One good thing that could come out of this years MLB short season


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
You know there is one good thing that comes out of having a short 60 game season this year.Over the course of a long 162 game season schedule,the small market teams just don’t have the same equal chance of competing to go to the World Series year in and year out as the big market teams anymore.
Hasnt been that way since 95 when the union destroyed baseball,ever since then,for the MOST part,it’s always been the same handful of teams squaring off in the NLCS and ALCS playoffs for the most part.its ALWAYS the big market teams that advance to the final four.sure has in recent years.

Well the bright spot is this year sense it will be just a short brief 60 game season,is that the small market teams will have just as much a chance as the big market teams to go to the World Series.over the long haul of a 162 game long season,the small market teams just don’t have a prayer of a chance to compete with the big market teams in a long season like always takes a toll on them having the lesser talent.thats why I have always liked opening day because it’s anybody’s game that day.anybody can beat anybody on opening day you can throw out the big market and small market teams advantages cause everybody is starting fresh.In a short season like this,the small market teams at least will have the Same equal chance to get there this year.

That being said let’s keep our fingers crossed and see if we can get a team like Oakland or Minnesota from the American League there and from the national league someone like Pittsburgh,Cincinnati,San Diego,or Milwaukee,to square off against them. I would be thrilled to see any of those teams square off against each other in the series. We as baseball fans deserve this.

We don’t know if this will happen or not of course for sure but this year,they at LEAST have a chance and a chance is all I ask.

Hopefully this one year where they do have that chance,they take advantage of this opportunity cause they won’t have that same chance again after this year.
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You know there is one good thing that comes out of having a short 60 game season this year.Over the course of a long 162 game season schedule,the small market teams just don’t have the same equal chance of competing to go to the World Series year in and year out as the big market teams anymore.
Hasnt been that way since 95 when the union destroyed baseball,ever since then,for the MOST part,it’s always been the same handful of teams squaring off in the NLCS and ALCS playoffs for the most part.its ALWAYS the big market teams that advance to the final four.sure has in recent years.

Well the bright spot is this year sense it will be just a short brief 60 game season,is that the small market teams will have just as much a chance as the big market teams to go to the World Series.over the long haul of a 162 game long season,the small market teams just don’t have a prayer of a chance to compete with the big market teams in a long season like always takes a toll on them having the lesser talent.thats why I have always liked opening day because it’s anybody’s game that day.anybody can beat anybody on opening day you can throw out the big market and small market teams advantages cause everybody is starting fresh.In a short season like this,the small market teams at least will have the Same equal chance to get there this year.

That being said let’s keep our fingers crossed and see if we can get a team like Oakland or Minnesota from the American League there and from the national league someone like Pittsburgh,Cincinnati,San Diego,or Milwaukee,to square off against them. I would be thrilled to see any of those teams square off against each other in the series. We as baseball fans deserve this.

We don’t know if this will happen or not but this year they at LEAST have a chance and a chance is all I ask.
So you liked it back when the owners were making all the money?
cant see how anyone can be excited about sports at this time.....
Because everything up till now has been a rerun. It’s great to see anything live.

you mean because of corona? I can tell you this. When my father was miserable taking care of my mother who was dying of Alzheimer’s, the only thing that could take his mind off her for a minute was sports.

They don’t matter but then sometimes they do.

and A lot of people don’t know anyone’s who has died of corona. I know a few people but none of them are close to me. The only people close to me who got it were my nephews and so far they seem ok knock on wood
You know there is one good thing that comes out of having a short 60 game season this year.Over the course of a long 162 game season schedule,the small market teams just don’t have the same equal chance of competing to go to the World Series year in and year out as the big market teams anymore.
Hasnt been that way since 95 when the union destroyed baseball,ever since then,for the MOST part,it’s always been the same handful of teams squaring off in the NLCS and ALCS playoffs for the most part.its ALWAYS the big market teams that advance to the final four.sure has in recent years.

Well the bright spot is this year sense it will be just a short brief 60 game season,is that the small market teams will have just as much a chance as the big market teams to go to the World Series.over the long haul of a 162 game long season,the small market teams just don’t have a prayer of a chance to compete with the big market teams in a long season like always takes a toll on them having the lesser talent.thats why I have always liked opening day because it’s anybody’s game that day.anybody can beat anybody on opening day you can throw out the big market and small market teams advantages cause everybody is starting fresh.In a short season like this,the small market teams at least will have the Same equal chance to get there this year.

That being said let’s keep our fingers crossed and see if we can get a team like Oakland or Minnesota from the American League there and from the national league someone like Pittsburgh,Cincinnati,San Diego,or Milwaukee,to square off against them. I would be thrilled to see any of those teams square off against each other in the series. We as baseball fans deserve this.

We don’t know if this will happen or not of course for sure but this year,they at LEAST have a chance and a chance is all I ask.

Hopefully this one year where they do have that chance,they take advantage of this opportunity cause they won’t have that same chance again after this year.
My opinion is that good scouting and player drafting is the key to success in baseball more than the size of the teams market
cant see how anyone can be excited about sports at this time.....
Because everything up till now has been a rerun. It’s great to see anything live.

you mean because of corona? I can tell you this. When my father was miserable taking care of my mother who was dying of Alzheimer’s, the only thing that could take his mind off her for a minute was sports.

They don’t matter but then sometimes they do.

and A lot of people don’t know anyone’s who has died of corona. I know a few people but none of them are close to me. The only people close to me who got it were my nephews and so far they seem ok knock on wood
no i mean because of the phony fans and the bogus short seasons....
You know there is one good thing that comes out of having a short 60 game season this year.Over the course of a long 162 game season schedule,the small market teams just don’t have the same equal chance of competing to go to the World Series year in and year out as the big market teams anymore.
Hasnt been that way since 95 when the union destroyed baseball,ever since then,for the MOST part,it’s always been the same handful of teams squaring off in the NLCS and ALCS playoffs for the most part.its ALWAYS the big market teams that advance to the final four.sure has in recent years.

Well the bright spot is this year sense it will be just a short brief 60 game season,is that the small market teams will have just as much a chance as the big market teams to go to the World Series.over the long haul of a 162 game long season,the small market teams just don’t have a prayer of a chance to compete with the big market teams in a long season like always takes a toll on them having the lesser talent.thats why I have always liked opening day because it’s anybody’s game that day.anybody can beat anybody on opening day you can throw out the big market and small market teams advantages cause everybody is starting fresh.In a short season like this,the small market teams at least will have the Same equal chance to get there this year.

That being said let’s keep our fingers crossed and see if we can get a team like Oakland or Minnesota from the American League there and from the national league someone like Pittsburgh,Cincinnati,San Diego,or Milwaukee,to square off against them. I would be thrilled to see any of those teams square off against each other in the series. We as baseball fans deserve this.

We don’t know if this will happen or not but this year they at LEAST have a chance and a chance is all I ask.
So you liked it back when the owners were making all the money?
Uh I liked it because not only did every team have the same chance as the other team To get there but players played their entire careers With one team,two at the most.In this day and age well never see another Big Red Machine come out of cincinatti again or we’ll never see the pirates play in another NLCS championship game again let alone two back to back ones as they did in the early ninetys when they faced the Reds in 90,then the braves in 91. Do try and keep up around here.thats not too much to ask is it?

Back then in those days during the big red machine days when they were not making untold millions,players played the game for the love of the game instead of the love for the was not uncommon to see most players back then play the game with passion and run out a ground ball to first if they grounded out to third or second.You had players that played it with passion like cal Ripken,Pete Rose,,George Brett and your very own hometown boys Alan trammel and Lou Whitaker.most players played it for the love of the game back then like those guys did.Now these days,players are so pampered,they jog to first base on a ground out.

George Brett matter of fact talked about that in his book he wrote called The last of a breed.Like Cal Ripken,he was a last of a breed who played his entire career with one team.Brett even talked about that in his book how in his final years playing,how the players had changed the game for the worse,that he was nauseated watching so many players come up who would just jog down to first base on a groundout.He wanted to tell all these players from other teams that He saw doing that in his final years that if it was so hard and difficult for them to run out a ground ball to first base,why are they even here playing? Very good point made by Brett.he nailed it.

It hacks me off how the players these days treat the all star game like it’s a vacation instead of being as important as winning the World Series as they did back will never again see a player bulldoze a catcher at first base as Pete rose did ,those days are over with.

These owners are everybit as much morons as NFL owners are which I did not think was possible.the reason why is they were stupid enough to think that the league that wins the all star game Would have home field advantage in the World Series and that would motivate the players to go all out and play hard again,well that hasn’t worked just as I knew it would. These owners don’t get it that baseball is different than football and basketball,where home field advantage makes all the difference in the world.In baseball,it’s not much a factor at all plus they still get paid those multi millions so they still have not played the game hard anymore than they were before.

If those owners would stop smoking crack and get their heads out of their asses,they would understand that if they want players to treat the all star game like it’s as much as important as a World Series game and see players go all out and play it as hard as they can,then they need to stop pampering them paying them all these rediculous millions of dollars that can be spent on much more important things to help society as a whole.
cant see how anyone can be excited about sports at this time.....
Not professional sports that’s for sure. I thought I would get excited about the Rams coming back to LA and get excited about NFL football again once that happened because that was the most depressing moment in mylife when they left LA so what I always thought would be a dream come true with them coming back,I was wrong,even with them back where they belong,I can’t get excited about NFL football anymore,the game is far more corrupt now than it was back then before the Rams left LA thanks to these greedy evil owners. Baseball and football,were the sports I loved playing growing up so it pains me to see how they have become so corrupt since then,I have heard basketball is the same way.
It's an escape. They can't handle reality and desperately need preoccupation.
Most of the sports nutz I know are not very bright at all.
That’s the ONLY reason I go see royals games here in Kansas City is because of that,to get your mind off the problems of the world and how corrupt our government is.
cant see how anyone can be excited about sports at this time.....
Because everything up till now has been a rerun. It’s great to see anything live.

you mean because of corona? I can tell you this. When my father was miserable taking care of my mother who was dying of Alzheimer’s, the only thing that could take his mind off her for a minute was sports.

They don’t matter but then sometimes they do.

and A lot of people don’t know anyone’s who has died of corona. I know a few people but none of them are close to me. The only people close to me who got it were my nephews and so far they seem ok knock on wood
Yep could not have said it better.
cant see how anyone can be excited about sports at this time.....
Not professional sports that’s for sure. I thought I would get excited about the Rams coming back to LA and get excited about NFL football again once that happened because that was the most depressing moment in mylife when they left LA so what I always thought would be a dream come true with them coming back,I was wrong,even with them back where they belong,I can’t get excited about NFL football anymore,the game is far more corrupt now than it was back then before the Rams left LA thanks to these greedy evil owners. Baseball and football,were the sports I loved playing growing up so it pains me to see how they have become so corrupt since then,I have heard basketball is the same way.
i was their mailman when they were in Anaheim....Eric Dickerson was lost when he first showed up i had to show him were the camp was located behind the business buildings that were in front of the training field.....
You know there is one good thing that comes out of having a short 60 game season this year.Over the course of a long 162 game season schedule,the small market teams just don’t have the same equal chance of competing to go to the World Series year in and year out as the big market teams anymore.
Hasnt been that way since 95 when the union destroyed baseball,ever since then,for the MOST part,it’s always been the same handful of teams squaring off in the NLCS and ALCS playoffs for the most part.its ALWAYS the big market teams that advance to the final four.sure has in recent years.

Well the bright spot is this year sense it will be just a short brief 60 game season,is that the small market teams will have just as much a chance as the big market teams to go to the World Series.over the long haul of a 162 game long season,the small market teams just don’t have a prayer of a chance to compete with the big market teams in a long season like always takes a toll on them having the lesser talent.thats why I have always liked opening day because it’s anybody’s game that day.anybody can beat anybody on opening day you can throw out the big market and small market teams advantages cause everybody is starting fresh.In a short season like this,the small market teams at least will have the Same equal chance to get there this year.

That being said let’s keep our fingers crossed and see if we can get a team like Oakland or Minnesota from the American League there and from the national league someone like Pittsburgh,Cincinnati,San Diego,or Milwaukee,to square off against them. I would be thrilled to see any of those teams square off against each other in the series. We as baseball fans deserve this.

We don’t know if this will happen or not of course for sure but this year,they at LEAST have a chance and a chance is all I ask.

Hopefully this one year where they do have that chance,they take advantage of this opportunity cause they won’t have that same chance again after this year.
My opinion is that good scouting and player drafting is the key to success in baseball more than the size of the teams market
You know there is one good thing that comes out of having a short 60 game season this year.Over the course of a long 162 game season schedule,the small market teams just don’t have the same equal chance of competing to go to the World Series year in and year out as the big market teams anymore.
Hasnt been that way since 95 when the union destroyed baseball,ever since then,for the MOST part,it’s always been the same handful of teams squaring off in the NLCS and ALCS playoffs for the most part.its ALWAYS the big market teams that advance to the final four.sure has in recent years.

Well the bright spot is this year sense it will be just a short brief 60 game season,is that the small market teams will have just as much a chance as the big market teams to go to the World Series.over the long haul of a 162 game long season,the small market teams just don’t have a prayer of a chance to compete with the big market teams in a long season like always takes a toll on them having the lesser talent.thats why I have always liked opening day because it’s anybody’s game that day.anybody can beat anybody on opening day you can throw out the big market and small market teams advantages cause everybody is starting fresh.In a short season like this,the small market teams at least will have the Same equal chance to get there this year.

That being said let’s keep our fingers crossed and see if we can get a team like Oakland or Minnesota from the American League there and from the national league someone like Pittsburgh,Cincinnati,San Diego,or Milwaukee,to square off against them. I would be thrilled to see any of those teams square off against each other in the series. We as baseball fans deserve this.

We don’t know if this will happen or not of course for sure but this year,they at LEAST have a chance and a chance is all I ask.

Hopefully this one year where they do have that chance,they take advantage of this opportunity cause they won’t have that same chance again after this year.
My opinion is that good scouting and player drafting is the key to success in baseball more than the size of the teams market

Well Mac-7 that opinion Would be true before 1995.the problem with that opinion is that now in this day and age of big market teams having the. Big bucks to buy the best players like the Yankees,dodgers,cubs and other big market teams Do is the small market teams when they scout and draft great talent,they can’t keep those talented players anymore.

If your team is the pirates,reds,twins or any of those small markets,the best you have to hope for now is your favorite players go on and win a World Series with a big market team.those teams now only develop their players For big market teams now.

The days of cincinatti having a big red machine again are over,will never happen again because of that.If this was the seventys there is no way on earth that Johnny Cuoto or Chapman who the cubs also got from them as a shut down reliever to win the World Series,those pitchers would never have left after playing with them for just four years,they would still be playing for cincinatti now and they could have had a bid red machine again if things were no different in payrolls as they are now.

Look at the pirates,they had excellent scouting and player development and were on the verge of becoming a great team just a few years ago but they lost the core of their best players to free agency and now are a doormat team again. Look at the Royals how their team was dismantled after they won the World Series.

The days of the Royals being able to develop a George Brett and have him locked down to forever be a Royal his whole life are I said earlier,the Royals only have two remaining players from that World Series team now.They can’t keep a great player like Eric Hosmer who was the heart and sole of that team,he was this generations George Brett.

The Yankees because they DO have the big bucks,they can afford to go out and sign and keep a great player like Derek Jeter to remain on their team his entire career.Had Hosmer been drafted by the Yankees,he would be a yankee for think the Yankees with all their money they have to spend to always buy the best talent,had they had all the players the royals had would have ever let All the core players the royals had in two back to back World Series appearances would ever have let Players like Eric Hosmer and the rest of that core group of their best players leave via free agency?

If you do,I have some land in Russia I want to sell you.
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cant see how anyone can be excited about sports at this time.....
Because everything up till now has been a rerun. It’s great to see anything live.

you mean because of corona? I can tell you this. When my father was miserable taking care of my mother who was dying of Alzheimer’s, the only thing that could take his mind off her for a minute was sports.

They don’t matter but then sometimes they do.

and A lot of people don’t know anyone’s who has died of corona. I know a few people but none of them are close to me. The only people close to me who got it were my nephews and so far they seem ok knock on wood
no i mean because of the phony fans and the bogus short seasons....
I love the short season. Every game counts. Baseball hockey and basketball have too many games.
You know there is one good thing that comes out of having a short 60 game season this year.Over the course of a long 162 game season schedule,the small market teams just don’t have the same equal chance of competing to go to the World Series year in and year out as the big market teams anymore.
Hasnt been that way since 95 when the union destroyed baseball,ever since then,for the MOST part,it’s always been the same handful of teams squaring off in the NLCS and ALCS playoffs for the most part.its ALWAYS the big market teams that advance to the final four.sure has in recent years.

Well the bright spot is this year sense it will be just a short brief 60 game season,is that the small market teams will have just as much a chance as the big market teams to go to the World Series.over the long haul of a 162 game long season,the small market teams just don’t have a prayer of a chance to compete with the big market teams in a long season like always takes a toll on them having the lesser talent.thats why I have always liked opening day because it’s anybody’s game that day.anybody can beat anybody on opening day you can throw out the big market and small market teams advantages cause everybody is starting fresh.In a short season like this,the small market teams at least will have the Same equal chance to get there this year.

That being said let’s keep our fingers crossed and see if we can get a team like Oakland or Minnesota from the American League there and from the national league someone like Pittsburgh,Cincinnati,San Diego,or Milwaukee,to square off against them. I would be thrilled to see any of those teams square off against each other in the series. We as baseball fans deserve this.

We don’t know if this will happen or not but this year they at LEAST have a chance and a chance is all I ask.
So you liked it back when the owners were making all the money?
Uh I liked it because not only did every team have the same chance as the other team To get there but players played their entire careers With one team,two at the most.In this day and age well never see another Big Red Machine come out of cincinatti again or we’ll never see the pirates play in another NLCS championship game again let alone two back to back ones as they did in the early ninetys when they faced the Reds in 90,then the braves in 91. Do try and keep up around here.thats not too much to ask is it?

Back then in those days during the big red machine days when they were not making untold millions,players played the game for the love of the game instead of the love for the was not uncommon to see most players back then play the game with passion and run out a ground ball to first if they grounded out to third or second.You had players that played it with passion like cal Ripken,Pete Rose,,George Brett and your very own hometown boys Alan trammel and Lou Whitaker.most players played it for the love of the game back then like those guys did.Now these days,players are so pampered,they jog to first base on a ground out.

George Brett matter of fact talked about that in his book he wrote called The last of a breed.Like Cal Ripken,he was a last of a breed who played his entire career with one team.Brett even talked about that in his book how in his final years playing,how the players had changed the game for the worse,that he was nauseated watching so many players come up who would just jog down to first base on a groundout.He wanted to tell all these players from other teams that He saw doing that in his final years that if it was so hard and difficult for them to run out a ground ball to first base,why are they even here playing? Very good point made by Brett.he nailed it.

It hacks me off how the players these days treat the all star game like it’s a vacation instead of being as important as winning the World Series as they did back will never again see a player bulldoze a catcher at first base as Pete rose did ,those days are over with.

These owners are everybit as much morons as NFL owners are which I did not think was possible.the reason why is they were stupid enough to think that the league that wins the all star game Would have home field advantage in the World Series and that would motivate the players to go all out and play hard again,well that hasn’t worked just as I knew it would. These owners don’t get it that baseball is different than football and basketball,where home field advantage makes all the difference in the world.In baseball,it’s not much a factor at all plus they still get paid those multi millions so they still have not played the game hard anymore than they were before.

If those owners would stop smoking crack and get their heads out of their asses,they would understand that if they want players to treat the all star game like it’s as much as important as a World Series game and see players go all out and play it as hard as they can,then they need to stop pampering them paying them all these rediculous millions of dollars that can be spent on much more important things to help society as a whole.
Nobody should be more upset with this than us Detroit fans. Every fucking year we see former tigers helping other teams win World Series. For fuck sake we had Justin verlander and max scherzer on the same fucking team.

But I don’t want to do something that hurts the workers aka players. So, I was thinking what we should do is have a rule that if you take another teams great player then you have to give them your first round draft pick for the next two years.

And I don’t get why the owners don’t put a salary cap on players. $10 million dollars a year is the most you can pay a player.

And if the players don’t like it they can go get a real job.

Then up the lowest paid players salaries. I’m sure that will get them to go along. And boo hoo to the best players who ONLY make ten million dollars a year.
cant see how anyone can be excited about sports at this time.....
Because everything up till now has been a rerun. It’s great to see anything live.

you mean because of corona? I can tell you this. When my father was miserable taking care of my mother who was dying of Alzheimer’s, the only thing that could take his mind off her for a minute was sports.

They don’t matter but then sometimes they do.

and A lot of people don’t know anyone’s who has died of corona. I know a few people but none of them are close to me. The only people close to me who got it were my nephews and so far they seem ok knock on wood
no i mean because of the phony fans and the bogus short seasons....
I love the short season. Every game counts. Baseball hockey and basketball have too many games.
when it gets down to Sept every game counts too....and i dont want someone hitting 20 homers to be the new HR high....or a pitcher winning 10 games to be the pitching high...
cant see how anyone can be excited about sports at this time.....
Because everything up till now has been a rerun. It’s great to see anything live.

you mean because of corona? I can tell you this. When my father was miserable taking care of my mother who was dying of Alzheimer’s, the only thing that could take his mind off her for a minute was sports.

They don’t matter but then sometimes they do.

and A lot of people don’t know anyone’s who has died of corona. I know a few people but none of them are close to me. The only people close to me who got it were my nephews and so far they seem ok knock on wood
no i mean because of the phony fans and the bogus short seasons....
I love the short season. Every game counts. Baseball hockey and basketball have too many games.
when it gets down to Sept every game counts too....and i dont want someone hitting 20 homers to be the new HR high....or a pitcher winning 10 games to be the pitching high...
Football should play 100 games. Lol

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