One more try: What should we do in Iraq?

Until one enemy wins, and turns on the US? No thanks.

LOL...thats when we start bombing!

Short of taking over the region...there will always be a faction out to get the US and there will always be the smell of war in the air.

Thus, we want the weakest faction against the US. Then they can chant all they desire, see Iran, moving toward a secular government, with a nominal Ayatollah.

Shari'a is not going away in either country, and allied together they don't really have anything to fear from us.
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LOL...thats when we start bombing!

Short of taking over the region...there will always be a faction out to get the US and there will always be the smell of war in the air.

Thus, we want the weakest faction against the US. Then they can chant all they desire, see Iran, moving toward a secular government, with a nominal Ayatollah.

Shari'a is not going away in either country, and allied together they don't really have anything to fear from us.

What they have to fear is their subjects rebelling against authoritarian government, see former USSR, and "evolving" China.
Thus, we want the weakest faction against the US. Then they can chant all they desire, see Iran, moving toward a secular government, with a nominal Ayatollah.

Shari'a is not going away in either country, and allied together they don't really have anything to fear from us.

What they have to fear is their subjects rebelling against authoritarian government, see former USSR, and "evolving" China.

Neither government is going to "fall" to the forces of liberalism.

They are Shi'ite Muslims.
Obama will do nothing and do all he can to kick this can down the road so the next president has to deal with it, just like everything else in this administration.

The far left is celebrating the deaths of soldiers and now celebrating as Iraq is deep trouble. All so they can say they were right!

The far left has made a huge mess of things and should be taken out of power and never be allowed in these positions again.
Shari'a is not going away in either country, and allied together they don't really have anything to fear from us.

What they have to fear is their subjects rebelling against authoritarian government, see former USSR, and "evolving" China.

Neither government is going to "fall" to the forces of liberalism.

They are Shi'ite Muslims.

Again, Iran has evolved toward a more secular government.

And I can think of one area in which all those returning soldiers could be utilized:


There are no soldiers in Iraq, except for a few. So what exactly are you asking about?

We have many soldiers still stationed in the Middle East, not to mention other countries.

And the question of the thread is, what should be be doing in Iraq?

I've gotten a few answers.


Exactly right, you asked about Iraq so what's this talk about bring our boys back? They are back from Iraq. And I gave you an answer I guess you didn't like.
Again, Iran has evolved toward a more secular government. joke that I heard all day. .. :lol:

Most hardline Islamic revolutionaries do not go to college in Scotland, try again. Also, unlike his business predecessor, Rouhani admits the Holocaust happened. He has been photographed in western clothes until he slapped on the turban.
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Mac and Freewill, if you feel about it that way, then go enlist and go overseas.

What are you talking about, Jake? I am anti-war and I say that consistently.

Way to misrepresent my position precisely 180 degrees.

Go back to pretending to be a Republican, as if anyone is still buying that.


Now all we need is for the radical Muslims to become anti-war then we would be home free, until then???? Don't get me wrong I am not for another war but it doesn't have to be us fighting in Iraq, merely giving support.
There are no soldiers in Iraq, except for a few. So what exactly are you asking about?

We have many soldiers still stationed in the Middle East, not to mention other countries.

And the question of the thread is, what should be be doing in Iraq?

I've gotten a few answers.


Exactly right, you asked about Iraq so what's this talk about bring our boys back? They are back from Iraq. And I gave you an answer I guess you didn't like.

This is the twilight zone thread. Nobody understands what anyone else is trying to say.
We have many soldiers still stationed in the Middle East, not to mention other countries.

And the question of the thread is, what should be be doing in Iraq?

I've gotten a few answers.


Exactly right, you asked about Iraq so what's this talk about bring our boys back? They are back from Iraq. And I gave you an answer I guess you didn't like.

This is the twilight zone thread. Nobody understands what anyone else is trying to say.

It does seem that way. Jake seems to be chasing his tail trying to turn this against Mac.
Mac and Freewill, if you feel about it that way, then go enlist and go overseas.

What are you talking about, Jake? I am anti-war and I say that consistently.

Way to misrepresent my position precisely 180 degrees.

Go back to pretending to be a Republican, as if anyone is still buying that.


Now all we need is for the radical Muslims to become anti-war then we would be home free, until then???? Don't get me wrong I am not for another war but it doesn't have to be us fighting in Iraq, merely giving support.

Finding a capable leader that isn't a radical remains the problem.

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