One more reason why republicans will lose big in 2014

I hear you

This reactionary leftist keeps saying "uniformed radical extremists."

The only "uniformed radical extremists" I can remember in recent politics are from supporters of Papa Obama


Oh, I'm sorry you said uninformed
I must have read that quick ....

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Ha,ha, you're really funny. Scared? !

Yes, scared. You and your ilk are obviously terrified of regular Americans

First, they are not regular Americans, they are freaking uninformed radical extremists.

There we go. Demean, dismiss, dehumanize. That's what a nation does to its mortal enemies during wartime. This is what the far left does with anyone or anything it is truly afraid of; even and especially fellow citizens who happen to disagree with their politics.
If you don't think uninformed radical extremists, lying and making things up, wasting our money on frivolous stunts, and shredding the Constitution is not threatening, then you are probably one of them!

There we go. This kind of illogical, irrational fear of normal, common-sense Americans says volumes about the intolerant left.
One more reason why republicans will lose big in 2014

One has to wonder if this will be one of the reasons

Right wing

[ame=]Obamacare enrollment got off to very slow start - YouTube[/ame]

What a spectualar failure by the administration when one
considers that the target was....

Obama health target: 500,000 signups by Oct. 31

Is the radical left still claiming Papa Obama care is going to save the US gov't money?

Obama lied
Health Care plans died
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I hear you

This reactionary leftist keeps saying "uniformed radical extremists."

The only "uniformed radical extremists" I can remember in recent politics are from supporters of Papa Obama


Oh, I'm sorry you said uninformed
I must have read that quick ....


Oh NO :eek:

Scary black men.......and there is TWO of them
In regards to it too much to ask to close the border first, before going any further? I mean, it was supposed to be closed after the Reagan amnesty.....right????
I think that's the biggest hang up with immigration.


The stupidity of the statement is that the border CAN be closed.

besides the fact that most "illegals" are people who came here on valid visas that ultimately expired, the reality is, as long as you have employers hiring illegals, you are goign to have illegals.

Setting an unreachable goalpost before we deal with the people already here is a dodge.

It's hard to deal with a party who's intent is to redistribute wealth in this country.....the takers will always vote for that. Hopefully there will be enough democrats who are beginning to feel the pinch of the redistribution of wealth regarding Obamacare. People tend to be lax regarding politics until it hits home with them, then they catch on quickly

But here's the problem.

The real redistribution hasn't been from the working class to the welfare class, it's been to the rich. Middle class wages have declined, while the rich have gotten richer, to the point where the top 20% control 87% of the wealth and the top 1% control 43% of the wealth.

ANd while I would agree, we have too many people looking to the government for a living, what alternative does the GOP offer?

It seems to be, "Get used until you are no longer useful, and then go off and starve."
we were talking about uniforms

The left is always trying to use race
funny how that works

Why don't you post a video of that obamaphone lady....that is alway good for a laugh
Obamacare is the best issue the GOP has had in 8 years. As a life long hunter, fisherman and maniac coming off the end that story of "you can keep your insurance if you like it and your doctor" is one of the all time whoppers.
Until many Republicans quit treating gays like second class citizens, quit claiming scientists are Marxists and abandon their support for government control of abortion expect another ass kicking the next election.
This ain't rocket science.

Very true...

America would be better off if we started nation building within our own country. They wouldn't want to go back to the 18th century as reality sucks far more then words.

As someone that is an independent and votes Republican most of the time I am more concerned about FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY than who marries who.
GOP with a big tent platform would win again.
Tired of losing, born to win.
Plus anyone that puts gay marriage as a priority issue is a dumb ass.

I agree, in that religion should not be forced through politics. You can't have freedom of religion as long as you hold onto the notion that someone's "beliefs" can be used to influence those who don't. Just as, in the same fashion government can't dictate how someone ought to demonstrate or publicly display their faith. Both cases are guilty of dictating THEIR influence or view of religion, through one's own belief ... or lack of acceptance.
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obama's lie about obamacare is taken in context reminding people of all the other lies, all the other times he blamed someone else, avoided telling the truth and used the media to be his mouthpiece. The public has had enough.
Until many Republicans quit treating gays like second class citizens, quit claiming scientists are Marxists and abandon their support for government control of abortion expect another ass kicking the next election.
This ain't rocket science.

As long as government places itself in the "position" of abortion through taxpayer funding, people will always interjecting their own political stand or influence .... one way or the other.
Yes, scared. You and your ilk are obviously terrified of regular Americans

First, they are not regular Americans, they are freaking uninformed radical extremists.

There we go. Demean, dismiss, dehumanize. That's what a nation does to its mortal enemies during wartime. This is what the far left does with anyone or anything it is truly afraid of; even and especially fellow citizens who happen to disagree with their politics.

Just calling out the facts, man, just the facts. We're not as afraid as you might think, since there is safety in numbers, and it seems that your numbers are dwindling down.
First, they are not regular Americans, they are freaking uninformed radical extremists.

There we go. Demean, dismiss, dehumanize. That's what a nation does to its mortal enemies during wartime. This is what the far left does with anyone or anything it is truly afraid of; even and especially fellow citizens who happen to disagree with their politics.

Just calling out the facts, man, just the facts. .

No, you are "just calling out" the usual hyper-partisan, entirely subjective, empty nonsense that anyone reading your posts has come to expect from you. You have rendered yourself as irrelevant as rdean, ludite, franco the illiterate, and the other purveyors of pointless, predictable partisanship.
There we go. Demean, dismiss, dehumanize. That's what a nation does to its mortal enemies during wartime. This is what the far left does with anyone or anything it is truly afraid of; even and especially fellow citizens who happen to disagree with their politics.

Just calling out the facts, man, just the facts. .

No, you are "just calling out" the usual hyper-partisan, entirely subjective, empty nonsense that anyone reading your posts has come to expect from you. You have rendered yourself as irrelevant as rdean, ludite, franco the illiterate, and the other purveyors of pointless, predictable partisanship.

Ha,ha, as if your word had any weight. You're the one that has been relegated to the vitriolic section of the rightmost rightwing radicals, and the nonsense you spew is just that, nonsense.
Most all Republicans I know do not give a shit about gay marriage.

You're not talking about Tpublicans, though.

Huh? You're getting your right wing boogymen confused!

The TEA in tea party stands for TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY. That is their focus- taxation and fiscal responsibility. The Tea Party has nothing to do with social issues.

You better inform the social traditionalists who certainly do think that, Zander.
Obamacare is the best issue the GOP has had in 8 years. As a life long hunter, fisherman and maniac coming off the end that story of "you can keep your insurance if you like it and your doctor" is one of the all time whoppers.

Actually, most people in the real world where 80% of us do get to keep our current plans and 16% of us get better plans, you're really going for that 4% that didn't know how bad the insurance companies were cheating them.

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