ONLY Democrats Could Be Amazed At Crime Surge After De-Funding the Police

So, when violent criminals know there will be less policing they will be emboldened and crime will rise.

Gee, who knew.

And when cops know that they'll be tossed under the bus at a moment's notice as the next sacrifices to the SJW Gods they'll pull back.

Gee, who knew.

Everyone, that's who. We saw this scenario play out in Baltimore a few years ago, and crime spiked just like it is now, so it's not like this should be a surprise to literally anyone.

Send in the social workers! Fuck the police!

Jon Stewart did a skit on this years ago. It went something like this, as at the time he was mocking the anti-cop protestors over something.

Fuck the police! Fuck the police!

::all hell breaks loose::

Where the fuck are the police!
And when cops know that they'll be tossed under the bus at a moment's notice as the next sacrifices to the SJW Gods they'll pull back.
Seems like they’re recoiling at the thought of actually being accountable for their actions.

If that makes them not want to do their jobs, then they should find new ones.
EasyMoron argues that subtracting 1 million from 193 million budget is "defunding". Oh no. They only have 192 million left!

I love when illiterate snowflakes attempt to claim others are not intelligent.

To FUND something it to PROVIDE money.
To DE-FUND something is to TAKE MONEY AWAY.

Bwuhahahaha....another shining product of the failed Democrat educational system designed to pump out stupid kids /people because controlling and manipulating stupid people is easier to do.

Taking a million dollars from police, dismantling special crime units, disarming the police when they face foreign-funded domestic terrorists wearing body armor, gas masks, and carrying high powered lazers, knives, guns, etc....letting terrorists who attack the police with bricks and weapons out of jail just as fast as they are signed in to the precinct, providing the terrorists who seize city blocks with stone barriers, porta-potties, food, etc...releasing rapists, pedophiles, and murderers from jail...

....and midless, dumbass liberals are actually surprised that violence / crime goes throughthe roof, start blaming the POLICE. snowflakes / failed Dem politicians have to be the dumbest M*er F*ers on the face of the planet.

Defund means taking all of the money away. No wonder you didn't link to the dictionary. Because you're making things up. Of you se
EasyMoron argues that subtracting 1 million from 193 million budget is "defunding". Oh no. They only have 192 million left!

I love when illiterate snowflakes attempt to claim others are not intelligent.

To FUND something it to PROVIDE money.
To DE-FUND something is to TAKE MONEY AWAY.

Bwuhahahaha....another shining product of the failed Democrat educational system designed to pump out stupid kids /people because controlling and manipulating stupid people is easier to do.

Taking a million dollars from police, dismantling special crime units, disarming the police when they face foreign-funded domestic terrorists wearing body armor, gas masks, and carrying high powered lazers, knives, guns, etc....letting terrorists who attack the police with bricks and weapons out of jail just as fast as they are signed in to the precinct, providing the terrorists who seize city blocks with stone barriers, porta-potties, food, etc...releasing rapists, pedophiles, and murderers from jail...

....and midless, dumbass liberals are actually surprised that violence / crime goes throughthe roof, start blaming the POLICE. snowflakes / failed Dem politicians have to be the dumbest M*er F*ers on the face of the planet.

Defunding means taking all of the money away. Not just half a percent, idiot.
The prefix "de" means remove. When someone gets decapitated, do you think they remove the ear only, or half the head? You dimwit. And typing "bwahaha" isn't an argument.
Trust me by this time tomorrow Dems will have blamed it all on Trump.
I place the blame on the thread author who lied about the Minneapolis Police having been defunded.
How's that working out for the Council, who suddenly claim to be shocked that their decision to disband and refund the police has resulted in massive increases in violence?
I try not to dissect the thought process of a leftists
id be surprised if you could dissect a frog
Dissect the thought process of a leftist - dissect a frog....same same
Why is your thread still up despite the fact that you read an article explaining that Minneapolis has not voted on police defunding?
You lied about the Minneapolis Police being defunded. Now you dodge. Here is the article that's making you suffer:

The city council voted to defund it and the city lost over 70 officers. You cheered on this nihilism. It will come for you eventually. Worthless idiots.
Defund means taking all of the money away.

NO, dumbass, 'defund' does NOT mean to take ALL the money away. I posted the definition of the word - maybe you just can't read.

Idiots like Seattle's mayor have sought to PACIFY the domestic terrorists ransacking their cities, giving them food, aid, more fortified bunker walls, allowing them to murder people in their CHOP zones, all the while vilifying the police, dismantling / eliminating special crime units, disarming them, and taking millions od dollars from them to make the terrorists, rapists, looters, and murderers happy.

(NOW BACK TO THE ATCUAL THREAD TOPIC / ISSUE....) Doing all of this, how the F*? can these criminal / terrorist sympathizing failed Democrat mayors be 'AMAZED' crime has soared in their cities?

Again, if they really are 'AMAZED', they have to be the most naïve, the dumbest M*er F*ers on the planet....

....which would explain their failed policies and leadership resulting in this chaos.
It is foolish to claim that fewer police means more crime.
I have never heard of police actually EVER stopping a crime in progress.
It probably happened by accident once or twice, but police in no way have any impact on crime, and never can.

Obviously what reduces crime is when people realize that police do almost nothing, and start defending themselves.
Police are an invention of the autocrats who don't want us to be able to defend ourselves, not to protect us. Historically police are associated with dictatorships, not democracies.
The founders of the US did not want police, and police did not exist in any quantity until after around 1900, when this country started becoming more of a dictatorship.
The prefix "de" means remove.

No shit - $1 Million was REMOVED from their budget. Again, you are impressed by your own Democrat public school education. You don't know shit about English and reading comprehension but you were the fastest person in your class when it came to put your education on how to put on a rubber into action.....
And when cops know that they'll be tossed under the bus at a moment's notice as the next sacrifices to the SJW Gods they'll pull back.
Seems like they’re recoiling at the thought of actually being accountable for their actions.

If that makes them not want to do their jobs, then they should find new ones.

That's one way of looking at it, however, the statistical facts from a study of the Chicago PD indicated that roughly 40% of cops had zero complaints over a 4-5 year period and of those that did have recurrent complaints 10% of that 60% that did have complaints, or actually only 6% of the police force accounted for approximately 30% of the complaints, ie, 94% of cops did not show these types of recurrent issues in terms of complaints.

Based on that, I do not think this is cops not wanting to be held accountable for their actions, as most of them have absolutely nothing to worry about, however, when you are in a job where you may be raked over the coals due to today's cause du jour when you are tasked with a sometimes very violent and dangerous job, and that nonsense may result in suspension, a lengthy trial etc., for simply doing your job and in some cases justifiably using force, it is pretty clear why they would want to avoid those things. I can't say I blame them.
The prefix "de" means remove.

No shit - $1 Million was REMOVED from their budget. Again, you are impressed by your own Democrat public school education. You don't know shit about English and reading comprehension but you were the fastest person in your class when it came to put your education on how to put on a rubber into action.....

And $1 million is nothing.
The police in a city like that make over $10 million a year just from parking tickets.
Which the police should not retain, have no right to, and violates their supposed impartiality.
To the usual liars and idiots claiming the Coy oil did not defund the police, from the article:

"In July, the council took several steps toward dismantling the city's police department, including approving an amendment to remove $1 million from the police department...."

Taking $1 million from the police IS 'defunding' the police.

Govt-funded / controlled indoctrination camps that have replaced real education produces useful ignorant liberal sheep - thanks for the demonstrations, snowflakes....
Defunding means giving zero money to. Get a dictionary.

You dumb assed commie, if slowing the growth of a program is cutting funding, reducing money is defunding.

And when cops know that they'll be tossed under the bus at a moment's notice as the next sacrifices to the SJW Gods they'll pull back.
Seems like they’re recoiling at the thought of actually being accountable for their actions.

If that makes them not want to do their jobs, then they should find new ones.

That's one way of looking at it, however, the statistical facts from a study of the Chicago PD indicated that roughly 40% of cops had zero complaints over a 4-5 year period and of those that did have recurrent complaints 10% of that 60% that did have complaints, or actually only 6% of the police force accounted for approximately 30% of the complaints, ie, 94% of cops did not show these types of recurrent issues in terms of complaints.

Based on that, I do not think this is cops not wanting to be held accountable for their actions, as most of them have absolutely nothing to worry about, however, when you are in a job where you may be raked over the coals due to today's cause du jour when you are tasked with a sometimes very violent and dangerous job, and that nonsense may result in suspension, a lengthy trial etc., for simply doing your job and in some cases justifiably using force, it is pretty clear why they would want to avoid those things. I can't say I blame them.

Seems to me that good cops have a vested interest in making sure the 6% of them that are unfit are handled, yet time and time again we see them protecting their own. This destroys trust with the community and ultimately endangers them.

So no, accountability is definitely the issue.
And $1 million is nothing.
$1 million was just a symbol, an attempt made by the liberal failed Democrat mayor to appease the domestic terrorists destroying her city....
Reducing funding can also mean cutting it completely.
The intent can not be inferred just from a single ambiguous word.
You have to use other words.
And no one has ever suggest total elimination of the police, because who else would deal with traffic infractions?
What we should get rid of are things police should not do, like the War on Drugs, no-knock warrants, parking tickets, etc.
It is foolish to claim that fewer police means more crime.
I have never heard of police actually EVER stopping a crime in progress.
It probably happened by accident once or twice, but police in no way have any impact on crime, and never can.

Obviously what reduces crime is when people realize that police do almost nothing, and start defending themselves.
Police are an invention of the autocrats who don't want us to be able to defend ourselves, not to protect us. Historically police are associated with dictatorships, not democracies.
The founders of the US did not want police, and police did not exist in any quantity until after around 1900, when this country started becoming more of a dictatorship.

See yemen. Law and order exists because we are imperfect. A civilized country can't exist without law and order.
Based on that, I do not think this is cops not wanting to be held accountable for their actions, as most of them have absolutely nothing to worry about, however, when you are in a job where you may be raked over the coals due to today's cause du jour when you are tasked with a sometimes very violent and dangerous job, and that nonsense may result in suspension, a lengthy trial etc., for simply doing your job and in some cases justifiably using force, it is pretty clear why they would want to avoid those things. I can't say I blame them.

If I am the police officer who was hit on the side of the head with a brick - bloodied - by some domestic terrorist, and not long after the would-be assassin is released from jail by order of the Mayor, as reported recently, you can bet your ass I toss 'em my badge and walk.

What this mayor in this case did was put a would-be assassin back on the streets to attack and try to kill other officers. Mutual support? Trust? Having each other's back? Screw that.
Reducing funding can also mean cutting it completely.
The intent can not be inferred just from a single ambiguous word.
You have to use other words.
And no one has ever suggest total elimination of the police, because who else would deal with traffic infractions?
What we should get rid of are things police should not do, like the War on Drugs, no-knock warrants, parking tickets, etc.
This is a wonderful side conversation, but the idea that a mayor who has aided and abetted criminals and terrorists, who has chosen to stand with them instead of law-abiding citizens, policemen, and local businesses, is 'amazed' that crime has soared is a friggin' idiot.
The lawlessness is happening in liberal cities across the country. This is what their platform is now. Lawlessness, free everything, open borders, no accountability, state rule over citizens. Its a dystopian horrific nightmare in which they are cultivating.
And when cops know that they'll be tossed under the bus at a moment's notice as the next sacrifices to the SJW Gods they'll pull back.
Seems like they’re recoiling at the thought of actually being accountable for their actions.

If that makes them not want to do their jobs, then they should find new ones.

That's one way of looking at it, however, the statistical facts from a study of the Chicago PD indicated that roughly 40% of cops had zero complaints over a 4-5 year period and of those that did have recurrent complaints 10% of that 60% that did have complaints, or actually only 6% of the police force accounted for approximately 30% of the complaints, ie, 94% of cops did not show these types of recurrent issues in terms of complaints.

Based on that, I do not think this is cops not wanting to be held accountable for their actions, as most of them have absolutely nothing to worry about, however, when you are in a job where you may be raked over the coals due to today's cause du jour when you are tasked with a sometimes very violent and dangerous job, and that nonsense may result in suspension, a lengthy trial etc., for simply doing your job and in some cases justifiably using force, it is pretty clear why they would want to avoid those things. I can't say I blame them.

Seems to me that good cops have a vested interest in making sure the 6% of them that are unfit are handled, yet time and time again we see them protecting their own. This destroys trust with the community and ultimately endangers them.

So no, accountability is definitely the issue.

This issue with accountability of these bad apples is an issue, and the union routinely attempts to block release of any data, so in terms of accountability on that level, yes.

In terms of personal accountability in terms of general day to day activities by these officers, no. Same thing happened in Baltimore. Cops responded to calls, but officer initiated interventions dropped dramatically, something like 70%, so anyone that remembers that knew what would happen here.

Baltimore police stopped noticing crime after Freddie Gray's death. A wave of killings followed.


Police typically learn about crime in one of two ways: either someone calls for help, or an officer sees a crime himself and stops to do something. The second category, known among police as an “on-view,” offers a sense of how aggressively officers are doing their job. Car stops are a good example: Few people call 911 to report someone speeding – instead, officers see it and choose to pull someone over. Or choose not to.

Millions of police records show officers in Baltimore respond to calls as quickly as ever. But they now begin far fewer encounters themselves. From 2014 to 2017, dispatch records show the number of suspected narcotics offenses police reported themselves dropped 30 percent; the number of people they reported seeing with outstanding warrants dropped by half. The number of field interviews – instances in which the police approach someone for questioning – dropped 70 percent."

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