Once the ACA is gone what is the plan?

The way it was before Obamacare needs some big time tweaks so more people can afford it.
Just wondering what is in the plan?
There isn't one, never has been. The oft repeated Trump lie of "repeal and replace with something better, probably within an hour" is just one of his many lies. Obamacare is loved by the majority of Americans and hated by Trump for one reason and one reason only, because the great word OBAMA is in the name of the plan.

Trump can't stand that. He is eat up with jealousy of President Obama, knowing that he will never, under any circumstances be held in that high regard. It eats his guts. President Obama fixed Dubya's screwed up economic mess. He got Bin Laden and he was awarded the prestigious Nobel Prize. And, to Trump's white nationalist chagrin, President Obama was black. Can you imagine, a black man far greater than Trump could possibly be? It's killing him. Trump is willing to kill many Americans by killing their insurance plan, all because he can never rise to the heights of a man he hates.

And, the icing on the cake will be Trump only having one term while President Obama had two. Trump can never live that down!
Na, not really
There would be no trump of there was no Obama you stupid ass motherfucker
No it won't because voters will not respond to big cuts in healthcare.
Well the potus just expressed how the republican plan is going to be great. I'm just wondering what the plan is. So are millions and millions of voters whose eyes are going to be watching what happens.

So after Trump trashes virtually EVERYONE'S healthcare...we're supposed to believe that he'll do "something" because..ya know

He promised he would

But like any contractor that ever worked for him knows...a "promise" from Donald Trump is worth...well pretty much nothing. Ask the folks that got "promised" fortunes in Trump University
Obama care/insurance is not healthcare
It's not my job to develop a plan. But it is my job to view the new one and find all of it's flaws. It's my patriotic duty to do so.
Obama care/insurance is not healthcare

For tens of millions it is directly. For about 150 million it affects (in positive ways) their healthcare.

They now have pre-existing condition protections. That's gone. Caps have been removed (lifetime and yearly). Those will be back. Kids will no longer have to covered on parents plans up to 26. Health insurance companies can raise their profit by a full 10%. That means costs will rise across the board.

So yea...it is
Obama care/insurance is not healthcare

For tens of millions it is directly. For about 150 million it affects (in positive ways) their healthcare.

They now have pre-existing condition protections. That's gone. Caps have been removed (lifetime and yearly). Those will be back. Kids will no longer have to covered on parents plans up to 26. Health insurance companies can raise their profit by a full 10%. That means costs will rise across the board.

So yea...it is
Depending on the collective is always a failure
I have a plan: Make bribery illegal. :eek:

Health insurance is not health care. Insurance has bribed politicians for 20 years plus to inflate the rates so they can make more money.

It's OK to have health insurance, but let's keep things honest, k?

I pay my doctor cash, there's my health insurance.

I bet if I signed up for "Obamacare" I'd be paying a fuckton more for nothing. Now you got corrupt insurance companies + inept government coming in between you and your doctor. Fuck That! That's retardedness.

Health insurance companies are bloated 200% beyond where they should be.
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Removing kid coverage until 26 will and should be protected. There is no reason to take it away.
Maybe the plan is the constitution and the govt isnt involved at all

do you really think that will happen?

Will the laws that force doctors and hospitals to treat anyone regardless of ability to pay going to go away also?
Maybe the plan is the constitution and the govt isnt involved at all
Right. You mean the free for profit heartless market. That worked real well when insurers could deny policies for pre existing condition, kick sick people off policies, impose annual and lifetime caps on coverage and sell cheep junk policy that people thought were good until they got sick. And you morons either don't believe that will happen again, or don't care.
Pay the doctor for services rendered. Derp!

For heart treatment?

Cancer treatment?


Diabetes treatment?

You have a LOT of money and ya ain't too bright.

I know some SERIOUSLY wealthy folks and they'd LAUGH if you suggested they pay out of pocket for healthcare. They have healthcare plans dope. Really good ones but what they DON'T do is pay out of pocket.
Obama care/insurance is not healthcare

For tens of millions it is directly. For about 150 million it affects (in positive ways) their healthcare.

They now have pre-existing condition protections. That's gone. Caps have been removed (lifetime and yearly). Those will be back. Kids will no longer have to covered on parents plans up to 26. Health insurance companies can raise their profit by a full 10%. That means costs will rise across the board.

So yea...it is

How many are not even US citizens? Nobody I even know is affected by Obamacare, other than the mandate. Who are these people it benefits? Illegals? People on the dole? What's up? The mandate is gone, btw, TY, Mr. Trump. :113:

Obamacare and Trump fixing it somewhat for people does not solve the underlying problem, though.
Obamacare and Trump fixing it somewhat for people does not solve the underlying problem, though.

Trump doesn't "fix" anything.

He destroys shit

And fixing Obamacare is the only solution there is until we get Medicare for all set up...or a Medicare buy in...or whatever is BETTER than the ACA.

But destroying the ACA just SCREWS us all
Obamacare and Trump fixing it somewhat for people does not solve the underlying problem, though.

Trump doesn't "fix" anything.

He destroys shit

And fixing Obamacare is the only solution there is until we get Medicare for all set up...or a Medicare buy in...or whatever is BETTER than the ACA.

But destroying the ACA just SCREWS us all

You're all screwed then, and fuck you, too. :fu:

You are one seriously myopic ..individual.

You have no clue. Get back with me when you are a man.

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