Oncologist Sends Urgent Letter: Stable Cancers and other Diseases Are Rapidly Progressing in 'Boosted' People

Wow, a foreign oncologist, eh? Tell me, would you, an avowed racist and bigot, trust your life to...checks notes . . . Dr. Dalgleish? Nope. But you'll believe whatever he says, as long as it's anti-Democrat, anti-Fauci, anti-science.
Don't forget to get your booster!
This is serious shit right here.

And the CDC/NIH keeps pushing boosters.

In an urgent letter to the editor-in-chief of the medical journal The BMJ, Dr. Angus Dalgleish, Professor of Oncology at the St. George’s University of London, asks for UK’s unnecessary covid vaccine program to end immediately.​
The cancer specialist of more than 30 years writes that the link between Covid vaccine and “blood clots, myocarditis, heart attacks, and strokes is now well accepted, as is the link with myelitis and neuropathy.” He adds that he already predicted these side effects in June 2020.​

‘Diseases rapidly progress’​

Now there is another reason to halt all vaccination programs, says Professor Dalgleish. As a practicing oncologist, he sees people with stable diseases rapidly progress after being forced to have a booster, which many take so they can travel or work.​
Patients he sees with a stable disease deteriorate rapidly after taking a booster. Dr. Dalgleish explains,​

No coincidence​

This is no coincidence, emphasizes the oncologist, who pointed out that the same pattern is happening in Germany, Australia, and the United States.​
The professor of oncology believes that a public debate should be held immediately about the explosion of diseases after the boosters:​

Dalgleish is clearly qualified to offer his opinion, and it deserves to be considered along with all the other aberrant views of qualified folks in the discipline. That is how science advances.

Those with an ideological agenda that like it are liable to hype his opinion, but only serious peer review and data analysis can validate it.

The overwhelming consensus remains that Covid vaccinations and booster shots reduce susceptibility, severity, and long-term symptoms of Covid.
Wow, a foreign oncologist, eh? Tell me, would you, an avowed racist and bigot, trust your life to...checks notes . . . Dr. Dalgleish? Nope. But you'll believe whatever he says, as long as it's anti-Democrat, anti-Fauci, anti-science.
Wow, a foreign oncologist, eh? Tell me, would you, an avowed racist and bigot, trust your life to...checks notes . . . Dr. Dalgleish? Nope. But you'll believe whatever he says, as long as it's anti-Democrat, anti-Fauci, anti-science.

What you people conspired to do to us is going to go down as one of the worst human rights abuses in the history of the world.
Those blanketed in the fear soaking they have accepted will reject this fact science over their fear science
This is absolutely horrible.

Form the OP's link

‘Cancers Taking Off Like Wildfire’​

"Dr. Ryan Cole previously warned that the Covid vaccines are ineffective and responsible for increased cancer cases. Data from his vaccinated patients and data sent to him by oncologists show that the vaccines disrupt the immune system.

The doctors reported they are “seeing the weirdest cancers, and cancers that we have been able to keep in check and treat, taking off like wildfire – going stage 2, stage 3, stage 4, just like that.”

“That’s because of the immune dysregulation these shots cause,” emphasized Dr. Cole. An immune system that becomes compromised cannot keep cancer growth in check.

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