One America News Network

They actually reported unbiased truth about charlottesville which takes balls of steel these days.
If you are a patriot/conservative/Trump supporter, you owe it to yourself to find this network.
If you are a traitor/marxist/leftist, stick with MSLED, CBS, ABC, CNN, NBC.
This channel can be found on 347 Directv. Not sure if other cable/satellite providers are airing.
Bye bye Fox News for me.

I have been watching OANN since it's inception. They do real news not opinions etc... They are honest. Highly recommend them. Fox news has become crap in my book, much of it is like the rest of the corporate owned media
If you are a patriot/conservative/Trump supporter, you owe it to yourself to find this network.
If you are a traitor/marxist/leftist, stick with MSLED, CBS, ABC, CNN, NBC.
This channel can be found on 347 Directv. Not sure if other cable/satellite providers are airing.
Bye bye Fox News for me.

It is not news, it is propaganda. it is for those who want to have their positive opinion of Trump and extreme callous conservatism reinforced.

For the curious and those seeking a broad range of opinions a balance of PBS News Hour, MSNBC - especially Maddow - and BBC America will provide perspective. I also recommend NPR and for those who are interested in science, Science Friday is always interesting and thought provoking.

In fact, the Right Wing attack on PBS and NPR is a result of how well their productions are done and what they reveal.
Amusing. You claim this station is propaganda, though I suspect any station that did not trash Trump 24/7 you would consider propaganda. However, you then go on to list stations that are also propaganda.

The left always think facts are propaganda
If you are a patriot/conservative/Trump supporter, you owe it to yourself to find this network.
If you are a traitor/marxist/leftist, stick with MSLED, CBS, ABC, CNN, NBC.
This channel can be found on 347 Directv. Not sure if other cable/satellite providers are airing.
Bye bye Fox News for me.

It is not news, it is propaganda. it is for those who want to have their positive opinion of Trump and extreme callous conservatism reinforced.

For the curious and those seeking a broad range of opinions a balance of PBS News Hour, MSNBC - especially Maddow - and BBC America will provide perspective. I also recommend NPR and for those who are interested in science, Science Friday is always interesting and thought provoking.

In fact the Right Wing attack on PBS and NPR is a result of how well their productions are done and what they reveal.
and CNN and other media is only there to reinforce your negative impression of him.

amazing how that works but you refuse to see it that way. just BAD TRUMP and all seems to be ok to you if we head in that direction.

fuck that.

Actually Trump's tweets are all anyone needs to observe to conclude he is unfit to be POTUS.
when you can't debate facts, you just shout out some other baseless tidbit as if you just pulled the ace of spades.

you pulled the joker here man. no one gives a shit about his tweets except those who hate him and they'll hate all he does anyway as proven by their dogging every single thing he's done so far.

next time just say "i got nothing" and it will be much easier on us all to wade through less bullshit.
If you are a patriot/conservative/Trump supporter, you owe it to yourself to find this network.
If you are a traitor/marxist/leftist, stick with MSLED, CBS, ABC, CNN, NBC.
This channel can be found on 347 Directv. Not sure if other cable/satellite providers are airing.
Bye bye Fox News for me.
Thanks. I saw this on my directtv now channel guide. I wondered wtf it was. I'll delete now

Facts hurt liberal sensibilities
I'm sure they're totally fair and balanced.
OAN actually reports news without spin. I honestly don't see an angle by what is reported, and they don't just focus on America's bullshit. You actually get global news reporting.

I know, what a concept, right?

But since its inception in 2013, and especially since Trump began his march to the White House, One America’s owner, Robert Herring Sr., a millionaire who made his money printing circuit boards, has directed his channel to push Trump’s candidacy, scuttle stories about police shootings, encourage antiabortion stories, minimize coverage of Russian aggression, and steer away from the new president’s troubles, according to more than a dozen current and former producers, writers and anchors, as well as internal emails from Herring and his top news executives.

An inside look at One America News, the insurgent TV network taking ‘pro-Trump’ to new heights

What they intended is no longer what it is. Now it is Trump propaganda.
I'm sure they're totally fair and balanced.
OAN actually reports news without spin. I honestly don't see an angle by what is reported, and they don't just focus on America's bullshit. You actually get global news reporting.

I know, what a concept, right?

But since its inception in 2013, and especially since Trump began his march to the White House, One America’s owner, Robert Herring Sr., a millionaire who made his money printing circuit boards, has directed his channel to push Trump’s candidacy, scuttle stories about police shootings, encourage antiabortion stories, minimize coverage of Russian aggression, and steer away from the new president’s troubles, according to more than a dozen current and former producers, writers and anchors, as well as internal emails from Herring and his top news executives.

An inside look at One America News, the insurgent TV network taking ‘pro-Trump’ to new heights

What they intended is no longer what it is. Now it is Trump propaganda.

If truth is considered pro Trump.....that is a great thing. Truth equals propaganda to you lefties
I'm sure they're totally fair and balanced.
OAN actually reports news without spin. I honestly don't see an angle by what is reported, and they don't just focus on America's bullshit. You actually get global news reporting.

I know, what a concept, right?

But since its inception in 2013, and especially since Trump began his march to the White House, One America’s owner, Robert Herring Sr., a millionaire who made his money printing circuit boards, has directed his channel to push Trump’s candidacy, scuttle stories about police shootings, encourage antiabortion stories, minimize coverage of Russian aggression, and steer away from the new president’s troubles, according to more than a dozen current and former producers, writers and anchors, as well as internal emails from Herring and his top news executives.

An inside look at One America News, the insurgent TV network taking ‘pro-Trump’ to new heights

What they intended is no longer what it is. Now it is Trump propaganda.

So, now ignoring stories that don't promote a particular narrative is biased?

I'm glad we finally agree on that.

I still can't see a slant on the news they do report. :dunno:
I'm sure they're totally fair and balanced.
OAN actually reports news without spin. I honestly don't see an angle by what is reported, and they don't just focus on America's bullshit. You actually get global news reporting.

I know, what a concept, right?

But since its inception in 2013, and especially since Trump began his march to the White House, One America’s owner, Robert Herring Sr., a millionaire who made his money printing circuit boards, has directed his channel to push Trump’s candidacy, scuttle stories about police shootings, encourage antiabortion stories, minimize coverage of Russian aggression, and steer away from the new president’s troubles, according to more than a dozen current and former producers, writers and anchors, as well as internal emails from Herring and his top news executives.

An inside look at One America News, the insurgent TV network taking ‘pro-Trump’ to new heights

What they intended is no longer what it is. Now it is Trump propaganda.
No it's not. There are two talk shows that I know of that take the patriots point of view. The other 22 hours is wall to wall straight news.
If you are a patriot/conservative/Trump supporter, you owe it to yourself to find this network.
If you are a traitor/marxist/leftist, stick with MSLED, CBS, ABC, CNN, NBC.
This channel can be found on 347 Directv. Not sure if other cable/satellite providers are airing.
Bye bye Fox News for me.
The same corporate cabal owns it all rube.

Prove it.
No cable or dish here...

I was a pretty avid news watcher until after the elections when ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN went completely off the rails...even my local news has lost it's mind.

Haven't watched those nutballs since. Turned them off completely. No entertainment shows, no sports. Let them die.

If it isn't on netflix comercial free, I don't watch it.

Looks like OAN is available streaming with some other channels I might enjoy on KLOUD tv.
If you are a patriot/conservative/Trump supporter, you owe it to yourself to find this network.
If you are a traitor/marxist/leftist, stick with MSLED, CBS, ABC, CNN, NBC.
This channel can be found on 347 Directv. Not sure if other cable/satellite providers are airing.
Bye bye Fox News for me.

How about knowing the difference between REAL NEWS, editorial and propaganda. (real news triple sources stories, confirms sources, allows for statement from parties involved… )

How about looking up "conformational bias" --

How about forming your own opinion by READING different sources, checking data and facts, and then, you know… THINKING FOR YOURSELF…

But, I guess if you need your opinions spoon fed… then keep on keeping on….

It's easy to believe all the other are "liberal bias" when they tell you something you don't like….
It's easy to believe all the other are "liberal bias"

I learned about "liberal bias" when Bush 41 was in office. Then, the Israeli owned "US" media all of a sudden was all for war with Iraq, even as the Dems were not.

The bias is ZIONIST. It isn't truly liberal. It is 100% Zionist.
If you are a patriot/conservative/Trump supporter, you owe it to yourself to find this network.
If you are a traitor/marxist/leftist, stick with MSLED, CBS, ABC, CNN, NBC.
This channel can be found on 347 Directv. Not sure if other cable/satellite providers are airing.
Bye bye Fox News for me.

How about knowing the difference between REAL NEWS, editorial and propaganda. (real news triple sources stories, confirms sources, allows for statement from parties involved… )

How about looking up "conformational bias" --

How about forming your own opinion by READING different sources, checking data and facts, and then, you know… THINKING FOR YOURSELF…

But, I guess if you need your opinions spoon fed… then keep on keeping on….

It's easy to believe all the other are "liberal bias" when they tell you something you don't like….

That is all very nice but it works both ways.
If you are a patriot/conservative/Trump supporter, you owe it to yourself to find this network.
If you are a traitor/marxist/leftist, stick with MSLED, CBS, ABC, CNN, NBC.
This channel can be found on 347 Directv. Not sure if other cable/satellite providers are airing.
Bye bye Fox News for me.
The same corporate cabal owns it all rube.

Prove it.
I'm good with your remaining ignorant, if it mattered to you, you would find out for yourself. What you would find is that Clinton deregulated the FCC. What was spread across 50 some odd companies back in the 1980s is now in the hand of 6 major multinational corporations. One example: Jeff Bezos owns Amazon, buys the WashPo, then cuts a deal with the CIA worth 3 times what he paid for the paper, then brings in a CIA guy on the editorial board to push war - all without informing readers.

If you care, dig, if ya don't, nevermind, horses to water, same phenomenon.

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