One more reason why republicans will lose big in 2014

After the republicans got thrashed in the last election they set up a commission to evaluate why they lost and how to avoid losing in the future. The prime finding of the commission was that the demographics of America were changing (no surprise there) and that if the republicans wanted to remain relevant they needed to change also. The recommendation was that the republican party needs to actively work toward bringing Hispanics into the party.
They have a perfect chance to do that now but I fully expect that the republican party will once again shoot themselves in the foot. What the republicans need to do is to come out with a broad immigration plan that offers a way for Hispanics to become American citizens. But THAT is exactly what President Obama is preparing to do. This places the republicans in a bind. Should they strongly support a sweeping immigration plan (similar to what Obama is offering) OR should they dig in their heels and refuse to accept any plan Obama offers just as they have done throughout the last five years.
I am betting that the republicans will dig in their heels and refuse to offer a plan similar to Obama's. In other words, they will once again play the obstruction card and in the process slap the people who could help them win elections in the face. And then, after losing the Hispanic vote by a wide margin in 2014, they will once again scratch their heads and ask "Why did we lose? I don't understand."

speaking of putting Republicans in a bind


Okay...that is just disturbing.


just wait till we get the bill
Until many Republicans quit treating gays like second class citizens, quit claiming scientists are Marxists and abandon their support for government control of abortion expect another ass kicking the next election.
This ain't rocket science.

Very true...

America would be better off if we started nation building within our own country. They wouldn't want to go back to the 18th century as reality sucks far more then words.
Until many Republicans quit treating gays like second class citizens, quit claiming scientists are Marxists and abandon their support for government control of abortion expect another ass kicking the next election.
This ain't rocket science.

Very true...

America would be better off if we started nation building within our own country. They wouldn't want to go back to the 18th century as reality sucks far more then words.

As someone that is an independent and votes Republican most of the time I am more concerned about FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY than who marries who.
GOP with a big tent platform would win again.
Tired of losing, born to win.
Plus anyone that puts gay marriage as a priority issue is a dumb ass.
Whenever I go to another country, I expect them to speak English

Whenever "I" go ... "I" expect. Spoken like a self centered individual who has no respect for the people nor the culture of that foreign country they choose to reside in.

Like a true American, I expect citizens in other countries to speak English when I get there. Canada, Mexico, Europe, Central better speak English or I take my business elsewhere

From someone who has actually had the first hand experience of traveling outside the "sheltered" convenient comforts of the United States, to stay overseas in Italy. I can tell you first hand it's not always so. You need to have a basic understanding of the language as well as their culture to get around the country. Some individuals aren't as lazy as yourself to pick up another language and seek out those areas outside the "tourist" Americanized familiar comforts of your own country, rather they hold a desire to "learn" something in submerging yourself within another nation's local culture right where they live. You want to impress the business clients in Japan? Learn Japanese, and show your clients you care enough to understand their way of life, with a desire to understand more than your own needs. Taking that simple step is demonstrating a desire to understand, learn, and meet them right where they are at. A business consultant willing to take the time to learn another nation's way of life and language, will always be shown with greater respect and admiration over the other consultant who simply doesn't care to make the effort.
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Whenever "I" go ... "I" expect. Spoken like a self centered individual who has no respect for the people nor the culture of that foreign country they choose to reside in.

Like a true American, I expect citizens in other countries to speak English when I get there. Canada, Mexico, Europe, Central better speak English or I take my business elsewhere

From someone who has actually had the first hand experience of traveling outside the "sheltered" convenient comforts of the United States, to stay overseas in Italy. I can tell you first hand it's not always so. You need to have a basic understanding of the language as well as their culture to get around the country. Some individuals aren't as lazy as yourself to pick up another language and seek out those areas outside the "tourist" Americanized comforts of the country, with the desire to "learn" something as you submerge yourself within another nation's local culture right where they live. You want to impress the business clients in Japan? Learn Japanese, and show your clients you care enough to understand their way of life, with a desire to understand more than your own needs. Taking that simple step is demonstrating a desire to understand, learn, and meet them right where they are at. A business consultant willing to take the time to learn another nation's way of life and language, will always be shown with greater respect and admiration over the other consultant who simply doesn't care to make the effort.

I've been to Italy

I had no problem finding people who speak english
If they go to school in this country, they speak English.

They are in this country. You speak the language of the country your in. If you speak the language of the country you left and English then good for you. Your a smarty.

Not to smart to live in a country and not speak the language of that country and its pretty arrogant of you to expect others to speak your language.

Whenever I go to another country, I expect them to speak English

of course. you are an entitled liberal. what else would you expect.
Until many Republicans quit treating gays like second class citizens, quit claiming scientists are Marxists and abandon their support for government control of abortion expect another ass kicking the next election.
This ain't rocket science.

yet the most liberal state in the country, california, has the distinction of voting down gay marriage when put to a public vote. interesting. seems to me liberals are more supportive only in their public words but act differently when the decision is private.
Do you have sources that indicate CA would not vote that way again?

If we wish the GOP to win nationally again and take control of the government, we have to reach out to women, minorities, and immigrants.

Our far right by itself, even with the neo-cons and the corporatists, can no longer gain a majority, because the groups above outnumber them.
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Republicans are getting killed on gay rights

Just let it go already. The open and voiceferous opposition to all things gay labels them as out of touch, shallow and just plain mean
Republicans are getting killed on gay rights

Just let it go already. The open and voiceferous opposition to all things gay labels them as out of touch, shallow and just plain mean

democrats are getting killed on jobs, the economy, spying, gun control, foriegn policy and now even their golden fleece, obamacare
Do you have sources that indicate CA would not vote that way again?

If we wish the GOP to win nationally again and take control of the government, we have to reach out to women, minorities, and immigrants.

Our far right by itself, even with the neo-cons and the corporatists, can no longer gain a majority, because the groups above outnumber them.

i've never seen any reason to indicate they would not vote that way again. fact is, an extremely liberal state with a vast majority of liberal voters, voted down gay marriage.

as far a the label of conservatives being war hawks and corporate dupes, the democrats, especially in this administration have shown they hold that title as well. the democrats have bigger issues to worry about. the economy, jobs, spying, 2nd amendment rights, foriegn policy, even now, obamacare.
After the republicans got thrashed in the last election they set up a commission to evaluate why they lost and how to avoid losing in the future. The prime finding of the commission was that the demographics of America were changing (no surprise there) and that if the republicans wanted to remain relevant they needed to change also. The recommendation was that the republican party needs to actively work toward bringing Hispanics into the party.
They have a perfect chance to do that now but I fully expect that the republican party will once again shoot themselves in the foot. What the republicans need to do is to come out with a broad immigration plan that offers a way for Hispanics to become American citizens. But THAT is exactly what President Obama is preparing to do. This places the republicans in a bind. Should they strongly support a sweeping immigration plan (similar to what Obama is offering) OR should they dig in their heels and refuse to accept any plan Obama offers just as they have done throughout the last five years.
I am betting that the republicans will dig in their heels and refuse to offer a plan similar to Obama's. In other words, they will once again play the obstruction card and in the process slap the people who could help them win elections in the face. And then, after losing the Hispanic vote by a wide margin in 2014, they will once again scratch their heads and ask "Why did we lose? I don't understand."

speaking of putting Republicans in a bind


Okay...that is just disturbing.


The failures of the left's programs, always are disturbing.
Until many Republicans quit treating gays like second class citizens, quit claiming scientists are Marxists and abandon their support for government control of abortion expect another ass kicking the next election.
This ain't rocket science.

yet the most liberal state in the country, california, has the distinction of voting down gay marriage when put to a public vote. interesting. seems to me liberals are more supportive only in their public words but act differently when the decision is private.

Are you claiming liberals oppose gay marriage and it was liberals that voted it down in California?
Most all Republicans I know do not give a shit about gay marriage.
Weird as shit but it does not affect me whatsoever if 2 people that love and are committed to each other that are in a LEGAL relationship want to get married and experience that joy like the rest of us straight folk that have such a great track record in marriage failing 55% of the time.
Until many Republicans quit treating gays like second class citizens, quit claiming scientists are Marxists and abandon their support for government control of abortion expect another ass kicking the next election.
This ain't rocket science.

yet the most liberal state in the country, california, has the distinction of voting down gay marriage when put to a public vote. interesting. seems to me liberals are more supportive only in their public words but act differently when the decision is private.

Are you claiming liberals oppose gay marriage and it was liberals that voted it down in California?

they sure didn't get out there and vote for them. look at how heavily california has voted democrat in past elections. the percent tops any state. fact is, california has a strong majority of liberal voters. fact is californians vote down gay marriage.
yet the most liberal state in the country, california, has the distinction of voting down gay marriage when put to a public vote. interesting. seems to me liberals are more supportive only in their public words but act differently when the decision is private.

Are you claiming liberals oppose gay marriage and it was liberals that voted it down in California?

they sure didn't get out there and vote for them. look at how heavily california has voted democrat in past elections. the percent tops any state. fact is, california has a strong majority of liberal voters. fact is californians vote down gay marriage.

Fact is.....Gay marriage is legal in California
Are you claiming liberals oppose gay marriage and it was liberals that voted it down in California?

they sure didn't get out there and vote for them. look at how heavily california has voted democrat in past elections. the percent tops any state. fact is, california has a strong majority of liberal voters. fact is californians vote down gay marriage.

Fact is.....Gay marriage is legal in California

not if the voters had a say
Immigration reform is DOA until after the 2014 mid-terms at the earliest. Democrats might try to revive the isssue, but they'll get nowhere.

2014 will have 2 issues of concern:

1) The debt ceiling / budget deficit
2) the train wreck known as Obamacare.

If the GOP is smart they'll take some small concessions on spending in exchange for raising the debt limit and move on.

Then focus on the 900 lb gorilla in the room- Obamacare. Obamacare is a yoke around the neck of every Democrat in the country. They passed it, they OWN it- Lock, stock, and Barrel!

The website problems are just the beginning.......


The only way the morons left still supporting the buffoon liar in the black house can make themselves feel better, is to lie to themselves, play make believe and give each other reach around's. Problem is they're out there in la-la land...


they sure didn't get out there and vote for them. look at how heavily california has voted democrat in past elections. the percent tops any state. fact is, california has a strong majority of liberal voters. fact is californians vote down gay marriage.

Fact is.....Gay marriage is legal in California

not if the voters had a say

State voters didn't have a vote on Civil Rights either

How did that one work out?

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