together.

a TRANSGENDER can be a nitemare of HORMONAL
MANIPULATION------something that an active duty person
should not impose on the military active duty health care system
maybe trump will be able to make it economically attractive ENOUGH---to attract

Hate to tell you, but it's really hard to make serving in the military attractive during a time of conflict. I was running the Navy office at MEPS Amarillo when 9/11 happened, and I can tell you that enlistments dropped sharply when Jr. declared war. It got so bad, that for many jobs, we were giving initial enlistment bonuses for up to 10,000 just for signing up for 4 years. I saw enlistment bonuses for jobs that I'd never seen bonuses for in the 18 years I'd been serving before I got to MEPS.

Sorry, but other than a bonus, there really isn't that much incentive to serve, because the pay sucks and you'll never get rich as an enlisted person.

Do your think a draft would have to be expanded to include Women, Gays / Lesbians and eliminate deferments for College Students, all members of The Congress' families and even those disabled physically but not mentally?

You know, my personal opinion is that if they have to institute a draft, then anyone who is age eligible and physically qualified should be included. That means gays (they have been serving since the military began anyway), as well as males and females, and if the transgendered person is qualified and can serve, they should be included as well.

Sorry, when it comes to patriotism and national defense, I don't see gender, color or sexual preference.

Well said! We are all in this together.

a TRANSGENDER can be a nitemare of HORMONAL
MANIPULATION------something that an active duty person
should not impose on the military active duty health care system

"HORMONAL MANIPULATION" ??? Please define and explain.
I didnt. The world health org did :thup:
juvenile, bigoted, ignorant, hateful horseshit is not denying reality?
Is transexualism and human sexuality equal? Transexualism is denying the most basic form of biology. I dont see how that has anything to do with it?
I say that because one of my best friends (lesbian) hates how the tranny movement took over the gay movement. Its 2 totally different issues.
The WHO? Once upon a time Sparky. That is changing. Try to keep up with things:

W.H.O. Weighs Dropping Transgender Identity From List of Mental Disorders
Only the mentally ill believe a person with a penis is a woman and you can change sex on a whim.
Only the intellectually challenged think that it is that simple.
I bet you think people can become dogs on a whim too. If not, why not? Maybe I'm 66 now and so give me my full social security.
That is just fucking moronic! Men and women are the same species. Gender is complicated and there is more to it that what is visible between your legs. But, I'm sure that you are too incurious and anti-intellectual to take the time to explore and understand that ,
Actually, it is that simple. Otherwise repoduction would become problematic.

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
That is just fucking moronic! Men and women are the same species. Gender is complicated and there is more to it that what is visible between your legs. But, I'm sure that you are too incurious and anti-intellectual to take the time to explore and understand that ,
Oh, so you're speciephobic. And your phobia also says sex is based upon feelings, not chromosomes or genitals. You really need to see a psychologist.

Woman says she is a cat trapped in the wrong body - she hisses at dogs, hates water and claims she can even see better at night
Now that is mental illness. You might want to look into that chromosome . That is exactly what I'm talking about Bubba. You might be interested-or, I suspect not- to learn that not everyone is clearly male or female biologically . However, everyone is clearly human , or not . Now cut out the ignorant horseshit!
So at best your argument is to let the physically handicapped into the military.

Still a loser.
Notice the dumbass is conflating transsexualism with hermaphrodites..
What I'm noticing is that you dumbasses are to ignorant to know that intersexuality and transsexuality are in fact related in many cases.
True. They are both horseshit.

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
Hate to tell you, but it's really hard to make serving in the military attractive during a time of conflict. I was running the Navy office at MEPS Amarillo when 9/11 happened, and I can tell you that enlistments dropped sharply when Jr. declared war. It got so bad, that for many jobs, we were giving initial enlistment bonuses for up to 10,000 just for signing up for 4 years. I saw enlistment bonuses for jobs that I'd never seen bonuses for in the 18 years I'd been serving before I got to MEPS.

Sorry, but other than a bonus, there really isn't that much incentive to serve, because the pay sucks and you'll never get rich as an enlisted person.

Do your think a draft would have to be expanded to include Women, Gays / Lesbians and eliminate deferments for College Students, all members of The Congress' families and even those disabled physically but not mentally?

You know, my personal opinion is that if they have to institute a draft, then anyone who is age eligible and physically qualified should be included. That means gays (they have been serving since the military began anyway), as well as males and females, and if the transgendered person is qualified and can serve, they should be included as well.

Sorry, when it comes to patriotism and national defense, I don't see gender, color or sexual preference.

Well said! We are all in this together.

a TRANSGENDER can be a nitemare of HORMONAL
MANIPULATION------something that an active duty person
should not impose on the military active duty health care system

"HORMONAL MANIPULATION" ??? Please define and explain.

boys do not look like girls because of various hormones----
transgenders are often HORMONIZED to get them to looks
as they wish to look

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