Only 15 Days Left in the Obama Regime

Warb doesn't realize that it takes more than a Gallup poll to win a presidential election.

It takes electoral votes which Romney leads in now for the first time:

You have a point there lib...Barry STILL has a lot of time to purposely fuck things up but good, if not STEAL the freaking election altogether.
he won,t steal the election . in end if he loses, he accept it and move and wish a president romney the best of luck . really don't know Obama. He will be PISSED! And so will his'll be UGLY!

That's've been indoctrinating into believing that people like Obama are really savages.
Thank GOD.


Thank God Obama is going to win a second term !!!

I would say that Obama is a 2:1 favorite to win. Therefore the issue is in doubt and the election will be close. Anyone who thinks it will be a landslide is not thinking clearly.

Romney is trailing at present, but the gap is close. Voter turnout in a few states will be critical.

I thought both candidates performed well in the second debate. Romney should be careful not to make a foreign policy gaffe in tomorrow's debate.
OMG I home you are right!
in end if romney win, then well done to him and america needs come together afterwards. that the case for whoever wins

I don't see happening, at least with many people.

If Obama wins, conservatives will be bummed, but i don't see any big problems. Although, the liberals will be taunting us like crazy about it. Even if Obama wins, that doesn't mean we will stop fighting him! He won't care, he can't run again so he's going to do what he can to complete his agenda......

If Romney wins, the liberals will go APE SHIT! I really believe there will be riots in a lot of places, his zombies will come out of the woodwork! A lot of them are not sane, and Obama has put such a gap between people here in the US that it's going to go crazy. I'm not looking forward to it and pray that it doesn't get too bad.....

Very interesting. My thoughts about you were correct.
Thank GOD.


Thank God Obama is going to win a second term !!!

I would say that Obama is a 2:1 favorite to win. Therefore the issue is in doubt and the election will be close. Anyone who thinks it will be a landslide is not thinking clearly.

Romney is trailing at present, but the gap is close. Voter turnout in a few states will be critical.

I thought both candidates performed well in the second debate. Romney should be careful not to make a foreign policy gaffe in tomorrow's debate.
it massive debate on monday that for sure
in end if romney win, then well done to him and america needs come together afterwards. that the case for whoever wins

I like your positive attitude, but this is going to depend. If Obama wins, I suspect the GOP will continue to say "no" to everything, whether or not they backed it before, no matter what, period. They're absolutely paralyzed by their dependence on the Tea Party. Right now, I think the Democrats are more likely to cooperate with the other side. Look at Obamacare - a huge giveaway (in their Left's eyes) to the health insurance companies.

I don't know how anything substantive is accomplished when one party simply will not work with the other. And this is the worst possible time for absolutism.

in end if romney win, then well done to him and america needs come together afterwards. that the case for whoever wins

I like your positive attitude, but this is going to depend. If Obama wins, I suspect the GOP will continue to say "no" to everything, whether or not they backed it before, no matter what, period. They're absolutely paralyzed by their dependence on the Tea Party. Right now, I think the Democrats are more likely to cooperate with the other side. Look at Obamacare - a huge giveaway (in their Left's eyes) to the health insurance companies.

I don't know how anything substantive is accomplished when one party simply will not work with the other. And this is the worst possible time for absolutism.

you make a good point. hard to see either side coming together. obama did give some thing away in obama care but gop still hate it. but look in end whatever happens country need to move forward as one. simple as that whoever wins.
The truth is that Obama got everything he said he wanted. The truth is his last budget even democrats would not vote for, and that was by plan in my opinion.

Win or lose I will give Romney credit he held Obama to the fire unlike McCain. Palin had more spunk then did McCain. I will also give credit to Romney for taking the BS from the left much better then Obama takes criticism.
Think of how radical he will be as a lame duck, however.

Do you think he will issue an Executive Order to invalidate the election he just lost?

nobody will trash the white house. they will work together as their not that childish.

Yep.... Obama sent the bust of Churchill back to England because it was in his way?

Yeah right..... :cuckoo:
well he had every right to do that. personally wished he kept it but it was his right. does not make him some evil man from outer space for doing so.
anyway if romney wins, you won,t have to worry about him anymore

Not evil.... petulant? Yes....
Sorry bout that,

1. I think we may have to send out the drones in LA, to stop the negroes from stealing everyones flat screens after the election.


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