Once the ACA is gone what is the plan?

When we end up with single payer, I want every one of you idiots rubes who guzzled the "repeal and replace" piss to look in the mirror.

There's your culprit. There's whose fault it is we ended up with single payer.

You never demanded the clown huckster Trump to live up to his promise. You never held the GOP accountable.

I've never seen such submissive retard cucks in all my life.
Just wondering what is in the plan?
There has never been a Republican plan. "Repeal and replace" is a massive hoax. There is no replacement.

After repealing Obamacare 60+ times while Obama was in office, the Republicans have yet to put a single repeal bill up for a vote since Trump took office.

Not. One.

And the Rube Herd has STILL not caught on they have been hoaxed for ten years.

So now I am going to tell you the ACTUAL Republican plan.

They want to go back to the old days before Obama (MAGA):

There shouldn’t be a plan, socialize medicine/healthcare only is suitable for progressives. Why don’t you keep that shit to yourselves?
Republican plan: Back to the old days of NOTHING, allowing health care costs to skyrocket 818 percent.

Democratic plan: Single payer healthcare.

Guess who is going to win in the long term.

You've been hoaxed by the Republicans and Trump, rube. Time to FINALLY wake up to that fact.

Or just keep being profoundly, stunningly stupid.

Your call.
Medical costs are going to keep rising. And high year to year. The baby boomers are retiring at about 3 million per yer. Going from payers to payees. So within a decade or so approximately 30 million added to the rolls just from today. The boomers are twice the size as the oldest generation. Generation X is half the size as the boomers. All those white feminist women not having babies you know. The millennials are the size of the boomers but are much more diverse and many hate white people. Just one of the demographics.
The way it was before Obamacare needs some big time tweaks so more people can afford it.
so curious, did everyone get insurance coverage under ACA? you all like to make these statements, but can you accurately compare one from the other? so did everyone get insurance under ACA?
Everyone take care of their own shit, depending on the collective is never good for the individual
So you are OK with children dying because their parents can't afford a surgery that might save their lives?

that old derelict is covered by medicare, he could care less, just like the rest of old right wing derelicts who are anti healthcare.
I'd like to see him admit that the death of America children is an acceptable price to pay.
Other than pre-existing conditions and lifetime caps, the old system was largely fine. The best solution is to put people who cannot get insurance due to those things onto medicare or medicaid, and otherwise let the market sort it out on the individual or group basis.
The old system was one of the most costly in the developed world and it wasn't even close to being the best.

"The Developed World" are geographically small areas and the medical field is largely state owned. Trying to superimpose that model onto an existing private market that occupies so much territory and has so many players is folly. Of course it isn't "the best" because people have to pay and free is "best".
People in every developed country pay for health care, just in taxes not out of pocket. "Best" to me means the best outcomes for the least amount of money.

"Least amount of money" is the rub of it. If you want nationalized healthcare, then nationalize healthcare and pay for it out of the treasury directly, in the open. As is the PPACA is a selective old the books tax on people like me who are far from rich having to pay inflated premiums to subsidize free shit for women in households making more than we do because they have a bunch of kids while an estimated 5 million working poor people are shit out of luck all the while we get not voice in or vote about a damn thing that goes on in insurance company backrooms
Just wondering what is in the plan?
There has never been a Republican plan. "Repeal and replace" is a massive hoax. There is no replacement.

After repealing Obamacare 60+ times while Obama was in office, the Republicans have yet to put a single repeal bill up for a vote since Trump took office.

Not. One.

And the Rube Herd has STILL not caught on they have been hoaxed for ten years.

So now I am going to tell you the ACTUAL Republican plan.

They want to go back to the old days before Obama (MAGA):

There shouldn’t be a plan, socialize medicine/healthcare only is suitable for progressives. Why don’t you keep that shit to yourselves?
Republican plan: Back to the old days of NOTHING, allowing health care costs to skyrocket 818 percent.

Democratic plan: Single payer healthcare.

Guess who is going to win in the long term.

You've been hoaxed by the Republicans and Trump, rube. Time to FINALLY wake up to that fact.

Or just keep being profoundly, stunningly stupid.

Your call.
People in every developed country pay for health care, just in taxes not out of pocket. "Best" to me means the best outcomes for the least amount of money.

"Least amount of money" is the rub of it. If you want nationalized healthcare, then nationalize healthcare and pay for it out of the treasury directly, in the open. As is the PPACA is a selective old the books tax on people like me who are far from rich having to pay inflated premiums to subsidize free shit for women in households making more than we do because they have a bunch of kids while an estimated 5 million working poor people are shit out of luck all the while we get not voice in or vote about a damn thing that goes on in insurance company backrooms
Too poor for punctuation? Sad.

I like the free market and football. Neither work well without strict rules and a referee enforcing them. The gov't needs to set minimum health care standards that any insurance company could meet. With a clear set of standards companies could compete to offer these services at the best price and the market will judge them. The standards include they must offer the insurance to anyone who wants it, no pre-existing screens. If a US citizen can't afford the premiums, the gov't would step in so everyone is covered. If people want to pay extra they can get better/faster/more extensive coverage but that is on them to pay for. Wait, this sounds a lot like the ACA...
Just wondering what is in the plan?
There has never been a Republican plan. "Repeal and replace" is a massive hoax. There is no replacement.

After repealing Obamacare 60+ times while Obama was in office, the Republicans have yet to put a single repeal bill up for a vote since Trump took office.

Not. One.

And the Rube Herd has STILL not caught on they have been hoaxed for ten years.

So now I am going to tell you the ACTUAL Republican plan.

They want to go back to the old days before Obama (MAGA):

There shouldn’t be a plan, socialize medicine/healthcare only is suitable for progressives. Why don’t you keep that shit to yourselves?
Republican plan: Back to the old days of NOTHING, allowing health care costs to skyrocket 818 percent.

Democratic plan: Single payer healthcare.

Guess who is going to win in the long term.

You've been hoaxed by the Republicans and Trump, rube. Time to FINALLY wake up to that fact.

Or just keep being profoundly, stunningly stupid.

Your call.
History has always proven socialism sucks
There has never been a Republican plan. "Repeal and replace" is a massive hoax. There is no replacement.

After repealing Obamacare 60+ times while Obama was in office, the Republicans have yet to put a single repeal bill up for a vote since Trump took office.

Not. One.

And the Rube Herd has STILL not caught on they have been hoaxed for ten years.

So now I am going to tell you the ACTUAL Republican plan.

They want to go back to the old days before Obama (MAGA):

There shouldn’t be a plan, socialize medicine/healthcare only is suitable for progressives. Why don’t you keep that shit to yourselves?
Republican plan: Back to the old days of NOTHING, allowing health care costs to skyrocket 818 percent.

Democratic plan: Single payer healthcare.

Guess who is going to win in the long term.

You've been hoaxed by the Republicans and Trump, rube. Time to FINALLY wake up to that fact.

Or just keep being profoundly, stunningly stupid.

Your call.
History has always proven socialism sucks
oh yea, every other developed country that has single payer is ok with it, and looks at disgust at USA healthcare.
People in every developed country pay for health care, just in taxes not out of pocket. "Best" to me means the best outcomes for the least amount of money.

"Least amount of money" is the rub of it. If you want nationalized healthcare, then nationalize healthcare and pay for it out of the treasury directly, in the open. As is the PPACA is a selective old the books tax on people like me who are far from rich having to pay inflated premiums to subsidize free shit for women in households making more than we do because they have a bunch of kids while an estimated 5 million working poor people are shit out of luck all the while we get not voice in or vote about a damn thing that goes on in insurance company backrooms

Too poor for punctuation? Sad.

I like the free market and football. Neither work well without strict rules and a referee enforcing them. The gov't needs to set minimum health care standards that any insurance company could meet. With a clear set of standards companies could compete to offer these services at the best price and the market will judge them. The standards include they must offer the insurance to anyone who wants it, no pre-existing screens. If a US citizen can't afford the premiums, the gov't would step in so everyone is covered. If people want to pay extra they can get better/faster/more extensive coverage but that is on them to pay for. Wait, this sounds a lot like the ACA...

Ironic arrogance considering you left out the comma that belongs between "standards" and "companies" in your 4th sentence, the comma between "extra" and "they" in your next to last sentence, and omitted the essential clause "that" between "include" and "they" in your 5th sentence . I guess your government grammar check didn't come this week.

As for your point that "this sounds a lot like the ACA", that is reverb in the echochamber you are hearing.
There shouldn’t be a plan, socialize medicine/healthcare only is suitable for progressives. Why don’t you keep that shit to yourselves?
Republican plan: Back to the old days of NOTHING, allowing health care costs to skyrocket 818 percent.

Democratic plan: Single payer healthcare.

Guess who is going to win in the long term.

You've been hoaxed by the Republicans and Trump, rube. Time to FINALLY wake up to that fact.

Or just keep being profoundly, stunningly stupid.

Your call.
History has always proven socialism sucks
oh yea, every other developed country that has single payer is ok with it, and looks at disgust at USA healthcare.
You obviously have never heard of self control
When we end up with single payer, I want every one of you idiots rubes who guzzled the "repeal and replace" piss to look in the mirror.

There's your culprit. There's whose fault it is we ended up with single payer.

You never demanded the clown huckster Trump to live up to his promise. You never held the GOP accountable.

I've never seen such submissive retard cucks in all my life.
Sure you have. Look in the mirror.
I was doing just fine before Obummerdoesntcare. So how about just repeal. When you remove mold from your bathroom you don't replace it with anything. You just walk away.
Just wondering what is in the plan?
Why does there need to be a plan?

We need a plan so that those who can't afford insurance on the open, for profit market can get it . If you did not have insurance would you be willing to to enter into an agreement that :

1. If you get sick or have an accident and can't afford care, that you will not go to an ER for treatment paid for by charity care which is funded by taxpayers?

2. That if you do get care that you can't pay for, you will not file for bankruptcy and screw your debtors?

3. That if you become disabled because you could not get preventive care or early intervention because of lack of insurance, you will not apply for state disability or Social Security at the taxpayers expense?

4. That you will quietly shut up and die rather than become a burden to society because you chose to not have insurance?

Do you think that others who can't afford insurance or who choose not to buy it should agree to this?
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Just wondering what is in the plan?
Why does there need to be a plan?
You don't want a health care plan? Let me ask you this. Would you be willing to enter into an agreement that :

1. If you get sick or have an accident and can't afford care, that you will not go to an ER for treatment paid for by charity care which is funded by taxpayers?

2. That if you do get care that you can't pay for, you will not file for bankruptcy and screw your debtors?

3. That if you become disabled because you could not get preventive care or early intervention because of lack of insurance, you will not apply for state disability or Social Security at the taxpayers expense?

4. That you will quietly shut up and die rather than become a burden to society because you chose to not have insurance?
Let the individual worry about their own shit, why the fuck does everything have to be a socialist program with you fuckers?
Just wondering what is in the plan?
Why does there need to be a plan?
You don't want a health care plan? Let me ask you this. Would you be willing to enter into an agreement that :

1. If you get sick or have an accident and can't afford care, that you will not go to an ER for treatment paid for by charity care which is funded by taxpayers?

2. That if you do get care that you can't pay for, you will not file for bankruptcy and screw your debtors?

3. That if you become disabled because you could not get preventive care or early intervention because of lack of insurance, you will not apply for state disability or Social Security at the taxpayers expense?

4. That you will quietly shut up and die rather than become a burden to society because you chose to not have insurance?
Let the individual worry about their own shit, why the fuck does everything have to be a socialist program with you fuckers?
Answer the fucking question!

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