Online death threats against Biden after speech

Please, this is a man that can't get out of the shower or ride a bicycle without hurting himself. He tries to shake hands with invisible people for crying out loud. He couldn't make bacon in a frying pan curl up.
AND he's made you snowflakes completely melt down. That's absolutely hilarious. After six years of nothing but hateful invective from your god on earth.

Punch a bully in the nose and they cry. An old man doing that, too.
Operation "Occasional Manhood." Liberal men have to exert their masculinity now and then, or they turn into women. Especially since liberal women are so fat, ugly, disobedient, and mouthy.

That’s why they hide behind their kook feminist /tranny girlfriends. Small penis syndrome. 😀
Death threats against a sitting President? How very liberal:


Please, this is a man that can't get out of the shower or ride a bicycle without hurting himself. He tries to shake hands with invisible people for crying out loud. He couldn't make bacon in a frying pan curl up.
Yeah, he’s only a president that can pass major pieces of legislation.
Now look; America carried Reagan for 3 years of his 2nd term as he was getting senile.

Ofc that allowed globalist Bush to be running things during that period but uh, with Biden it's Obama and his handlers.
When you essentially call Conservatives useless violent ni@@ers not worthy of freedom, there may be pushback

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