One of my security cameras quit.

I got the cameras to see outside my house. So far I've caught three huge dogs in my backyard, two drunks stumbling down the street, one car run off the road, and several near misses. I caught one scumbag in my backyard at 3am too. I shined a light on him and he took off!
What a shithole.
That camera kept you from stealing Mike's lawnmower out of his garage, so who needs a Mayor?
I don't steal, let alone for LESSERS.
You have NOTHING I would want.
Any small town would be a shithole for you if they caught you stealing their stuff. You'd probably get your head blown off, then they'd they'd throw you piece of shit in it and cover you up with dirt.

Come to my area of operations, steal something, and find out if I'm right.
Mr. Tough Guy....^^^^^^^^^
Have you shot anyone recently?
That's pretty much all of Texas.
Naw, most are normal people.
Every State has their weirdos.
Isn't it telling how leftist scum, in a vain attempt to hijack this thread, have done nothing but show us all how sorry they are?

We are so glad we have no infestations of them here.
Isn't it telling how leftist scum, in a vain attempt to hijack this thread, have done nothing but show us all how sorry they are?

We are so glad we have no infestations of them here.
Sorry that your security camera failed?
Now I can't see in front of my house on the street. It flickers back on once in awhile so I waited until today to see if it would fix itself. Nope. My wife was after me to hurry up and order a new camera so I got busy.

Went out and took the old one off and and unhooked it and brought it in. Looked it up to see how much it cost and found out the replacement had to be for a certain system so I took the monitor off the recorder box and turned the box around to see the exact model number.

I saw two feed cables were unhooked! Hooked it all back up and it works! I'm talking to the cat today!
If you see a black guy, that is you.
I heard Billings aint the greatest either.
I've only drove thru Billings.
I'm not impressed with any town in Montana.

But it's where I was born.....and grew up.
And there's a reason I had to leave to find a job.
You can't beat the scenery tho.
I'm talking the sealed opener spring.....It's sealed for my protection. ;)

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