Only after Rep. Katie Porter put bacon in her grocery cart did she notice its price had spiked to $9.99/lb. Reluctantly, she put it back

I just said I’m in my 60s. You really expect retirees to tool around on an ebike? Took me long enough to find a car where the front seat was comfortable and could support my weak back.
It's an ebike. These bikes were made for old codgers like us. I love it when people get on my ebike for the first time. Imagine how hard it is for Steve Rogers Captain America to ride a bike. That's what it's like. Even up a big ass hill. You put it in 3 and lower the gear a couple and it's like you are floating up the hill. So much fun. I ride with my buddies we are all in our 50's and we feel like kids again.

And all around the country cites/states are fixing up new bike paths. Where old rr tracks are laid they pull them up and pave the path so they are smooth. And with these new bike paths, it's very easy for me to go from Novi to Walled Lake to West Bloomfield to hell, all over Metro Detroit. One day I'm going to ride to my brothers and back. It's 31 miles each way. It will be a LONG ASS day. LOL.
NBA is 85% black but black males make up 6% of the US population. Is the NBA racist? Some cultures/races are better at certain aspects than others. There are more Jewish owners in the NFL than Jewish players.
So you are saying those white men are the best at being CEO's. That white men and black men start off competing for those jobs evenly and it's just that the whites rise to the top because they are better.

Is that what you are saying? WRONG!
NBA is 85% black but black males make up 6% of the US population. Is the NBA racist? Some cultures/races are better at certain aspects than others. There are more Jewish owners in the NFL than Jewish players.
What we are seeing in the NBA is that given the same opportunity and exposure to basketball, whites can be just as good.

Boy if we would only give blacks more opportunities. I know we don't give them enough. You'll deny it. I know you will based on your really stupid comment about 85% of the NBA being black. I mean how stupid can you be? Do you realize what those black men in the NBA did to get into the NBA? They practiced all the time. Summer travel tournaments in the off season. The guys who make it to the NBA never stop practicing.

Why are so few white American men in the NBA? Seems like all the good whites come from Europe. What's going on? I say it's because white American men aren't playing basketball. We are focusing on other things like school.

Black people in America are going to school. They aren't getting hired. Or if they get hired, they aren't being promoted. So this isn't a problem just for CEO's. This starts at the bottom and works it's way up. If you aren't hiring blacks then you can't promote blacks. And if you aren't promoting the blacks you hire, they'll never become CEO's.
So you are saying those white men are the best at being CEO's. That white men and black men start off competing for those jobs evenly and it's just that the whites rise to the top because they are better.

Is that what you are saying? WRONG!
When did I say that? Why didn't you address my NBA question? Some have better aptitudes than others. People from India always seem to win spelling bees. You play the race card because that is the low hanging fruit and you're unintelligent and uneducated. Why is there not one white cornerback in the NFL?
What we are seeing in the NBA is that given the same opportunity and exposure to basketball, whites can be just as good.

Boy if we would only give blacks more opportunities. I know we don't give them enough. You'll deny it. I know you will based on your really stupid comment about 85% of the NBA being black. I mean how stupid can you be? Do you realize what those black men in the NBA did to get into the NBA? They practiced all the time. Summer travel tournaments in the off season. The guys who make it to the NBA never stop practicing.

Why are so few white American men in the NBA? Seems like all the good whites come from Europe. What's going on? I say it's because white American men aren't playing basketball. We are focusing on other things like school.

Black people in America are going to school. They aren't getting hired. Or if they get hired, they aren't being promoted. So this isn't a problem just for CEO's. This starts at the bottom and works it's way up. If you aren't hiring blacks then you can't promote blacks. And if you aren't promoting the blacks you hire, they'll never become CEO's.
You're back pedaling. Could it be as simple as black persons are better athletes on average than white persons? It is OK to say it. The white men you speak off come from the former Yugoslavia. The three best NBA players now are from Europe.

Giannis - Greece
Jokic - Serbia
Doncic - Slovenia

On average the former Yugos are the tallest people in the world. Maybe that helps? Why are there zero white cornerbacks? Why can't we say that on average black persons are better athletes than white persons? Explain it.

In terms of opportunities, why not follow the Jew model? Our ancestors were discriminated against so they formed their own businesses and helped each other. Hence the Jew population is 3% but to your point our % of C-Level executives is much higher. Jews help each other. One of my very best friends is black. He tells me black people have the crab mentality and that holds them down more than some random white guy.

You regurgitate leftist talking pts like the zombie that you are.
Yep, $9.98 for a pound of thick-sliced Smithfield last week. Toss in the food tax that the dems here in Virginia won't give us any relief from and it's $10.50.

In before the photo-shopped cheaper prices.
I bought it for 2.99 on sale 2 days ago at Hyvee.. limit 2 so I bought 10 at the self checkout
You're back pedaling. Could it be as simple as black persons are better athletes on average than white persons? It is OK to say it. The white men you speak off come from the former Yugoslavia. The three best NBA players now are from Europe.

Giannis - Greece
Jokic - Serbia
Doncic - Slovenia

On average the former Yugos are the tallest people in the world. Maybe that helps? Why are there zero white cornerbacks? Why can't we say that on average black persons are better athletes than white persons? Explain it.

In terms of opportunities, why not follow the Jew model? Our ancestors were discriminated against so they formed their own businesses and helped each other. Hence the Jew population is 3% but to your point our % of C-Level executives is much higher. Jews help each other. One of my very best friends is black. He tells me black people have the crab mentality and that holds them down more than some random white guy.

You regurgitate leftist talking pts like the zombie that you are.
We see a great example of white privilege in corporate America when we look at the NFL coaching situation. It's even worse in the NFL but it's a perfect example of what's going on in Corporate America. Nepotism. That means sons of coaches get the job over guys who've played the game. So it's not what you know, it's who you know.

Same thing in corporate America. We aren't finding the best and brightest. A lot of those people are stuck in middle management. Like at my brother's company. The smartest guys, the engineers, a lot of asians, are stuck in engineering.

They say "Asians don't make good leaders" for various reasons. Some true. Very analytical. Don't work well in teams. Not willing to be outspoken and blunt and tough. yada yada. But again, we're stereotyping. That hurts these minorities too when someone is considering them for jobs.

Same for women and blacks I guess. You're not 100% wrong. But the truth is again, it's not what you know it's who you know.

I even tell black people they are hurting themselves when they segregate themselves with all the other black people. They are cutting themselves off from all the great connections they could make if they had white friends. Our parents have good jobs. We can help them get jobs after college. It doesn't hurt us that we don't have any black friends. Their fathers can't get us jobs we want. Chances are, their fathers are blue collar. Or they don't even know their fathers.

I know you're not all wrong.
Excuse me I didn't know Republicans were impervious to inflation.

How about this? Did you know that inflation only made bacon go up 50 cents. So why did the bacon seller raise the price $1? Those corporations are using the pandemic and inflation to gouge you. What would Trump do about that?
How about this, do you have any proof of what you claim or are you just throwing crap against the wall and hoping that it sticks?
How about this, do you have any proof of what you claim or are you just throwing crap against the wall and hoping that it sticks?
You're joining the discussion late. Haven't you seen the news stories about how inflation went up x amount but companies have raised their prices a lot more than to just keep up with inflation?

It's hard to prove price gouging and our politicians who serve corporations aren't going to go after corporations who are gouging us. Are you kidding? Although Democrats are speaking up against these companies who are gouging us.

Look it up yourself dumb shit. Have you seen the price of chicken? It's gone up way more than just because of inflation. Why is that? Do the math dumb shit and get back to me. I need to prove it to you? Prove it to yourself idiot. LOL.

Sorry Papa, love you.
You're joining the discussion late. Haven't you seen the news stories about how inflation went up x amount but companies have raised their prices a lot more than to just keep up with inflation?

It's hard to prove price gouging and our politicians who serve corporations aren't going to go after corporations who are gouging us. Are you kidding? Although Democrats are speaking up against these companies who are gouging us.

Look it up yourself dumb shit. Have you seen the price of chicken? It's gone up way more than just because of inflation. Why is that? Do the math dumb shit and get back to me. I need to prove it to you? Prove it to yourself idiot. LOL.

Sorry Papa, love you.
You you are going off hearsay and not actual facts. Can't prove shit so you want a person that asks for proof to believe you and find proof for you? You are getting dumber everyday.
We see a great example of white privilege in corporate America when we look at the NFL coaching situation. It's even worse in the NFL but it's a perfect example of what's going on in Corporate America. Nepotism. That means sons of coaches get the job over guys who've played the game. So it's not what you know, it's who you know.

Same thing in corporate America. We aren't finding the best and brightest. A lot of those people are stuck in middle management. Like at my brother's company. The smartest guys, the engineers, a lot of asians, are stuck in engineering.

They say "Asians don't make good leaders" for various reasons. Some true. Very analytical. Don't work well in teams. Not willing to be outspoken and blunt and tough. yada yada. But again, we're stereotyping. That hurts these minorities too when someone is considering them for jobs.

Same for women and blacks I guess. You're not 100% wrong. But the truth is again, it's not what you know it's who you know.

I even tell black people they are hurting themselves when they segregate themselves with all the other black people. They are cutting themselves off from all the great connections they could make if they had white friends. Our parents have good jobs. We can help them get jobs after college. It doesn't hurt us that we don't have any black friends. Their fathers can't get us jobs we want. Chances are, their fathers are blue collar. Or they don't even know their fathers.

I know you're not all wrong.
Networking isn't privilege. Another very good friend of mine is black. We coach basketball together. His son is a laborer and was unemployed for three years. I spoke with him and asked what he wanted to do. I then spoke to one of my clients in the seafood business. He has been working there since. Now drives a BMW and has his own appt. Why? Network. I had it and used it to help him but I would have no idea who he is if not for my friend. He is also getting promoted to management shortly. Making $32/hr. Full bennies and 401k to boot.

Jobs are there. But people need to network and ask for them Jews do it well.
It's an ebike. These bikes were made for old codgers like us. I love it when people get on my ebike for the first time. Imagine how hard it is for Steve Rogers Captain America to ride a bike. That's what it's like. Even up a big ass hill. You put it in 3 and lower the gear a couple and it's like you are floating up the hill. So much fun. I ride with my buddies we are all in our 50's and we feel like kids again.

And all around the country cites/states are fixing up new bike paths. Where old rr tracks are laid they pull them up and pave the path so they are smooth. And with these new bike paths, it's very easy for me to go from Novi to Walled Lake to West Bloomfield to hell, all over Metro Detroit. One day I'm going to ride to my brothers and back. It's 31 miles each way. It will be a LONG ASS day. LOL.
Lots of older people have issues that would make riding an ebike uncomfortable, and risky.

But you’re practically admitting that the massive rise in gas prices was by intention, as a way for the libs to push their green new deal thing. News flash: environmental issues are not the major concern - the bigger concerns are illegal aliens who soak up American resources being welcomed in by libs, the awful Bideinflation, and the censorship by our government of dissenting speech.

You libs are so focused on “clean” energy that you’re willing to drive people to the poorhouse, and rob seniors of their independence because they can’t or don’t feel comfortable riding around on an bike.
Networking isn't privilege. Another very good friend of mine is black. We coach basketball together. His son is a laborer and was unemployed for three years. I spoke with him and asked what he wanted to do. I then spoke to one of my clients in the seafood business. He has been working there since. Now drives a BMW and has his own appt. Why? Network. I had it and used it to help him but I would have no idea who he is if not for my friend. He is also getting promoted to management shortly. Making $32/hr. Full bennies and 401k to boot.

Jobs are there. But people need to network and ask for them Jews do it well.

When I tell black people they are hurting themselves by refusing to be friends with whites and go segregate themselves from us in college because some asshole senior taught the freshman blacks CRT. He is fucking their future up. So many of us find jobs from our friends or family.

And I don't ever expect to break up this process because no matter who's in charge, they are going to show bias. If it's a black CEO, suddenly the company will be 50% black even though blacks only make up 20% of the population. So I don't want anyone over represented in the workforce.

So then this affirmative action stuff is nonsense. Ultimately it's not right or fair to give anyone an unfair advantage. It can't be good or business. But then they say a diverse workforce is more creative and better than an all white male workforce. IDK about that.

I tend to agree with you. Us white guys do a damn good job when it comes to business.

I got off track. I think of my friends the Nobles. Where would we be without them? One of the sons got us the best job a college kid could ever ask for. Bellman, Valet, Chauffer at a fancy hotel. We made a FORTUNE working there. Suddenly I could easily pay for college, rent, a car, my insurance. It was a tip job. So without knowing the Nobels, my life would have been much harder.

My nephew is now interning for the other brother. He's a Republican politician. We argue all the time. LOL. My nephew wants to be a lawyer and this intern introduces him to politicians, judges and lawyers. Also celebrities. He's making amazing connections. The black kids he went off to college with are not making these connections. They are making connections with Jamal. Jamal's dad is a mechanic. Jamal is the first one in his family to go to college.

Oh, and I got my first job out of college from a girl who was going to school with my brother. Her father owned a computer training company in the 90's. Teaching everything from word and excel to high level programming and networking. I did B2B sales and made $100K a year in the 90's. I would have never got that job without that networking with someone I knew.
Lots of older people have issues that would make riding an ebike uncomfortable, and risky.

But you’re practically admitting that the massive rise in gas prices was by intention, as a way for the libs to push their green new deal thing. News flash: environmental issues are not the major concern - the bigger concerns are illegal aliens who soak up American resources being welcomed in by libs, the awful Bideinflation, and the censorship by our government of dissenting speech.

You libs are so focused on “clean” energy that you’re willing to drive people to the poorhouse, and rob seniors of their independence because they can’t or don’t feel comfortable riding around on an bike.
No you're clearly swallowing the rights position. I actually believe global warming is a much much much bigger deal than illegals.

Illegals was a problem during the recession. Now companies can't find enough workers. Before, they were taking our jobs. Now, we need them to fill these jobs. I'm not defending hiring illegals. Make them legal if we need them. And imo, we don't need them. We're already over populated and yes we don't need them taking up our resources. Most likely even if they are made legal, they'll go right on Obamacare. All of them. I know they will because I know legal immigrants who are taking advantage of all the free government programs. But I don't begrudge them if they are legal residents. That's who those programs are for. We subsodize Walmart by giving their employees free government healthcare. What's your solution?

Yes it's going to cost you more to go Green. The global corporate pollutors have passed on the taxes to you. And you voted for it too. Right? Corporations shouldn't pay taxes remember? They'll just pass on the costs to us consumers right?

Well it turns out they'll charge us as much as they think they can get away with. When Republicans are in charge, they can get away with murder. Literally. Rick Snyder is criminally charged for Flint. SCUM. Pro life my ass.
When I tell black people they are hurting themselves by refusing to be friends with whites and go segregate themselves from us in college because some asshole senior taught the freshman blacks CRT. He is fucking their future up. So many of us find jobs from our friends or family.

And I don't ever expect to break up this process because no matter who's in charge, they are going to show bias. If it's a black CEO, suddenly the company will be 50% black even though blacks only make up 20% of the population. So I don't want anyone over represented in the workforce.

So then this affirmative action stuff is nonsense. Ultimately it's not right or fair to give anyone an unfair advantage. It can't be good or business. But then they say a diverse workforce is more creative and better than an all white male workforce. IDK about that.

I tend to agree with you. Us white guys do a damn good job when it comes to business.

I got off track. I think of my friends the Nobles. Where would we be without them? One of the sons got us the best job a college kid could ever ask for. Bellman, Valet, Chauffer at a fancy hotel. We made a FORTUNE working there. Suddenly I could easily pay for college, rent, a car, my insurance. It was a tip job. So without knowing the Nobels, my life would have been much harder.

My nephew is now interning for the other brother. He's a Republican politician. We argue all the time. LOL. My nephew wants to be a lawyer and this intern introduces him to politicians, judges and lawyers. Also celebrities. He's making amazing connections. The black kids he went off to college with are not making these connections. They are making connections with Jamal. Jamal's dad is a mechanic. Jamal is the first one in his family to go to college.

Oh, and I got my first job out of college from a girl who was going to school with my brother. Her father owned a computer training company in the 90's. Teaching everything from word and excel to high level programming and networking. I did B2B sales and made $100K a year in the 90's. I would have never got that job without that networking with someone I knew.
Your party doesn't want that. They want division and to blame racist conservatives in order to garner votes. I can probably get anyone a job in any field if they just network.
No you're clearly swallowing the rights position. I actually believe global warming is a much much much bigger deal than illegals.

Well of course you believe that. You’re a liberal. You see nothing wrong with millions of illegals coming in and soaking up resources while Americans are dealing with shortages.
Illegals was a problem during the recession. Now companies can't find enough workers.
First, Biden is driving us right into a recession. The only people who will survive without real hardship are those on government pay or support.

And the reason companies can’t find workers is because the government is giving out money hand over first. I know a married man with three young kids, and a stay-at-home wife. He has been unemployed for months, and now gets $1000 a month in food stamps, Medicaid for the family, and subsidized rent. He turns his nose up at the hundreds of jobs paying $18 an hour because he is “waiting” for something worthy of him. (High school grad only.) If he wasn’t getting all the handouts, he’d take a job.
Before, they were taking our jobs. Now, we need them to fill these jobs. I'm not defending hiring illegals. Make them legal if we need them.
But we don’t “need” them. They are a net drain. This lie that they’re the only ones who will do the jobs is because we are paying Americans NOT to do them.
And imo, we don't need them. We're already over populated and yes we don't need them taking up our resources. Most likely even if they are made legal, they'll go right on Obamacare. All of them. I know they will because I know legal immigrants who are taking advantage of all the free government programs. But I don't begrudge them if they are legal residents. That's who those programs are for. We subsodize Walmart by giving their employees free government healthcare. What's your solution?

Yeah, I know the legal immigrants taking advantage of Obamacare. While I couldn’t afford the PT I needed because I earned too much for a subsidized plan (which was more than $47,000 at the time) and thus had to pay $1000 a month for something that wouldn’t pay out until I reached a $6k deductible, the immigrants in the waiting room were talking about how great America is because their PT was free. (It was being subsidized by me.)
Yes it's going to cost you more to go Green. The global corporate pollutors have passed on the taxes to you. And you voted for it too. Right? Corporations shouldn't pay taxes remember? They'll just pass on the costs to us consumers right?p
It’s going to cost me more to go green? Well, we don’t want it! People can’t fill their tanks and out food on the table, and you’re saying….oh well, you’ll have to pay more to go green because it’s what we think you should do.
Well of course you believe that. You’re a liberal. You see nothing wrong with millions of illegals coming in and soaking up resources while Americans are dealing with shortages.

First, Biden is driving us right into a recession. The only people who will survive without real hardship are those on government pay or support.

And the reason companies can’t find workers is because the government is giving out money hand over first. I know a married man with three young kids, and a stay-at-home wife. He has been unemployed for months, and now gets $1000 a month in food stamps, Medicaid for the family, and subsidized rent. He turns his nose up at the hundreds of jobs paying $18 an hour because he is “waiting” for something worthy of him. (High school grad only.) If he wasn’t getting all the handouts, he’d take a job.

But we don’t “need” them. They are a net drain. This lie that they’re the only ones who will do the jobs is because we are paying Americans NOT to do them.

Yeah, I know the legal immigrants taking advantage of Obamacare. While I couldn’t afford the PT I needed because I earned too much for a subsidized plan (which was more than $47,000 at the time) and thus had to pay $1000 a month for something that wouldn’t pay out until I reached a $6k deductible, the immigrants in the waiting room were talking about how great America is because their PT was free. (It was being subsidized by me.)

It’s going to cost me more to go green? Well, we don’t want it! People can’t fill their tanks and out food on the table, and you’re saying….oh well, you’ll have to pay more to go green because it’s what we think you should do.
If companies can't find good workers and senior level employees are retiring in droves, you're telling me you can't find a job? A better job than you have now? Then guess what honey. You aren't interested in paying people like that more. Don't try to fool us. Your answer is not to pay them more but to bring inflation down? Good luck with that.

What would you and Trump do about inflation?

You don't want to go Green? So you want the human population to go extinct? Either we drastically reduce our population, which we won't do if abortion is illegal, then we need to go Green. You don't get it? You remind me of the citizens on Crypton. They didn't believe Kalel either.

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