One Thing I’ve Noticed About the Pandemic...

The Technocrats like Doc Fauci love this shit. After decades of toiling in anonymity, he finally makes it to the big time. He's been nominated for the position of "Sexiest Man Alive"
Oh bother...
The liberal ladies have really lowered their standards after years of trying to turn men into pajama boys.

There is even a Fauci bobblehead
download (2).jpeg
A pair of socks..
Even a freaking prayer candle..
All made in China of course...
Dumbassed liberals filling our landfills with stupid shit...
We suffered together, we can recover together. That's just good old American brotherhood.

Actually, some people have suffered a lot, and other haven't suffered at all. Au contraire, a lot of politicians have really enjoyed the whole event. Establishing curfews, all kinds of new rules about masks, social distancing, closing businesses, sending people checks. Nowadays a lot of the governors are walking around like they are Kim Jong Fucking Un and are really into it. a member previously said, the politicians haven't lost their jobs or paycheck
MOFO the politicians ---they should have furloughed MANY government workers LONG ago--we were in HUGE debt even back then
...they should ''furlough'' some of these jackass politicians who contribute NOTHING
In Maine, City Hall employees and a lot of state university workers have been laid off. DMV workers have been furloughed since the start, since the DMV was shut down at the get go. The government is not getting its revenues either and next year is going to be hell. There is going to be a huge contraction in the economy and I fear the government's ability to respond is not going to be there. This is shaping up to be JUST like the start of the Great Depression--when if you starved or lost your home, tough shit.
Maine is always where recession hits first and leaves last. My time there saw such cycles and resulted in big economic hits for me and my neighbors.
The approaches to deal with things this time holds promise. Too many will be tempted to call this "socialism". It isn't that. It is common sense that we all work on this together, and those that have much shall have much demanded of them, just as Jesus said.
We suffered together, we can recover together. That's just good old American brotherhood.

Actually, some people have suffered a lot, and other haven't suffered at all. Au contraire, a lot of politicians have really enjoyed the whole event. Establishing curfews, all kinds of new rules about masks, social distancing, closing businesses, sending people checks. Nowadays a lot of the governors are walking around like they are Kim Jong Fucking Un and are really into it.
Your a idiot. Every one has a skin in this game. The virus does not give a shit about your policitac leanings. We all care for our children and our parents. Every one is getting fucked out of this deal. No one is avoiding the price. Life is better when we can go and do the things we want, for every one. This sucks and it sucks for every one. That is just the way it is. Maybe you think you can rise to some social class and all problems go away but the y do not. Every swinging dick on the planet is going to anty up and pay for this epidemic no one excapes the cost. No one.
Totalitarian democrats wouldn't have it any other way.
We suffered together, we can recover together. That's just good old American brotherhood.

Actually, some people have suffered a lot, and other haven't suffered at all. Au contraire, a lot of politicians have really enjoyed the whole event. Establishing curfews, all kinds of new rules about masks, social distancing, closing businesses, sending people checks. Nowadays a lot of the governors are walking around like they are Kim Jong Fucking Un and are really into it. a member previously said, the politicians haven't lost their jobs or paycheck
MOFO the politicians ---they should have furloughed MANY government workers LONG ago--we were in HUGE debt even back then
...they should ''furlough'' some of these jackass politicians who contribute NOTHING
In Maine, City Hall employees and a lot of state university workers have been laid off. DMV workers have been furloughed since the start, since the DMV was shut down at the get go. The government is not getting its revenues either and next year is going to be hell. There is going to be a huge contraction in the economy and I fear the government's ability to respond is not going to be there. This is shaping up to be JUST like the start of the Great Depression--when if you starved or lost your home, tough shit.

Government just makes money, deficits won’t matter and we will borrow trillions more before this is all over.
I was thinking more about the states.

The fed will sweep in, they always do.
Those that had good coping skills have coped. Those that were generally maladjusted and angry have gotten more and more angry. Those who were given to whacky conspiracy theories have gone full tilt conspiratards.

Such is to be expected as challenges break some and make others.

I would agree with that in general, but everyone has their limits. A month ago there was wide spread support for many of these directives by state and local politicians. That is starting to erode, however, as I knew it would. When these lock downs started I told my brother I give it about two month before the unrest starts flaring up. It didn't take that long.

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