One more reason why republicans will lose big in 2014

Obamacare is the best issue the GOP has had in 8 years. As a life long hunter, fisherman and maniac coming off the end that story of "you can keep your insurance if you like it and your doctor" is one of the all time whoppers.

Actually, most people in the real world where 80% of us do get to keep our current plans and 16% of us get better plans, you're really going for that 4% that didn't know how bad the insurance companies were cheating them.

The great majority of the 4%, like Gadawag, will come around by the first of February as they realize they are getting better plans.
Obamacare is the best issue the GOP has had in 8 years. As a life long hunter, fisherman and maniac coming off the end that story of "you can keep your insurance if you like it and your doctor" is one of the all time whoppers.

Actually, most people in the real world where 80% of us do get to keep our current plans and 16% of us get better plans, you're really going for that 4% that didn't know how bad the insurance companies were cheating them.

The great majority of the 4%, like Gadawag, will come around by the first of February as they realize they are getting better plans.

Naw, he'd never admit his plan was better even if it was...

ODS is too serious.
Obamacare is the best issue the GOP has had in 8 years. As a life long hunter, fisherman and maniac coming off the end that story of "you can keep your insurance if you like it and your doctor" is one of the all time whoppers.

Actually, most people in the real world where 80% of us do get to keep our current plans and 16% of us get better plans, you're really going for that 4% that didn't know how bad the insurance companies were cheating them.

Yes the real world
Explains why the left always grossly underestimates the cost of programs

Right Wing

Buried in Obamacare regulations from July 2010 is an estimate that because of normal turnover in the individual insurance market, “40 to 67 percent” of customers will not be able to keep their policy.
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Obamacare is the best issue the GOP has had in 8 years. As a life long hunter, fisherman and maniac coming off the end that story of "you can keep your insurance if you like it and your doctor" is one of the all time whoppers.

Actually, most people in the real world where 80% of us do get to keep our current plans and 16% of us get better plans, you're really going for that 4% that didn't know how bad the insurance companies were cheating them.

Yes the real world
Explains why the left always grossly underestimates the cost of programs

Right Wing

Buried in Obamacare regulations from July 2010 is an estimate that because of normal turnover in the individual insurance market, “40 to 67 percent” of customers will not be able to keep their policy.


So Obama is guilty of not explaining to people in the individual market how the indivual market actually works. (Which mostly seems to consist of "Well, they are probably going to fuck you at the first oppurtunity.") I think most people in the individual market already know it's a problem.
I hear you
These stupid masses; the majority thought they were happy with their plans.
But, really a group of elitists know what is better for people than people themselves.

NORMAL- is not gov't driven obsolescence; gov't induced turnover

and changing the regulations to increase the number of turnover
lying,over and over, that it would not happen after he did it

senate dems unanimously voting against to allow Americans to keep their plan

Really, lies that will impact millions of Americans, there is no way for the Left and Papa Obama
to overcome that lost of trust
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I hear you
These stupid masses; the majority thought they were happy with their plans.
But, really a group of elitists know what is better for people than people themselves.

NORMAL- is not gov't driven obsolescence; gov't induced turnover

and changing the regulations to increase the number of turnover
lying,over and over, that it would not happen after he did it

senate dems unanimously voting against to allow Americans to keep their plan

Really, lies that will impact millions of Americans, there is no way for the Left and Papa Obama
to overcome that lost of trust

Except that no plan is ever permanent, and you know it.

Frankly, in the last 11 years between the two jobs I've worked, my "plan" has been changed no less than six times. All of this without ObamaCare having any effect. In fact, since ObamaCare, they've been careful NOT to upset the apple cart because they don't want people surfing the exchanges.

This of course, includes the time I was downsized by my company after running up $50,000 in medical expenses with two operations they just did not want to pay for, and I had to fight with them for three years on.
Except 85% of people were happy with their plans.
Papa Obama and the left lied about keeping them

Straight up, dude
The left is going to have a hard time running from this one
No matter how they try to spin it

You are guys are starting to sound like strict parents
"johnny, we know you are mad about this; but we
are your parents and we know what is best"
After the republicans got thrashed in the last election they set up a commission to evaluate why they lost and how to avoid losing in the future. The prime finding of the commission was that the demographics of America were changing (no surprise there) and that if the republicans wanted to remain relevant they needed to change also. The recommendation was that the republican party needs to actively work toward bringing Hispanics into the party.
They have a perfect chance to do that now but I fully expect that the republican party will once again shoot themselves in the foot. What the republicans need to do is to come out with a broad immigration plan that offers a way for Hispanics to become American citizens. But THAT is exactly what President Obama is preparing to do. This places the republicans in a bind. Should they strongly support a sweeping immigration plan (similar to what Obama is offering) OR should they dig in their heels and refuse to accept any plan Obama offers just as they have done throughout the last five years.
I am betting that the republicans will dig in their heels and refuse to offer a plan similar to Obama's. In other words, they will once again play the obstruction card and in the process slap the people who could help them win elections in the face. And then, after losing the Hispanic vote by a wide margin in 2014, they will once again scratch their heads and ask "Why did we lose? I don't understand."

WOW a presidential election means republicans got thrashed? 2010 democrats had the biggest lose across the board ever. Some old timers democrats didn't even run state governments saw a lot of changes. North Carolina 140 years of democratic control of the legislation got changed. So a presidential election of two mirror images and you call that a thrashing? :eusa_whistle::cuckoo: Who open the door of the funny farm?
Obamacare is the best issue the GOP has had in 8 years. As a life long hunter, fisherman and maniac coming off the end that story of "you can keep your insurance if you like it and your doctor" is one of the all time whoppers.

Actually, most people in the real world where 80% of us do get to keep our current plans and 16% of us get better plans, you're really going for that 4% that didn't know how bad the insurance companies were cheating them.

4% is the spin Obama sold you and you buy it.
Just like when he said it would be NO ONE and you bought it.
Because you WANT to believe it.
It will be 20% and that equates to millions.
But of course all you ever think of is you and yours.
Amazing those here that call insurance companies crooks and someone else is paying their health insurance premiums.
For 34 years I have paid all of it myself.
Except 85% of people were happy with their plans.
Papa Obama and the left lied about keeping them

Straight up, dude
The left is going to have a hard time running from this one
No matter how they try to spin it

You are guys are starting to sound like strict parents
"johnny, we know you are mad about this; but we
are your parents and we know what is best"

Yeah, they are.

Frankly, 96% of people are either going to see their plans improved or stay the same...

It's really only about 4% who are going to see major changes, usually because what they had was inadequate. Which is everyone else's concern, because the rest of us have to pick up that slack.
Amazing those here that call insurance companies crooks and someone else is paying their health insurance premiums.
For 34 years I have paid all of it myself.

Good for you.

Of course, if everyone had to pay for it themselves, instead of working for it from an employer, the system would collapse and we'd get to Single Payer socialism that much faster.
Obamacare is the best issue the GOP has had in 8 years. As a life long hunter, fisherman and maniac coming off the end that story of "you can keep your insurance if you like it and your doctor" is one of the all time whoppers.

Actually, most people in the real world where 80% of us do get to keep our current plans and 16% of us get better plans, you're really going for that 4% that didn't know how bad the insurance companies were cheating them.

4% is the spin Obama sold you and you buy it.
Just like when he said it would be NO ONE and you bought it.
Because you WANT to believe it.
It will be 20% and that equates to millions.
But of course all you ever think of is you and yours.

Yeah, if it doesn't effect me, I usually don't give a fuck.

But the 4% number is about right.

As far as what Obama said, I put that up there with "Read my lips, No New Taxes", "I didn't have sexual relations with that woman" and "Mission Accomplished". Something that probably shouldn't have been said, but was. At the end of the day, it doesn't mean that much, and we need to get about fixing the problem.
Except 85% of people were happy with their plans.
Papa Obama and the left lied about keeping them

Straight up, dude
The left is going to have a hard time running from this one
No matter how they try to spin it

You are guys are starting to sound like strict parents
"johnny, we know you are mad about this; but we
are your parents and we know what is best"

Yeah, they are.

Frankly, 96% of people are either going to see their plans improved or stay the same...

It's really only about 4% who are going to see major changes, usually because what they had was inadequate. Which is everyone else's concern, because the rest of us have to pick up that slack.

You can make up stats all day or quote WH propaganda
it does not take away from the reality

Right wing

[ame=]Obamacare enrollment got off to very slow start - YouTube[/ame]

What a spectualar failure by the administration when one
considers that the target was....

Obama health target: 500,000 signups by Oct. 31

Is the radical left still claiming Papa Obama care is going to save the US gov't money?

Obama lied
Health Care plans died
Frankly, 96% of people are either going to see their plans improved or stay the same...

96% is the number now ?


It is very entertaining to watch the left and Papa Obama apologists poorly spin this monstrosity

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