One of the most EVIL people on the EARTH, HITLEY CLINTONG


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2012
Talk about white trash out of control with power. Its Hitlery Clintong.

Hating both Bill and men and bent on power of self, its Hitlery Clintong. But "Bill Clinton, or Slick Willy; the grand used car salesman for death and "Nation building" under total evil...

Her evil daughter, who is probably Hubble's kid isn't showing up to fill her shoes. Oh how sad.

But here she is in real time telling you the powers our Founding Fathers fought against run the show, and she agrees with it. Can anyone say "TREASON"!!!!

[ame=]Hillary Clinton accidentally admits that the CFR runs this nation. Wow. - YouTube[/ame]

"The Council on Foreign Relations is the American branch of a society which originated in England ... [and] ... believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule established." Dr. Carroll Quigley

"As a teenager, I heard John Kennedy's summons to citizenship. And then, as a student, I heard that call clarified by a professor I had named Carroll Quigley."President Clinton, in his acceptance speech for the Democratic Party's nomination for president, 16 July 1992
Carroll Quigley

They Sell us down the river and just LAUGH AND us....a?

Watch that video and just tell me how she isn't saying "How grand I'm"
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I love her too.... her mother and my mother were both that makes us related.
Talk about white trash out of control with power. Its Hitlery Clintong.

Hating both Bill and men and bent on power of self, its Hitlery Clintong. But "Bill Clinton, or Slick Willy; the grand used car salesman for death and "Nation building" under total evil...

Her evil daughter, who is probably Hubble's kid isn't showing up to fill her shoes. Oh how sad.

But here she is in real time telling you the powers our Founding Fathers fought against run the show, and she agrees with it. Can anyone say "TREASON"!!!!

Hillary Clinton accidentally admits that the CFR runs this nation. Wow. - YouTube

"The Council on Foreign Relations is the American branch of a society which originated in England ... [and] ... believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule established." Dr. Carroll Quigley

"As a teenager, I heard John Kennedy's summons to citizenship. And then, as a student, I heard that call clarified by a professor I had named Carroll Quigley."President Clinton, in his acceptance speech for the Democratic Party's nomination for president, 16 July 1992
Carroll Quigley

They Sell us down the river and just LAUGH AND us....a?

Watch that video and just tell me how she isn't saying "How grand I'm"

The clintons have ties to marxism,thats why Obama made HELLERAY secretary of state because he also has ties to marxism which explains why he has been seen going around hugging her all the time.
She might be an example of a world class enabler for her husband's infidelity and a hypocrite and even an Alinsky disciple but she would be powerless if she wasn't riding on the evil wave of the Obama administration.
people cant get around the fact that the clintons are evil monsters.In the wacon tragedy Bill "i never had sex with that woman." Clinton lied to the american people on live television saying-We never fired onto the compond.The davidians fired at us but we never fired on them.Problem is the films taken that day show army helicopters firing machine gun rounds onto the compound. He then goes on to say-We never started any fires,the davidians were the ones that started the fires.again the problem with slick willies lies is that the films taken that day show an army tank with a flame thrower mounted on them shooting flames on the compound burning it down.

Clinton and his thugs murdered innocent women and children.survivors of that tragedy stated when they came out when they set it on fire,they were yelling-dont shoot,dont shoot. yet the ATF continued shooting at them when they came out.some free country we live in. during all this witme,Clinton was in the white house watching it all on tv with some known chinese mafia thugs. Janet Reno also stated in time magazine that Clinton gave her the okay to burn down the compound.

Till Bush came along,Clinton was the most evil and corrupt president ever.Now Obama is.every president that gets in is always worse than the previous one.
people cant get around the fact that the clintons are evil monsters.In the wacon tragedy Bill "i never had sex with that woman." Clinton lied to the american people on live television saying-We never fired onto the compond.The davidians fired at us but we never fired on them.Problem is the films taken that day show army helicopters firing machine gun rounds onto the compound. He then goes on to say-We never started any fires,the davidians were the ones that started the fires.again the problem with slick willies lies is that the films taken that day show an army tank with a flame thrower mounted on them shooting flames on the compound burning it down.

Clinton and his thugs murdered innocent women and children.survivors of that tragedy stated when they came out when they set it on fire,they were yelling-dont shoot,dont shoot. yet the ATF continued shooting at them when they came out.some free country we live in. during all this witme,Clinton was in the white house watching it all on tv with some known chinese mafia thugs. Janet Reno also stated in time magazine that Clinton gave her the okay to burn down the compound.

Till Bush came along,Clinton was the most evil and corrupt president ever.Now Obama is.every president that gets in is always worse than the previous one.

I hope people other than the regular trolls that frequent here see this post and comment on it.
Talk about white trash out of control with power. Its Hitlery Clintong.

Hating both Bill and men and bent on power of self, its Hitlery Clintong. But "Bill Clinton, or Slick Willy; the grand used car salesman for death and "Nation building" under total evil...

Her evil daughter, who is probably Hubble's kid isn't showing up to fill her shoes. Oh how sad.

But here she is in real time telling you the powers our Founding Fathers fought against run the show, and she agrees with it. Can anyone say "TREASON"!!!!

Hillary Clinton accidentally admits that the CFR runs this nation. Wow. - YouTube

"The Council on Foreign Relations is the American branch of a society which originated in England ... [and] ... believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule established." Dr. Carroll Quigley

"As a teenager, I heard John Kennedy's summons to citizenship. And then, as a student, I heard that call clarified by a professor I had named Carroll Quigley."President Clinton, in his acceptance speech for the Democratic Party's nomination for president, 16 July 1992
Carroll Quigley

They Sell us down the river and just LAUGH AND us....a?

Watch that video and just tell me how she isn't saying "How grand I'm"

The clintons have ties to marxism,thats why Obama made HELLERAY secretary of state because he also has ties to marxism which explains why he has been seen going around hugging her all the time.

The Clintongs are Marxism, but what the masses don't understand is , those that cry for them, leave themselves out of the crying.
So now this is in CT.

Well, all the best for your family, you softy who put this here.
Roboloon, with your vapid OP, you join the ranks of scumbags like 9/11 Rimjob, now.

I can't much take Hillary Clinton.

But your stupid rhetoric is on par with hack jackass scumbags of 9/11 Rimjob "caliber."

Roboloon, for God's sake, shut the fuck up you idiot.

So you love Hillary? You would say she does good for the Nation and really cares about we the people and our "Liberty"?

Just asking. ;)
The insane on the right have been attacking the CFR for DECADES. And the UN Small Arms Treaty is not a global gun ban; the purpose is to keep guns from terrorists. Bush's PATRIOT ACT, and related legislation are the most widespread gun control laws in the US, EVER.

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