Only Six People Show Up To See Hillary In Beaumont, TX, Population 117,585.

The writing is clearly on the wall she's done!

According to your link, she was there for a private visit to someone, not a public event. And with it being impossible to even glimpse her as she transited, I'm surprised even six people showed up.

But keep on misunderestimating the Clintons as the Right has for the past 25 years.

That really helped her out in 2008. When an even more unqualified guy beat her.

Imagine that a community organizer could barely beat Hillary in 2008

But beat the best available Republican by a 2:1 margin

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From the link: NEW EMAIL Shows Pentagon ASKED Hillary To LET THEM Send Help To Benghazi, Proving Leon Panetta LIED!

An email recently obtained by Judicial Watch shows that the Pentagon was demanding Hillary allow them to send help to Benghazi during the 2012 attack. This would completely contradict the claim from Hillary and Leon Panetta that no forces were available and within reach to provide help to the compound that was under siege.

Even the Pentagon tried. Bless those who went against Hillary's commands and went to help anyway.
From your link:

At least one of the emails on Hillary Clinton's private server contained extremely sensitive information identified by an intelligence agency as "HCS-O," which is the code used for reporting on human intelligence sources in ongoing operations, according to two sources not authorized to speak on the record.
Both sources are familiar with the intelligence community inspector general’s January 14 letter to Congress, advising the Oversight committees that intelligence beyond Top Secret -- known as Special Access Program (SAP) -- was identified in the Clinton emails, as well the supporting documents from the affected agencies that owned the information and have final say on classification.
According to a December 2013 policy document released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence: This designation "is used to protect exceptionally fragile and unique IC (intelligence community) clandestine HUMINT operations and methods that are not intended for dissemination outside of the originating agency.”
Much worse than Petraeus's mishandling. It was open to his biographer, not China, Russia, Iran and Iraq.
What we've been talking about is Lonelaugher's pic of Hillary before a crowd, and I agree, I think it's photoshopped because he repeatedly refuses to add a link. And I also agree it is child like and obstinent on LL's part. Good call!.
Oh geezuz christ - it took me all of about 5 seconds to find it:

hillary announcing president rally - Google Search

You couldn't be bothered, but you'll drone on and on make yourself look stupid by saying you think it's photoshopped for post after post.

It is the responsibility of the initiating poster to provide a link. HE'S the one that could not be bothered!
The writing is clearly on the wall she's done!

According to your link, she was there for a private visit to someone, not a public event. And with it being impossible to even glimpse her as she transited, I'm surprised even six people showed up.

But keep on misunderestimating the Clintons as the Right has for the past 25 years.

That really helped her out in 2008. When an even more unqualified guy beat her.

Imagine that a community organizer could barely beat Hillary in 2008

But beat the best available Republican by a 2:1 margin


Because he was black.
It is the responsibility of the initiating poster to provide a link. HE'S the one that could not be bothered!

What we've been talking about is Lonelaugher's pic of Hillary before a crowd, and I agree, I think it's photoshopped because he repeatedly refuses to add a link. And I also agree it is child like and obstinent on LL's part. Good call!.

It wasn't his picture, it was rightwinger who posted it - pay attention!

Then you demanded a link from Lone Laughter because he informed your ignorant self *where* it was from.

Anyone who was paying attention to the news knows where it was from.

LL had you spot on when he said this:

"...I think you are an imbecile. It isn't that you'd's that you'd likely be wrong. You rarely have your facts in order.

Now...I am not going to provide this link for you. It's a well known image for anyone paying attention to American politics. It's hard for me to grasp how you can't know where it came from.

I suspect that you have already "googled" it anyway. And are just being is your nature."
The next time anyone shows up to see Hillary, they should be federal marshals.
The writing is clearly on the wall she's done!

According to your link, she was there for a private visit to someone, not a public event. And with it being impossible to even glimpse her as she transited, I'm surprised even six people showed up.

But keep on misunderestimating the Clintons as the Right has for the past 25 years.

That really helped her out in 2008. When an even more unqualified guy beat her.

Imagine that a community organizer could barely beat Hillary in 2008

But beat the best available Republican by a 2:1 margin


Because he was black.

Can you imagine the American public prefers a negro community organizer to the best candidate republicans can provide by a 2:1 margin?

The damn picture is probably photoshopped and is iactually Trump or Bernie! lol
I love it when they demand proof that Hillary draws more than "30 or 40 people" then go into denial once you provide it.
More humorous is the Hillary photoshop brigade claiming the photo must be photoshopped

That was last June, she can't get those crowds now. there are time constraints

What next?
That was yesterday...what about today?
The writing is clearly on the wall she's done!

According to your link, she was there for a private visit to someone, not a public event. And with it being impossible to even glimpse her as she transited, I'm surprised even six people showed up.

But keep on misunderestimating the Clintons as the Right has for the past 25 years.

That really helped her out in 2008. When an even more unqualified guy beat her.

Imagine that a community organizer could barely beat Hillary in 2008

But beat the best available Republican by a 2:1 margin


Because he was black.

Can you imagine the American public prefers a negro community organizer to the best candidate republicans can provide by a 2:1 margin?

Mc Cain wasn't our best. I wanted Thompson.
According to your link, she was there for a private visit to someone, not a public event. And with it being impossible to even glimpse her as she transited, I'm surprised even six people showed up.

But keep on misunderestimating the Clintons as the Right has for the past 25 years.
That really helped her out in 2008. When an even more unqualified guy beat her.
Imagine that a community organizer could barely beat Hillary in 2008

But beat the best available Republican by a 2:1 margin

Because he was black.
Can you imagine the American public prefers a negro community organizer to the best candidate republicans can provide by a 2:1 margin?
Mc Cain wasn't our best. I wanted Thompson.
Thompson hardly even tried

McCain was your choice of candidate by a huge margin. No other Republican seriously challenged him
The Kenyan community organizer was preferred by a 2:1 margin
According to your link, she was there for a private visit to someone, not a public event. And with it being impossible to even glimpse her as she transited, I'm surprised even six people showed up.

But keep on misunderestimating the Clintons as the Right has for the past 25 years.
That really helped her out in 2008. When an even more unqualified guy beat her.
Imagine that a community organizer could barely beat Hillary in 2008

But beat the best available Republican by a 2:1 margin

Because he was black.
Can you imagine the American public prefers a negro community organizer to the best candidate republicans can provide by a 2:1 margin?
Mc Cain wasn't our best. I wanted Thompson.

Was he the guy who tried stealing old people's houses on TV , or was he the one selling adult diapers?
That really helped her out in 2008. When an even more unqualified guy beat her.
Imagine that a community organizer could barely beat Hillary in 2008

But beat the best available Republican by a 2:1 margin

Because he was black.
Can you imagine the American public prefers a negro community organizer to the best candidate republicans can provide by a 2:1 margin?
Mc Cain wasn't our best. I wanted Thompson.
Thompson hardly even tried

McCain was your choice of candidate by a huge margin. No other Republican seriously challenged him
The Kenyan community organizer was preferred by a 2:1 margin
If the media kissed Bush's ass like they did Obama's. He could've won a third term. Also the fact he was black gave him a big advantage.

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