Once the ACA is gone what is the plan?

Just wondering what is in the plan?
Why does there need to be a plan?
You don't want a health care plan? Let me ask you this. Would you be willing to enter into an agreement that :

1. If you get sick or have an accident and can't afford care, that you will not go to an ER for treatment paid for by charity care which is funded by taxpayers?

2. That if you do get care that you can't pay for, you will not file for bankruptcy and screw your debtors?

3. That if you become disabled because you could not get preventive care or early intervention because of lack of insurance, you will not apply for state disability or Social Security at the taxpayers expense?

4. That you will quietly shut up and die rather than become a burden to society because you chose to not have insurance?
Let the individual worry about their own shit, why the fuck does everything have to be a socialist program with you fuckers?
Answer the fucking question!

I've got one answer to all 4 questions.

Why is it anyone elses job to pay for the healthcare of anyone but themselves? Do I have to buy car insurance too for my neighbor who can't afford minimum coverage? I mean where does it stop? What about homeowners insurance for my neighbor? I mean health isnt the only thing someone has, they have a house too. Why do you only care about their health but if their house burns down who cares?
Just wondering what is in the plan?
Why does there need to be a plan?
You don't want a health care plan? Let me ask you this. Would you be willing to enter into an agreement that :

1. If you get sick or have an accident and can't afford care, that you will not go to an ER for treatment paid for by charity care which is funded by taxpayers?

2. That if you do get care that you can't pay for, you will not file for bankruptcy and screw your debtors?

3. That if you become disabled because you could not get preventive care or early intervention because of lack of insurance, you will not apply for state disability or Social Security at the taxpayers expense?

4. That you will quietly shut up and die rather than become a burden to society because you chose to not have insurance?
Let the individual worry about their own shit, why the fuck does everything have to be a socialist program with you fuckers?
Answer the fucking question!
Getting rid of frivolous lawsuits, and government involvement in healthcare, and payiing into a pool...
Will eliminate the high prices of healthcare...
Just wondering what is in the plan?
Why does there need to be a plan?
You don't want a health care plan? Let me ask you this. Would you be willing to enter into an agreement that :

1. If you get sick or have an accident and can't afford care, that you will not go to an ER for treatment paid for by charity care which is funded by taxpayers?

2. That if you do get care that you can't pay for, you will not file for bankruptcy and screw your debtors?

3. That if you become disabled because you could not get preventive care or early intervention because of lack of insurance, you will not apply for state disability or Social Security at the taxpayers expense?

4. That you will quietly shut up and die rather than become a burden to society because you chose to not have insurance?
Let the individual worry about their own shit, why the fuck does everything have to be a socialist program with you fuckers?
Answer the fucking question!

I've got one answer to all 4 questions.

Why is it anyone elses job to pay for the healthcare of anyone but themselves? Do I have to buy car insurance too for my neighbor who can't afford minimum coverage? I mean where does it stop? What about homeowners insurance for my neighbor? I mean health isnt the only thing someone has, they have a house too. Why do you only care about their health but if their house burns down who cares?
You have not answered any of the questions. All that you have done is to pose an idiotic question about buying insurance for others. Dude, you are buying insurance for yourself. Today, your premium might cover someone else TOMORROW , and tomorrow will come, premiums paid by others will cover you . Is it possible that you are too stupid to get that? I think so
Yer on yer own!

Good luck with that!

See ya!

It’s better than the government deciding what I want or need for insurance, they are incompetent to make decisions. Heck, they caused the Great Depression and then added the Great Recession, not a good track record.
Why does there need to be a plan?
You don't want a health care plan? Let me ask you this. Would you be willing to enter into an agreement that :

1. If you get sick or have an accident and can't afford care, that you will not go to an ER for treatment paid for by charity care which is funded by taxpayers?

2. That if you do get care that you can't pay for, you will not file for bankruptcy and screw your debtors?

3. That if you become disabled because you could not get preventive care or early intervention because of lack of insurance, you will not apply for state disability or Social Security at the taxpayers expense?

4. That you will quietly shut up and die rather than become a burden to society because you chose to not have insurance?
Let the individual worry about their own shit, why the fuck does everything have to be a socialist program with you fuckers?
Answer the fucking question!

I've got one answer to all 4 questions.

Why is it anyone elses job to pay for the healthcare of anyone but themselves? Do I have to buy car insurance too for my neighbor who can't afford minimum coverage? I mean where does it stop? What about homeowners insurance for my neighbor? I mean health isnt the only thing someone has, they have a house too. Why do you only care about their health but if their house burns down who cares?
You have not answered any of the questions. All that you have done is to pose an idiotic question about buying insurance for others. Dude, you are buying insurance for yourself. Today, your premium might cover someone else TOMORROW , and tomorrow will come, premiums paid by others will cover you . Is it possible that you are too stupid to get that? I think so

"you are buying insurance for yourself. Today, your premium might cover someone else TOMORROW", dood, someone would have to be pretty stupid to understand that bs.
Hopefully, there is no plan. Hopefully, they butt out and let us deal with our health care ourselves.
Just wondering what is in the plan?

If the courts shitcan the ACA, then it will be up to the Democrats to draw up a plan that is both passable by the Republican Senate as well as signable by President Trump.

They screwed up health care in America, they have to take a primary roll in fixing it
All socialist entitlement programs are an incredible pain in the ass...
Why does there need to be a plan?
You don't want a health care plan? Let me ask you this. Would you be willing to enter into an agreement that :

1. If you get sick or have an accident and can't afford care, that you will not go to an ER for treatment paid for by charity care which is funded by taxpayers?

2. That if you do get care that you can't pay for, you will not file for bankruptcy and screw your debtors?

3. That if you become disabled because you could not get preventive care or early intervention because of lack of insurance, you will not apply for state disability or Social Security at the taxpayers expense?

4. That you will quietly shut up and die rather than become a burden to society because you chose to not have insurance?
Let the individual worry about their own shit, why the fuck does everything have to be a socialist program with you fuckers?
Answer the fucking question!

I've got one answer to all 4 questions.

Why is it anyone elses job to pay for the healthcare of anyone but themselves? Do I have to buy car insurance too for my neighbor who can't afford minimum coverage? I mean where does it stop? What about homeowners insurance for my neighbor? I mean health isnt the only thing someone has, they have a house too. Why do you only care about their health but if their house burns down who cares?
You have not answered any of the questions. All that you have done is to pose an idiotic question about buying insurance for others. Dude, you are buying insurance for yourself. Today, your premium might cover someone else TOMORROW , and tomorrow will come, premiums paid by others will cover you . Is it possible that you are too stupid to get that? I think so

You're too stupid to realize when you're FORCED to pay for a plan you dont want and dont need, YOU'RE BEING FORCED TO PAY FOR COVERAGE FOR OTHER PEOPLE.
Just wondering what is in the plan?

Death Panels.
Nah, that was under Obama, that was his plan to rid the country of Republicans. Lol!

It's not a government policy, it is the plan of the DEEP STATE in their quest to collect money from the masses, and when they get sick, put a limit on the cost to treat them. It's really that simple, Trump and his companions in the swamp are in collusion with Corporate America to establish a Second Republic, one which limits voters to those who own property and pledge allegiance to Trump and his heirs.

Conspiracy theory ^^^; at least I'm honest and admit no evidence exists that a DEEP STATE exists.
You don't want a health care plan? Let me ask you this. Would you be willing to enter into an agreement that :

1. If you get sick or have an accident and can't afford care, that you will not go to an ER for treatment paid for by charity care which is funded by taxpayers?

2. That if you do get care that you can't pay for, you will not file for bankruptcy and screw your debtors?

3. That if you become disabled because you could not get preventive care or early intervention because of lack of insurance, you will not apply for state disability or Social Security at the taxpayers expense?

4. That you will quietly shut up and die rather than become a burden to society because you chose to not have insurance?
Let the individual worry about their own shit, why the fuck does everything have to be a socialist program with you fuckers?
Answer the fucking question!

I've got one answer to all 4 questions.

Why is it anyone elses job to pay for the healthcare of anyone but themselves? Do I have to buy car insurance too for my neighbor who can't afford minimum coverage? I mean where does it stop? What about homeowners insurance for my neighbor? I mean health isnt the only thing someone has, they have a house too. Why do you only care about their health but if their house burns down who cares?
You have not answered any of the questions. All that you have done is to pose an idiotic question about buying insurance for others. Dude, you are buying insurance for yourself. Today, your premium might cover someone else TOMORROW , and tomorrow will come, premiums paid by others will cover you . Is it possible that you are too stupid to get that? I think so

You're too stupid to realize when you're FORCED to pay for a plan you dont want and dont need, YOU'RE BEING FORCED TO PAY FOR COVERAGE FOR OTHER PEOPLE.

If you never have an auto accident you are paying for those who do.
Just wondering what is in the plan?

Death Panels.
Nah, that was under Obama, that was his plan to rid the country of Republicans. Lol!

It's not a government policy, it is the plan of the DEEP STATE in their quest to collect money from the masses, and when they get sick, put a limit on the cost to treat them. It's really that simple, Trump and his companions in the swamp are in collusion with Corporate America to establish a Second Republic, one which limits voters to those who own property and pledge allegiance to Trump and his heirs.

Conspiracy theory ^^^; at least I'm honest and admit no evidence exists that a DEEP STATE exists.

I don’t believe the deep state stuff. I believe the two party system is broken and blocking new and better ideas.
You don't want a health care plan? Let me ask you this. Would you be willing to enter into an agreement that :

1. If you get sick or have an accident and can't afford care, that you will not go to an ER for treatment paid for by charity care which is funded by taxpayers?

2. That if you do get care that you can't pay for, you will not file for bankruptcy and screw your debtors?

3. That if you become disabled because you could not get preventive care or early intervention because of lack of insurance, you will not apply for state disability or Social Security at the taxpayers expense?

4. That you will quietly shut up and die rather than become a burden to society because you chose to not have insurance?
Let the individual worry about their own shit, why the fuck does everything have to be a socialist program with you fuckers?
Answer the fucking question!

I've got one answer to all 4 questions.

Why is it anyone elses job to pay for the healthcare of anyone but themselves? Do I have to buy car insurance too for my neighbor who can't afford minimum coverage? I mean where does it stop? What about homeowners insurance for my neighbor? I mean health isnt the only thing someone has, they have a house too. Why do you only care about their health but if their house burns down who cares?
You have not answered any of the questions. All that you have done is to pose an idiotic question about buying insurance for others. Dude, you are buying insurance for yourself. Today, your premium might cover someone else TOMORROW , and tomorrow will come, premiums paid by others will cover you . Is it possible that you are too stupid to get that? I think so

You're too stupid to realize when you're FORCED to pay for a plan you dont want and dont need, YOU'RE BEING FORCED TO PAY FOR COVERAGE FOR OTHER PEOPLE.
Thats what insurance is, a redistribution of wealth from lucky people to unlucky people. Any kind of insurance.
Let the individual worry about their own shit, why the fuck does everything have to be a socialist program with you fuckers?
Answer the fucking question!

I've got one answer to all 4 questions.

Why is it anyone elses job to pay for the healthcare of anyone but themselves? Do I have to buy car insurance too for my neighbor who can't afford minimum coverage? I mean where does it stop? What about homeowners insurance for my neighbor? I mean health isnt the only thing someone has, they have a house too. Why do you only care about their health but if their house burns down who cares?
You have not answered any of the questions. All that you have done is to pose an idiotic question about buying insurance for others. Dude, you are buying insurance for yourself. Today, your premium might cover someone else TOMORROW , and tomorrow will come, premiums paid by others will cover you . Is it possible that you are too stupid to get that? I think so

You're too stupid to realize when you're FORCED to pay for a plan you dont want and dont need, YOU'RE BEING FORCED TO PAY FOR COVERAGE FOR OTHER PEOPLE.
Thats what insurance is, a redistribution of wealth from lucky people to unlucky people. Any kind of insurance.

Yes but insurance, any insurance, is optional. Obamacare was mandatory meaning I HAD TO pay for others healthcare. Which is what I have a huge issue with,
Answer the fucking question!

I've got one answer to all 4 questions.

Why is it anyone elses job to pay for the healthcare of anyone but themselves? Do I have to buy car insurance too for my neighbor who can't afford minimum coverage? I mean where does it stop? What about homeowners insurance for my neighbor? I mean health isnt the only thing someone has, they have a house too. Why do you only care about their health but if their house burns down who cares?
You have not answered any of the questions. All that you have done is to pose an idiotic question about buying insurance for others. Dude, you are buying insurance for yourself. Today, your premium might cover someone else TOMORROW , and tomorrow will come, premiums paid by others will cover you . Is it possible that you are too stupid to get that? I think so

You're too stupid to realize when you're FORCED to pay for a plan you dont want and dont need, YOU'RE BEING FORCED TO PAY FOR COVERAGE FOR OTHER PEOPLE.
Thats what insurance is, a redistribution of wealth from lucky people to unlucky people. Any kind of insurance.

Yes but insurance, any insurance, is optional. Obamacare was mandatory meaning I HAD TO pay for others healthcare. Which is what I have a huge issue with,
This also means that other have to pay for your healthcare.
Keep in mind this is a conservative idea: The individual mandate which was included in Obamacare is so close to what Stuart Butler of the Heritage Foundation initially suggested that we can honestly say there is no appreciable difference between the two.

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