One more try: What should we do in Iraq?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011

I've asked this on several threads with no success. If you're critical of Obama for what he has done (or not done) so far, what do you think he should do?


With all the vague criticisms and the dearth of ideas, it's understandable that some think the Republicans are just waiting for Obama to do something, anything, so they can take the opposite position.



Nothing. obama should do nothing except for evacuating the Americans out of the country. He can't even do that.

He is incapable. He is incompetent. He can only make things worse as he has worsened every situation he has been involved in anywhere in the world. Would you expect someone in a vegetative state to take care of an infant? No.

Nothing. obama should do nothing except for evacuating the Americans out of the country. He can't even do that.

He is incapable. He is incompetent. He can only make things worse as he has worsened every situation he has been involved in anywhere in the world. Would you expect someone in a vegetative state to take care of an infant? No.

Much appreciated.

I agree, get our people the fuck out of there and stop interfering.


I've asked this on several threads with no success. If you're critical of Obama for what he has done (or not done) so far, what do you think he should do?


With all the vague criticisms and the dearth of ideas, it's understandable that some think the Republicans are just waiting for Obama to do something, anything, so they can take the opposite position.



First of all doing nothing is not an option.

Second doing anything because he is going to be criticized is just being a political coward, unfortunately that is where I think he may be.

Third I don't want him acting like the school yard wimp that all of a sudden has power and over reacts.

Here is some of what I think needs done, NOW.

Send in special operations forces who can call in targeted air strikes. Not having someone on the ground who can identify the target is why our drones kill so many civilians. This is the only thing, in my opinion, required to stop the ISIS advance. (this may be what he is doing now)

Obama needs to stop golfing and get involved. There is obviously some reform needed in Iraq. The Sunnis need included in the government and the persecution needs to end. The corruption in Iraq needs to be drastically reduced. Maliki needs to be defeated in the next election. The government needs to be more inclusive and Maliki isn't the man in my opinion. So the US needs to work behind the scene to have Maliki lose the next election and to get a more inclusive leader in place.

Won't be easy especially with a President more interested in a wedge shot then solving problems. But if he takes action and doesn't throw away the sacrifices our country made to give the Iraqis a chance at freedom I will applaud him.

Nothing. obama should do nothing except for evacuating the Americans out of the country. He can't even do that.

He is incapable. He is incompetent. He can only make things worse as he has worsened every situation he has been involved in anywhere in the world. Would you expect someone in a vegetative state to take care of an infant? No.

Much appreciated.

I agree, get our people the fuck out of there and stop interfering.


You appreciated that? Wonderful. You are clearly interested in honest, mature discussion. No question about it.

I've asked this on several threads with no success. If you're critical of Obama for what he has done (or not done) so far, what do you think he should do?


With all the vague criticisms and the dearth of ideas, it's understandable that some think the Republicans are just waiting for Obama to do something, anything, so they can take the opposite position.



First of all doing nothing is not an option.

Second doing anything because he is going to be criticized is just being a political coward, unfortunately that is where I think he may be.

Third I don't want him acting like the school yard wimp that all of a sudden has power and over reacts.

Here is some of what I think needs done, NOW.

Send in special operations forces who can call in targeted air strikes. Not having someone on the ground who can identify the target is why our drones kill so many civilians. This is the only thing, in my opinion, required to stop the ISIS advance. (this may be what he is doing now)

Obama needs to stop golfing and get involved. There is obviously some reform needed in Iraq. The Sunnis need included in the government and the persecution needs to end. The corruption in Iraq needs to be drastically reduced. Maliki needs to be defeated in the next election. The government needs to be more inclusive and Maliki isn't the man in my opinion. So the US needs to work behind the scene to have Maliki lose the next election and to get a more inclusive leader in place.

Won't be easy especially with a President more interested in a wedge shot then solving problems. But if he takes action and doesn't throw away the sacrifices our country made to give the Iraqis a chance at freedom I will applaud him.

Send in special operations forces who can call in targeted air strikes. Not having someone on the ground who can identify the target is why our drones kill so many civilians. This is the only thing, in my opinion, required to stop the ISIS advance. (this may be what he is doing now)

Agreed, on the above section of your post.

I've asked this on several threads with no success. If you're critical of Obama for what he has done (or not done) so far, what do you think he should do?


With all the vague criticisms and the dearth of ideas, it's understandable that some think the Republicans are just waiting for Obama to do something, anything, so they can take the opposite position.



First of all doing nothing is not an option.

Second doing anything because he is going to be criticized is just being a political coward, unfortunately that is where I think he may be.

Third I don't want him acting like the school yard wimp that all of a sudden has power and over reacts.

Here is some of what I think needs done, NOW.

Send in special operations forces who can call in targeted air strikes. Not having someone on the ground who can identify the target is why our drones kill so many civilians. This is the only thing, in my opinion, required to stop the ISIS advance. (this may be what he is doing now)

Obama needs to stop golfing and get involved. There is obviously some reform needed in Iraq. The Sunnis need included in the government and the persecution needs to end. The corruption in Iraq needs to be drastically reduced. Maliki needs to be defeated in the next election. The government needs to be more inclusive and Maliki isn't the man in my opinion. So the US needs to work behind the scene to have Maliki lose the next election and to get a more inclusive leader in place.

Won't be easy especially with a President more interested in a wedge shot then solving problems. But if he takes action and doesn't throw away the sacrifices our country made to give the Iraqis a chance at freedom I will applaud him.

Send in special operations forces who can call in targeted air strikes. Not having someone on the ground who can identify the target is why our drones kill so many civilians. This is the only thing, in my opinion, required to stop the ISIS advance. (this may be what he is doing now)

Agreed, on the above section of your post.

So you believe that Maliki should stay in office and the sectarian violence should continue?
Doing something requires knowledge, expertise and a plan. obama has nothing. If he does nothing the void in leadership might cause the emergence of a competent leader. Putin has indicated that he would help protect Iraq. He should do it. He's the emerging world leader. obama is a has been that never was.
First of all doing nothing is not an option.

Second doing anything because he is going to be criticized is just being a political coward, unfortunately that is where I think he may be.

Third I don't want him acting like the school yard wimp that all of a sudden has power and over reacts.

Here is some of what I think needs done, NOW.

Send in special operations forces who can call in targeted air strikes. Not having someone on the ground who can identify the target is why our drones kill so many civilians. This is the only thing, in my opinion, required to stop the ISIS advance. (this may be what he is doing now)

Obama needs to stop golfing and get involved. There is obviously some reform needed in Iraq. The Sunnis need included in the government and the persecution needs to end. The corruption in Iraq needs to be drastically reduced. Maliki needs to be defeated in the next election. The government needs to be more inclusive and Maliki isn't the man in my opinion. So the US needs to work behind the scene to have Maliki lose the next election and to get a more inclusive leader in place.

Won't be easy especially with a President more interested in a wedge shot then solving problems. But if he takes action and doesn't throw away the sacrifices our country made to give the Iraqis a chance at freedom I will applaud him.

Send in special operations forces who can call in targeted air strikes. Not having someone on the ground who can identify the target is why our drones kill so many civilians. This is the only thing, in my opinion, required to stop the ISIS advance. (this may be what he is doing now)

Agreed, on the above section of your post.

So you believe that Maliki should stay in office and the sectarian violence should continue?

No, I want him out soon also, but waiting for an election may take too long. He needs to be "persuaded" to go behind a curtain, NOW.
Doing something requires knowledge, expertise and a plan. obama has nothing. If he does nothing the void in leadership might cause the emergence of a competent leader. Putin has indicated that he would help protect Iraq. He should do it. He's the emerging world leader. obama is a has been that never was.

Putin is an emerging Franco, at best. Trust a KGB man? Never.
Doing something requires knowledge, expertise and a plan. obama has nothing. If he does nothing the void in leadership might cause the emergence of a competent leader. Putin has indicated that he would help protect Iraq. He should do it. He's the emerging world leader. obama is a has been that never was.

My first thought was, wouldn't it be kind of wonderful if Russia, China and the US joined together to fight the radical Muslims. Putin maybe a rising world leader but so was Hitler, better watch what you hope for.
First of all doing nothing is not an option.

Second doing anything because he is going to be criticized is just being a political coward, unfortunately that is where I think he may be.

Third I don't want him acting like the school yard wimp that all of a sudden has power and over reacts.

Here is some of what I think needs done, NOW.

Send in special operations forces who can call in targeted air strikes. Not having someone on the ground who can identify the target is why our drones kill so many civilians. This is the only thing, in my opinion, required to stop the ISIS advance. (this may be what he is doing now)

Obama needs to stop golfing and get involved. There is obviously some reform needed in Iraq. The Sunnis need included in the government and the persecution needs to end. The corruption in Iraq needs to be drastically reduced. Maliki needs to be defeated in the next election. The government needs to be more inclusive and Maliki isn't the man in my opinion. So the US needs to work behind the scene to have Maliki lose the next election and to get a more inclusive leader in place.

Won't be easy especially with a President more interested in a wedge shot then solving problems. But if he takes action and doesn't throw away the sacrifices our country made to give the Iraqis a chance at freedom I will applaud him.

Send in special operations forces who can call in targeted air strikes. Not having someone on the ground who can identify the target is why our drones kill so many civilians. This is the only thing, in my opinion, required to stop the ISIS advance. (this may be what he is doing now)

Agreed, on the above section of your post.

So you believe that Maliki should stay in office and the sectarian violence should continue?

Sectarian violence will continue whether or not Maliki is in office. The violence is coming from Syria. From Sunni fighters coming into Iraq from Syria. Iraq is a majority Shia country, most of whom are Baathists. Have another election and the majority elects another Shia. Now what of sectarian violence? It continues.
Americans who keep themselves informed can easily give knowledgeable opinions on domestic matters, but there is a great deal about foreign affairs that we don't know and have to trust to our leaders.

But we can look to our general principals, and to history.

After WWII, we tried to civilize the Muslims to buy their oil. Civilized people make contracts and honor them. We found the oil for them, and we produced it for them, and we paid them for---and made them rich.

But, it is now perfectly clear that we cannot civilize them. They live in the 9th century and they are determined to stay there.

If we pull out, we let them go back to killing each other with even a greater gusto than in many past centuries, because we have given them the money to buy weapons. One of these barbaric Muslims tribes is soon to have a nuclear bomb.

If we let them kill each other, which seems to be the prevailing wisdom, what is the likelihood that oil will hit $150, maybe $200 very soon. Should that be considered. We have enough oil ourselves to let them kill each other...but Obama just hates our oil. The Heartland folks, are mostly the ones who have it...and they are mostly Republicans.

Now, letting Jihadists Muslim Lunatics have their own state, in which to train and export Muslims Lunatics who think they will get 72 virgins...if they take a few American with them when they blow themsleves up...that probably won't be a problem right off the bat. The politicians can figure to get past the 2014 elections, may even the 2016...but the Muslims Lunatics will be coming to "Kill the Infidel--which is us---and they will be coming for New York City first.

So, we can have "peace in our time"...peace for maybe a few just getting the hell out.

I guess that's o.k.. I'm in the oil business, and I don't live in New York.

But, as an American, I think you fight Evil when and where it is found...and that New York harbor is a poor place to set up your first line of defense.
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Bring our boys home and keep them home. Americans should only die if our sovereignty is threatened. It hasn't been threatened since WWII.


And I can think of one area in which all those returning soldiers could be utilized:

Send in special operations forces who can call in targeted air strikes. Not having someone on the ground who can identify the target is why our drones kill so many civilians. This is the only thing, in my opinion, required to stop the ISIS advance. (this may be what he is doing now)

Agreed, on the above section of your post.

So you believe that Maliki should stay in office and the sectarian violence should continue?

No, I want him out soon also, but waiting for an election may take too long. He needs to be "persuaded" to go behind a curtain, NOW.

I am thinking it would be better for the Iraqi people to remove their leader. It is one thing to try and influence the vote, quite another to remove a legally elected person from office. I think it would make us look badly.
Bring our boys home and keep them home. Americans should only die if our sovereignty is threatened. It hasn't been threatened since WWII.


And I can think of one area in which all those returning soldiers could be utilized:


There are no soldiers in Iraq, except for a few. So what exactly are you asking about?

We have many soldiers still stationed in the Middle East, not to mention other countries.

And the question of the thread is, what should be be doing in Iraq?

I've gotten a few answers.

Keep our people off the ground as much as possible, and keep both sides fighting as long as possible. If they are fighting amongst themselves, they aren't fighting us.

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