One big mistake is to think only whites are racist


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
The truth is, everybody is racist to some degree or another.

It goes back a long way to our roots. We are born to survive and live in tribal units. It's nothing less than an instinct.

You are never going to abolish the feeling people have for race, so if that is your aim, then give up.
Tsk tsk. Only whites are racist, at least that is what the common consensus says. We can't question common consensus. High black on black murder rates, we cant question THAT. Nope. It's racist. Or so I am told. Why is that?
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the MSM constantly promotes whites as the only evil race
blacks commit more hate crimes per capita
hardly ever is there a story about an evil black hating whites
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The truth is, everybody is racist to some degree or another.

It goes back a long way to our roots. We are born to survive and live in tribal units. It's nothing less than an instinct.

You are never going to abolish the feeling people have for race, so if that is your aim, then give up.
How does black racism affect whites ?

Considering that whites make sure they live a far away from blk ppl as possible.
So would one of you whites here please explain to me a law or policy hat has been made by non whites in America to purposefully deny whites of anything.
While racism exists on both sides, I can honestly say I’ve personally seen very little. What little I have seen was mostly from blacks.

Just the other day, as I was leaving work, I walked into the ER and heard a black guy yelling “ain’t none of you white mother fuckers gonna touch me!”. After seeing enough security already there, all I could do was smile and think this guy is about to get ‘touched’. lol
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And so you equate that with laws and policies excluding people of color, voter suppression, housing policy, organizational policy, educational policy and criminal justice policy.

While racism exists on both sides, I can honestly say I’ve personally seen very little from blacks or whites.
What little I have seen was mostly from blacks.

Just the other day, as I was leaving work, I walked into the ER and heard a black guy yelling “ain’t none of you white mother fuckers gonna touch me!”. After seeing enough security already there, all I could do was smile and think this guy is about to get ‘touched’. lol
That the worst example of black racism u could come up was a black man shouting at whites is all the proof I need of the fact there is no such thing as systematic black racism.

And as u said, even on a name calling level whites have a system, were they will shut down a black person who starts to call whites too many names, because the security (aka the cavalry) came to the rescue.

Racism bias on the part of black folks, even the most vicious is pretty impotent. Let's say this black guy hated white people.

And yet what kind of power does he have? None.

He could not even shout verbal insults at whites without being slapped down.

Racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations, or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives.

And there are virtually no black folks who can do any of that to whites. But there are white folks in positions to do those things, and who do them regularly.
And so you equate that with laws and policies excluding people of color, voter suppression, housing policy, organizational policy, educational policy and criminal justice policy.

What laws and voter suppression are you talking about?
While racism exists on both sides, I can honestly say I’ve personally seen very little from blacks or whites.
What little I have seen was mostly from blacks.

Just the other day, as I was leaving work, I walked into the ER and heard a black guy yelling “ain’t none of you white mother fuckers gonna touch me!”. After seeing enough security already there, all I could do was smile and think this guy is about to get ‘touched’. lol
That the worst example of black racism u could come up was a black man shouting at whites is all the proof I need of the fact there is no such thing as systematic black racism.

And as u said, even on a name calling level whites have a system, were they will shut down a black person who starts to call whites too many names, because the security (aka the cavalry) came to the rescue.

Racism bias on the part of black folks, even the most vicious is pretty impotent. Let's say this black guy hated white people.

And yet what kind of power does he have? None.

He could not even shout verbal insults at whites without being slapped down.

Racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations, or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives.

And there are virtually no black folks who can do any of that to whites. But there are white folks in positions to do those things, and who do them regularly.
As I said, I’ve personally seen little racism. Maybe you’ve personally seen some I haven’t.
While racism exists on both sides, I can honestly say I’ve personally seen very little from blacks or whites.
What little I have seen was mostly from blacks.

Just the other day, as I was leaving work, I walked into the ER and heard a black guy yelling “ain’t none of you white mother fuckers gonna touch me!”. After seeing enough security already there, all I could do was smile and think this guy is about to get ‘touched’. lol
That the worst example of black racism u could come up was a black man shouting at whites is all the proof I need of the fact there is no such thing as systematic black racism.

And as u said, even on a name calling level whites have a system, were they will shut down a black person who starts to call whites too many names, because the security (aka the cavalry) came to the rescue.

Racism bias on the part of black folks, even the most vicious is pretty impotent. Let's say this black guy hated white people.

And yet what kind of power does he have? None.

He could not even shout verbal insults at whites without being slapped down.

Racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations, or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives.

And there are virtually no black folks who can do any of that to whites. But there are white folks in positions to do those things, and who do them regularly.
As I said, I’ve personally seen little racism. Maybe you’ve personally seen some I haven’t.
Are u a white personal ?
The truth is, everybody is racist to some degree or another.

It goes back a long way to our roots. We are born to survive and live in tribal units. It's nothing less than an instinct.

You are never going to abolish the feeling people have for race, so if that is your aim, then give up.
How does black racism affect whites ?

Considering that whites make sure they live a far away from blk ppl as possible.
Playing the knockout game.
Raping the white man's women just for spite.
And so you equate that with laws and policies excluding people of color, voter suppression, housing policy, organizational policy, educational policy and criminal justice policy.

Here’s a vid you should watch, IM2 . It might shed a little light on your thinking.....
Obama and democrats are responsible for the upsurge in thinking there’s a huge problem with racism.
The truth is, everybody is racist to some degree or another.

It goes back a long way to our roots. We are born to survive and live in tribal units. It's nothing less than an instinct.

You are never going to abolish the feeling people have for race, so if that is your aim, then give up.

I invite you to read my thread, "A picture tells a thousand words." And leave a reply. From what I gather from you, I just might get some unbiased discussion.
The truth is, everybody is racist to some degree or another.

It goes back a long way to our roots. We are born to survive and live in tribal units. It's nothing less than an instinct.

You are never going to abolish the feeling people have for race, so if that is your aim, then give up.
Whats your point? Did Black people institute Jim Crow on whites here in the US and we didnt know about it? Did any Black people bomb Wall Street like whites bombed Black Wall Street?

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