Zone1 one reason Catholicism is widely hated: People worship freedom

I haven't read anything on that, just have had some personal experiences with Jews who do seriously follow and practice their faith. The trouble with social media is that we are pretty much locked into 'generally speaking' and 'generally speaking' is not always that accurate. It certainly doesn't tell the whole story.
well, I can't say I follow the Jewish people or issues as well as I follow Catholic issues
In my family, when all fifteen cousins got together, the child's eye view was that the seven Protestant cousins thought the eight Catholic cousins took religion too seriously; the eight Catholic cousins thought their Protestant cousins weren't serious enough. Within seconds, this settled to everyone's satisfaction, we were off to the ball field, baseball fanatics all, especially when we were together.
Bragging about your family's adult views on religion is not a good look, especially when it is vapid and contradictory. How is baseball a legitimate substitute for serious discussion of religious values?
They are when there's intentional lying is involved.

This is a very intentional lie because Patrick Henry did not write it or say it.

America's Christian Heritage 240310 {post•206} ding Mar’24 Sachyz: Patrick Henry "It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that his great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religion, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here." dvng 240310 Sachyz00206
I can't stand in front of a dinosaur skeleton and believe it never lived.

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