Only Six People Show Up To See Hillary In Beaumont, TX, Population 117,585.

Imagine that a community organizer could barely beat Hillary in 2008

But beat the best available Republican by a 2:1 margin

Because he was black.
Can you imagine the American public prefers a negro community organizer to the best candidate republicans can provide by a 2:1 margin?
Mc Cain wasn't our best. I wanted Thompson.
Thompson hardly even tried

McCain was your choice of candidate by a huge margin. No other Republican seriously challenged him
The Kenyan community organizer was preferred by a 2:1 margin
If the media kissed Bush's ass like they did Obama's. He could've won a third term. Also the fact he was black gave him a big advantage.
Bush could have won a third term with a 26% approval rating?
Because he was black.
Can you imagine the American public prefers a negro community organizer to the best candidate republicans can provide by a 2:1 margin?
Mc Cain wasn't our best. I wanted Thompson.
Thompson hardly even tried

McCain was your choice of candidate by a huge margin. No other Republican seriously challenged him
The Kenyan community organizer was preferred by a 2:1 margin
If the media kissed Bush's ass like they did Obama's. He could've won a third term. Also the fact he was black gave him a big advantage.
Bush could have won a third term with a 26% approval rating?
If the media kissed his ass like Obama's. The media stays silent on liberals, got to protect your own.
Can you imagine the American public prefers a negro community organizer to the best candidate republicans can provide by a 2:1 margin?
Mc Cain wasn't our best. I wanted Thompson.
Thompson hardly even tried

McCain was your choice of candidate by a huge margin. No other Republican seriously challenged him
The Kenyan community organizer was preferred by a 2:1 margin
If the media kissed Bush's ass like they did Obama's. He could've won a third term. Also the fact he was black gave him a big advantage.
Bush could have won a third term with a 26% approval rating?
If the media kissed his ass like Obama's. The media stays silent on liberals, got to protect your own.

I thought you guys said it was free stuff?
Mc Cain wasn't our best. I wanted Thompson.
Thompson hardly even tried

McCain was your choice of candidate by a huge margin. No other Republican seriously challenged him
The Kenyan community organizer was preferred by a 2:1 margin
If the media kissed Bush's ass like they did Obama's. He could've won a third term. Also the fact he was black gave him a big advantage.
Bush could have won a third term with a 26% approval rating?
If the media kissed his ass like Obama's. The media stays silent on liberals, got to protect your own.

I thought you guys said it was free stuff?
The media trashed Bush every chance they could. Counted dead soldiers daily , to make Bush look bad. Even Rather made up a story to try to change the election, but Obama wasn't even vetted. If the media prowled on Obama the way they did Bush. He would be impeached.
I hear her campaign is resorting to paying folks to show up. It's getting ugly. And it is shocking she hasn't been arrested yet. Hussein absolutely lynched Petraeus. So why isn't he going after her?

The answer is, she's a fellow Democrat. If she were a Republican, Hussein would have arrested her a long time ago. It won't surprise me if she skates. But i think most don't want her. Her days could be numbered. I hope so anyway.
Thompson hardly even tried

McCain was your choice of candidate by a huge margin. No other Republican seriously challenged him
The Kenyan community organizer was preferred by a 2:1 margin
If the media kissed Bush's ass like they did Obama's. He could've won a third term. Also the fact he was black gave him a big advantage.
Bush could have won a third term with a 26% approval rating?
If the media kissed his ass like Obama's. The media stays silent on liberals, got to protect your own.

I thought you guys said it was free stuff?
The media trashed Bush every chance they could. Counted dead soldiers daily , to make Bush look bad. Even Rather made up a story to try to change the election, but Obama wasn't even vetted. If the media prowled on Obama the way they did Bush. He would be impeached.

Bush received a free pass after 9-11
The media even ignored his shaky evidence for invading Iraq

A low point for the American media
If the media kissed Bush's ass like they did Obama's. He could've won a third term. Also the fact he was black gave him a big advantage.
Bush could have won a third term with a 26% approval rating?
If the media kissed his ass like Obama's. The media stays silent on liberals, got to protect your own.

I thought you guys said it was free stuff?
The media trashed Bush every chance they could. Counted dead soldiers daily , to make Bush look bad. Even Rather made up a story to try to change the election, but Obama wasn't even vetted. If the media prowled on Obama the way they did Bush. He would be impeached.

Bush received a free pass after 9-11
The media even ignored his shaky evidence for invading Iraq

A low point for the American media
Your kidding right? Liberals unified for a week or two then went right back your hatred for america.
If the media kissed Bush's ass like they did Obama's. He could've won a third term. Also the fact he was black gave him a big advantage.
Bush could have won a third term with a 26% approval rating?
If the media kissed his ass like Obama's. The media stays silent on liberals, got to protect your own.

I thought you guys said it was free stuff?
The media trashed Bush every chance they could. Counted dead soldiers daily , to make Bush look bad. Even Rather made up a story to try to change the election, but Obama wasn't even vetted. If the media prowled on Obama the way they did Bush. He would be impeached.

Bush received a free pass after 9-11
The media even ignored his shaky evidence for invading Iraq

A low point for the American media

Nah, the low point for the American MSM has been reached under this current President. The Media Bootlicking for him has been just plain embarrassing. The White House Press Core giving him standing ovations for behaving like a Dictator?

So no, the all-time lows for the MSM have definitey happened on Hussein's watch. Who still trusts them at this point? It's getting to be less & less by the year.
Last edited:
Bush could have won a third term with a 26% approval rating?
If the media kissed his ass like Obama's. The media stays silent on liberals, got to protect your own.

I thought you guys said it was free stuff?
The media trashed Bush every chance they could. Counted dead soldiers daily , to make Bush look bad. Even Rather made up a story to try to change the election, but Obama wasn't even vetted. If the media prowled on Obama the way they did Bush. He would be impeached.

Bush received a free pass after 9-11
The media even ignored his shaky evidence for invading Iraq

A low point for the American media
Your kidding right? Liberals unified for a week or two then went right back your hatred for america.
Liberals were dumb enough to buy into yellowcake, smoking gun being a mushroom cloud and they will treat us as liberators

Bush got a free pass Obama never got

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