Zone1 One person one account rule


Gold Member
Mar 14, 2015
This rule is the first one in the Guidelines. I wonder, how it can be followed on practice. How the mods can control various accounts from one person?
Just a tad more training and you will be there :thup:
nah. i am not worthy. i am actually very shy in person. i need to get used to someone very well before i actually start interacting comfortably and showing my true personality

they call it in arabic "akhad wej", meaning you get used to someone THEN you can start shitting on them lol
Just a tad more training and you will be there :thup:

Hey, mods, will there be any answer from your bunch? Okay, I will make my question more detailed. I think that the accounts of luiza and banana 777 belong to one poster. Is there any way to confirm or refute that?
Hey, mods, will there be any answer from your bunch? Okay, I will make my question more detailed. I think that the accounts of luiza and banana 777 belong to one poster. Is there any way to confirm or refute that?
I'm not a mod on this site...
I've worked with Xenforo platforms before though.
Not really sure about this version....but the admin/I could purchase all sorts of tools that can cut through a VPN and tell me if you are facing north or south while you are at your keyboard.
Yes, that precise of a location. (Cell phones make it somewhat a moot point....but not completely)

But these sorts of tools are not cheap and usually very unnecessary to achieve the goals. Gotta remember the object of the exercise from an owner perspective and not member.

Lots of things can be done by you specifically if someone upsets blocking them. This is supposed to be entertainment....
I'm not a mod on this site...
I've worked with Xenforo platforms before though.
Not really sure about this version....but the admin/I could purchase all sorts of tools that can cut through a VPN and tell me if you are facing north or south while you are at your keyboard.
Yes, that precise of a location. (Cell phones make it somewhat a moot point....but not completely)

But these sorts of tools are not cheap and usually very unnecessary to achieve the goals. Gotta remember the object of the exercise from an owner perspective and not member.

Lots of things can be done by you specifically if someone upsets blocking them. This is supposed to be entertainment....
By blocking you mean the ignore button? I haven't used it and don't see any reason to do that. That is not about upsetting, though a couple of posters seem to have left this board because of that troll.

I am 'okay' with all that garbage she/he (it) posts here and even personal insults it uses. I don't call on anyone to ban it, though I think reasons have already been.

My question is a bit wider. This specific rule exists to halt 'impostering', doesn't it? Reasons to be an imposter may wary. In this particular case I can count at least three active accounts being used by Russian trolls posing as Americans.

This site has a location feature, though it can be used by choose. I wonder whether it can be shown and identified automatically by the program.

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