One more reason why republicans will lose big in 2014

Most all Republicans I know do not give a shit about gay marriage.
Weird as shit but it does not affect me whatsoever if 2 people that love and are committed to each other that are in a LEGAL relationship want to get married and experience that joy like the rest of us straight folk that have such a great track record in marriage failing 55% of the time.

Then those Republicans need to speak up and take their party back.
not if the voters had a say

State voters didn't have a vote on Civil Rights either

How did that one work out?

What do civil rights have to do with homos that want to bastardize marriage?

Oh... wait... you just want to change the subject and hijack the thread with some leftard bull shit... got it.

Those people who have been married and divorced have bastardized marriage

Yet they are not denied the right to marry based on an arbitrary criteria
Most all Republicans I know do not give a shit about gay marriage.

You're not talking about Tpublicans, though.

Huh? You're getting your right wing boogymen confused!

The TEA in tea party stands for TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY. That is their focus- taxation and fiscal responsibility. The Tea Party has nothing to do with social issues.

It may stand for "taxed enough already" for you, but the majority of Tea Partiers abhor same-sex marriage, so, you can't hide under the "taxed enough already" mantra anymore.

8. They Oppose Same-Sex Marriage. Here too, there seems to be a blending of the libertarian and evangelical right, as 69 percent of Republicans who identified with the Tea Party opposed same-sex marriage, compared to 54 percent of non-Tea Party Republicans.
10 reasons the Tea Party is wildly unpopular -
Most all Republicans I know do not give a shit about gay marriage.

You're not talking about Tpublicans, though.

I wasn't aware the tea party had taken a stance on gay rights

You may not be aware of it, that doesn't mean it ain't happening! :lol:

Late Sunday evening,, arguably the largest ‘Tea Party’ organization, appeared to urge a boycott of Starbucks over same-sex marriage.

The non-profit organization’s Facebook page, which boasts over 1.6 million ‘Likes’, posted the following link to ‘Dump Starbucks’:"]Conservatives Boycott Starbucks Over Coffee Chain’s Support Of Same-Sex Marriage
Conservatives Boycott Starbucks Over Coffee Chain?s Support Of Same-Sex Marriage | Mediaite
You're not talking about Tpublicans, though.

I wasn't aware the tea party had taken a stance on gay rights

You may not be aware of it, that doesn't mean it ain't happening! :lol:

Late Sunday evening,, arguably the largest ‘Tea Party’ organization, appeared to urge a boycott of Starbucks over same-sex marriage.

The non-profit organization’s Facebook page, which boasts over 1.6 million ‘Likes’, posted the following link to ‘Dump Starbucks’:"]Conservatives Boycott Starbucks Over Coffee Chain’s Support Of Same-Sex Marriage
Conservatives Boycott Starbucks Over Coffee Chain?s Support Of Same-Sex Marriage | Mediaite

you are kidding me right? now do you want to tell me which tea party members of congress are members of this organization, support this organization, make donations to this organization, attend their fund raisers, attend their ralleys. it's kind of like saying a left wing lunatic group like is the democratic party.
You're not talking about Tpublicans, though.

I wasn't aware the tea party had taken a stance on gay rights

You may not be aware of it, that doesn't mean it ain't happening! :lol:

Late Sunday evening,, arguably the largest ‘Tea Party’ organization, appeared to urge a boycott of Starbucks over same-sex marriage.

The non-profit organization’s Facebook page, which boasts over 1.6 million ‘Likes’, posted the following link to ‘Dump Starbucks’:"]Conservatives Boycott Starbucks Over Coffee Chain’s Support Of Same-Sex Marriage
Conservatives Boycott Starbucks Over Coffee Chain?s Support Of Same-Sex Marriage | Mediaite

Sorry, but there really is no official "tea party" It's a grassroots movement. Like OWS, only with people that bathe regularly, have jobs, and do not live in tents. :thup:
I wasn't aware the tea party had taken a stance on gay rights

You may not be aware of it, that doesn't mean it ain't happening! :lol:

Late Sunday evening,, arguably the largest ‘Tea Party’ organization, appeared to urge a boycott of Starbucks over same-sex marriage.

The non-profit organization’s Facebook page, which boasts over 1.6 million ‘Likes’, posted the following link to ‘Dump Starbucks’:"]Conservatives Boycott Starbucks Over Coffee Chain’s Support Of Same-Sex Marriage
Conservatives Boycott Starbucks Over Coffee Chain?s Support Of Same-Sex Marriage | Mediaite

Sorry, but there really is no official "tea party" It's a grassroots movement. Like OWS, only with people that bathe regularly, have jobs, and do not live in tents. :thup:

When the far left gets scared it needs its Boogeyman. If one doesn't exist they will manufacture one then send forth their minions in the left-wing media to try and bring it to life.
I wasn't aware the tea party had taken a stance on gay rights

You may not be aware of it, that doesn't mean it ain't happening! :lol:

Late Sunday evening,, arguably the largest ‘Tea Party’ organization, appeared to urge a boycott of Starbucks over same-sex marriage.

The non-profit organization’s Facebook page, which boasts over 1.6 million ‘Likes’, posted the following link to ‘Dump Starbucks’:"]Conservatives Boycott Starbucks Over Coffee Chain’s Support Of Same-Sex Marriage
Conservatives Boycott Starbucks Over Coffee Chain?s Support Of Same-Sex Marriage | Mediaite

you are kidding me right? now do you want to tell me which tea party members of congress are members of this organization, support this organization, make donations to this organization, attend their fund raisers, attend their ralleys. it's kind of like saying a left wing lunatic group like is the democratic party.

So, you are saying that all those groups that call themselves "Tea Party" are not really the "Tea Party"? :lol:

Has the "Real" Tea Party made an announcement that they are not against same-sex marriage? :lol::lol:

The majority of Tea Party movements all follow the same typical agenda of Bachmann, Palin, Cruz, Rubio, Rand, etc., that are all against same-sex marriage.

Even "gay" Tea Partier opposes gay-marriage! :lol::lol:

Gay Tea Party leader opposes same-sex marriage - Arlington Conservative |

The Tea Party movement is composed of a loose affiliation of national and local groups that determine their own platforms and agendas without central leadership. The Tea Party movement has been cited as an example of grassroots political activity, although it has also been described as an example of astroturfing.[51]
The Tea Party movement is not a national political party; polls show that most Tea Partiers consider themselves to be Republicans[52][53] and the movement's supporters have tended to endorse Republican candidates.[54] Commentators, including Gallup editor-in-chief Frank Newport, have suggested that the movement is not a new political group but simply a re-branding of traditional Republican candidates and policies.[52][55][56] An October 2010 Washington Post canvass of local Tea Party organizers found 87% saying "dissatisfaction with mainstream Republican Party leaders" was "an important factor in the support the group has received so far".[57]
The Tea Party movement's membership includes Republican politicians Sarah Palin, Dick Armey, Michele Bachmann, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz. In July 2010, Bachmann formed the Tea Party Congressional Caucus;[58] however, the caucus has been defunct since July 2012.[59] An article in Politico reported that many Tea Party activists were skeptical of the caucus, seeing it as an effort by the Republican Party to hijack the movement. Utah congressman Jason Chaffetz refused to join the caucus, saying
Structure and formality are the exact opposite of what the Tea Party is, and if there is an attempt to put structure and formality around it, or to co-opt it by Washington, D.C., it’s going to take away from the free-flowing nature of the true tea party movement.
You may not be aware of it, that doesn't mean it ain't happening! :lol:

Late Sunday evening,, arguably the largest ‘Tea Party’ organization, appeared to urge a boycott of Starbucks over same-sex marriage.

The non-profit organization’s Facebook page, which boasts over 1.6 million ‘Likes’, posted the following link to ‘Dump Starbucks’:"]Conservatives Boycott Starbucks Over Coffee Chain’s Support Of Same-Sex Marriage
Conservatives Boycott Starbucks Over Coffee Chain?s Support Of Same-Sex Marriage | Mediaite

Sorry, but there really is no official "tea party" It's a grassroots movement. Like OWS, only with people that bathe regularly, have jobs, and do not live in tents. :thup:

When the far left gets scared it needs its Boogeyman. If one doesn't exist they will manufacture one then send forth their minions in the left-wing media to try and bring it to life.

Ha,ha, you're really funny. Scared? Scared that the GOP is self-imploding? We don't need to have a Boogeyman, the GOP and it's Tea Party whackos are their own boogeyman, and they keep it alive each time they come up with another extremist expounding nonsense and wasting our money, like Ted Cruz.

Tea Party may be a grassroots organization, but it has leeched itself unto the Republican party because so many of your leaders embrace their nonsense, and it is causing your party to disintegrate right before your eyes. Now that should be scary..............for you!
One more reason why republicans will lose big in 2014

I hear you

Here is one more

Senate Democrats Seek to Extend Obamacare Enrollment Period

Ten Senate Democrats, including seven facing re-election next year, are backing away from their party by calling for changes to the federal health-care program.
The senators are seeking an extension of the deadline for people to join health-care exchanges because of “substantial technology glitches” with, the primary way for consumers to shop for insurance. Website failures have made it harder for people to compare coverage and enroll in the U.S. plans before March 31 or face penalties.

It is very entertaining to watch the left in panic mode.
Sorry, but there really is no official "tea party" It's a grassroots movement. Like OWS, only with people that bathe regularly, have jobs, and do not live in tents. :thup:

When the far left gets scared it needs its Boogeyman. If one doesn't exist they will manufacture one then send forth their minions in the left-wing media to try and bring it to life.

Ha,ha, you're really funny. Scared? !

Yes, scared. You and your ilk are obviously terrified of regular Americans voicing their opinions about limited government, fiscal responsibility, and adherence to the Constitution. You need to ask yourself why that would be so threatening to you.
Oh my God those crazy racist Republicans:

BBC News - David Cameron backs illegal-immigrant text message campaign
Support for 'go home' immigration vans increases


No, he is just a pro-gay, pro-choice, pro-science european conservative that understands what massive illegal immigration means for a Welfare State and social peace.
When the far left gets scared it needs its Boogeyman. If one doesn't exist they will manufacture one then send forth their minions in the left-wing media to try and bring it to life.

Ha,ha, you're really funny. Scared? !

Yes, scared. You and your ilk are obviously terrified of regular Americans

First, they are not regular Americans, they are freaking uninformed radical extremists.

voicing their opinions about limited government, fiscal responsibility, and adherence to the Constitution.
They are telling lies, they are not fiscal responsible (wasting $24 Billion is not fiscal responsible), and they pick and choose what part of the Constitution they are going to agree with on any given day.

You need to ask yourself why that would be so threatening to you.
If you don't think uninformed radical extremists, lying and making things up, wasting our money on frivolous stunts, and shredding the Constitution is not threatening, then you are probably one of them!
Ha,ha, you're really funny. Scared? !

Yes, scared. You and your ilk are obviously terrified of regular Americans

First, they are not regular Americans, they are freaking uninformed radical extremists.

voicing their opinions about limited government, fiscal responsibility, and adherence to the Constitution.
They are telling lies, they are not fiscal responsible (wasting $24 Billion is not fiscal responsible), and they pick and choose what part of the Constitution they are going to agree with on any given day.

You need to ask yourself why that would be so threatening to you.
If you don't think uninformed radical extremists, lying and making things up, wasting our money on frivolous stunts, and shredding the Constitution is not threatening, then you are probably one of them!

Damn, talk about willful ignorance.

Tea Party Supporters Richer, More Educated Than Most

"Of the Tea Party supporters who responded, 20 percent make more than $100,000, versus 14 percent for the general pool of people polled. Fourteen percent of Tea Party supporters have a post-graduate education, compared with 10 percent for the general public. Twenty-three percent of Tea Party supporters have a college degree, compared with 15 percent for the general public, according to the poll."

Tea Party Supporters Richer, More Educated Than Most, Poll Finds | Fox News

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