One America News Network

And what "meme" is that? That Trump is a liar, that's a fact; that Journalists have supervisors who require two or more sources, that's a fact (well, Brietbart, et al, excepted, and they are not Journalism anyway).

You're gullible and believe the lies the MSM propagates. Normal brains can tell the difference between lies, half truths and exaggeration. Most of those 'lies' of Trump's that the media harps on are opinions, jokes or hyperbole. Leftist scum can't tell the difference and don't understand irony which is why their memes are so bad and why they're so easily triggered by stuff like this: 卐卐卐
Where's the kneejerk reaction when people see this symbol? ☭☭☭ One that signifies an ideology that killed 100 million people? It used to be anathema in America until the 60s but now? Now nobody bats an eye. Gullible people have been brainwashed into reacting a certain way to these things and it wasn't unintentional.
If you are a patriot/conservative/Trump supporter, you owe it to yourself to find this network.
If you are a traitor/marxist/leftist, stick with MSLED, CBS, ABC, CNN, NBC.
This channel can be found on 347 Directv. Not sure if other cable/satellite providers are airing.
Bye bye Fox News for me.

go live in Iran... their government suits you better.

funny how Russia loving trumptards think they're "patriots". :rofl:

typical uneducated uninformed trumptard
If you are a patriot/conservative/Trump supporter, you owe it to yourself to find this network.
If you are a traitor/marxist/leftist, stick with MSLED, CBS, ABC, CNN, NBC.
This channel can be found on 347 Directv. Not sure if other cable/satellite providers are airing.
Bye bye Fox News for me.

go live in Iran... their government suits you better.

funny how Russia loving trumptards think they're "patriots". :rofl:

typical uneducated uninformed trumptard

At least Putin isn't trying to replace the Russian people with a different country's unwanted refugees. You lefties hate Russia because they're so white.
If you are a patriot/conservative/Trump supporter, you owe it to yourself to find this network.
If you are a traitor/marxist/leftist, stick with MSLED, CBS, ABC, CNN, NBC.
This channel can be found on 347 Directv. Not sure if other cable/satellite providers are airing.
Bye bye Fox News for me.
Thanks. I saw this on my directtv now channel guide. I wondered wtf it was. I'll delete now

I've been watching it for about an hour, no paid commentators, seems to be just straight up news.

And what "meme" is that? That Trump is a liar, that's a fact; that Journalists have supervisors who require two or more sources, that's a fact (well, Brietbart, et al, excepted, and they are not Journalism anyway).

You're gullible and believe the lies the MSM propagates. Normal brains can tell the difference between lies, half truths and exaggeration. Most of those 'lies' of Trump's that the media harps on are opinions, jokes or hyperbole. Leftist scum can't tell the difference and don't understand irony which is why their memes are so bad and why they're so easily triggered by stuff like this: 卐卐卐

You must be overweight, too much of the kool-aid will do that to one.
You must be overweight

If you are a patriot/conservative/Trump supporter, you owe it to yourself to find this network.
If you are a traitor/marxist/leftist, stick with MSLED, CBS, ABC, CNN, NBC.
This channel can be found on 347 Directv. Not sure if other cable/satellite providers are airing.
Bye bye Fox News for me.

go live in Iran... their government suits you better.

funny how Russia loving trumptards think they're "patriots". :rofl:

typical uneducated uninformed trumptard
Ah - go kill a baby somewhere.
If you are a patriot/conservative/Trump supporter, you owe it to yourself to find this network.
If you are a traitor/marxist/leftist, stick with MSLED, CBS, ABC, CNN, NBC.
This channel can be found on 347 Directv. Not sure if other cable/satellite providers are airing.
Bye bye Fox News for me.

go live in Iran... their government suits you better.

funny how Russia loving trumptards think they're "patriots". :rofl:

typical uneducated uninformed trumptard

At least Putin isn't trying to replace the Russian people with a different country's unwanted refugees. You lefties hate Russia because they're so white.

riiiiiiigth... because your ancestors weren't from Europe.

shut up,
If you are a patriot/conservative/Trump supporter, you owe it to yourself to find this network.
If you are a traitor/marxist/leftist, stick with MSLED, CBS, ABC, CNN, NBC.
This channel can be found on 347 Directv. Not sure if other cable/satellite providers are airing.
Bye bye Fox News for me.

It is not news, it is propaganda. it is for those who want to have their positive opinion of Trump and extreme callous conservatism reinforced.

For the curious and those seeking a broad range of opinions a balance of PBS News Hour, MSNBC - especially Maddow - and BBC America will provide perspective. I also recommend NPR and for those who are interested in science, Science Friday is always interesting and thought provoking.

In fact the Right Wing attack on PBS and NPR is a result of how well their productions are done and what they reveal.

So you bash right wing propaganda while pumping up blatant left wing propaganda.

Broad range of opinions.... LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.

If you are a patriot/conservative/Trump supporter, you owe it to yourself to find this network.
If you are a traitor/marxist/leftist, stick with MSLED, CBS, ABC, CNN, NBC.
This channel can be found on 347 Directv. Not sure if other cable/satellite providers are airing.
Bye bye Fox News for me.

It is not news, it is propaganda. it is for those who want to have their positive opinion of Trump and extreme callous conservatism reinforced.

For the curious and those seeking a broad range of opinions a balance of PBS News Hour, MSNBC - especially Maddow - and BBC America will provide perspective. I also recommend NPR and for those who are interested in science, Science Friday is always interesting and thought provoking.

In fact the Right Wing attack on PBS and NPR is a result of how well their productions are done and what they reveal.

Heil Hitler.
If lefties need their daily fix of hatred and anger they need only to turn on their devices, it's everywhere. Personally I'm satisfied with Fox although I could do without the "forums" where info babes shout at each other or smarmy (and loud) left wing fringe comments from ultra leftie Juan Williams treated as though they are legitimate opinions.
If you are a patriot/conservative/Trump supporter, you owe it to yourself to find this network.
If you are a traitor/marxist/leftist, stick with MSLED, CBS, ABC, CNN, NBC.
This channel can be found on 347 Directv. Not sure if other cable/satellite providers are airing.
Bye bye Fox News for me.

It is not news, it is propaganda. it is for those who want to have their positive opinion of Trump and extreme callous conservatism reinforced.

For the curious and those seeking a broad range of opinions a balance of PBS News Hour, MSNBC - especially Maddow - and BBC America will provide perspective. I also recommend NPR and for those who are interested in science, Science Friday is always interesting and thought provoking.

In fact the Right Wing attack on PBS and NPR is a result of how well their productions are done and what they reveal.

Heil Hitler.

I know you're mentally ill, but normal people still find hitler and his adherents to be vile and disgusting.

and no, Joe McCarthy was a lowlife... as are you
If you are a patriot/conservative/Trump supporter, you owe it to yourself to find this network.
If you are a traitor/marxist/leftist, stick with MSLED, CBS, ABC, CNN, NBC.
This channel can be found on 347 Directv. Not sure if other cable/satellite providers are airing.
Bye bye Fox News for me.
So you equate leftists with traitors? (just for the record, leftists brought us the weekend)
And patriots with Trump supporters? (Just for the record these "patriots" we just running around with touches chanting "death to jews" and ramming people with cars)

You sir, are more fried in the membrane than I originally thought. Are you seeing anyone about your mental health issues?
If you are a patriot/conservative/Trump supporter, you owe it to yourself to find this network.
If you are a traitor/marxist/leftist, stick with MSLED, CBS, ABC, CNN, NBC.
This channel can be found on 347 Directv. Not sure if other cable/satellite providers are airing.
Bye bye Fox News for me.

It is not news, it is propaganda. it is for those who want to have their positive opinion of Trump and extreme callous conservatism reinforced.

For the curious and those seeking a broad range of opinions a balance of PBS News Hour, MSNBC - especially Maddow - and BBC America will provide perspective. I also recommend NPR and for those who are interested in science, Science Friday is always interesting and thought provoking.

In fact, the Right Wing attack on PBS and NPR is a result of how well their productions are done and what they reveal.
Amusing. You claim this station is propaganda, though I suspect any station that did not trash Trump 24/7 you would consider propaganda. However, you then go on to list stations that are also propaganda.

The left always think facts are propaganda
Sorry that's the right, who elected the guy that said climate change is a Chinese hoax.
If you are a patriot/conservative/Trump supporter, you owe it to yourself to find this network.
If you are a traitor/marxist/leftist, stick with MSLED, CBS, ABC, CNN, NBC.
This channel can be found on 347 Directv. Not sure if other cable/satellite providers are airing.
Bye bye Fox News for me.
So you equate leftists with traitors? (just for the record, leftists brought us the weekend)
And patriots with Trump supporters? (Just for the record these "patriots" we just running around with touches chanting "death to jews" and ramming people with cars)

You sir, are more fried in the membrane than I originally thought. Are you seeing anyone about your mental health issues?
Hey, I didn't make the rules. Its just the way it is.
If you are a patriot/conservative/Trump supporter, you owe it to yourself to find this network.
If you are a traitor/marxist/leftist, stick with MSLED, CBS, ABC, CNN, NBC.
This channel can be found on 347 Directv. Not sure if other cable/satellite providers are airing.
Bye bye Fox News for me.

It is not news, it is propaganda. it is for those who want to have their positive opinion of Trump and extreme callous conservatism reinforced.

For the curious and those seeking a broad range of opinions a balance of PBS News Hour, MSNBC - especially Maddow - and BBC America will provide perspective. I also recommend NPR and for those who are interested in science, Science Friday is always interesting and thought provoking.

In fact, the Right Wing attack on PBS and NPR is a result of how well their productions are done and what they reveal.
Amusing. You claim this station is propaganda, though I suspect any station that did not trash Trump 24/7 you would consider propaganda. However, you then go on to list stations that are also propaganda.

The left always think facts are propaganda
Sorry that's the right, who elected the guy that said climate change is a Chinese hoax.
I would say more like theft or tax fraud.

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