Online death threats against Biden after speech

You leftists have some imagination. When leftists bring up a problem, they are discussing issues. When somebody from the right does the same, they are whining. Like I said, if you think we're "melting down" encourage your commie leaders to pull more stunts like that. We'll take all the voters you can send us.

The president is wrong.

Threats of violence from the right are a tiny, teenzy-weenzy little non-problem, compared to the thousands upon thousands of cases of ACTUAL violence from the left.

You can count the totality of rightie violence since Trump on the fingers of your two hands.

But you can't even count one DAY of the leftard riots on those fingers.

Biden is either stupid or senile or both. If there's an agenda in play, it's incredibly stupid, counterproductive, self defeating and poorly thought out.

The left sees the nationwide riots (that they caused and allow to happen) as one of the reasons people were stupid enough to elect this dementia patient. They also know getting people to vote from home makes it much more complicated to detect fraud, and they get more of the welfare vote that way. But I think this latest speech was to try and fire up those losers that call themselves ANTIFA.

So far it didn't work and like the MAL raid, people are turning against them.
The left sees the nationwide riots (that they caused and allow to happen) as one of the reasons people were stupid enough to elect this dementia patient. They also know getting people to vote from home makes it much more complicated to detect fraud, and they get more of the welfare vote that way. But I think this latest speech was to try and fire up those losers that call themselves ANTIFA.

So far it didn't work and like the MAL raid, people are turning against them.
Montgomery Co Md just cheated with its county executive election. After all live votes tallied, Blair up by 2,000. After the late mail ins stagger in over next two weeks, Erlich gains 2050 votes. See mail ins are for unmotivated uninformed dummies who can’t make an effort including voting on time so they naturally vote for the incumbent puke because that name is all they know.
Montgomery Co Md just cheated with its county executive election. After all live votes tallied, Blair up by 2,000. After the late mail ins stagger in over next two weeks, Erlich gains 2050 votes. See mail ins are for unmotivated uninformed dummies who can’t make an effort including voting on time so they naturally vote for the incumbent puke because that name is all they know.

People who vote from home generally don't even know WTF they're voting on. People who feel it's important enough to go to the polls to vote are more knowledgeable. Of course I exclude those mail-ins that come from our military, those who can't make it to the polls, and those who have physical impairments that preclude them from voting in person.
AND he's made you snowflakes completely melt down. That's absolutely hilarious. After six years of nothing but hateful invective from your god on earth.

Punch a bully in the nose and they cry. An old man doing that, too.

If you had even a single brain cell you wouldn't be gloating.

But you don't. So you are.
Yes, I know, you obedient Trumpsters are much smarter than the rest of us. I know.
You don't know squat. You're a condescending little punk who think he's got it all figured out, yet you fail in the simplest of pigeonholing tasks. You should get out more. Broaden your horizons
Are Bidenistas going to play the victim card now? The link used the word "denouncing". What does that mean in political terms? Reasonable opinions from Americans who criticized his speech now going to be classified as "death threats"? Forget bank robberies and kidnappings FBI. Biden's speech opened a whole new world of gestapo tactics. Round 'em up and let God sort 'em out.
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Are Bidenistas going to play the victim card now? The link used the word "denouncing". What does that mean in political terms? Reasonable opinions from Americans who criticized his speech now going to be classified as "death threats"? Forget bank robberies and kidnappings FBI. Biden's speech opened a whole new world of gestapo tactics. Round 'em up and let God sort 'em out.
Yes. They consider PTA mom’s domestic terrorists after all.
Montgomery Co Md just cheated with its county executive election. After all live votes tallied, Blair up by 2,000. After the late mail ins stagger in over next two weeks, Erlich gains 2050 votes. See mail ins are for unmotivated uninformed dummies who can’t make an effort including voting on time so they naturally vote for the incumbent puke because that name is all they know.
Mail in's are being abused worse than this nation has ever seen I believe. And the leftist following is taking advantage of the Republicans being caught off guard with it's new inception. The republican's need to quickly embrace the new technology or way of doing things, otherwise if it's going to be done anyway.. Time to fight fire with fire.
Mail in's are being abused worse than this nation has ever seen I believe. And the leftist following is taking advantage of the Republicans being caught off guard with it's new inception. The republican's need to quickly embrace the new technology or way of doing things, otherwise if it's going to be done anyway.. Time to fight fire with fire.

I'm all for doing away with any technology when it comes to voting. No matter who wins or loses there will always be suspicions. Go back to the way we did things years ago and hand count all ballots, keep a record in case of any questions, and then nobody can claim fraud. So we don't find out who's the President or Congressman that night, or even the next day. At least it will bring some peace to our election process.
Biden has definitely earned his title of the "divider and chief". Not sure if he's doing this for the base or if he's doing these things in order to get his political enemies distracted, otherwise by creating a diversion that gets them off of the trail that leads to his alledged past being found in the "play for pay" scheme's that may have went on with him and his son with other foreign countries.
ReallY? Resurfaced video EXPOSES Trump calling Democrats ‘FASCIST’ on 2020 campaign trail
Mail in's are being abused worse than this nation has ever seen I believe. And the leftist following is taking advantage of the Republicans being caught off guard with it's new inception. The republican's need to quickly embrace the new technology or way of doing things, otherwise if it's going to be done anyway.. Time to fight fire with fire.
How exactly?

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