Online death threats against Biden after speech

That's nuts. I don't consider anything I read posted online as being real, or a "threat."

Liberals on the other hand, consider everything to be a threat. Maybe they need to live is a big plastic bubble or a big hamster ball.


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At school board meetings, if a parent said we will remember this on election day. They were considered terrorist by these loons.
The old man punches back and they lose their shit.

Good. Poor babies.
LOL. Punching back? That old bastard was simply trying to make sure that people are talking about Trump because he thinks people are too stupid to remember his disaster in Afghanistan, $5.00 gas, and allowing thousands of U.S citizens to die from fentanyl poisoning because he thinks he'll benefit from leaving our border wide open. All that pile of feces did was to unmask his own fascism.
At school board meetings, if a parent said we will remember this on election day. They were considered terrorist by these loons.
Yeah, the school board meetings that were called to order by the concerned parent's I'm guessing, otherwise all because the wokesters want to teach the children how it's normal now to accept things in which the parent's by a majority don't agree with, otherwise as if somehow that it's just normal humanism taking place when it's something else altogether, and also because of their skin color being wrong, otherwise suggesting that something is wrong with them because of you know (privilege). Two strike's with one more to go with these wokies, but the game might be called due to a strong storm coming in the mid term election's.

No telling what they might be capable of next, otherwise before the election, so be diligent folks. Biden's got them pumped and empowered where they are looking to make war with million's of American's in order to get their way... His speech was full of it.

He'll never change, where as he was a pandering politician forever and a day now. They are depending on him.

Just more puppetry, smoke and mirrors from the 4th Reich to incite everybody to a frenzy so they aren't paying attention to whats happening behind the curtains.

It wasn't a coincidence that the background was designed from one of Hitlers rallies.
It wasn't a coincidence that RED was the main color for the background.
It wasn't a coincidence that TWO GUARDS were standing in the background like Hitlers Wehrmacht.
It wasn't a coincidence that their main puppet, Biden, was up there spouting a Hitler inpsired hate speech against this country.

The Evil Ones have someting BIG planned to happen before November elections.
Is it their plan for the Red Wave to hit in November? Is this why they are pushing so hard to turn the entire country against them? (not that its gonna take much)
What kind of continuing heinous atrocities do they have planned????
Reminds me of the CPAC stage in 2021….the one that looked like a Nazi symbol.
Yep, and now that it's been learned that social media platforms were part of it all, then it's no wonder why Trump lost in a fraudulent way.

And it wasn't even social media, it was advice (ah-hum) by the FBI. Many surveys taken stated that Trump would have won the election if people had only known about Hunter, but of course not every American watches real political shows like they have on Fox.
AND he's made you snowflakes completely melt down. That's absolutely hilarious. After six years of nothing but hateful invective from your god on earth.

Punch a bully in the nose and they cry. An old man doing that, too.

You leftists have some imagination. When leftists bring up a problem, they are discussing issues. When somebody from the right does the same, they are whining. Like I said, if you think we're "melting down" encourage your commie leaders to pull more stunts like that. We'll take all the voters you can send us.
From the OP, this sentence caught my eye:

In a statement to Yahoo News on Friday, the White House said that the calls for violence following Biden’s speech illustrate the threat the president described.
The president is wrong.

Threats of violence from the right are a tiny, teenzy-weenzy little non-problem, compared to the thousands upon thousands of cases of ACTUAL violence from the left.

You can count the totality of rightie violence since Trump on the fingers of your two hands.

But you can't even count one DAY of the leftard riots on those fingers.

Biden is either stupid or senile or both. If there's an agenda in play, it's incredibly stupid, counterproductive, self defeating and poorly thought out.

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