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One Term Donnie

You do realize the general you seem to respect is responsible for the cowardly killing of hundreds of American?
LOL. You donā€™t know WTF you are talking about. please get informed.

The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser
The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser

In reality thereā€™s no evidence for any of the reasons weā€™ve been offered for why Iran needed to be provoked into an almost inevitable retaliation that Trump is currently tweeting will result in all-out war:

  • The claim that Soleimani posed an ā€œimminent threatā€ is completely without evidence, rumored to be ā€œrazor thinā€œ, and entirely debunked in this excellent essay by Craig Murray.
  • Mike Penceā€™s claim that Soleimani assisted 9/11 terrorists is so ridiculous that even the war-loving Washington Post dismissed it.
  • Thereā€™s no proof that Soleimani directed the strike that allegedly killed a US contractor, or that that contractor even existed.
  • Thereā€™s no proof that Soleimani was involved in any ā€œattackā€ on any US embassy, leaving aside the obvious fact that a little graffiti on the walls wouldnā€™t justify his assassination if he did.
  • The ā€œhundreds of American deathsā€ line you hear regurgitated by everyone from Trump to Elizabeth Warren actually refers to Iraqis defending themselves from an illegal US invasion with some training from Iran. The claim that Iran was behind Iraqi bombs is withoutevidence and wouldnā€™t matter if it were true; claiming the inhabitants of an invaded nation donā€™t have the right to defend themselves is absurd, regardless of where they got their weaponry.
  • The claim that Soleimani was ā€œa terroristā€ is only made because the branch of the Iranian military he commanded was arbitrarily designated a terrorist organization by the US government last year, a designation that any foreign government could just as easily make for any branch of the US military. He was actually a fearsome enemy of ISIS and al-Qaeda and played a massive role in halting the spread of ISIS.
Trump has really turned this country into a shit show. No one is ever on the same page and no one can tell the truth.

Trump turned it into a shit show? It was a shit show long before Trump even considered running for office. The left was labeling moderate Republicans like Mitt Romney and John McCain as ultra conservatives when they dared to run against Barack Obama. Trump is the result of that behavior...not the cause of it.
Sounds like you agree.
An attack may be deemed ā€œimminentā€, according to the Bethlehem Doctrine, even if you know no details of it or when it might occur. So you may be assassinated by a drone or bomb strike ā€“ and the doctrine was specifically developed to justify such strikes ā€“ because of ā€œintelligenceā€ you are engaged in a plot, when that intelligence neither says what the plot is nor when it might occur. Or even more tenuous, because there is intelligence you have engaged in a plot before, so it is reasonable to kill you in case you do so again.

Lies, the Bethlehem Doctrine, and the Illegal Murder of Soleimani - Craig Murray

He's been killing and plotting to kill Americans, for decades.
Fuck 'em.

That is complete bullshit, propaganda, and there is no proof of that.

In fact, all evidence is to the contrary. If you had a clue about the history of this guy, he is the moderate voice in Iran, has worked clandestinely with the U.S. before, and has always been patient in trying to get things done w/o blood shed.

Point of fact, the reason the US and Israelis knew his whereabouts? He was on a PEACE MISSION, trying to end the conflict between Yemen and Saudi Arabia. I know the War profiteers would have hated that. . .

Soleimani Was in Iraq on Peace Mission When US Assassinated Him, Trump Lied About ā€œImminent Attacksā€ ā€“ USSA News | The Tea Party's Front Page

Soleimani Was in Iraq on Peace Mission When US Assassinated Him, Trump Lied About "Imminent Attacks"

What drives the U.S. nuts, is he is better at asymmetrical warfare. To think the Iranians are going to stop, or that he didn't train his commanders in this type of warfare? Complete insanity.

Just because you label someone a "terrorist" does not make them one.


An interesting proposal, Mr. B., I just wish you had something more substantial for me to believe other than one fringe news source which sites reference to numerous sources yet does not link us to any of them other than one other fringe news site which seems to circuitously be the source for the first.

GreyZone is highly respected on the Indysites

Max Blumenthal (born December 18, 1977) is an American author, journalist, blogger, and filmmaker. He was awarded the 2014 Lannan Foundation Cultural Freedom Notable Book Award for his book Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel (2013).[1][2] Blumenthal has written for The New York Times, The Nation, and Al Jazeera English, among other publications.[3] He was formerly a writer for AlterNet,[4] The Daily Beast, Al Akhbar, and Media Matters for America,[5] and was selected as a Fellow of the Nation Institute.[6] Blumenthal established The Grayzone in 2015 and continues to edit and write for the website.[7]
Max Blumenthal - Wikipedia

The Trump administration claimed Iranian general Qasem Soleimani was planning ā€œimminent attacksā€ on US interests when it assassinated him. That lie was just destroyed, but not before countless corporate media outlets transmitted it to the public.
Iraqi PM reveals Soleimani was on peace mission when assassinated, exploding Trumpā€™s lie of ā€˜imminent attacksā€™
By Max Blumenthal

If you refuse to believe the truth now? You are just suffering from some major cognitive distress that refuses to let you see truth.

This is a source that Rush Limbaugh often uses;

Soleimani Was In Baghdad On Peace Mission To De-Escalate With Saudis: Report

by Tyler Durden
Mon, 01/06/2020 - 18:05
Soleimani Was In Baghdad On Peace Mission To De-Escalate With Saudis: Report

How about Ron Paul, he a liar too?

Iraqi PM reveals Soleimani was on peace mission when assassinated, exploding Trumpā€™s lie of ā€˜imminent attacksā€™

Iraqi PM reveals Soleimani was on peace mission when assassinated, exploding Trumpā€™s lie of ā€˜imminent attacksā€™

Pompeo laughed at the assertion he was on a "Peace Mission". I laughed too! All Iranian propaganda. Of course he was on a peace mission, in his mind killing all americans will breakout peace everywhere (as he kills and supports terrorists groups - Ask Syrians, Libyans and Yemen's how they feel about the asshole). Death to Americans and all that. :badgrin::21::coffee::lame2::lmao::rofl:
Good lord you are an idiot.

Or just woefully under, mis, or dis-informed by corporate and government media. You don't have a clue what is going on.

That isn't IRANIAN propaganda. That is from the PM of Iraq, who was, ostensibly, before that vote, OUR ALLY.

Iraqi journalist on the ground, translating in ENGLISH FOR YOU;
Mustafa Salim on Twitter

IOW, it would be like the Canadians or British or Saudi's saying. . . uh, yeah, we arranged a peace conference, and uh, the American's and Israeli's decided to assassinate our prime negotiator in the conflict on the other side.

This is the type of barbarism that was engaged in in the dark ages and the middle ages. It is a very Mafia type thing to do. I guess we all shouldn't be surprised given Trump's history with the Mob. :71:

Say what you want, but I'll believe Pompeo over a Sunni. You're having the wool pulled over your eyes. The Sunni's want us out of Iraq so I'm sure he doesn't mind making shit up. No skin off his back. It helps out his cause which is to kick us out of Iraq. You're truly misinformed.

I don't normally call people names and I won't in this case either, but your name calling (IDIOT) "ad hominem" attack shows that either you can't carry on an adult conversation or you have an issue.
No he is not easy to fall for. The dude had about 40 years of lying all laid out for you before he ran for President. You chose to be lied to.

Dude I did not choose,I just did not know all the facts.I DID NOT KNOW about his 40 years of lying previously.ALL i knew was that he was the ONLY other choice I had to choose from between him and Hitlery and that he was not a career politician. Because he was not a career politician,it was no brainer for me at the time to do something i had never done before since i finally realised back in the early 90's how corrupt our government really is and how both parties are corrupt and one in the same..

I made the mistake of voting this time unlike all the other times since then only cause i figured anybody was a better choice than Hitlery. considering she was the only alternative,i still dont regret my choice. would i do it again? NO. Will i vote for him again in this election NO,I WONT for him OR the democrat party. . I cant undo my past,its kinda pointless telling us we should have known,whats done is done.

yes i SHOULD have known that since both parties are corrupt,Trump would be no different. I bought into what he said, my mistake. Hey at least unlike the majority of these posters that have come on here and trolled ignoring the evidence the OP and misterbeal presented that the General was not evil like the corporate controlled media has portrayed him to be,at least unlike THEM,I have ACCEPTED that he is a warmonger murderer. at least unlike THEM,I am not in denial mode as they are.

You had other choices then either of those 2. You chose to be duped by a career conman. And since it was 40 years of evidence you also chose not to investigate the man you voted for.
He laid it out for everyone to see his whole life. You chose not to even look into it.
Itā€™s funny how you are critical of those who dislike Trump. Are you really a covert Donnie supporter?

Nope, couldn't stand him when he spent most of his life as a democrat either. Dumb is dumb. Did you like him when he was a dem? He is still the same guy?

The question I have when people start leaving Parties, Aldo...is whether THEY have changed...or whether the Party they used to support has changed? Would you agree that the Democratic Party has made a substantial turn to the left in the past ten years? If you're a moderate Democrat or a moderate independent that usually votes for Democrats...is the Party really representing you at this point?
The D party has not gone substantially left. This is propaganda.

We just completed 8 years of O. He governed much like an R would. He was a corporatist and a warmonger.

Now the Ds have 2-3 candidates who are somewhat left and what does the corporate media do? they condemn them as socialists. It would appear the MSM is rooting for another establishment candidate who will continue doing the bidding of the 1%, as O did.
Good job on questioning the official story regarding the killing of Soleimani, the war hawk establishment in Washington never bats an eye about telling the BIG LIE in order to get their way, it isn't the guy in the Oval Office you have to worry about, it's the military industrial complex and all its warmongering sycophants that inhabit Washington that are the real problem. Personally I don't buy the story coming out of Washington and being parroted by the media, too many things don't make sense about this.

However I think you're probably mistaken regarding the effect this will have on Donny's re-election chances; Georgey Boy campaigned on non-interventionism and no nation building yet started a war on blatantly false premises and cruised to re-election without a hitch, O'Nimrod wasn't much better, he talked a good game but when it came time to shed blood overseas he kowtowed to War Inc. like the good little politician he is and was easily re-elected.

All in all this probably helps Donny get re-elected since the American people just love it when a President goes all John Wayne and starts killing evil foreigners with smart bombs.

"We like war! We're a war-like people! We like war because we're good at it! You know why we're good at it? Cause we get a lot of practice. This country's only 200 years old and already, we've had 10 major wars. We average a major war every 20 years in this country so we're good at it! And it's a good thing we are; we're not very good at anything else anymore! Huh? Can't build a decent car, can't make a TV set or a VCR worth a fuck, got no steel industry left, can't educate our young people, can't get health care to our old people, but we can bomb the shit out of your country all right! Huh? Especially if your country is full of brown people; oh we like that don't we? That's our hobby! That's our new job in the world: bombing brown people. Iraq, Panama, Grenada, Libya, you got some brown people in your country, tell them to watch the fuck out or we'll goddamn bomb them!" -- George Carlin
He might get reelected, but whether valid or not, I would not underestimate how strongly the Democrats believe he is an absolute danger to our democratic Republic, to our Nation!!!
The fact that Democrats believe he is "an absolute danger to our democratic Republic" is completely irrelevant since they only believe that because he has an "R" behind his name instead of "D". If Donny had a "D" behind his name and was doing EXACTLY the same things he's doing now it would be the Democrats licking his boots and the Republicans believing he is an "an absolute danger to our democratic Republic" , the hypocrisy and stupidity of the lemmings that belong to the two major political crime families makes me want to vomit.:cool:

The electoral college might still elect him, but the people, will surely not.
Uh-huh, the same was said about George "Bullshit War in Iraq" Bush in 2004, how did that work out for John Kerry and Crime Family-D?

Never underestimate the appetite of the American Electorate for shedding foreign blood.

I agree, Bush2 won his 2nd term.

Bush2 was despised, but Trump is a bully..... people really really really do not like leaders that bully them, they punch back.

That gives them the unlikely "shot" at winning imo.
I hope itā€™s more than that.

Many Americans like me voted for him because of his anti-war stance. Unlike all the idiot warmongers in this thread, I hope those like me abandon support for Donnie.

I thought cons wanted peace. I thought wrong. Their support for Donnie is unconditional, just as Ds supported O unconditionally.

Yes, we voted for him because of his anti-war stance. He has kept us out of war so far, even though the moronic left have been claiming he would get us into wars with NK, China, Syria.

Iran has declared war on the US. You think we should just ignore those threats?

we haven't been to war because of trump - we haven't been to war DESPITE trump; but our luck has just run out.
That is complete bullshit, propaganda, and there is no proof of that.

In fact, all evidence is to the contrary. If you had a clue about the history of this guy, he is the moderate voice in Iran, has worked clandestinely with the U.S. before, and has always been patient in trying to get things done w/o blood shed.

Point of fact, the reason the US and Israelis knew his whereabouts? He was on a PEACE MISSION, trying to end the conflict between Yemen and Saudi Arabia. I know the War profiteers would have hated that. . .

Soleimani Was in Iraq on Peace Mission When US Assassinated Him, Trump Lied About ā€œImminent Attacksā€ ā€“ USSA News | The Tea Party's Front Page

Soleimani Was in Iraq on Peace Mission When US Assassinated Him, Trump Lied About "Imminent Attacks"

What drives the U.S. nuts, is he is better at asymmetrical warfare. To think the Iranians are going to stop, or that he didn't train his commanders in this type of warfare? Complete insanity.

Just because you label someone a "terrorist" does not make them one.


An interesting proposal, Mr. B., I just wish you had something more substantial for me to believe other than one fringe news source which sites reference to numerous sources yet does not link us to any of them other than one other fringe news site which seems to circuitously be the source for the first.

GreyZone is highly respected on the Indysites

Max Blumenthal (born December 18, 1977) is an American author, journalist, blogger, and filmmaker. He was awarded the 2014 Lannan Foundation Cultural Freedom Notable Book Award for his book Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel (2013).[1][2] Blumenthal has written for The New York Times, The Nation, and Al Jazeera English, among other publications.[3] He was formerly a writer for AlterNet,[4] The Daily Beast, Al Akhbar, and Media Matters for America,[5] and was selected as a Fellow of the Nation Institute.[6] Blumenthal established The Grayzone in 2015 and continues to edit and write for the website.[7]
Max Blumenthal - Wikipedia

The Trump administration claimed Iranian general Qasem Soleimani was planning ā€œimminent attacksā€ on US interests when it assassinated him. That lie was just destroyed, but not before countless corporate media outlets transmitted it to the public.
Iraqi PM reveals Soleimani was on peace mission when assassinated, exploding Trumpā€™s lie of ā€˜imminent attacksā€™
By Max Blumenthal

If you refuse to believe the truth now? You are just suffering from some major cognitive distress that refuses to let you see truth.

This is a source that Rush Limbaugh often uses;

Soleimani Was In Baghdad On Peace Mission To De-Escalate With Saudis: Report

by Tyler Durden
Mon, 01/06/2020 - 18:05
Soleimani Was In Baghdad On Peace Mission To De-Escalate With Saudis: Report

How about Ron Paul, he a liar too?

Iraqi PM reveals Soleimani was on peace mission when assassinated, exploding Trumpā€™s lie of ā€˜imminent attacksā€™

Iraqi PM reveals Soleimani was on peace mission when assassinated, exploding Trumpā€™s lie of ā€˜imminent attacksā€™

Pompeo laughed at the assertion he was on a "Peace Mission". I laughed too! All Iranian propaganda. Of course he was on a peace mission, in his mind killing all americans will breakout peace everywhere (as he kills and supports terrorists groups - Ask Syrians, Libyans and Yemen's how they feel about the asshole). Death to Americans and all that. :badgrin::21::coffee::lame2::lmao::rofl:
Good lord you are an idiot.

Or just woefully under, mis, or dis-informed by corporate and government media. You don't have a clue what is going on.

That isn't IRANIAN propaganda. That is from the PM of Iraq, who was, ostensibly, before that vote, OUR ALLY.

Iraqi journalist on the ground, translating in ENGLISH FOR YOU;
Mustafa Salim on Twitter

IOW, it would be like the Canadians or British or Saudi's saying. . . uh, yeah, we arranged a peace conference, and uh, the American's and Israeli's decided to assassinate our prime negotiator in the conflict on the other side.

This is the type of barbarism that was engaged in in the dark ages and the middle ages. It is a very Mafia type thing to do. I guess we all shouldn't be surprised given Trump's history with the Mob. :71:

Say what you want, but I'll believe Pompeo over a Sunni. You're having the wool pulled over your eyes. The Sunni's want us out of Iraq so I'm sure he doesn't mind making shit up. No skin off his back. It helps out his cause which is to kick us out of Iraq. You're truly misinformed.

I don't normally call people names and I won't in this case either, but your name calling (IDIOT) "ad hominem" attack shows that either you can't carry on an adult conversation or you have an issue.
WTF! You believe an admitted liar and CIA cock sucker. Are you nuts?
He might get reelected, but whether valid or not, I would not underestimate how strongly the Democrats believe he is an absolute danger to our democratic Republic, to our Nation!!!
The fact that Democrats believe he is "an absolute danger to our democratic Republic" is completely irrelevant since they only believe that because he has an "R" behind his name instead of "D". If Donny had a "D" behind his name and was doing EXACTLY the same things he's doing now it would be the Democrats licking his boots and the Republicans believing he is an "an absolute danger to our democratic Republic" , the hypocrisy and stupidity of the lemmings that belong to the two major political crime families makes me want to vomit.:cool:

The electoral college might still elect him, but the people, will surely not.
Uh-huh, the same was said about George "Bullshit War in Iraq" Bush in 2004, how did that work out for John Kerry and Crime Family-D?

Never underestimate the appetite of the American Electorate for shedding foreign blood.

I agree, Bush2 won his 2nd term.

Bush2 was despised, but Trump is a bully..... people really really really do not like leaders that bully them, they punch back.

That gives them the unlikely "shot" at winning imo.
I hope itā€™s more than that.

Many Americans like me voted for him because of his anti-war stance. Unlike all the idiot warmongers in this thread, I hope those like me abandon support for Donnie.

I thought cons wanted peace. I thought wrong. Their support for Donnie is unconditional, just as Ds supported O unconditionally.

Yes, we voted for him because of his anti-war stance. He has kept us out of war so far, even though the moronic left have been claiming he would get us into wars with NK, China, Syria.

Iran has declared war on the US. You think we should just ignore those threats?

we haven't been to war because of trump - we haven't been to war DESPITE trump; but our luck has just run out.

We will only be at war if Iran attacks us.
An interesting proposal, Mr. B., I just wish you had something more substantial for me to believe other than one fringe news source which sites reference to numerous sources yet does not link us to any of them other than one other fringe news site which seems to circuitously be the source for the first.

GreyZone is highly respected on the Indysites

Max Blumenthal (born December 18, 1977) is an American author, journalist, blogger, and filmmaker. He was awarded the 2014 Lannan Foundation Cultural Freedom Notable Book Award for his book Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel (2013).[1][2] Blumenthal has written for The New York Times, The Nation, and Al Jazeera English, among other publications.[3] He was formerly a writer for AlterNet,[4] The Daily Beast, Al Akhbar, and Media Matters for America,[5] and was selected as a Fellow of the Nation Institute.[6] Blumenthal established The Grayzone in 2015 and continues to edit and write for the website.[7]
Max Blumenthal - Wikipedia

The Trump administration claimed Iranian general Qasem Soleimani was planning ā€œimminent attacksā€ on US interests when it assassinated him. That lie was just destroyed, but not before countless corporate media outlets transmitted it to the public.
Iraqi PM reveals Soleimani was on peace mission when assassinated, exploding Trumpā€™s lie of ā€˜imminent attacksā€™
By Max Blumenthal

If you refuse to believe the truth now? You are just suffering from some major cognitive distress that refuses to let you see truth.

This is a source that Rush Limbaugh often uses;

Soleimani Was In Baghdad On Peace Mission To De-Escalate With Saudis: Report

by Tyler Durden
Mon, 01/06/2020 - 18:05
Soleimani Was In Baghdad On Peace Mission To De-Escalate With Saudis: Report

How about Ron Paul, he a liar too?

Iraqi PM reveals Soleimani was on peace mission when assassinated, exploding Trumpā€™s lie of ā€˜imminent attacksā€™

Iraqi PM reveals Soleimani was on peace mission when assassinated, exploding Trumpā€™s lie of ā€˜imminent attacksā€™

Pompeo laughed at the assertion he was on a "Peace Mission". I laughed too! All Iranian propaganda. Of course he was on a peace mission, in his mind killing all americans will breakout peace everywhere (as he kills and supports terrorists groups - Ask Syrians, Libyans and Yemen's how they feel about the asshole). Death to Americans and all that. :badgrin::21::coffee::lame2::lmao::rofl:
Good lord you are an idiot.

Or just woefully under, mis, or dis-informed by corporate and government media. You don't have a clue what is going on.

That isn't IRANIAN propaganda. That is from the PM of Iraq, who was, ostensibly, before that vote, OUR ALLY.

Iraqi journalist on the ground, translating in ENGLISH FOR YOU;
Mustafa Salim on Twitter

IOW, it would be like the Canadians or British or Saudi's saying. . . uh, yeah, we arranged a peace conference, and uh, the American's and Israeli's decided to assassinate our prime negotiator in the conflict on the other side.

This is the type of barbarism that was engaged in in the dark ages and the middle ages. It is a very Mafia type thing to do. I guess we all shouldn't be surprised given Trump's history with the Mob. :71:

Say what you want, but I'll believe Pompeo over a Sunni. You're having the wool pulled over your eyes. The Sunni's want us out of Iraq so I'm sure he doesn't mind making shit up. No skin off his back. It helps out his cause which is to kick us out of Iraq. You're truly misinformed.

I don't normally call people names and I won't in this case either, but your name calling (IDIOT) "ad hominem" attack shows that either you can't carry on an adult conversation or you have an issue.
WTF! You believe an admitted liar and CIA cock sucker. Are you nuts?

You're right, I should believe a Sunni whom wants us out of Iraq instead.:icon_rolleyes:
The fact that Democrats believe he is "an absolute danger to our democratic Republic" is completely irrelevant since they only believe that because he has an "R" behind his name instead of "D". If Donny had a "D" behind his name and was doing EXACTLY the same things he's doing now it would be the Democrats licking his boots and the Republicans believing he is an "an absolute danger to our democratic Republic" , the hypocrisy and stupidity of the lemmings that belong to the two major political crime families makes me want to vomit.:cool:

Uh-huh, the same was said about George "Bullshit War in Iraq" Bush in 2004, how did that work out for John Kerry and Crime Family-D?

Never underestimate the appetite of the American Electorate for shedding foreign blood.

I agree, Bush2 won his 2nd term.

Bush2 was despised, but Trump is a bully..... people really really really do not like leaders that bully them, they punch back.

That gives them the unlikely "shot" at winning imo.
I hope itā€™s more than that.

Many Americans like me voted for him because of his anti-war stance. Unlike all the idiot warmongers in this thread, I hope those like me abandon support for Donnie.

I thought cons wanted peace. I thought wrong. Their support for Donnie is unconditional, just as Ds supported O unconditionally.

Yes, we voted for him because of his anti-war stance. He has kept us out of war so far, even though the moronic left have been claiming he would get us into wars with NK, China, Syria.

Iran has declared war on the US. You think we should just ignore those threats?

we haven't been to war because of trump - we haven't been to war DESPITE trump; but our luck has just run out.

We will only be at war if Iran attacks us.
If they kill a US general, will you be satisfied if Trump incinerates Tehran in retaliation ?
GreyZone is highly respected on the Indysites

Max Blumenthal (born December 18, 1977) is an American author, journalist, blogger, and filmmaker. He was awarded the 2014 Lannan Foundation Cultural Freedom Notable Book Award for his book Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel (2013).[1][2] Blumenthal has written for The New York Times, The Nation, and Al Jazeera English, among other publications.[3] He was formerly a writer for AlterNet,[4] The Daily Beast, Al Akhbar, and Media Matters for America,[5] and was selected as a Fellow of the Nation Institute.[6] Blumenthal established The Grayzone in 2015 and continues to edit and write for the website.[7]
Max Blumenthal - Wikipedia

The Trump administration claimed Iranian general Qasem Soleimani was planning ā€œimminent attacksā€ on US interests when it assassinated him. That lie was just destroyed, but not before countless corporate media outlets transmitted it to the public.
Iraqi PM reveals Soleimani was on peace mission when assassinated, exploding Trumpā€™s lie of ā€˜imminent attacksā€™
By Max Blumenthal

If you refuse to believe the truth now? You are just suffering from some major cognitive distress that refuses to let you see truth.

This is a source that Rush Limbaugh often uses;

Soleimani Was In Baghdad On Peace Mission To De-Escalate With Saudis: Report

by Tyler Durden
Mon, 01/06/2020 - 18:05
Soleimani Was In Baghdad On Peace Mission To De-Escalate With Saudis: Report

How about Ron Paul, he a liar too?

Iraqi PM reveals Soleimani was on peace mission when assassinated, exploding Trumpā€™s lie of ā€˜imminent attacksā€™

Iraqi PM reveals Soleimani was on peace mission when assassinated, exploding Trumpā€™s lie of ā€˜imminent attacksā€™

Pompeo laughed at the assertion he was on a "Peace Mission". I laughed too! All Iranian propaganda. Of course he was on a peace mission, in his mind killing all americans will breakout peace everywhere (as he kills and supports terrorists groups - Ask Syrians, Libyans and Yemen's how they feel about the asshole). Death to Americans and all that. :badgrin::21::coffee::lame2::lmao::rofl:
Good lord you are an idiot.

Or just woefully under, mis, or dis-informed by corporate and government media. You don't have a clue what is going on.

That isn't IRANIAN propaganda. That is from the PM of Iraq, who was, ostensibly, before that vote, OUR ALLY.

Iraqi journalist on the ground, translating in ENGLISH FOR YOU;
Mustafa Salim on Twitter

IOW, it would be like the Canadians or British or Saudi's saying. . . uh, yeah, we arranged a peace conference, and uh, the American's and Israeli's decided to assassinate our prime negotiator in the conflict on the other side.

This is the type of barbarism that was engaged in in the dark ages and the middle ages. It is a very Mafia type thing to do. I guess we all shouldn't be surprised given Trump's history with the Mob. :71:

Say what you want, but I'll believe Pompeo over a Sunni. You're having the wool pulled over your eyes. The Sunni's want us out of Iraq so I'm sure he doesn't mind making shit up. No skin off his back. It helps out his cause which is to kick us out of Iraq. You're truly misinformed.

I don't normally call people names and I won't in this case either, but your name calling (IDIOT) "ad hominem" attack shows that either you can't carry on an adult conversation or you have an issue.
WTF! You believe an admitted liar and CIA cock sucker. Are you nuts?

You're right, I should believe a Sunni whom wants us out of Iraq instead.:icon_rolleyes:


i'm wondering how much basket dwelling warriors are willing to sacrifice for this clusterfuck that is starting to spiral outa control?

$5 a gallon of gas?

how'z about a draft? are you willing to go & fight? why not enlist now huh?

if yer too old, how'z about yer kid? grand kids?

how'z about protecting israel along with our own backs? you know they could be hit - & of course they will hit back - escalating the possibilities of a scenario turning thermal.

c'mon - let's hear y'all - speak up!

If Obama and the progressives were still in power then a $7 gallon of gas might very well be in the cards, Playtime! They fought fracking tooth and nail. The only reason we WON'T see gas prices spike because of this conflict is that conservatives pushed oil and natural gas production to levels where WE are the world's biggest producer of both. The Middle East can screw with Europe and Japan. They can't do squat to us at this point.

But hey...feel free to elect another progressive in the next election and they'll return us to where we were at the mercy of people that really don't like us!

but but but OBAMAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! trump is prez NOW. we may go to war with iran on donny's watch. now are you willing to swallow the sacrifices i described above for yer dear leader or not? stay focused.
No he is not easy to fall for. The dude had about 40 years of lying all laid out for you before he ran for President. You chose to be lied to.

Dude I did not choose,I just did not know all the facts.I DID NOT KNOW about his 40 years of lying previously.ALL i knew was that he was the ONLY other choice I had to choose from between him and Hitlery and that he was not a career politician. Because he was not a career politician,it was no brainer for me at the time to do something i had never done before since i finally realised back in the early 90's how corrupt our government really is and how both parties are corrupt and one in the same..

I made the mistake of voting this time unlike all the other times since then only cause i figured anybody was a better choice than Hitlery. considering she was the only alternative,i still dont regret my choice. would i do it again? NO. Will i vote for him again in this election NO,I WONT for him OR the democrat party. . I cant undo my past,its kinda pointless telling us we should have known,whats done is done.

yes i SHOULD have known that since both parties are corrupt,Trump would be no different. I bought into what he said, my mistake. Hey at least unlike the majority of these posters that have come on here and trolled ignoring the evidence the OP and misterbeal presented that the General was not evil like the corporate controlled media has portrayed him to be,at least unlike THEM,I have ACCEPTED that he is a warmonger murderer. at least unlike THEM,I am not in denial mode as they are.

You had other choices then either of those 2. You chose to be duped by a career conman. And since it was 40 years of evidence you also chose not to investigate the man you voted for.
He laid it out for everyone to see his whole life. You chose not to even look into it.
Itā€™s funny how you are critical of those who dislike Trump. Are you really a covert Donnie supporter?

Nope, couldn't stand him when he spent most of his life as a democrat either. Dumb is dumb. Did you like him when he was a dem? He is still the same guy?

The question I have when people start leaving Parties, Aldo...is whether THEY have changed...or whether the Party they used to support has changed? Would you agree that the Democratic Party has made a substantial turn to the left in the past ten years? If you're a moderate Democrat or a moderate independent that usually votes for Democrats...is the Party really representing you at this point?

No it is not, that is one reason I split away.
The fact that Democrats believe he is "an absolute danger to our democratic Republic" is completely irrelevant since they only believe that because he has an "R" behind his name instead of "D". If Donny had a "D" behind his name and was doing EXACTLY the same things he's doing now it would be the Democrats licking his boots and the Republicans believing he is an "an absolute danger to our democratic Republic" , the hypocrisy and stupidity of the lemmings that belong to the two major political crime families makes me want to vomit.:cool:

Uh-huh, the same was said about George "Bullshit War in Iraq" Bush in 2004, how did that work out for John Kerry and Crime Family-D?

Never underestimate the appetite of the American Electorate for shedding foreign blood.

I agree, Bush2 won his 2nd term.

Bush2 was despised, but Trump is a bully..... people really really really do not like leaders that bully them, they punch back.

That gives them the unlikely "shot" at winning imo.
I hope itā€™s more than that.

Many Americans like me voted for him because of his anti-war stance. Unlike all the idiot warmongers in this thread, I hope those like me abandon support for Donnie.

I thought cons wanted peace. I thought wrong. Their support for Donnie is unconditional, just as Ds supported O unconditionally.

Yes, we voted for him because of his anti-war stance. He has kept us out of war so far, even though the moronic left have been claiming he would get us into wars with NK, China, Syria.

Iran has declared war on the US. You think we should just ignore those threats?

we haven't been to war because of trump - we haven't been to war DESPITE trump; but our luck has just run out.

We will only be at war if Iran attacks us.

uh-huh. israel must be shitting their collective skivvies. & if they get hit then we are at war.
I agree, Bush2 won his 2nd term.

Bush2 was despised, but Trump is a bully..... people really really really do not like leaders that bully them, they punch back.

That gives them the unlikely "shot" at winning imo.
I hope itā€™s more than that.

Many Americans like me voted for him because of his anti-war stance. Unlike all the idiot warmongers in this thread, I hope those like me abandon support for Donnie.

I thought cons wanted peace. I thought wrong. Their support for Donnie is unconditional, just as Ds supported O unconditionally.

Yes, we voted for him because of his anti-war stance. He has kept us out of war so far, even though the moronic left have been claiming he would get us into wars with NK, China, Syria.

Iran has declared war on the US. You think we should just ignore those threats?

we haven't been to war because of trump - we haven't been to war DESPITE trump; but our luck has just run out.

We will only be at war if Iran attacks us.
If they kill a US general, will you be satisfied if Trump incinerates Tehran in retaliation ?

Yes, seeing how our generals arenā€™t engaged in killing Iranians.
I hope itā€™s more than that.

Many Americans like me voted for him because of his anti-war stance. Unlike all the idiot warmongers in this thread, I hope those like me abandon support for Donnie.

I thought cons wanted peace. I thought wrong. Their support for Donnie is unconditional, just as Ds supported O unconditionally.

Yes, we voted for him because of his anti-war stance. He has kept us out of war so far, even though the moronic left have been claiming he would get us into wars with NK, China, Syria.

Iran has declared war on the US. You think we should just ignore those threats?

we haven't been to war because of trump - we haven't been to war DESPITE trump; but our luck has just run out.

We will only be at war if Iran attacks us.
If they kill a US general, will you be satisfied if Trump incinerates Tehran in retaliation ?

Yes, seeing how our generals arenā€™t engaged in killing Iranians.
How do you know? An Iranian was just murdered. Maybe a US general directed the cold blooded killing.

Killing millions of innocent defenseless Iranians for the death of one general. Good God youā€™re fucking crazy.
Yes, we voted for him because of his anti-war stance. He has kept us out of war so far, even though the moronic left have been claiming he would get us into wars with NK, China, Syria.

Iran has declared war on the US. You think we should just ignore those threats?

we haven't been to war because of trump - we haven't been to war DESPITE trump; but our luck has just run out.

We will only be at war if Iran attacks us.
If they kill a US general, will you be satisfied if Trump incinerates Tehran in retaliation ?

Yes, seeing how our generals arenā€™t engaged in killing Iranians.
How do you know? An Iranian was just murdered. Maybe a US general directed the cold blooded killing.

Killing millions of innocent defenseless Iranians for the death of one general. Good God youā€™re fucking crazy.
An Iranian general in Iraq, who had long been designated a terrorist by the Obama administration and the EU. Or are you trying to argue he didnā€™t know that fact?
I hope itā€™s more than that.

Many Americans like me voted for him because of his anti-war stance. Unlike all the idiot warmongers in this thread, I hope those like me abandon support for Donnie.

I thought cons wanted peace. I thought wrong. Their support for Donnie is unconditional, just as Ds supported O unconditionally.

Yes, we voted for him because of his anti-war stance. He has kept us out of war so far, even though the moronic left have been claiming he would get us into wars with NK, China, Syria.

Iran has declared war on the US. You think we should just ignore those threats?

we haven't been to war because of trump - we haven't been to war DESPITE trump; but our luck has just run out.

We will only be at war if Iran attacks us.
If they kill a US general, will you be satisfied if Trump incinerates Tehran in retaliation ?

Yes, seeing how our generals arenā€™t engaged in killing Iranians.
My guess is the CIA will do a nice little false flag in the Persian Gulf. Then you will be so happy to massacre innocent Iranians. Yippee!!!!
we haven't been to war because of trump - we haven't been to war DESPITE trump; but our luck has just run out.

We will only be at war if Iran attacks us.
If they kill a US general, will you be satisfied if Trump incinerates Tehran in retaliation ?

Yes, seeing how our generals arenā€™t engaged in killing Iranians.
How do you know? An Iranian was just murdered. Maybe a US general directed the cold blooded killing.

Killing millions of innocent defenseless Iranians for the death of one general. Good God youā€™re fucking crazy.
An Iranian general in Iraq, who had long been designated a terrorist by the Obama administration and the EU. Or are you trying to argue he didnā€™t know that fact?
Do you think the US Lying Government labels ALL Iranian generals as terrorists?
Here's a blast from the past that you might want to remember................

Archduke Ferdinand.

He's the guy who was assassinated in Sarajevo, and that started WWI.
Yes, we voted for him because of his anti-war stance. He has kept us out of war so far, even though the moronic left have been claiming he would get us into wars with NK, China, Syria.

Iran has declared war on the US. You think we should just ignore those threats?

we haven't been to war because of trump - we haven't been to war DESPITE trump; but our luck has just run out.

We will only be at war if Iran attacks us.
If they kill a US general, will you be satisfied if Trump incinerates Tehran in retaliation ?

Yes, seeing how our generals arenā€™t engaged in killing Iranians.
My guess is the CIA will do a nice little false flag in the Persian Gulf. Then you will be so happy to massacre innocent Iranians. Yippee!!!!

Ah of course, the Iranians would never harm us! If there is an ā€œattackā€, it will be from the CIA, or better yet Mossad, right? It always comes back to them Jews, yes?
Here's a blast from the past that you might want to remember................

Archduke Ferdinand.

He's the guy who was assassinated in Sarajevo, and that started WWI.

Liberals sure are playing up this WW3 thing.

Tell us, who is going to stand between America and Iran? China? Russia? Because both of them are staying clear of Iran.

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