One more reason why republicans will lose big in 2014

Is the Left still pretending that ObamaCare will save the US gov't money?

With all the lies Papa Obama and the left have told the American people
How we trust them?

Papa Obama lied
Healthcare plans died
Will pay more due to Obamacare.

And not just monetarily.

Increased demand of finite resource = cost increase. Immutable truth.

Cost in dollars and strain on the health infrastructure itself.

I have to pay more for me and to carry your weight and I lose the level of access to the healthcare resource I had previously.

Who says medical services are finite? They can't adapt to a new market?

What access do you lose?

Increased demand of finite resource = cost increase. Immutable truth.

Cost in dollars and strain on the health infrastructure itself.

I have to pay more for me and to carry your weight and I lose the level of access to the healthcare resource I had previously.

Who says medical services are finite? They can't adapt to a new market?

What access do you lose?

Finite number of doctors and facilities = wait = reduced access.

All while I now have to formally carry your water too.
Increased demand of finite resource = cost increase. Immutable truth.

Cost in dollars and strain on the health infrastructure itself.

I have to pay more for me and to carry your weight and I lose the level of access to the healthcare resource I had previously.

Who says medical services are finite? They can't adapt to a new market?

What access do you lose?

Finite number of doctors and facilities = wait = reduced access.

All while I now have to formally carry your water too.

More money going into the healthcare market means more doctors and more facilities.

Who is carrying your water?
One more reason why republicans will lose big in 2014

No doubt this will be some of them

Besides the lost of trust with the American people that Papa Obama and the left totally threw out
with their lies, the Left and Obama apologists just had another setback
for their radical leftist agenda:

DC appellate court rules against HHS contraception mandate, for religious liberty

The Obama administration said that the requirement is necessary to protect women’s health and abortion rights. The judges were unconvinced that forcing companies to violate their religious rights was appropriate.

Brown wrote that “it is clear the government has failed to demonstrate how such a right — whether described as noninterference, privacy, or autonomy — can extend to the compelled subsidization of a woman’s procreative practices.”

“The provision of these services — even without the contraceptive mandate — by and large fulfills the statutory command for insurers to provide gender-specific preventive care,” she wrote. “At the very least, the statutory scheme will not go to pieces.”

The HHS mandate burdens their exercise of religion by pressuring them to approve and endorse the inclusion of objectionable coverage in their companies’ health plans. “They can either abide by the sacred tenets of their faith, pay a penalty of over $14 million, and cripple the companies they have spent a lifetime building, or they become complicit in a grave moral wrong.” (Slip op. at 20; see generally pp. 17-23.) The government’s supposedly compelling interest is nebulous (slip op. at 23-28), and even if it were compelling, the HHS mandate is not the least restrictive means of furthering that interest (slip op. at 28-32.)

Is the Left still pretending that ObamaCare will save the US gov't money?

Papa Obama lied
Healthcare plans died
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Reactionaries are full opinion and theory but no facts.

We will have to wait and see.

My theory is the once inflationary overwhelming costs of health care are going to continue to flatten.
If the Republicans loose big in the 2014 elections it will be because they don't have any freebies to hand out like free cell phones, food stamps, extended unemployment benefits and the list goes on and on... Elections these days aren't based on what's best for the country but "what can you give me for free".
Who says medical services are finite? They can't adapt to a new market?

What access do you lose?

Finite number of doctors and facilities = wait = reduced access.

All while I now have to formally carry your water too.

More money going into the healthcare market means more doctors and more facilities.

Who is carrying your water?

It is not "more money" it is more "demand".

With respect to health insurance premiums I carry my own water
If the Republicans loose big in the 2014 elections it will be because they don't have any freebies to hand out like free cell phones, food stamps, extended unemployment benefits and the list goes on and on... Elections these days aren't based on what's best for the country but "what can you give me for free".

It is a shame how the extreme radical left and Obama apologists have ruined the Democratic party
Now with all the lies and total lost of trust with the American people, it may be lost forever

[ame=]Forward- The Obama Way - YouTube[/ame]

Are the radical Left and Obama apologists still pretending that ObamaCare will save the US gov't money?

Papa Obama lied
Healthcare plans died
American public trust died
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After the republicans got thrashed in the last election they set up a commission to evaluate why they lost and how to avoid losing in the future. The prime finding of the commission was that the demographics of America were changing (no surprise there) and that if the republicans wanted to remain relevant they needed to change also. The recommendation was that the republican party needs to actively work toward bringing Hispanics into the party.
They have a perfect chance to do that now but I fully expect that the republican party will once again shoot themselves in the foot. What the republicans need to do is to come out with a broad immigration plan that offers a way for Hispanics to become American citizens. But THAT is exactly what President Obama is preparing to do. This places the republicans in a bind. Should they strongly support a sweeping immigration plan (similar to what Obama is offering) OR should they dig in their heels and refuse to accept any plan Obama offers just as they have done throughout the last five years.
I am betting that the republicans will dig in their heels and refuse to offer a plan similar to Obama's. In other words, they will once again play the obstruction card and in the process slap the people who could help them win elections in the face. And then, after losing the Hispanic vote by a wide margin in 2014, they will once again scratch their heads and ask "Why did we lose? I don't understand."

WOW a presidential election means republicans got thrashed? 2010 democrats had the biggest lose across the board ever. Some old timers democrats didn't even run state governments saw a lot of changes. North Carolina 140 years of democratic control of the legislation got changed. So a presidential election of two mirror images and you call that a thrashing? :eusa_whistle::cuckoo: Who open the door of the funny farm?

Ron where did you go? Does it scare you to be so wrong?
If the Republicans loose big in the 2014 elections it will be because they don't have any freebies to hand out like free cell phones, food stamps, extended unemployment benefits and the list goes on and on... Elections these days aren't based on what's best for the country but "what can you give me for free".
Wait just one second I see the plan now obama reduces food stamps now so that he can mysteriously increase and make permanent food stamps just before the 2014 election. Good political move, not good for America
Obamacare is the best issue the GOP has had in 8 years. As a life long hunter, fisherman and maniac coming off the end that story of "you can keep your insurance if you like it and your doctor" is one of the all time whoppers.

Actually, most people in the real world where 80% of us do get to keep our current plans and 16% of us get better plans, you're really going for that 4% that didn't know how bad the insurance companies were cheating them.

Actually you don't get to keep your plan if your company's insurance provider does not measure up to the new standards of Obamacare. By looking to other plans that do, you WILL be paying more for your insurance coverage. That's the NEW reality of hope and change, speaking from personal experience.
Except 85% of people were happy with their plans.
Papa Obama and the left lied about keeping them

Straight up, dude
The left is going to have a hard time running from this one
No matter how they try to spin it

You are guys are starting to sound like strict parents
"johnny, we know you are mad about this; but we
are your parents and we know what is best"

Yeah, they are.

Frankly, 96% of people are either going to see their plans improved or stay the same...

It's really only about 4% who are going to see major changes, usually because what they had was inadequate. Which is everyone else's concern, because the rest of us have to pick up that slack.

It's not that the old plans are inadequate, as I sat with someone who was happy with their older plan that the employer provided. However, thanks to Obamacare that provider has to be changed with a one that will include a first time expense of $83 a week right out of their paycheck. They were much happier before this Obamacare law went into effect. Those who LOVE the plan, will be those individuals who are too poor to afford health care and all the taxpayers will have to pick up the slack. Welcome to the health care cost shell game, the left is not fooling anybody.
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Amazing those here that call insurance companies crooks and someone else is paying their health insurance premiums.
For 34 years I have paid all of it myself.

Good for you.

Of course, if everyone had to pay for it themselves, instead of working for it from an employer, the system would collapse and we'd get to Single Payer socialism that much faster.

.... and the government Health Care plans in England and Canada are STILL facing an increasing debt problem as a result. Single payer WILL NOT reduce health care spending costs that the government will find added to their debt.

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