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One Term Donnie

Beale Iā€™ve tried to show you alternatives to the ā€œtrump is NWOā€ mantra you seem to want to hang on to. If you would just do yourself the favor of looking deeper youā€™ll see how clear it is. Everything trump is doing is waking people up to the idea of the deep state. Only a few short years ago the phrase ā€œdeep stateā€ was conspiracy theory lore. Now itā€™s a household phrase. Millions of people are waking up to the NWO and you think this is some big elaborate psy-op when they couldā€™ve just had Hillary win and destroy the republic? Use your damn intuition on this one. The NWO has NEVER utilized the idea of truth or anything resembling it in their entire history. Waking millions of people up to what theyā€™ve been doing is the absolute LAST thing they want.

Iā€™m done debating this with you. Iā€™ve taken MONTHS of my time to research this stuff and Iā€™ve seen all I need to see to get off the fence on this and realize that something amazing is happening. If you donā€™t want to be a part of it then Iā€™ll be here to say I told you so when the time comes.

yeah thats WHY you did not read anything of what he posted cause you want to spend MONTHS doing what MW does, listen for months to people like alex jones and same as her, desperatly hold out hope that Trump is this white knight in shining armour different than warmongers Bush and Obama.:lmao::laughing0301::cuckoo:

You ignore the facts that trump is all talk and no action,that he says what everybody WANTS to hear, I even fell for him for the first couple years thinking he was not a crminal like Bush and Obama and different from them.He had ME going for a while as well,but his actions betray that. so I FINALLY woke up.

He is easy to want to believe in cause unlike previous others,he tells the truth abouyt the media being corrupt and how corrupt our government is saying the fed is the problem but he has yet to do ANYTHING about these evil organizations the fed,the CIA,the FBI and all these other criminal organizations.

IF he was sincere,he would have done so by now and he could have signed some kind of executive order to abolish them. misterbeal is looking at the REAL evidence,you have spent months looking at the evidence they WANT you to look at. ever thing about that one?:rolleyes:
You can barely utilize the language of the country you claim to care about. Have you ever taken the few minutes it takes to proofread what you write? You make yourself look like a bumbling moron when you canā€™t even spell common words right, or use proper sentence structure. And this is to say nothing of your abysmal grasp on punctuation. Iā€™m sure youā€™ll just want to call me a grammar nazi and move on which is fine, I am, because not even having a grade school level usage of our countryā€™s language is pathetic. How am I supposed to take your critical thinking skills seriously when a 5th grader could write better than you?
No. Sheā€™s all yours.
So you are MORE than Ok with what President Trump, did correct?

Unless you are a sadistic SOB who likes taking a drill to a 4 year old boys leg in front of his mom....right?
Your Hero, General Salami once took a cordless drill to a 4 year old boy's leg because his parents weren't cooperating with him. Does that kind of stuff go on in your part of the world? Maybe you are ok with that.

Maybe deep down inside you are a Terrible, Evil and Immoral Person, and the only thing that makes you feel good is to point your finger at others.

That is the only way to explain your posts. You are a calloused Cretan with no Moral Compass.
Lies and more lies. Thatā€™s all you crazed warmongers ever offer.

No kidding.

Folks have this terrible willingness to believe anything.

Paulie is like, oh, the left hates Trump, that must mean he is good? Well, the right hates the left? Does that mean they are good?

And Original Tree doesn't link to this outrageous story of the general torturing a kid. .. so I guess that means we should just all believe Trump is a pussy grabbing, womanizing guy that loves to watch whores piss, right?

Good lord, folks will believe what ever they want. . .

Discussion is pointless now.

you nailed it beautifully.
Thatā€™s right. He wonā€™t be re-elected. His cowardly and enormously stupid cold blooded killing of the general has needlessly inflamed the region, and now Americans will die.

He campaigned on nonintervention, just as his two lying predecessors did, but now we know he too is a liar.

Donnie just made Sniify Joe look like a foreign policy expert. God help us.

  1. 1-Term Donnie.
  2. Cowardly.
  3. Stupid Cold-Blooded Killing.
  4. Needlessly inflamed.
  5. American will die.
Are you willing to lay down a bet he won't be reelected? What are you willing to put up?

Coward. Support that claim with facts, not emotions.

Cold-Blooded Killing. You mean like the hundreds of Americans the general killed that you were OK with?

Needlessly inflamed. Oh you mean we should have just left well enough alone like before when they were just trying to burn down our embassy, attack out ships, while chanting death to America?

Americans will die. Hey DUMBASS, Americans were already dying. Why don't you go lick some Ayatollah ass, since you seem to like it so much.
Yet another dumb fuck American totally clueless, thanks to consuming propaganda generated by billionaires and a criminal government.

The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser
The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser

In reality thereā€™s no evidence for any of the reasons weā€™ve been offered for why Iran needed to be provoked into an almost inevitable retaliation that Trump is currently tweeting will result in all-out war:

  • The claim that Soleimani posed an ā€œimminent threatā€ is completely without evidence, rumored to be ā€œrazor thinā€œ, and entirely debunked in this excellent essay by Craig Murray.
  • Mike Penceā€™s claim that Soleimani assisted 9/11 terrorists is so ridiculous that even the war-loving Washington Post dismissed it.
  • Thereā€™s no proof that Soleimani directed the strike that allegedly killed a US contractor, or that that contractor even existed.
  • Thereā€™s no proof that Soleimani was involved in any ā€œattackā€ on any US embassy, leaving aside the obvious fact that a little graffiti on the walls wouldnā€™t justify his assassination if he did.
  • The ā€œhundreds of American deathsā€ line you hear regurgitated by everyone from Trump to Elizabeth Warren actually refers to Iraqis defending themselves from an illegal US invasion with some training from Iran. The claim that Iran was behind Iraqi bombs is withoutevidence and wouldnā€™t matter if it were true; claiming the inhabitants of an invaded nation donā€™t have the right to defend themselves is absurd, regardless of where they got their weaponry.
  • The claim that Soleimani was ā€œa terroristā€ is only made because the branch of the Iranian military he commanded was arbitrarily designated a terrorist organization by the US government last year, a designation that any foreign government could just as easily make for any branch of the US military. He was actually a fearsome enemy of ISIS and al-Qaeda and played a massive role in halting the spread of ISIS.

taking everyone to school AGAIN.:2up:
Iā€™m afraid they havenā€™t learned a fucking thing.

Rs and cons like to complain about fake news, then they gullibly swallow the governmentā€™s lies about Iran. I really didnā€™t think them this stupid.

Iā€™m ashamed to admit I was once a con.

yeah they are so far gone brainwashed and in denial mode,they always change the subject and act like they did not see your post when you give them hard evidence that Bush was the same as Obama.That he lied about reversing Bushs policys only expanding them including the middle east war.this act of Trumps makes him no different than those warmongers. the ONLY difference between trump getting elected and HITLERY is Hitlery would have done this a LONG time ago in year one,she would not have put it off for three in half years so this was the one time i am happy that one candidate got elected over the other one.

Like when Romney and Obama ran against each other,i did not give a shit which got in same with mccain and Obama.did not give a crap.so I still dont regret I wanted trump in over Hitlery since as i said,she would have ALREADY have done that a long time ago.
Itā€™s truly amazing how similar the Obamabots and Trumpettes are. They love their man no matter what.
The problem here is simply double standards. Folks refuse to see how stupid they are being, they refuse to see through the lies, propaganda and fog of war.

Folks in America think that if you are from an intelligence agency of the West, Russia, or China, then you are legitimate.

OTH, if you are from an intelligence agency from a second world nation trying to defend your nation using asymmetrical warfare? Well, then, you don't get to dictate the terms of international law. The powerful get to call anyone they want a terrorist, yet, their own folks are "intelligence assets."





Why are the CIA and FSB not terrorist organizations, yet the Quds force is? Simple, double standards based on political goals only. Anything that the Quds has done, Mossad, FSB, MI6, and the CIA have done tenfold.

Only the dumb and blind that cannot parse out the goals of propaganda, and do not see what is obvious.

So you admit the Quds are working covertly to run interference on behalf of Iran for Iranian interests. The only difference is they are our enemy.

Donā€™t tell gipper though, he doesnā€™t think they were doing anything against the US or had the ability hurt America.

Of course I admit as much.

Only a fool wouldn't.

Your problem is being a victim of propaganda. There ARE NO ENEMIES. Just conflicting interests. In WWI, who were the bad guys? :dunno:

America and Britain have been messing with Iran for over a hundred years. What Iran is doing is called self-defense, duh.

America has a similar policy. . . The Monroe Doctrine I believe. Anytime any nation outside the Western hemisphere starts meddling in this area of the globe? We take exception to it, as threat to our national identity, sovereignty and freedom. We will make them feel pain if we can. The CIA is quite expert at it. We even influence national politics in several nations now. A lot of those nations are our client states.

What makes those folks in Iran less deserving of the same respect Americans have?

Is it because they are sitting on our oil? Or maybe they are not a part of the international banking cabal? Or maybe because you don't like their religion? What makes them not deserving of being left alone? What makes them "your enemy." :dunno:

In Brazen Act Of Aggression, Iran Deploys Its Country Right Next To Our Aircraft Carrier
In Brazen Act Of Aggression, Iran Deploys Its Country Right Next To Our Aircraft Carrier

"It is clear that Iran wants war," said National Security Advisor John Bolton. "Our carrier strike group was just off on a pleasure cruise on the other side of the world, and Iran insisted on placing its country right next to it."

"We will not stand for this kind of saber-rattling," he said.

Bolton says the U.S. tried to use diplomacy. He stated that a diplomat was sent to Iran to ask nicely if they would consider moving their country away from our military forces and hundreds of bases around the world. Iran then claimed they couldn't find any space on the globe that was a safe distance from the U.S. military.. . . "

No. Sheā€™s all yours.
So you are MORE than Ok with what President Trump, did correct?

Unless you are a sadistic SOB who likes taking a drill to a 4 year old boys leg in front of his mom....right?
Your Hero, General Salami once took a cordless drill to a 4 year old boy's leg because his parents weren't cooperating with him. Does that kind of stuff go on in your part of the world? Maybe you are ok with that.

Maybe deep down inside you are a Terrible, Evil and Immoral Person, and the only thing that makes you feel good is to point your finger at others.

That is the only way to explain your posts. You are a calloused Cretan with no Moral Compass.
Lies and more lies. Thatā€™s all you crazed warmongers ever offer.

No kidding.

Folks have this terrible willingness to believe anything.

Paulie is like, oh, the left hates Trump, that must mean he is good? Well, the right hates the left? Does that mean they are good?

And Original Tree doesn't link to this outrageous story of the general torturing a kid. .. so I guess that means we should just all believe Trump is a pussy grabbing, womanizing guy that loves to watch whores piss, right?

Good lord, folks will believe what ever they want. . .

Discussion is pointless now.
So right. Is it any wonder this country is so fucked up? Dupes are everywhere.
  1. 1-Term Donnie.
  2. Cowardly.
  3. Stupid Cold-Blooded Killing.
  4. Needlessly inflamed.
  5. American will die.
Are you willing to lay down a bet he won't be reelected? What are you willing to put up?

Coward. Support that claim with facts, not emotions.

Cold-Blooded Killing. You mean like the hundreds of Americans the general killed that you were OK with?

Needlessly inflamed. Oh you mean we should have just left well enough alone like before when they were just trying to burn down our embassy, attack out ships, while chanting death to America?

Americans will die. Hey DUMBASS, Americans were already dying. Why don't you go lick some Ayatollah ass, since you seem to like it so much.
Yet another dumb fuck American totally clueless, thanks to consuming propaganda generated by billionaires and a criminal government.

The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser
The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser

In reality thereā€™s no evidence for any of the reasons weā€™ve been offered for why Iran needed to be provoked into an almost inevitable retaliation that Trump is currently tweeting will result in all-out war:

  • The claim that Soleimani posed an ā€œimminent threatā€ is completely without evidence, rumored to be ā€œrazor thinā€œ, and entirely debunked in this excellent essay by Craig Murray.
  • Mike Penceā€™s claim that Soleimani assisted 9/11 terrorists is so ridiculous that even the war-loving Washington Post dismissed it.
  • Thereā€™s no proof that Soleimani directed the strike that allegedly killed a US contractor, or that that contractor even existed.
  • Thereā€™s no proof that Soleimani was involved in any ā€œattackā€ on any US embassy, leaving aside the obvious fact that a little graffiti on the walls wouldnā€™t justify his assassination if he did.
  • The ā€œhundreds of American deathsā€ line you hear regurgitated by everyone from Trump to Elizabeth Warren actually refers to Iraqis defending themselves from an illegal US invasion with some training from Iran. The claim that Iran was behind Iraqi bombs is withoutevidence and wouldnā€™t matter if it were true; claiming the inhabitants of an invaded nation donā€™t have the right to defend themselves is absurd, regardless of where they got their weaponry.
  • The claim that Soleimani was ā€œa terroristā€ is only made because the branch of the Iranian military he commanded was arbitrarily designated a terrorist organization by the US government last year, a designation that any foreign government could just as easily make for any branch of the US military. He was actually a fearsome enemy of ISIS and al-Qaeda and played a massive role in halting the spread of ISIS.

taking everyone to school AGAIN.:2up:
Iā€™m afraid they havenā€™t learned a fucking thing.

Rs and cons like to complain about fake news, then they gullibly swallow the governmentā€™s lies about Iran. I really didnā€™t think them this stupid.

Iā€™m ashamed to admit I was once a con.

yeah they are so far gone brainwashed and in denial mode,they always change the subject and act like they did not see your post when you give them hard evidence that Bush was the same as Obama.That he lied about reversing Bushs policys only expanding them including the middle east war.this act of Trumps makes him no different than those warmongers. the ONLY difference between trump getting elected and HITLERY is Hitlery would have done this a LONG time ago in year one,she would not have put it off for three in half years so this was the one time i am happy that one candidate got elected over the other one.

Like when Romney and Obama ran against each other,i did not give a shit which got in same with mccain and Obama.did not give a crap.so I still dont regret I wanted trump in over Hitlery since as i said,she would have ALREADY have done that a long time ago.
Itā€™s truly amazing how similar the Obamabots and Trumpettes are. They love their man no matter what.

yeah MW is the worst of them all.she would never consider looking at tll those excellent links that Misterbeal posted she so much thinks of alex jones as god that can say no wrong in his worshipping of trump,that trump is the white knight here to save us from government corruption.

i guess some people just want to cling on to false hope that one of their elected they think is the answer,can do no wrong. that he is mister perfect.:rolleyes:
The problem here is simply double standards. Folks refuse to see how stupid they are being, they refuse to see through the lies, propaganda and fog of war.

Folks in America think that if you are from an intelligence agency of the West, Russia, or China, then you are legitimate.

OTH, if you are from an intelligence agency from a second world nation trying to defend your nation using asymmetrical warfare? Well, then, you don't get to dictate the terms of international law. The powerful get to call anyone they want a terrorist, yet, their own folks are "intelligence assets."





Why are the CIA and FSB not terrorist organizations, yet the Quds force is? Simple, double standards based on political goals only. Anything that the Quds has done, Mossad, FSB, MI6, and the CIA have done tenfold.

Only the dumb and blind that cannot parse out the goals of propaganda, and do not see what is obvious.

So you admit the Quds are working covertly to run interference on behalf of Iran for Iranian interests. The only difference is they are our enemy.

Donā€™t tell gipper though, he doesnā€™t think they were doing anything against the US or had the ability hurt America.

Of course I admit as much.

Only a fool wouldn't.

Your problem is being a victim of propaganda. There ARE NO ENEMIES. Just conflicting interests. In WWI, who were the bad guys? :dunno:

America and Britain have been messing with Iran for over a hundred years. What Iran is doing is called self-defense, duh.

America has a similar policy. . . The Monroe Doctrine I believe. Anytime any nation outside the Western hemisphere starts meddling in this area of the globe? We take exception to it, as threat to our national identity, sovereignty and freedom. We will make them feel pain if we can. The CIA is quite expert at it. We even influence national politics in several nations now. A lot of those nations are our client states.

What makes those folks in Iran less deserving of the same respect Americans have?

Is it because they are sitting on our oil? Or maybe they are not a part of the international banking cabal? Or maybe because you don't like their religion? What makes them not deserving of being left alone? What makes them "your enemy." :dunno:

In Brazen Act Of Aggression, Iran Deploys Its Country Right Next To Our Aircraft Carrier
In Brazen Act Of Aggression, Iran Deploys Its Country Right Next To Our Aircraft Carrier

"It is clear that Iran wants war," said National Security Advisor John Bolton. "Our carrier strike group was just off on a pleasure cruise on the other side of the world, and Iran insisted on placing its country right next to it."

"We will not stand for this kind of saber-rattling," he said.

Bolton says the U.S. tried to use diplomacy. He stated that a diplomat was sent to Iran to ask nicely if they would consider moving their country away from our military forces and hundreds of bases around the world. Iran then claimed they couldn't find any space on the globe that was a safe distance from the U.S. military.. . . "


Iā€™m all for leaving Iran to themselves. However they are the ones funding terrorism and attacking our troops. We havenā€™t set foot inside Iran nor harmed their troops. They are the belligerent ones. No stupid map depicting only American bases, while ignoring where Iranian and terrorists are, is going to change that.
Thatā€™s right. He wonā€™t be re-elected. His cowardly and enormously stupid cold blooded killing of the general has needlessly inflamed the region, and now Americans will die.

He campaigned on nonintervention, just as his two lying predecessors did, but now we know he too is a liar.

Donnie just made Sniify Joe look like a foreign policy expert. God help us.

You just fucking now figured out he is a liar, really?
Oh I always knew him a liar, but I had hoped he wasnā€™t a warmonger like W and O. I know now heā€™s just another disgusting warmonger.

He has lied about EVERYTHING imaginable why did you think this would be different?
I suppose you are right. My mistake.

Yeah me and you both.I also made that same mistake.
Trump SAID all the right things you wanted to hear at his inaguration.Since he wasnt a career politician was why I INITIALLY thought he was different than Bush and Obama and would be different than the previous five corrupt administrations we have because no president had ever come out and told the truth how the media is a tool for the government calling them fake news and saying the fed needs to abolished so intially i had high hopes that the least he would be was a liar,not a warmonger, trump is easy to fall for and get you to believe he is different. at least me and you woke up to that,sad that so many others dont want to face the facts about him after this in l;ive in denial,he is indeed a warmonger same as both of them.:rolleyes:
Thatā€™s right. He wonā€™t be re-elected. His cowardly and enormously stupid cold blooded killing of the general has needlessly inflamed the region, and now Americans will die.

He campaigned on nonintervention, just as his two lying predecessors did, but now we know he too is a liar.

Donnie just made Sniify Joe look like a foreign policy expert. God help us.

You just fucking now figured out he is a liar, really?
Oh I always knew him a liar, but I had hoped he wasnā€™t a warmonger like W and O. I know now heā€™s just another disgusting warmonger.

He has lied about EVERYTHING imaginable why did you think this would be different?
I suppose you are right. My mistake.
I'm not sure any of this would have come as a surprise if you would just keep yourself informed. That piece by Caitlin Johnstone was stellar, she is a great Journalist. If you had been following her work closely, none of this would have come as a shock. I notice that no one wants to counter the FACTS in that piece you posted, all they do is attack the source, that should tell you something.

Ignore hyper-partisans on both sides, they have blind spots for their candidates, and they are immune to listening to logic and facts. If anybody had voted for either candidate, and either one wins, the same shit would have been happening, six of one, half dozen of the other. I did enough investigation before the election to know that the "cabal", interlocking directorate, etc. and Deep State were playing both sides, as they always do.

It is just more sophisticated than it used to be. By existence of information technology, and awareness of the public? It has to be. It doesn't mean the game has changed, only advanced.

Post #334

Post #361
The problem here is simply double standards. Folks refuse to see how stupid they are being, they refuse to see through the lies, propaganda and fog of war.

Folks in America think that if you are from an intelligence agency of the West, Russia, or China, then you are legitimate.

OTH, if you are from an intelligence agency from a second world nation trying to defend your nation using asymmetrical warfare? Well, then, you don't get to dictate the terms of international law. The powerful get to call anyone they want a terrorist, yet, their own folks are "intelligence assets."





Why are the CIA and FSB not terrorist organizations, yet the Quds force is? Simple, double standards based on political goals only. Anything that the Quds has done, Mossad, FSB, MI6, and the CIA have done tenfold.

Only the dumb and blind that cannot parse out the goals of propaganda, and do not see what is obvious.

So you admit the Quds are working covertly to run interference on behalf of Iran for Iranian interests. The only difference is they are our enemy.

Donā€™t tell gipper though, he doesnā€™t think they were doing anything against the US or had the ability hurt America.

Of course I admit as much.

Only a fool wouldn't.

Your problem is being a victim of propaganda. There ARE NO ENEMIES. Just conflicting interests. In WWI, who were the bad guys? :dunno:

America and Britain have been messing with Iran for over a hundred years. What Iran is doing is called self-defense, duh.

America has a similar policy. . . The Monroe Doctrine I believe. Anytime any nation outside the Western hemisphere starts meddling in this area of the globe? We take exception to it, as threat to our national identity, sovereignty and freedom. We will make them feel pain if we can. The CIA is quite expert at it. We even influence national politics in several nations now. A lot of those nations are our client states.

What makes those folks in Iran less deserving of the same respect Americans have?

Is it because they are sitting on our oil? Or maybe they are not a part of the international banking cabal? Or maybe because you don't like their religion? What makes them not deserving of being left alone? What makes them "your enemy." :dunno:

In Brazen Act Of Aggression, Iran Deploys Its Country Right Next To Our Aircraft Carrier
In Brazen Act Of Aggression, Iran Deploys Its Country Right Next To Our Aircraft Carrier

"It is clear that Iran wants war," said National Security Advisor John Bolton. "Our carrier strike group was just off on a pleasure cruise on the other side of the world, and Iran insisted on placing its country right next to it."

"We will not stand for this kind of saber-rattling," he said.

Bolton says the U.S. tried to use diplomacy. He stated that a diplomat was sent to Iran to ask nicely if they would consider moving their country away from our military forces and hundreds of bases around the world. Iran then claimed they couldn't find any space on the globe that was a safe distance from the U.S. military.. . . "


Iā€™m all for leaving Iran to themselves. However they are the ones funding terrorism and attacking our troops. We havenā€™t set foot inside Iran nor harmed their troops. They are the belligerent ones. No stupid map depicting only American bases, while ignoring where Iranian and terrorists are, is going to change that.
Lies. Stop believing lies presented to you by a lying government.

i'm wondering how much basket dwelling warriors are willing to sacrifice for this clusterfuck that is starting to spiral outa control?

$5 a gallon of gas?

how'z about a draft? are you willing to go & fight? why not enlist now huh?

if yer too old, how'z about yer kid? grand kids?

how'z about protecting israel along with our own backs? you know they could be hit - & of course they will hit back - escalating the possibilities of a scenario turning thermal.

c'mon - let's hear y'all - speak up!

If Obama and the progressives were still in power then a $7 gallon of gas might very well be in the cards, Playtime! They fought fracking tooth and nail. The only reason we WON'T see gas prices spike because of this conflict is that conservatives pushed oil and natural gas production to levels where WE are the world's biggest producer of both. The Middle East can screw with Europe and Japan. They can't do squat to us at this point.

But hey...feel free to elect another progressive in the next election and they'll return us to where we were at the mercy of people that really don't like us!
The problem here is simply double standards. Folks refuse to see how stupid they are being, they refuse to see through the lies, propaganda and fog of war.

Folks in America think that if you are from an intelligence agency of the West, Russia, or China, then you are legitimate.

OTH, if you are from an intelligence agency from a second world nation trying to defend your nation using asymmetrical warfare? Well, then, you don't get to dictate the terms of international law. The powerful get to call anyone they want a terrorist, yet, their own folks are "intelligence assets."





Why are the CIA and FSB not terrorist organizations, yet the Quds force is? Simple, double standards based on political goals only. Anything that the Quds has done, Mossad, FSB, MI6, and the CIA have done tenfold.

Only the dumb and blind that cannot parse out the goals of propaganda, and do not see what is obvious.

So you admit the Quds are working covertly to run interference on behalf of Iran for Iranian interests. The only difference is they are our enemy.

Donā€™t tell gipper though, he doesnā€™t think they were doing anything against the US or had the ability hurt America.

Of course I admit as much.

Only a fool wouldn't.

Your problem is being a victim of propaganda. There ARE NO ENEMIES. Just conflicting interests. In WWI, who were the bad guys? :dunno:

America and Britain have been messing with Iran for over a hundred years. What Iran is doing is called self-defense, duh.

America has a similar policy. . . The Monroe Doctrine I believe. Anytime any nation outside the Western hemisphere starts meddling in this area of the globe? We take exception to it, as threat to our national identity, sovereignty and freedom. We will make them feel pain if we can. The CIA is quite expert at it. We even influence national politics in several nations now. A lot of those nations are our client states.

What makes those folks in Iran less deserving of the same respect Americans have?

Is it because they are sitting on our oil? Or maybe they are not a part of the international banking cabal? Or maybe because you don't like their religion? What makes them not deserving of being left alone? What makes them "your enemy." :dunno:

In Brazen Act Of Aggression, Iran Deploys Its Country Right Next To Our Aircraft Carrier
In Brazen Act Of Aggression, Iran Deploys Its Country Right Next To Our Aircraft Carrier

"It is clear that Iran wants war," said National Security Advisor John Bolton. "Our carrier strike group was just off on a pleasure cruise on the other side of the world, and Iran insisted on placing its country right next to it."

"We will not stand for this kind of saber-rattling," he said.

Bolton says the U.S. tried to use diplomacy. He stated that a diplomat was sent to Iran to ask nicely if they would consider moving their country away from our military forces and hundreds of bases around the world. Iran then claimed they couldn't find any space on the globe that was a safe distance from the U.S. military.. . . "


Iā€™m all for leaving Iran to themselves. However they are the ones funding terrorism and attacking our troops. We havenā€™t set foot inside Iran nor harmed their troops. They are the belligerent ones. No stupid map depicting only American bases, while ignoring where Iranian and terrorists are, is going to change that.
Lies. Stop believing lies presented to you by a lying government.

You still canā€™t explain why an Iranian general was in Iraq. Peace negotiations would require a diplomat, not a general. And why would they need peace negotiations in the first place if they arenā€™t at war with anyone?
You do realize the general you seem to respect is responsible for the cowardly killing of hundreds of American?
LOL. You donā€™t know WTF you are talking about. please get informed.

The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser
The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser

In reality thereā€™s no evidence for any of the reasons weā€™ve been offered for why Iran needed to be provoked into an almost inevitable retaliation that Trump is currently tweeting will result in all-out war:

  • The claim that Soleimani posed an ā€œimminent threatā€ is completely without evidence, rumored to be ā€œrazor thinā€œ, and entirely debunked in this excellent essay by Craig Murray.
  • Mike Penceā€™s claim that Soleimani assisted 9/11 terrorists is so ridiculous that even the war-loving Washington Post dismissed it.
  • Thereā€™s no proof that Soleimani directed the strike that allegedly killed a US contractor, or that that contractor even existed.
  • Thereā€™s no proof that Soleimani was involved in any ā€œattackā€ on any US embassy, leaving aside the obvious fact that a little graffiti on the walls wouldnā€™t justify his assassination if he did.
  • The ā€œhundreds of American deathsā€ line you hear regurgitated by everyone from Trump to Elizabeth Warren actually refers to Iraqis defending themselves from an illegal US invasion with some training from Iran. The claim that Iran was behind Iraqi bombs is withoutevidence and wouldnā€™t matter if it were true; claiming the inhabitants of an invaded nation donā€™t have the right to defend themselves is absurd, regardless of where they got their weaponry.
  • The claim that Soleimani was ā€œa terroristā€ is only made because the branch of the Iranian military he commanded was arbitrarily designated a terrorist organization by the US government last year, a designation that any foreign government could just as easily make for any branch of the US military. He was actually a fearsome enemy of ISIS and al-Qaeda and played a massive role in halting the spread of ISIS.

Care to take a crack at explaining why so many Iranians celebrated the killing of Soleimani? The truth of the matter is that he was an evil person who killed thousands of his fellow Iranians simply for protesting against the regime.

Yes, how quickly we are forgetting that the day Soleimani was killed, Iraqis and Iranians everywhere rejoiced, celebrating the US. Now we have millions mourning his death and him even a friend of the USA and a peacemaker and a "good guy" on his way to do something that was in the interests of the USA? Something doesn't quite wash clean with the now sudden apparent attempt to paint the USA as the villain now, an evil, back-stabbing, scurrilous dog out to start a war for no good reason by kicking poor Iran in the nutsack.

History shows that there is always more to these things than the parties can and are willing to admit. Behind closed doors, there are deals and ligatures between many world countries that they would be loathe to publicly admit.

Soleimani was a thug. The world is better off without him. The people he terrorized in Iran grasp that fact. The far left in the US is clueless...as usual.
Thatā€™s right. He wonā€™t be re-elected. His cowardly and enormously stupid cold blooded killing of the general has needlessly inflamed the region, and now Americans will die.

He campaigned on nonintervention, just as his two lying predecessors did, but now we know he too is a liar.

Donnie just made Sniify Joe look like a foreign policy expert. God help us.

You just fucking now figured out he is a liar, really?
Oh I always knew him a liar, but I had hoped he wasnā€™t a warmonger like W and O. I know now heā€™s just another disgusting warmonger.

He has lied about EVERYTHING imaginable why did you think this would be different?
I suppose you are right. My mistake.

Yeah me and you both.I also made that same mistake.
Trump SAID all the right things you wanted to hear at his inaguration.Since he wasnt a career politician was why I INITIALLY thought he was different than Bush and Obama and would be different than the previous five corrupt administrations we have because no president had ever come out and told the truth how the media is a tool for the government calling them fake news and saying the fed needs to abolished so intially i had high hopes that the least he would be was a liar,not a warmonger, trump is easy to fall for and get you to believe he is different. at least me and you woke up to that,sad that so many others dont want to face the facts about him after this in l;ive in denial,he is indeed a warmonger same as both of them.:rolleyes:

No he is not easy to fall for. The dude had about 40 years of lying all laid out for you before he ran for President. You chose to be lied to.
The problem here is simply double standards. Folks refuse to see how stupid they are being, they refuse to see through the lies, propaganda and fog of war.

Folks in America think that if you are from an intelligence agency of the West, Russia, or China, then you are legitimate.

OTH, if you are from an intelligence agency from a second world nation trying to defend your nation using asymmetrical warfare? Well, then, you don't get to dictate the terms of international law. The powerful get to call anyone they want a terrorist, yet, their own folks are "intelligence assets."





Why are the CIA and FSB not terrorist organizations, yet the Quds force is? Simple, double standards based on political goals only. Anything that the Quds has done, Mossad, FSB, MI6, and the CIA have done tenfold.

Only the dumb and blind that cannot parse out the goals of propaganda, and do not see what is obvious.

So you admit the Quds are working covertly to run interference on behalf of Iran for Iranian interests. The only difference is they are our enemy.

Donā€™t tell gipper though, he doesnā€™t think they were doing anything against the US or had the ability hurt America.

Of course I admit as much.

Only a fool wouldn't.

Your problem is being a victim of propaganda. There ARE NO ENEMIES. Just conflicting interests. In WWI, who were the bad guys? :dunno:

America and Britain have been messing with Iran for over a hundred years. What Iran is doing is called self-defense, duh.

America has a similar policy. . . The Monroe Doctrine I believe. Anytime any nation outside the Western hemisphere starts meddling in this area of the globe? We take exception to it, as threat to our national identity, sovereignty and freedom. We will make them feel pain if we can. The CIA is quite expert at it. We even influence national politics in several nations now. A lot of those nations are our client states.

What makes those folks in Iran less deserving of the same respect Americans have?

Is it because they are sitting on our oil? Or maybe they are not a part of the international banking cabal? Or maybe because you don't like their religion? What makes them not deserving of being left alone? What makes them "your enemy." :dunno:

In Brazen Act Of Aggression, Iran Deploys Its Country Right Next To Our Aircraft Carrier
In Brazen Act Of Aggression, Iran Deploys Its Country Right Next To Our Aircraft Carrier

"It is clear that Iran wants war," said National Security Advisor John Bolton. "Our carrier strike group was just off on a pleasure cruise on the other side of the world, and Iran insisted on placing its country right next to it."

"We will not stand for this kind of saber-rattling," he said.

Bolton says the U.S. tried to use diplomacy. He stated that a diplomat was sent to Iran to ask nicely if they would consider moving their country away from our military forces and hundreds of bases around the world. Iran then claimed they couldn't find any space on the globe that was a safe distance from the U.S. military.. . . "


Iā€™m all for leaving Iran to themselves. However they are the ones funding terrorism and attacking our troops. We havenā€™t set foot inside Iran nor harmed their troops. They are the belligerent ones. No stupid map depicting only American bases, while ignoring where Iranian and terrorists are, is going to change that.
This isnā€™t Iran vs America. This is the people of Iran AND AMERICA vs. the deep state controlled Iranian government. The media is showing only the Muslims who are pissed at America but they arenā€™t showing all the people who overwhelmingly support America on this. We just killed a guy whoā€™s been causing chaos and destruction and murder and rape and anything else you can imagine and we just helped free them from this.

Look, nobody wants to be over there. None of us want this. But the deep state has controlled Iran for decades now and many other countries in the Middle East and theyā€™ve created a monster, and the only way to stop it is to fix what they fucked up. We could easily just pack up and go home but then we would be leaving a ton of innocent people to fend for themselves as more barbaric leaders spring up and occupy the area and continue to make these peopleā€™s lives miserable. We have a duty to clean up what we (really the deep state) caused over there these last 15 years. Itā€™s the least we can do for the hell theyā€™ve been put through because of it.
The problem here is simply double standards. Folks refuse to see how stupid they are being, they refuse to see through the lies, propaganda and fog of war.

Folks in America think that if you are from an intelligence agency of the West, Russia, or China, then you are legitimate.

OTH, if you are from an intelligence agency from a second world nation trying to defend your nation using asymmetrical warfare? Well, then, you don't get to dictate the terms of international law. The powerful get to call anyone they want a terrorist, yet, their own folks are "intelligence assets."





Why are the CIA and FSB not terrorist organizations, yet the Quds force is? Simple, double standards based on political goals only. Anything that the Quds has done, Mossad, FSB, MI6, and the CIA have done tenfold.

Only the dumb and blind that cannot parse out the goals of propaganda, and do not see what is obvious.

So you admit the Quds are working covertly to run interference on behalf of Iran for Iranian interests. The only difference is they are our enemy.

Donā€™t tell gipper though, he doesnā€™t think they were doing anything against the US or had the ability hurt America.

Of course I admit as much.

Only a fool wouldn't.

Your problem is being a victim of propaganda. There ARE NO ENEMIES. Just conflicting interests. In WWI, who were the bad guys? :dunno:

America and Britain have been messing with Iran for over a hundred years. What Iran is doing is called self-defense, duh.

America has a similar policy. . . The Monroe Doctrine I believe. Anytime any nation outside the Western hemisphere starts meddling in this area of the globe? We take exception to it, as threat to our national identity, sovereignty and freedom. We will make them feel pain if we can. The CIA is quite expert at it. We even influence national politics in several nations now. A lot of those nations are our client states.

What makes those folks in Iran less deserving of the same respect Americans have?

Is it because they are sitting on our oil? Or maybe they are not a part of the international banking cabal? Or maybe because you don't like their religion? What makes them not deserving of being left alone? What makes them "your enemy." :dunno:

In Brazen Act Of Aggression, Iran Deploys Its Country Right Next To Our Aircraft Carrier
In Brazen Act Of Aggression, Iran Deploys Its Country Right Next To Our Aircraft Carrier

"It is clear that Iran wants war," said National Security Advisor John Bolton. "Our carrier strike group was just off on a pleasure cruise on the other side of the world, and Iran insisted on placing its country right next to it."

"We will not stand for this kind of saber-rattling," he said.

Bolton says the U.S. tried to use diplomacy. He stated that a diplomat was sent to Iran to ask nicely if they would consider moving their country away from our military forces and hundreds of bases around the world. Iran then claimed they couldn't find any space on the globe that was a safe distance from the U.S. military.. . . "


Iā€™m all for leaving Iran to themselves. However they are the ones funding terrorism and attacking our troops. We havenā€™t set foot inside Iran nor harmed their troops. They are the belligerent ones. No stupid map depicting only American bases, while ignoring where Iranian and terrorists are, is going to change that.
Lies. Stop believing lies presented to you by a lying government.

He has the fucked up logic,that if the government told him this is the way it happened,it is the truth.:cuckoo::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
The problem here is simply double standards. Folks refuse to see how stupid they are being, they refuse to see through the lies, propaganda and fog of war.

Folks in America think that if you are from an intelligence agency of the West, Russia, or China, then you are legitimate.

OTH, if you are from an intelligence agency from a second world nation trying to defend your nation using asymmetrical warfare? Well, then, you don't get to dictate the terms of international law. The powerful get to call anyone they want a terrorist, yet, their own folks are "intelligence assets."





Why are the CIA and FSB not terrorist organizations, yet the Quds force is? Simple, double standards based on political goals only. Anything that the Quds has done, Mossad, FSB, MI6, and the CIA have done tenfold.

Only the dumb and blind that cannot parse out the goals of propaganda, and do not see what is obvious.

So you admit the Quds are working covertly to run interference on behalf of Iran for Iranian interests. The only difference is they are our enemy.

Donā€™t tell gipper though, he doesnā€™t think they were doing anything against the US or had the ability hurt America.

Of course I admit as much.

Only a fool wouldn't.

Your problem is being a victim of propaganda. There ARE NO ENEMIES. Just conflicting interests. In WWI, who were the bad guys? :dunno:

America and Britain have been messing with Iran for over a hundred years. What Iran is doing is called self-defense, duh.

America has a similar policy. . . The Monroe Doctrine I believe. Anytime any nation outside the Western hemisphere starts meddling in this area of the globe? We take exception to it, as threat to our national identity, sovereignty and freedom. We will make them feel pain if we can. The CIA is quite expert at it. We even influence national politics in several nations now. A lot of those nations are our client states.

What makes those folks in Iran less deserving of the same respect Americans have?

Is it because they are sitting on our oil? Or maybe they are not a part of the international banking cabal? Or maybe because you don't like their religion? What makes them not deserving of being left alone? What makes them "your enemy." :dunno:

In Brazen Act Of Aggression, Iran Deploys Its Country Right Next To Our Aircraft Carrier
In Brazen Act Of Aggression, Iran Deploys Its Country Right Next To Our Aircraft Carrier

"It is clear that Iran wants war," said National Security Advisor John Bolton. "Our carrier strike group was just off on a pleasure cruise on the other side of the world, and Iran insisted on placing its country right next to it."

"We will not stand for this kind of saber-rattling," he said.

Bolton says the U.S. tried to use diplomacy. He stated that a diplomat was sent to Iran to ask nicely if they would consider moving their country away from our military forces and hundreds of bases around the world. Iran then claimed they couldn't find any space on the globe that was a safe distance from the U.S. military.. . . "


Iā€™m all for leaving Iran to themselves. However they are the ones funding terrorism and attacking our troops. We havenā€™t set foot inside Iran nor harmed their troops. They are the belligerent ones. No stupid map depicting only American bases, while ignoring where Iranian and terrorists are, is going to change that.
This isnā€™t Iran vs America. This is the people of Iran AND AMERICA vs. the deep state controlled Iranian government. The media is showing only the Muslims who are pissed at America but they arenā€™t showing all the people who overwhelmingly support America on this. We just killed a guy whoā€™s been causing chaos and destruction and murder and rape and anything else you can imagine and we just helped free them from this.

Look, nobody wants to be over there. None of us want this. But the deep state has controlled Iran for decades now and many other countries in the Middle East and theyā€™ve created a monster, and the only way to stop it is to fix what they fucked up. We could easily just pack up and go home but then we would be leaving a ton of innocent people to fend for themselves as more barbaric leaders spring up and occupy the area and continue to make these peopleā€™s lives miserable. We have a duty to clean up what we (really the deep state) caused over there these last 15 years. Itā€™s the least we can do for the hell theyā€™ve been put through because of it.

I could care less about the Iranians who are too weak to stand up against their regime. They are irrelevant because they wonā€™t stop the radical regime. They never have and they never will.
The problem here is simply double standards. Folks refuse to see how stupid they are being, they refuse to see through the lies, propaganda and fog of war.

Folks in America think that if you are from an intelligence agency of the West, Russia, or China, then you are legitimate.

OTH, if you are from an intelligence agency from a second world nation trying to defend your nation using asymmetrical warfare? Well, then, you don't get to dictate the terms of international law. The powerful get to call anyone they want a terrorist, yet, their own folks are "intelligence assets."





Why are the CIA and FSB not terrorist organizations, yet the Quds force is? Simple, double standards based on political goals only. Anything that the Quds has done, Mossad, FSB, MI6, and the CIA have done tenfold.

Only the dumb and blind that cannot parse out the goals of propaganda, and do not see what is obvious.

So you admit the Quds are working covertly to run interference on behalf of Iran for Iranian interests. The only difference is they are our enemy.

Donā€™t tell gipper though, he doesnā€™t think they were doing anything against the US or had the ability hurt America.

Of course I admit as much.

Only a fool wouldn't.

Your problem is being a victim of propaganda. There ARE NO ENEMIES. Just conflicting interests. In WWI, who were the bad guys? :dunno:

America and Britain have been messing with Iran for over a hundred years. What Iran is doing is called self-defense, duh.

America has a similar policy. . . The Monroe Doctrine I believe. Anytime any nation outside the Western hemisphere starts meddling in this area of the globe? We take exception to it, as threat to our national identity, sovereignty and freedom. We will make them feel pain if we can. The CIA is quite expert at it. We even influence national politics in several nations now. A lot of those nations are our client states.

What makes those folks in Iran less deserving of the same respect Americans have?

Is it because they are sitting on our oil? Or maybe they are not a part of the international banking cabal? Or maybe because you don't like their religion? What makes them not deserving of being left alone? What makes them "your enemy." :dunno:

In Brazen Act Of Aggression, Iran Deploys Its Country Right Next To Our Aircraft Carrier
In Brazen Act Of Aggression, Iran Deploys Its Country Right Next To Our Aircraft Carrier

"It is clear that Iran wants war," said National Security Advisor John Bolton. "Our carrier strike group was just off on a pleasure cruise on the other side of the world, and Iran insisted on placing its country right next to it."

"We will not stand for this kind of saber-rattling," he said.

Bolton says the U.S. tried to use diplomacy. He stated that a diplomat was sent to Iran to ask nicely if they would consider moving their country away from our military forces and hundreds of bases around the world. Iran then claimed they couldn't find any space on the globe that was a safe distance from the U.S. military.. . . "


Iā€™m all for leaving Iran to themselves. However they are the ones funding terrorism and attacking our troops. We havenā€™t set foot inside Iran nor harmed their troops. They are the belligerent ones. No stupid map depicting only American bases, while ignoring where Iranian and terrorists are, is going to change that.


Why are they doing like our CIA? Why are they clandestinely supporting interests that support their goals?

Why do they train groups that will kill American troops that are occupying nations, which will not allow political solutions which are not in the political interests of the U.S., Israel, Saudi Arabia or it's Western Allies?


Should these various nations peoples be allowed to have sovereignty? We have sovereignty. Canada does. We allow European nations to have sovereignty. Why not let these people chart their own course?

Why do we have to meddle with, and defy the will of the people of these various middle eastern nations?

Don't you think that it is immoral that we need to promote war in order to get our way. . . policy wise? :dunno:

For me, a picture tells a thousand words, and this is NOT the picture of success. . .


This is the work of the US, NOT Iran.

All Iran is trying to do, is counter the malign influence of the US in IT'S backyard.

If all these disasters were the cause of Iran? You might have me convinced otherwise. I know that Iran supports asymmetrical warfare and terrorists, I am not naive. But would they be doing this if the US were not so involved with a heavy hand?

I do not think so.

. . . and if they did? Why not just let the UN do what it was meant to?
You just fucking now figured out he is a liar, really?
Oh I always knew him a liar, but I had hoped he wasnā€™t a warmonger like W and O. I know now heā€™s just another disgusting warmonger.

He has lied about EVERYTHING imaginable why did you think this would be different?
I suppose you are right. My mistake.

Yeah me and you both.I also made that same mistake.
Trump SAID all the right things you wanted to hear at his inaguration.Since he wasnt a career politician was why I INITIALLY thought he was different than Bush and Obama and would be different than the previous five corrupt administrations we have because no president had ever come out and told the truth how the media is a tool for the government calling them fake news and saying the fed needs to abolished so intially i had high hopes that the least he would be was a liar,not a warmonger, trump is easy to fall for and get you to believe he is different. at least me and you woke up to that,sad that so many others dont want to face the facts about him after this in l;ive in denial,he is indeed a warmonger same as both of them.:rolleyes:

No he is not easy to fall for. The dude had about 40 years of lying all laid out for you before he ran for President. You chose to be lied to.

Dude I did not choose,I just did not know all the facts.I DID NOT KNOW about his 40 years of lying previously.ALL i knew was that he was the ONLY other choice I had to choose from between him and Hitlery and that he was not a career politician. Because he was not a career politician,it was no brainer for me at the time to do something i had never done before since i finally realised back in the early 90's how corrupt our government really is and how both parties are corrupt and one in the same..

I made the mistake of voting this time unlike all the other times since then only cause i figured anybody was a better choice than Hitlery. considering she was the only alternative,i still dont regret my choice. would i do it again? NO. Will i vote for him again in this election NO,I WONT for him OR the democrat party. . I cant undo my past,its kinda pointless telling us we should have known,whats done is done.

yes i SHOULD have known that since both parties are corrupt,Trump would be no different. I bought into what he said, my mistake. Hey at least unlike the majority of these posters that have come on here and trolled ignoring the evidence the OP and misterbeal presented that the General was not evil like the corporate controlled media has portrayed him to be,at least unlike THEM,I have ACCEPTED that he is a warmonger murderer. at least unlike THEM,I am not in denial mode as they are.
Last edited:

i'm wondering how much basket dwelling warriors are willing to sacrifice for this clusterfuck that is starting to spiral outa control?

$5 a gallon of gas?

how'z about a draft? are you willing to go & fight? why not enlist now huh?

if yer too old, how'z about yer kid? grand kids?

how'z about protecting israel along with our own backs? you know they could be hit - & of course they will hit back - escalating the possibilities of a scenario turning thermal.

c'mon - let's hear y'all - speak up!

If Obama and the progressives were still in power than a $7 gallon of gas might very well be in the cards, Playtime! They fought fracking tooth and nail. The only reason we WON'T see gas prices spike because of this conflict is that conservatives pushed oil and natural gas production to levels where WE are the world's biggest producer of both. The Middle East can screw with Europe and Japan. They can't do squat to us at this point.

But hey...feel free to elect another progressive in the next election and they'll return us to where we were at the mercy of people that really don't like us!
Is that some kind of convoluted excuse for the unending regime change wars?

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