ONE Democrat against impeachment calls out party for 'fracturing the nation' with investigation

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Democratic New Jersey Rep. Jeff Van Drew attacked his own party for the current impeachment investigation going on in the House of Representatives, during an interview on Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo.

Van Drew, who was one of two Democrats to vote against the impeachment proceedings last month, remained critical of party leadership's decisions on the investigation into President Trump's discussions with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

"I just think we'll keep going down this road, keep spending more time. Many of us came to Congress because we really wanted to accomplish goals, really work on issues such as healthcare, work on issues dealing with prescription drugs, election security, the debt, the deficit — the list goes on," Van Drew explained.

He went on to point out that people should "understand the importance" of impeachment and added that no president has been impeached and convicted in the Senate.

"We're going to have an election next year, let's have the election, let's fight through the election, let's do what Republicans and Democrats and whomever else does, but this is going to get us nowhere. We've spent millions of dollars, in my opinion, tons of money, tons of time, tons of hurt, fracturing the nation apart. I haven't seen this to be a good thing," Van Drew concluded.

The House Intelligence Committee began public hearings last week with the testimonies of George Kent, the deputy assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs; William Taylor, the top diplomat in Ukraine; and Marie Yovanovitch, the former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine.

Washington Examiner ^ | November 17, 2019

Intelligent demonRATS and peaceful Muslims - there are dozens of each out there (out of millions?) I’d like to hear from them more often.....Instead of the majority of each group that inferst this website!

When he was elected to the House in 2018 he vacated a seat in the New Jersey State Senate that had been held by DemonRATS for years. A special election was just held to fill that seat, and the Republican candidate won against the DemonRAT who had been appointed to the seat on an interim basis.

This guy knows damn well that a lot of House DemonRATS are going to get their asses handed to them in 2020 if this goes on much longer.
At least one Dem has working brain cells.

The rest are a pack of imbeciles who are paving the way to a Trump win in 2020.
And yet he voted for Pelosi to be Speaker/Dictator of the House. Sorry, he can't have it both ways.
Yeah because using foreign policy as leverage in a shakedown of foreign government for dirt on the opposition party will bring the country together.

It is an attack on our common democratic values in our two party system.
Yeah because using foreign policy as leverage in a shakedown of foreign government for dirt on the opposition party will bring the country together.

It is an attack on our common democratic values in our two party system.
It's just so Trumpian … nothing of substance beyond the hot air coming out of the buffoon. He NEVER should have thought of a quid pro quo to tie aid to his personal political fortunes. Probably 30% don't see what's wrong, but not even Nixon would have considered doing it openly. And the "joy" is how the NSA saw the political damage and tried to hide it, which is the real story of impropriety. What should have happened is someone should have said 'Misser Presahdant, you ain't supppsed to do dat." And Trump says 'Mac the Dull Knife said I could, so I take it back and fire him.' End of Story, and he's better off without Mack the Dull Knife … except he can't find anybody else who wants the job of chief of staff because he's so dysfunctional. LOL

But the NSA's job is not to cover a potus's political really fat ass. They should know better.

But the more Trump won't let the story just die, the better. What's surprising me is that apparently this is the only illegal quid pro quo Trump tried. He's been doing illegal quid pros his entire adult life. LOL That was Roy Cohn and Cohen's entire jobs.

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