Only Liberals Are Pro-Liberty

The left is opposed to the Death penalty for convicted criminals of heinous crimes BUT for abortion of innocent babies at the whim of their mothers.

The left thinks the Usurpation of States rights by the Federal Government in regards grades preschool through 12th grade is ok.

The left believes that no one should have their Second Amendment rights as an individual. And have so legislated in a number of locations.

The left thinks that anarchists criminals and thugs should be free to live on Government property indefinitely while espousing absolutely no coherent complaint about what it is they claim to be protesting.

The left thinks that peaceful legal protests that all got permits for said protest, legally followed the rules and committed no crimes are violent ( no evidence yet) dangerous thugs. That if they LEGALLY brought weapons to a rally where in such weapons were allowed and legal they should be prosecuted ( don't ask me for what, only their demento minds would know) while claiming the legal exersize of their 2nd Amendment rights somehow equates to violence.

The left passed Federal law to FORCE everyone to pay a fine or get health Insurance. Even though no such power exists in the Constitution.

The left keeps passing laws that violate freedom in several States and only got stopped at the Federal level by a Republican controlled House.
The left thinks that thier brand of speech is of more import than other individuals, so as a matter of course that speech they disagree with has to be stifled...not argued...but stopped lest people begin thinking for themselves in the individual's case for thier own liberty.

The left more times than not sides with Tyranny as thier emotions render them more biased than they realize. And still have yet to climb the mountain of regret should they garner what they think they seek.
Single payer healthcare is not the same as nationalization of the healthcare industry. It's simply the government providing a public insurance option which might or might not co-exist with primary and/or supplemental private insurance options.

The industry remains private; Doctors work for their respective private employers and individuals covered by single-payer have their bills paid by the plan.

You can argue that it's a bad idea, fine, but it isn't "Socialized" anything.
:lol: Uh huh.

Profound. :rolleyes:

Safety in numbers I guess.
It's the left that does the herd mentality thing. I'm an individual.

Try it sometime.
BTW, its pretty hard to miss the fact that a tax - any tax - is an infringement on liberty. The OP seems to have missed this small fact.

Any attempt to take assets from one group of people and give those assets to another is an exercise of government power of one group of people over the other, and violates the liberty of those who have their wealth taken from them by government power.

Not quite.

its the social contract one makes by being a citizen.

You do not have to be a citizen of the US , its not forced upon you.

It's not wrong. My claims haven't been "dismantled" until I acknowledge that they have.

ROFL! Do you really believe that? So no one can lose an argument until they admit they've lost?

That's because I'm both smarter and more honest than either you or Dave. :tongue:


[ame=]It's good to be the King! desktop - YouTube[/ame]
Great, how does the private sector stomp other people in the face?

Underpaying workers, unfair hiring/firing practices, environmental pollution, suppression of competition, outsourcing, union suppression, suppression of free speech in and out of the workplace, exploitation of consumers, unsafe products, and undercutting of democracy. For starters.

The biggest single way, however, is something that has no direct legal remedy, and that's the dominant/submissive relationship between boss and hireling. (I'm self-employed, so this does not apply to me, but it applies to most people.) An employer does a much better, more efficient job of keeping people in line and under the thumb of authority than government can ever do.

Of course. When Orwell wrote about Big Brother, Newspeak, erasing people from history, he was talking about people being underpaid. :cuckoo:
It's funny when idiots look at 1984 as a blueprint instead of the cautionary tale it is.

Of course, what's not so funny is those idiots vote.
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Underpaying workers, unfair hiring/firing practices, environmental pollution, suppression of competition, outsourcing, union suppression, suppression of free speech in and out of the workplace, exploitation of consumers, unsafe products, and undercutting of democracy. For starters.

The biggest single way, however, is something that has no direct legal remedy, and that's the dominant/submissive relationship between boss and hireling. (I'm self-employed, so this does not apply to me, but it applies to most people.) An employer does a much better, more efficient job of keeping people in line and under the thumb of authority than government can ever do.

Of course. When Orwell wrote about Big Brother, Newspeak, erasing people from history, he was talking about people being underpaid. :cuckoo:
It's funny when idiots look at 1984 as a blueprint instead of the cautionary take it is.

Of course, what's not so funny is those idiots vote.
And they can negate your vote to boot...:eek:
Its sort of sad how much time and energy we waste on political discourse that boils down to arguing over the definition of terms. Especially when such argument is dressed up as something more.

I suspect that may have been the point of this thread.

The point of this thread, in all honesty, is to yank chains. I'd say it's succeeding in that purpose. ;)
So you're just a troll.

The funny thing is, you've exposed far more about yourself than about those who disagree with you. :lol:
What you posted is Orwellian horseshit propaganda. You tried to define government control as freedom. That takes incredible gall.

what you said applies to no one because it's horseshit.
Dragon loves his Doublespeak.

Its pretty easy to understand really.

Those words all have dictionary definitions.

The people who paste those labels on their foreheads for poltical reasons dont alway understand what the real words mean.

They mistakenly mislabel themselves out of lack of knowledge.

That doesnt change the dictionary difinition of the word does it?


It just makes those people who misuse the words to label themselves wrong about what they believe.
Spoken like someone utterly desperate to believe that most Americans don't self-identify as conservative.

And all it really is is whistling past the political graveyard.
Of course. When Orwell wrote about Big Brother, Newspeak, erasing people from history, he was talking about people being underpaid. :cuckoo:
It's funny when idiots look at 1984 as a blueprint instead of the cautionary take it is.

Of course, what's not so funny is those idiots vote.
And they can negate your vote to boot...:eek:
And yours, too, if they follow standard Dem policy: "Vote early, vote often!"

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