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One Term Donnie

Thatā€™s right. He wonā€™t be re-elected. His cowardly and enormously stupid cold blooded killing of the general has needlessly inflamed the region, and now Americans will die.

He campaigned on nonintervention, just as his two lying predecessors did, but now we know he too is a liar.

Donnie just made Sniify Joe look like a foreign policy expert. God help us.

  1. 1-Term Donnie.
  2. Cowardly.
  3. Stupid Cold-Blooded Killing.
  4. Needlessly inflamed.
  5. American will die.
Are you willing to lay down a bet he won't be reelected? What are you willing to put up?

Coward. Support that claim with facts, not emotions.

Cold-Blooded Killing. You mean like the hundreds of Americans the general killed that you were OK with?

Needlessly inflamed. Oh you mean we should have just left well enough alone like before when they were just trying to burn down our embassy, attack out ships, while chanting death to America?

Americans will die. Hey DUMBASS, Americans were already dying. Why don't you go lick some Ayatollah ass, since you seem to like it so much.
Yet another dumb fuck American totally clueless, thanks to consuming propaganda generated by billionaires and a criminal government.

The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser
The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser

In reality thereā€™s no evidence for any of the reasons weā€™ve been offered for why Iran needed to be provoked into an almost inevitable retaliation that Trump is currently tweeting will result in all-out war:

  • The claim that Soleimani posed an ā€œimminent threatā€ is completely without evidence, rumored to be ā€œrazor thinā€œ, and entirely debunked in this excellent essay by Craig Murray.
  • Mike Penceā€™s claim that Soleimani assisted 9/11 terrorists is so ridiculous that even the war-loving Washington Post dismissed it.
  • Thereā€™s no proof that Soleimani directed the strike that allegedly killed a US contractor, or that that contractor even existed.
  • Thereā€™s no proof that Soleimani was involved in any ā€œattackā€ on any US embassy, leaving aside the obvious fact that a little graffiti on the walls wouldnā€™t justify his assassination if he did.
  • The ā€œhundreds of American deathsā€ line you hear regurgitated by everyone from Trump to Elizabeth Warren actually refers to Iraqis defending themselves from an illegal US invasion with some training from Iran. The claim that Iran was behind Iraqi bombs is withoutevidence and wouldnā€™t matter if it were true; claiming the inhabitants of an invaded nation donā€™t have the right to defend themselves is absurd, regardless of where they got their weaponry.
  • The claim that Soleimani was ā€œa terroristā€ is only made because the branch of the Iranian military he commanded was arbitrarily designated a terrorist organization by the US government last year, a designation that any foreign government could just as easily make for any branch of the US military. He was actually a fearsome enemy of ISIS and al-Qaeda and played a massive role in halting the spread of ISIS.

taking everyone to school AGAIN.:2up:
Thatā€™s right. He wonā€™t be re-elected. His cowardly and enormously stupid cold blooded killing of the general has needlessly inflamed the region, and now Americans will die.

He campaigned on nonintervention, just as his two lying predecessors did, but now we know he too is a liar.

Donnie just made Sniify Joe look like a foreign policy expert. God help us.

So your actually going to vote this time?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No. I have always done so in the past. Not anymore. It clearly is a waste of time. Join me.

Imagine if they held an election and no one came. So much for consent of the governed.

Nah. Iā€™m going to continue to exercise my right to vote, and unfortunately support the majority of whiners that collect money for their imagined disabilities.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Youā€™re just wasting your time, but that is your prerogative.

Voting gives Americans the illusion of democracy.

The man of the Hour,we have a winner.

so very true.If you vote for either party then you are part of problem why the world is in the mess that it is,not part of the solution since as any REAL non brainwashed american knows,both parties are corrupt and one in the same and that is WHY the establishment does not care which candidate gets in cause they know BOTH will be their willing puppet.

that is WHY an an independent like gary johnson for example,will NEVER get in office since he is not part of the corrupt two party system. too many sheep here at USMB are so brainwashed by our corrupt school system,they will NEVER understand that little fact.:rolleyes:
Thatā€™s right. He wonā€™t be re-elected. His cowardly and enormously stupid cold blooded killing of the general has needlessly inflamed the region, and now Americans will die.

He campaigned on nonintervention, just as his two lying predecessors did, but now we know he too is a liar.

Donnie just made Sniify Joe look like a foreign policy expert. God help us.
What the fuck happened to you? :dunno:
We can only hope the Ayatollahs show restraint. You know? The Ayatollahs Americans are told are blood thirsty animals. If they donā€™t, here comes WWIII.

Crazy Don has really fucked up. Ironic that we have to hope the leaders of Iran keep their heads.

yeah really.you nailed it.
Thatā€™s right. He wonā€™t be re-elected. His cowardly and enormously stupid cold blooded killing of the general has needlessly inflamed the region, and now Americans will die.

He campaigned on nonintervention, just as his two lying predecessors did, but now we know he too is a liar.

Donnie just made Sniify Joe look like a foreign policy expert. God help us.

  1. 1-Term Donnie.
  2. Cowardly.
  3. Stupid Cold-Blooded Killing.
  4. Needlessly inflamed.
  5. American will die.
Are you willing to lay down a bet he won't be reelected? What are you willing to put up?

Coward. Support that claim with facts, not emotions.

Cold-Blooded Killing. You mean like the hundreds of Americans the general killed that you were OK with?

Needlessly inflamed. Oh you mean we should have just left well enough alone like before when they were just trying to burn down our embassy, attack out ships, while chanting death to America?

Americans will die. Hey DUMBASS, Americans were already dying. Why don't you go lick some Ayatollah ass, since you seem to like it so much.
Yet another dumb fuck American totally clueless, thanks to consuming propaganda generated by billionaires and a criminal government.

The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser
The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser

In reality thereā€™s no evidence for any of the reasons weā€™ve been offered for why Iran needed to be provoked into an almost inevitable retaliation that Trump is currently tweeting will result in all-out war:

  • The claim that Soleimani posed an ā€œimminent threatā€ is completely without evidence, rumored to be ā€œrazor thinā€œ, and entirely debunked in this excellent essay by Craig Murray.
  • Mike Penceā€™s claim that Soleimani assisted 9/11 terrorists is so ridiculous that even the war-loving Washington Post dismissed it.
  • Thereā€™s no proof that Soleimani directed the strike that allegedly killed a US contractor, or that that contractor even existed.
  • Thereā€™s no proof that Soleimani was involved in any ā€œattackā€ on any US embassy, leaving aside the obvious fact that a little graffiti on the walls wouldnā€™t justify his assassination if he did.
  • The ā€œhundreds of American deathsā€ line you hear regurgitated by everyone from Trump to Elizabeth Warren actually refers to Iraqis defending themselves from an illegal US invasion with some training from Iran. The claim that Iran was behind Iraqi bombs is withoutevidence and wouldnā€™t matter if it were true; claiming the inhabitants of an invaded nation donā€™t have the right to defend themselves is absurd, regardless of where they got their weaponry.
  • The claim that Soleimani was ā€œa terroristā€ is only made because the branch of the Iranian military he commanded was arbitrarily designated a terrorist organization by the US government last year, a designation that any foreign government could just as easily make for any branch of the US military. He was actually a fearsome enemy of ISIS and al-Qaeda and played a massive role in halting the spread of ISIS.

taking everyone to school AGAIN.:2up:
Iā€™m afraid they havenā€™t learned a fucking thing.

Rs and cons like to complain about fake news, then they gullibly swallow the governmentā€™s lies about Iran. I really didnā€™t think them this stupid.

Iā€™m ashamed to admit I was once a con.
Good job on questioning the official story regarding the killing of Soleimani, the war hawk establishment in Washington never bats an eye about telling the BIG LIE in order to get their way, it isn't the guy in the Oval Office you have to worry about, it's the military industrial complex and all its warmongering sycophants that inhabit Washington that are the real problem. Personally I don't buy the story coming out of Washington and being parroted by the media, too many things don't make sense about this.

However I think you're probably mistaken regarding the effect this will have on Donny's re-election chances; Georgey Boy campaigned on non-interventionism and no nation building yet started a war on blatantly false premises and cruised to re-election without a hitch, O'Nimrod wasn't much better, he talked a good game but when it came time to shed blood overseas he kowtowed to War Inc. like the good little politician he is and was easily re-elected.

All in all this probably helps Donny get re-elected since the American people just love it when a President goes all John Wayne and starts killing evil foreigners with smart bombs.

"We like war! We're a war-like people! We like war because we're good at it! You know why we're good at it? Cause we get a lot of practice. This country's only 200 years old and already, we've had 10 major wars. We average a major war every 20 years in this country so we're good at it! And it's a good thing we are; we're not very good at anything else anymore! Huh? Can't build a decent car, can't make a TV set or a VCR worth a fuck, got no steel industry left, can't educate our young people, can't get health care to our old people, but we can bomb the shit out of your country all right! Huh? Especially if your country is full of brown people; oh we like that don't we? That's our hobby! That's our new job in the world: bombing brown people. Iraq, Panama, Grenada, Libya, you got some brown people in your country, tell them to watch the fuck out or we'll goddamn bomb them!" -- George Carlin
He might get reelected, but whether valid or not, I would not underestimate how strongly the Democrats believe he is an absolute danger to our democratic Republic, to our Nation!!!
The fact that Democrats believe he is "an absolute danger to our democratic Republic" is completely irrelevant since they only believe that because he has an "R" behind his name instead of "D". If Donny had a "D" behind his name and was doing EXACTLY the same things he's doing now it would be the Democrats licking his boots and the Republicans believing he is an "an absolute danger to our democratic Republic" , the hypocrisy and stupidity of the lemmings that belong to the two major political crime families makes me want to vomit.:cool:

The electoral college might still elect him, but the people, will surely not.
Uh-huh, the same was said about George "Bullshit War in Iraq" Bush in 2004, how did that work out for John Kerry and Crime Family-D?

Never underestimate the appetite of the American Electorate for shedding foreign blood.

I agree, Bush2 won his 2nd term.

Bush2 was despised, but Trump is a bully..... people really really really do not like leaders that bully them, they punch back.

That gives them the unlikely "shot" at winning imo.
I hope itā€™s more than that.

Many Americans like me voted for him because of his anti-war stance. Unlike all the idiot warmongers in this thread, I hope those like me abandon support for Donnie.

I thought cons wanted peace. I thought wrong. Their support for Donnie is unconditional, just as Ds supported O unconditionally.

Yes, we voted for him because of his anti-war stance. He has kept us out of war so far, even though the moronic left have been claiming he would get us into wars with NK, China, Syria.

Iran has declared war on the US. You think we should just ignore those threats?

Funny how gipper canā€™t answer the question.

He is fine with a foreign government threatening the President and American citizens around the world.

Youā€™re a coward.
Thatā€™s right. He wonā€™t be re-elected. His cowardly and enormously stupid cold blooded killing of the general has needlessly inflamed the region, and now Americans will die.

He campaigned on nonintervention, just as his two lying predecessors did, but now we know he too is a liar.

Donnie just made Sniify Joe look like a foreign policy expert. God help us.

  1. 1-Term Donnie.
  2. Cowardly.
  3. Stupid Cold-Blooded Killing.
  4. Needlessly inflamed.
  5. American will die.
Are you willing to lay down a bet he won't be reelected? What are you willing to put up?

Coward. Support that claim with facts, not emotions.

Cold-Blooded Killing. You mean like the hundreds of Americans the general killed that you were OK with?

Needlessly inflamed. Oh you mean we should have just left well enough alone like before when they were just trying to burn down our embassy, attack out ships, while chanting death to America?

Americans will die. Hey DUMBASS, Americans were already dying. Why don't you go lick some Ayatollah ass, since you seem to like it so much.
Yet another dumb fuck American totally clueless, thanks to consuming propaganda generated by billionaires and a criminal government.

The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser
The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser

In reality thereā€™s no evidence for any of the reasons weā€™ve been offered for why Iran needed to be provoked into an almost inevitable retaliation that Trump is currently tweeting will result in all-out war:

  • The claim that Soleimani posed an ā€œimminent threatā€ is completely without evidence, rumored to be ā€œrazor thinā€œ, and entirely debunked in this excellent essay by Craig Murray.
  • Mike Penceā€™s claim that Soleimani assisted 9/11 terrorists is so ridiculous that even the war-loving Washington Post dismissed it.
  • Thereā€™s no proof that Soleimani directed the strike that allegedly killed a US contractor, or that that contractor even existed.
  • Thereā€™s no proof that Soleimani was involved in any ā€œattackā€ on any US embassy, leaving aside the obvious fact that a little graffiti on the walls wouldnā€™t justify his assassination if he did.
  • The ā€œhundreds of American deathsā€ line you hear regurgitated by everyone from Trump to Elizabeth Warren actually refers to Iraqis defending themselves from an illegal US invasion with some training from Iran. The claim that Iran was behind Iraqi bombs is withoutevidence and wouldnā€™t matter if it were true; claiming the inhabitants of an invaded nation donā€™t have the right to defend themselves is absurd, regardless of where they got their weaponry.
  • The claim that Soleimani was ā€œa terroristā€ is only made because the branch of the Iranian military he commanded was arbitrarily designated a terrorist organization by the US government last year, a designation that any foreign government could just as easily make for any branch of the US military. He was actually a fearsome enemy of ISIS and al-Qaeda and played a massive role in halting the spread of ISIS.

taking everyone to school AGAIN.:2up:
Iā€™m afraid they havenā€™t learned a fucking thing.

Rs and cons like to complain about fake news, then they gullibly swallow the governmentā€™s lies about Iran. I really didnā€™t think them this stupid.

Iā€™m ashamed to admit I was once a con.

Yup, you havenā€™t convinced anyone that Soleimani was a humanitarian who just happened to be in Iraq to attend funerals and lead peace negotiations.
He might get reelected, but whether valid or not, I would not underestimate how strongly the Democrats believe he is an absolute danger to our democratic Republic, to our Nation!!!
The fact that Democrats believe he is "an absolute danger to our democratic Republic" is completely irrelevant since they only believe that because he has an "R" behind his name instead of "D". If Donny had a "D" behind his name and was doing EXACTLY the same things he's doing now it would be the Democrats licking his boots and the Republicans believing he is an "an absolute danger to our democratic Republic" , the hypocrisy and stupidity of the lemmings that belong to the two major political crime families makes me want to vomit.:cool:

The electoral college might still elect him, but the people, will surely not.
Uh-huh, the same was said about George "Bullshit War in Iraq" Bush in 2004, how did that work out for John Kerry and Crime Family-D?

Never underestimate the appetite of the American Electorate for shedding foreign blood.

I agree, Bush2 won his 2nd term.

Bush2 was despised, but Trump is a bully..... people really really really do not like leaders that bully them, they punch back.

That gives them the unlikely "shot" at winning imo.
I hope itā€™s more than that.

Many Americans like me voted for him because of his anti-war stance. Unlike all the idiot warmongers in this thread, I hope those like me abandon support for Donnie.

I thought cons wanted peace. I thought wrong. Their support for Donnie is unconditional, just as Ds supported O unconditionally.

Yes, we voted for him because of his anti-war stance. He has kept us out of war so far, even though the moronic left have been claiming he would get us into wars with NK, China, Syria.

Iran has declared war on the US. You think we should just ignore those threats?

Funny how gipper canā€™t answer the question.

He is fine with a foreign government threatening the President and American citizens around the world.

Youā€™re a coward.
You have got to be joking. I donā€™t fucking give two shits that a tiny minor nation like Iran, THAT POSES NO THREAT TO THE USA, makes threats. Get real man!

You canā€™t really be this crazy. Right?
Thatā€™s right. He wonā€™t be re-elected. His cowardly and enormously stupid cold blooded killing of the general has needlessly inflamed the region, and now Americans will die.

He campaigned on nonintervention, just as his two lying predecessors did, but now we know he too is a liar.

Donnie just made Sniify Joe look like a foreign policy expert. God help us.

  1. 1-Term Donnie.
  2. Cowardly.
  3. Stupid Cold-Blooded Killing.
  4. Needlessly inflamed.
  5. American will die.
Are you willing to lay down a bet he won't be reelected? What are you willing to put up?

Coward. Support that claim with facts, not emotions.

Cold-Blooded Killing. You mean like the hundreds of Americans the general killed that you were OK with?

Needlessly inflamed. Oh you mean we should have just left well enough alone like before when they were just trying to burn down our embassy, attack out ships, while chanting death to America?

Americans will die. Hey DUMBASS, Americans were already dying. Why don't you go lick some Ayatollah ass, since you seem to like it so much.
Yet another dumb fuck American totally clueless, thanks to consuming propaganda generated by billionaires and a criminal government.

The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser
The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser

In reality thereā€™s no evidence for any of the reasons weā€™ve been offered for why Iran needed to be provoked into an almost inevitable retaliation that Trump is currently tweeting will result in all-out war:

  • The claim that Soleimani posed an ā€œimminent threatā€ is completely without evidence, rumored to be ā€œrazor thinā€œ, and entirely debunked in this excellent essay by Craig Murray.
  • Mike Penceā€™s claim that Soleimani assisted 9/11 terrorists is so ridiculous that even the war-loving Washington Post dismissed it.
  • Thereā€™s no proof that Soleimani directed the strike that allegedly killed a US contractor, or that that contractor even existed.
  • Thereā€™s no proof that Soleimani was involved in any ā€œattackā€ on any US embassy, leaving aside the obvious fact that a little graffiti on the walls wouldnā€™t justify his assassination if he did.
  • The ā€œhundreds of American deathsā€ line you hear regurgitated by everyone from Trump to Elizabeth Warren actually refers to Iraqis defending themselves from an illegal US invasion with some training from Iran. The claim that Iran was behind Iraqi bombs is withoutevidence and wouldnā€™t matter if it were true; claiming the inhabitants of an invaded nation donā€™t have the right to defend themselves is absurd, regardless of where they got their weaponry.
  • The claim that Soleimani was ā€œa terroristā€ is only made because the branch of the Iranian military he commanded was arbitrarily designated a terrorist organization by the US government last year, a designation that any foreign government could just as easily make for any branch of the US military. He was actually a fearsome enemy of ISIS and al-Qaeda and played a massive role in halting the spread of ISIS.

taking everyone to school AGAIN.:2up:
Iā€™m afraid they havenā€™t learned a fucking thing.

Rs and cons like to complain about fake news, then they gullibly swallow the governmentā€™s lies about Iran. I really didnā€™t think them this stupid.

Iā€™m ashamed to admit I was once a con.

Yup, you havenā€™t convinced anyone that Soleimani was a humanitarian who just happened to be in Iraq to attend funerals and lead peace negotiations.
I guess itā€™s true...you canā€™t fix stupid.
The fact that Democrats believe he is "an absolute danger to our democratic Republic" is completely irrelevant since they only believe that because he has an "R" behind his name instead of "D". If Donny had a "D" behind his name and was doing EXACTLY the same things he's doing now it would be the Democrats licking his boots and the Republicans believing he is an "an absolute danger to our democratic Republic" , the hypocrisy and stupidity of the lemmings that belong to the two major political crime families makes me want to vomit.:cool:

Uh-huh, the same was said about George "Bullshit War in Iraq" Bush in 2004, how did that work out for John Kerry and Crime Family-D?

Never underestimate the appetite of the American Electorate for shedding foreign blood.

I agree, Bush2 won his 2nd term.

Bush2 was despised, but Trump is a bully..... people really really really do not like leaders that bully them, they punch back.

That gives them the unlikely "shot" at winning imo.
I hope itā€™s more than that.

Many Americans like me voted for him because of his anti-war stance. Unlike all the idiot warmongers in this thread, I hope those like me abandon support for Donnie.

I thought cons wanted peace. I thought wrong. Their support for Donnie is unconditional, just as Ds supported O unconditionally.

Yes, we voted for him because of his anti-war stance. He has kept us out of war so far, even though the moronic left have been claiming he would get us into wars with NK, China, Syria.

Iran has declared war on the US. You think we should just ignore those threats?

Funny how gipper canā€™t answer the question.

He is fine with a foreign government threatening the President and American citizens around the world.

Youā€™re a coward.
You have got to be joking. I donā€™t fucking give two shits that a tiny minor nation like Iran, THAT POSES NO THREAT TO THE USA, makes threats. Get real man!

You canā€™t really be this crazy. Right?

Of course you donā€™t care. Youā€™re a moron if you donā€™t think Iran has the ability to carry out terrorist attacks against Americans.
The problem here is simply double standards. Folks refuse to see how stupid they are being, they refuse to see through the lies, propaganda and fog of war.

Folks in America think that if you are from an intelligence agency of the West, Russia, or China, then you are legitimate.

OTH, if you are from an intelligence agency from a second world nation trying to defend your nation using asymmetrical warfare? Well, then, you don't get to dictate the terms of international law. The powerful get to call anyone they want a terrorist, yet, their own folks are "intelligence assets."





Why are the CIA and FSB not terrorist organizations, yet the Quds force is? Simple, double standards based on political goals only. Anything that the Quds has done, Mossad, FSB, MI6, and the CIA have done tenfold.

Only the dumb and blind that cannot parse out the goals of propaganda, and do not see what is obvious.
  1. 1-Term Donnie.
  2. Cowardly.
  3. Stupid Cold-Blooded Killing.
  4. Needlessly inflamed.
  5. American will die.
Are you willing to lay down a bet he won't be reelected? What are you willing to put up?

Coward. Support that claim with facts, not emotions.

Cold-Blooded Killing. You mean like the hundreds of Americans the general killed that you were OK with?

Needlessly inflamed. Oh you mean we should have just left well enough alone like before when they were just trying to burn down our embassy, attack out ships, while chanting death to America?

Americans will die. Hey DUMBASS, Americans were already dying. Why don't you go lick some Ayatollah ass, since you seem to like it so much.
Yet another dumb fuck American totally clueless, thanks to consuming propaganda generated by billionaires and a criminal government.

The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser
The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser

In reality thereā€™s no evidence for any of the reasons weā€™ve been offered for why Iran needed to be provoked into an almost inevitable retaliation that Trump is currently tweeting will result in all-out war:

  • The claim that Soleimani posed an ā€œimminent threatā€ is completely without evidence, rumored to be ā€œrazor thinā€œ, and entirely debunked in this excellent essay by Craig Murray.
  • Mike Penceā€™s claim that Soleimani assisted 9/11 terrorists is so ridiculous that even the war-loving Washington Post dismissed it.
  • Thereā€™s no proof that Soleimani directed the strike that allegedly killed a US contractor, or that that contractor even existed.
  • Thereā€™s no proof that Soleimani was involved in any ā€œattackā€ on any US embassy, leaving aside the obvious fact that a little graffiti on the walls wouldnā€™t justify his assassination if he did.
  • The ā€œhundreds of American deathsā€ line you hear regurgitated by everyone from Trump to Elizabeth Warren actually refers to Iraqis defending themselves from an illegal US invasion with some training from Iran. The claim that Iran was behind Iraqi bombs is withoutevidence and wouldnā€™t matter if it were true; claiming the inhabitants of an invaded nation donā€™t have the right to defend themselves is absurd, regardless of where they got their weaponry.
  • The claim that Soleimani was ā€œa terroristā€ is only made because the branch of the Iranian military he commanded was arbitrarily designated a terrorist organization by the US government last year, a designation that any foreign government could just as easily make for any branch of the US military. He was actually a fearsome enemy of ISIS and al-Qaeda and played a massive role in halting the spread of ISIS.

taking everyone to school AGAIN.:2up:
Iā€™m afraid they havenā€™t learned a fucking thing.

Rs and cons like to complain about fake news, then they gullibly swallow the governmentā€™s lies about Iran. I really didnā€™t think them this stupid.

Iā€™m ashamed to admit I was once a con.

Yup, you havenā€™t convinced anyone that Soleimani was a humanitarian who just happened to be in Iraq to attend funerals and lead peace negotiations.
I guess itā€™s true...you canā€™t fix stupid.

Keep burying your head in the sand about bloodthirsty Islamic freaks.
Thatā€™s right. He wonā€™t be re-elected. His cowardly and enormously stupid cold blooded killing of the general has needlessly inflamed the region, and now Americans will die.

He campaigned on nonintervention, just as his two lying predecessors did, but now we know he too is a liar.

Donnie just made Sniify Joe look like a foreign policy expert. God help us.

  1. 1-Term Donnie.
  2. Cowardly.
  3. Stupid Cold-Blooded Killing.
  4. Needlessly inflamed.
  5. American will die.
Are you willing to lay down a bet he won't be reelected? What are you willing to put up?

Coward. Support that claim with facts, not emotions.

Cold-Blooded Killing. You mean like the hundreds of Americans the general killed that you were OK with?

Needlessly inflamed. Oh you mean we should have just left well enough alone like before when they were just trying to burn down our embassy, attack out ships, while chanting death to America?

Americans will die. Hey DUMBASS, Americans were already dying. Why don't you go lick some Ayatollah ass, since you seem to like it so much.
Yet another dumb fuck American totally clueless, thanks to consuming propaganda generated by billionaires and a criminal government.

The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser
The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser

In reality thereā€™s no evidence for any of the reasons weā€™ve been offered for why Iran needed to be provoked into an almost inevitable retaliation that Trump is currently tweeting will result in all-out war:

  • The claim that Soleimani posed an ā€œimminent threatā€ is completely without evidence, rumored to be ā€œrazor thinā€œ, and entirely debunked in this excellent essay by Craig Murray.
  • Mike Penceā€™s claim that Soleimani assisted 9/11 terrorists is so ridiculous that even the war-loving Washington Post dismissed it.
  • Thereā€™s no proof that Soleimani directed the strike that allegedly killed a US contractor, or that that contractor even existed.
  • Thereā€™s no proof that Soleimani was involved in any ā€œattackā€ on any US embassy, leaving aside the obvious fact that a little graffiti on the walls wouldnā€™t justify his assassination if he did.
  • The ā€œhundreds of American deathsā€ line you hear regurgitated by everyone from Trump to Elizabeth Warren actually refers to Iraqis defending themselves from an illegal US invasion with some training from Iran. The claim that Iran was behind Iraqi bombs is withoutevidence and wouldnā€™t matter if it were true; claiming the inhabitants of an invaded nation donā€™t have the right to defend themselves is absurd, regardless of where they got their weaponry.
  • The claim that Soleimani was ā€œa terroristā€ is only made because the branch of the Iranian military he commanded was arbitrarily designated a terrorist organization by the US government last year, a designation that any foreign government could just as easily make for any branch of the US military. He was actually a fearsome enemy of ISIS and al-Qaeda and played a massive role in halting the spread of ISIS.

taking everyone to school AGAIN.:2up:
Iā€™m afraid they havenā€™t learned a fucking thing.

Rs and cons like to complain about fake news, then they gullibly swallow the governmentā€™s lies about Iran. I really didnā€™t think them this stupid.

Iā€™m ashamed to admit I was once a con.

yeah they are so far gone brainwashed and in denial mode,they always change the subject and act like they did not see your post when you give them hard evidence that Bush was the same as Obama.That he lied about reversing Bushs policys only expanding them including the middle east war.this act of Trumps makes him no different than those warmongers. the ONLY difference between trump getting elected and HITLERY is Hitlery would have done this a LONG time ago in year one,she would not have put it off for three in half years so this was the one time i am happy that one candidate got elected over the other one.

Like when Romney and Obama ran against each other,i did not give a shit which got in same with mccain and Obama.did not give a crap.so I still dont regret I wanted trump in over Hitlery since as i said,she would have ALREADY have done that a long time ago.
What the fuck happened to you? :dunno:
We can only hope the Ayatollahs show restraint. You know? The Ayatollahs Americans are told are blood thirsty animals. If they donā€™t, here comes WWIII.

Crazy Don has really fucked up. Ironic that we have to hope the leaders of Iran keep their heads.
You watch way too much television news.
I donā€™t watch any. Iā€™m just a lot smarter than you.
lol weā€™ll see.

Good lord Paulie, when are you going to wake up? :dunno:

Before or after the U.N is throwing you in a cage and the Chinese and Russian bombs are raining down on the land?


Hey Beal,good to see you aiding Gipper taking everyone to school as well that OUR government is the threat to the world,NOT Iran.
The problem here is simply double standards. Folks refuse to see how stupid they are being, they refuse to see through the lies, propaganda and fog of war.

Folks in America think that if you are from an intelligence agency of the West, Russia, or China, then you are legitimate.

OTH, if you are from an intelligence agency from a second world nation trying to defend your nation using asymmetrical warfare? Well, then, you don't get to dictate the terms of international law. The powerful get to call anyone they want a terrorist, yet, their own folks are "intelligence assets."





Why are the CIA and FSB not terrorist organizations, yet the Quds force is? Simple, double standards based on political goals only. Anything that the Quds has done, Mossad, FSB, MI6, and the CIA have done tenfold.

Only the dumb and blind that cannot parse out the goals of propaganda, and do not see what is obvious.

So you admit the Quds are working covertly to run interference on behalf of Iran for Iranian interests. The only difference is they are our enemy.

Donā€™t tell gipper though, he doesnā€™t think they were doing anything against the US or had the ability hurt America.
We can only hope the Ayatollahs show restraint. You know? The Ayatollahs Americans are told are blood thirsty animals. If they donā€™t, here comes WWIII.

Crazy Don has really fucked up. Ironic that we have to hope the leaders of Iran keep their heads.
You watch way too much television news.
I donā€™t watch any. Iā€™m just a lot smarter than you.
lol weā€™ll see.

Good lord Paulie, when are you going to wake up? :dunno:

Before or after the U.N is throwing you in a cage and the Chinese and Russian bombs are raining down on the land?


Hey Beal,good to see you aiding Gipper taking everyone to school as well that OUR government is the threat to the world,NOT Iran.

^^ Itā€™s so wonderful to see you anti-American fucks come out of the closet.
Thatā€™s right. He wonā€™t be re-elected. His cowardly and enormously stupid cold blooded killing of the general has needlessly inflamed the region, and now Americans will die.

He campaigned on nonintervention, just as his two lying predecessors did, but now we know he too is a liar.

Donnie just made Sniify Joe look like a foreign policy expert. God help us.

Watching your head explode is going to be amusing.
I guess you arenā€™t a free thinker. If only you were the exception. Sadly, there are way too many close minded non-thinkers on this forum.

Oh, I am a free thinker, and I have watched iran spread terror, and death throughout the world.

I worked and lived in the countries they have harmed so have direct experience of their disdain for humanity.
You have already proven you arenā€™t a free thinker. You are a dupe for the Empire.
The "Empire?" You sound just like the kind of radical malcontent that maybe Homeland ought to keep a close eye on.
Thatā€™s right. He wonā€™t be re-elected. His cowardly and enormously stupid cold blooded killing of the general has needlessly inflamed the region, and now Americans will die.

He campaigned on nonintervention, just as his two lying predecessors did, but now we know he too is a liar.

Donnie just made Sniify Joe look like a foreign policy expert. God help us.
Beale Iā€™ve tried to show you alternatives to the ā€œtrump is NWOā€ mantra you seem to want to hang on to. If you would just do yourself the favor of looking deeper youā€™ll see how clear it is. Everything trump is doing is waking people up to the idea of the deep state. Only a few short years ago the phrase ā€œdeep stateā€ was conspiracy theory lore. Now itā€™s a household phrase. Millions of people are waking up to the NWO and you think this is some big elaborate psy-op when they couldā€™ve just had Hillary win and destroy the republic? Use your damn intuition on this one. The NWO has NEVER utilized the idea of truth or anything resembling it in their entire history. Waking millions of people up to what theyā€™ve been doing is the absolute LAST thing they want.

Iā€™m done debating this with you. Iā€™ve taken MONTHS of my time to research this stuff and Iā€™ve seen all I need to see to get off the fence on this and realize that something amazing is happening. If you donā€™t want to be a part of it then Iā€™ll be here to say I told you so when the time comes.

yeah thats WHY you did not read anything of what he posted cause you want to spend MONTHS doing what MW does, listen for months to people like alex jones and same as her, desperatly hold out hope that Trump is this white knight in shining armour different than warmongers Bush and Obama.:lmao::laughing0301::cuckoo:

You ignore the facts that trump is all talk and no action,that he says what everybody WANTS to hear, I even fell for him for the first couple years thinking he was not a crminal like Bush and Obama and different from them.He had ME going for a while as well,but his actions betray that. so I FINALLY woke up.

He is easy to want to believe in cause unlike previous others,he tells the truth abouyt the media being corrupt and how corrupt our government is saying the fed is the problem but he has yet to do ANYTHING about these evil organizations the fed,the CIA,the FBI and all these other criminal organizations.

IF he was sincere,he would have done so by now and he could have signed some kind of executive order to abolish them.:rolleyes: I still give him one more year to prove me wrong that he will do this but thats it,one more year to finish his term and I am done with him it looks like.

misterbeal is looking at the REAL evidence,you have spent months looking at the evidence they WANT you to look at. ever thing about that one?:rolleyes:
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Thatā€™s right. He wonā€™t be re-elected. His cowardly and enormously stupid cold blooded killing of the general has needlessly inflamed the region, and now Americans will die.

He campaigned on nonintervention, just as his two lying predecessors did, but now we know he too is a liar.

Donnie just made Sniify Joe look like a foreign policy expert. God help us.

So what was an Iranian general doing in Iraq?
Attending the funeral of the 25 Iraqi militia soldiers murdered by your government. He also was to meet the president of Iraq, to discuss a peace plan involving all parties in Iraq.

Why donā€™t you know this?

Attending the funeral of the 25 Iraqi militia soldiers murdered by your government.

He was a regular humanitarian, eh?

Good God Gipper, get a gripper on yourself. Here again we see a beautiful example of the radical black and white polarized thinking of the cognitive dissonant resorting again to Godwin's Law. Now in a day, we have forgotten who we are dealing with and taken the bad people in all of this and transformed them into the victim somehow while overnight making Trump out to be "Adolf Hitler" because he has done the one thing which might end all of this conflict and hostility instead of keeping it alive another 40 years:

ACTUALLY FLOUT THE OPTION OF REAL WAR in the face of the Iranians at a cost they cannot pay instead of just another tit for tat conflagrating never ending police action that all of the progressive "civilized peace-lovers" of the world so proudly hold dear even as it has lead to almost a half century of unresolved hostility and conflict.

Can anyone here actually just keep their dick in their pocket for 5 minutes first before panicking to see how this all plays out?

Let's not forget who we are dealing with here, the Iranians have:
  1. Seized and attacked our embassies.
  2. Taken our people prisoner.
  3. Conducted suicide bombings.
  4. Attacked our military in their bases.
  5. Mined the Persian Gulf.
  6. Done severe damage to many of our vessels.
  7. Sponsored terror organizations all over.
  8. Facilitated the 9/11 hijackers.
  9. Killed hundreds and hundreds of our diplomats, civilians and especially military.
  10. Arrested and detained many of our people without cause or charge sometimes for decades.
  11. Attempted to carry out an assassination right in Washington DC.
  12. Attacked US interests worldwide.
  13. Charged our ships for no apparent cause.
  14. Seized our ships for no cause.
  15. Carried out surveillance of our bases and airports in preparation to attack Americans.
  16. Infiltrated our country with spies.
  17. Made specific death threats against our leaders and country.
  18. Persistently and stubbornly resisted and violated all efforts to monitor and limit their nuclear development.
And all for what? BECAUSE THEY ABSOLUTELY REFUSE TO ABANDON THEIR HOSTILE, PROVOCATIVE HISTORY OF REPRESSION, AGGRESSION AND TERROR, making them too much of a potential threat to just "leave alone" and hope for the best.

Instead, we are diluting this all with conspiracy theories and chomping on our own leg. The VERY BEST THING that Iran could hope for right now as they unify into one cause is exactly what the Left is giving them: attacks on Trump, vilification of America as being the bad guy here, and especially, talk of reigning in Trump's ability to execute military campaigns. The Iranians would like nothing better here than to see America like all western countries pull back in self-doubt and self-imposed impotence yet again, thus reassuring them of our image as a paper tiger unlikely to ever really strike.

View attachment 298851
How many military bases does Iran have, that encircle the USA? What sanctions has Iran imposed on the USA that are dramatically harming itā€™s economy? How many nations has Iran invaded over the last 100 years? How many civilians has and military personnel has Iran murdered in the past 100 years? Has Iran threatened the USA with nuclear annihilation?

Please read Stockmanā€™s column and refute what you can? Please?

How the Donald Assassinated America First - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Stated differently, Iranā€™s extremely modest military capacities are not remotely about an offensive threat to the American homeland. They are overwhelmingly about defending itself in its own neighborhood, where Washington has been intervening and occupying with massive firepower and hostile intent for decades.

How many military bases does Iran have, that encircle the USA?

Exactly! Iran is super awesome!!!!

Who cares about their support for terrorism?

Please read Stockmanā€™s column

What's that whiney twat whining about now?
Itā€™s funny how some Americans know little tiny Iran with itā€™s puny military commits terrorism on an enormous scale, but they canā€™t see the terrorism committed by their government. How is this possible?
Puny military? You Dolt, they are the most powerful country we have had tensions with since the Korean War, getting direct aide from China and Russia!

Thatā€™s right. He wonā€™t be re-elected. His cowardly and enormously stupid cold blooded killing of the general has needlessly inflamed the region, and now Americans will die.

He campaigned on nonintervention, just as his two lying predecessors did, but now we know he too is a liar.

Donnie just made Sniify Joe look like a foreign policy expert. God help us.

Watching your head explode is going to be amusing.
I guess you arenā€™t a free thinker. If only you were the exception. Sadly, there are way too many close minded non-thinkers on this forum.

Oh, I am a free thinker, and I have watched iran spread terror, and death throughout the world.

I worked and lived in the countries they have harmed so have direct experience of their disdain for humanity.

So what was an Iranian general doing in Iraq?
Attending the funeral of the 25 Iraqi militia soldiers murdered by your government. He also was to meet the president of Iraq, to discuss a peace plan involving all parties in Iraq.

Why donā€™t you know this?

Why would he be attending funerals for Iraqis?

He was there to lead the riot against our embassy and attempt to turn it into another Benghazi.

ā€œPeace negotiationsā€, uh huh.
Come on. Get informed or stop posting.

Iran taunted President Trump, saying ā€œYou canā€™t do anythingā€, referring to the attacks on the embassy orchestrated by Iran.

Why would they say that if they were innocent of wrongdoing in Iraq?

Come on dudes! Refute this or admit being a dupe for Donnie.

The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser
The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser

In reality thereā€™s no evidence for any of the reasons weā€™ve been offered for why Iran needed to be provoked into an almost inevitable retaliation that Trump is currently tweeting will result in all-out war:

  • The claim that Soleimani posed an ā€œimminent threatā€ is completely without evidence, rumored to be ā€œrazor thinā€œ, and entirely debunked in this excellent essay by Craig Murray.
  • Mike Penceā€™s claim that Soleimani assisted 9/11 terrorists is so ridiculous that even the war-loving Washington Post dismissed it.
  • Thereā€™s no proof that Soleimani directed the strike that allegedly killed a US contractor, or that that contractor even existed.
  • Thereā€™s no proof that Soleimani was involved in any ā€œattackā€ on any US embassy, leaving aside the obvious fact that a little graffiti on the walls wouldnā€™t justify his assassination if he did.
  • The ā€œhundreds of American deathsā€ line you hear regurgitated by everyone from Trump to Elizabeth Warren actually refers to Iraqis defending themselves from an illegal US invasion with some training from Iran. The claim that Iran was behind Iraqi bombs is withoutevidence and wouldnā€™t matter if it were true; claiming the inhabitants of an invaded nation donā€™t have the right to defend themselves is absurd, regardless of where they got their weaponry.
  • The claim that Soleimani was ā€œa terroristā€ is only made because the branch of the Iranian military he commanded was arbitrarily designated a terrorist organization by the US government last year, a designation that any foreign government could just as easily make for any branch of the US military. He was actually a fearsome enemy of ISIS and al-Qaeda and played a massive role in halting the spread of ISIS.

One question: Are the Iranians PAYING you to be a spokesperson for their anti-America hating conspiracy propaganda or did they just find themselves a really good useful Dhimmi willing to do it for free?

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