Only the Elites favor Climate action


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
so they can shower their buddies with govt money, green contracts or force people to buy their buddies green product.
COP21: Public support for tough climate deal 'declines' - BBC News
COP21: Public support for tough climate deal 'declines'
Public support for a strong global deal on climate change has declined, according to a poll carried out in 20 countries.

Only four now have majorities in favour of their governments setting ambitious targets at a global conference in Paris.

In a similar poll before the Copenhagen meeting in 2009, eight countries had majorities favouring tough action.
As it is with most shit the government does to "save" us it will be the middle class that will feel the brunt of the pain
so they can shower their buddies with govt money, green contracts or force people to buy their buddies green product.
COP21: Public support for tough climate deal 'declines' - BBC News
COP21: Public support for tough climate deal 'declines'
Public support for a strong global deal on climate change has declined, according to a poll carried out in 20 countries.

Only four now have majorities in favour of their governments setting ambitious targets at a global conference in Paris.

In a similar poll before the Copenhagen meeting in 2009, eight countries had majorities favouring tough action.

They have proven time and again those in government don't need our consent.

It is easier for them when they do though, hence the propaganda.
Climate change pollution is killin' people...

Studies: Deadly Smog, Toxic Water Already Linked to Climate Change
December 07, 2015 - Pictures of New Delhi and Beijing blanketed in smog have made their way around the world during the climate conference in Paris.
In the middle of the day, Beijing can be as dark as midnight. Yet, New Delhi is now the considered the most polluted city in the world, according to the World Health Organization, which also lists 12 other Indian cities among the world's 20 most polluted. In both countries, the air pollution comes mostly from vehicles burning diesel fuel and coal-fired power plants.

Dangers of air pollution kills

Globally, air pollution kills millions of people every year, including more than 627,000 in India alone, according to the World Health Organization. Fumes spewed by cars and smokestacks from coal-burning power plants contribute to air pollution the world over. And studies show air pollution kills. Patrick Breysse leads efforts to investigate the relationship between environmental factors and health at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "We know when air quality is bad, hospital admissions go up for asthma; hospital admissions go up for cardiovascular disease. We know that mortality goes up when air pollution is bad," Breysse told VOA during an interview at CDC headquarters in Atlanta. He added that chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cardio-vascular disease have a strong link to environmental pollutants.


Smoke rises from chimneys of brick kilns on the outskirts of New Delhi, India​

In Paris on Saturday, doctors, nurses and other health professionals called on governments to reach a strong agreement about climate change at the UN negotiations. A recent report in The Lancet medical journal has warned that 50 years of global health improvements could be thrown into reverse by climate change and that the future for human health depends on the survival of the environment. Research at Stanford University shows that each increase of one degree Celsius caused by carbon dioxide would lead to 1,000 deaths annually in the U.S. Worldwide, that would translate to 20,000 air-pollution-related deaths per year.


Commuters wearing masks make their way amid thick haze in the morning in Beijing​

Children, the elderly, people with respiratory disease and those who live in cities are most at risk. "If you look globally,” Breysse said, “people estimate that as much as a quarter of the global burden of disease is environmentally mediated. ... and so understanding what those factors are and minimizing our exposure to those factors will help us lower that burden of disease that we think are environmentally associated." The CDC had a healthy communities program where scientists evaluated the factors that affect people's health. The program is no longer funded, but one conclusion was that if communities minimized people's exposure to traffic, they increased the health of people who live there. "We can encourage biking, we can encourage carpooling, we can encourage mass transit — anything we can do to relieve that traffic burden will also improve people's health," Breysse said.

Concerns about water pollution

See also:

Floods in Chennai Seen as Warning to India’s Other Mega Cities
December 09, 2015 — There is new scrutiny in India over the vulnerability of sprawling mega cities to natural disasters after floods devastated the southern city of Chennai.
The heaviest rainfall recorded in a century wreaked havoc in Chennai, where the city’s natural drainage system has been impaired by unrestrained construction along river banks and wetlands. Experts said problems of poor urban planning and rampant development are not unique to Chennai, and are a warning to other cities. On December 1, Chennai recorded 345 millimeters (13.5 inches) of rain in a 24-hour period. Prasanth Elango, 22, was fast asleep when water gushed into his ground-floor apartment. "It was full of rubbish and sewage, and three to four dead bodies also came in my friend’s area. ... The water was coming from all the streets,” he said.

Lakes, wetlands filled

With such rainfall, experts said they are not surprised that India’s fourth-largest city turned into a series of islands. Over the past 15 years, dozens of wetlands and lakes have been filled to build malls, residential areas and business parks in Chennai, a thriving industrial hub and information technology center that is home to more than 6 million people.


Volunteers sort relief material to be distributed to flood victims in Chennai, India, Dec. 6, 2015. The worst flooding in a century in Tamil Nadu has left scores of people dead since November.​

Nityanand Jayaraman, a Chennai-based social activist and writer, points out that one of the worst affected areas is Velachery, a thriving residential area that mushroomed on what was once a large lake area after the city’s technology industry boom. “Between 2005 and 2015, this place has a mass rapid transit system, a railway station that has been constructed upon the marshland," Jayaraman said. "There has been a vast profusion of buildings that have sprouted up over there to accommodate software workers in gated communities, and now we find that most of these things are under water, and most of the software workers have gone back home."


Residents wash clothes recovered from their flood damaged houses on the banks of the Adyar River in Chennai, India​

He said the area did not suffer the same fate during heavy rains in 2005 because it was not as thickly populated. Chennai is not the only city brought to its knees by a heavy deluge. Ten years ago, the financial hub of Mumbai faced a similar catastrophe after being lashed by 944 millimeters (37 inches) of rain. Last year, Srinagar, the summer capital of Indian Kashmir in the Himalayan mountains, found itself under meters (feet) of water after being deluged by heavy rains.

Unregulated construction
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Yes, but the 'Conservatives' don't care that the pollution is killing people. The upper one percent are making a lot of money and their hope is that if they pucker up and kiss those asses they might get a penny or two.

Just look at the lies already posted on this board. What a bunch of bozos.
Earth’s Hottest Period Occurred Before Man Existed...

NOAA Website on Climate: Earth’s Hottest Period Occurred Before Man Existed
December 15, 2015 | The global climate change agreement adopted at the United Nation’s conference in Paris is making headlines, but a federal government website dedicated to weather makes the case that the warmest time on Earth happened before mankind existed, and in fact, it was at one time so hot that crocodiles lived among palm trees in the Arctic Circle.
An Aug. 12, 2014 article posted on and titled, “What’s The Hottest The Earth’s Ever Been,” stated, “Earth’s hottest periods—the Hadean, the late Neoproterozoic, the PETM—occurred before humans existed.” It added, “Those ancient climates would have been like nothing our species has ever seen.” The article noted that the Arctic Circle was once a tropical hot spot: “Stretching from about 66-34 million years ago, the Paleocene and Eocene were the first geologic epochs following the end of the Mesozoic Era. (The Mesozoic—the age of dinosaurs—was itself an era punctuated by ‘hothouse’ conditions.) Geologists and paleontologists think that during much of the Paleocene and early Eocene, the poles were free of ice caps, and palm trees and crocodiles lived above the Arctic Circle. The transition between the two epochs around 56 million years ago was marked by a rapid spike in global temperature.”


An iceberg melts in Kulusuk, Greenland near the arctic circle.​

In its earliest days “when [Earth] was still colliding with other rocky debris,” the temperature was “upward of 3,600 degree Fahrenheit,” the article noted. During the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, or PETM, “the global temperature appears to have risen by as much as 5-8 degrees” Centigrade (9 to 14 degrees Fahrenheit), the article stated. (Note: the Paris climate change agreement is designed to stop Earth’s temperature from rising 2 degrees Fahrenheit, an increase caused by human activity, according to the U.N.) In fact, according to, the weather since man has been around had been marked by “climate stability.” “Modern human civilization, with its permanent agriculture and settlements, has developed over just the past 10,000 years or so,” it stated. “The period has generally been one of low temperatures and relative global (if not regional) climate stability.”

Turns out, the Earth was also really cold a long time ago: “Between 600 and 800 million years ago—a period of time geologists call the Neoproterozoic—evidence suggests the Earth underwent an ice age so cold that ice sheets not only capped the polar latitudes, but may have extended all the way to sea level near the equator.” is part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or NOAA.

NOAA Website on Climate: Earth’s Hottest Period Occurred Before Man Existed
so they can shower their buddies with govt money, green contracts or force people to buy their buddies green product.
COP21: Public support for tough climate deal 'declines' - BBC News
COP21: Public support for tough climate deal 'declines'
Public support for a strong global deal on climate change has declined, according to a poll carried out in 20 countries.

Only four now have majorities in favour of their governments setting ambitious targets at a global conference in Paris.

In a similar poll before the Copenhagen meeting in 2009, eight countries had majorities favouring tough action.
Why not? Climate change is just a scam to squeeze the middle class more. Gore, Kerry etc will continue to buy more luxury mansions, private jets etc.
Does anyone believe that the elites who are driving the AGW bandwagon will ever give up their 10,000 square foot houses, fleets of autos, and jets?
Does anyone believe that it is only the rich and wealthy that support action against global warming? What do you think the average annual income in the Marshall Islands might be? A couple thousand?
Does anyone believe that it is only the rich and wealthy that support action against global warming? What do you think the average annual income in the Marshall Islands might be? A couple thousand?

I think only idiots support action against a thing that they have absolutely no control the way...when are you going to admit that you will never deliver on that empirical evidence that proves that CO2 added to the atmosphere causes temperatures to rise that you claimed that you had? Never?
There is a strong correlation between intelligence and education and acceptance of mainstream science. And I will admit the facts and the facts are that mountains of empirical evidence indicates that increasing CO2 will warm the earth and that anyone rejecting the greenhouse effect is certainly in that class of "idiots" you keep talking about.
Been saying it for a long, long time matter how the religion spins it, the public just does not give a rats ass about climate change. Every single poll shows it and concerns about global warming have fallen like a stone in water since 2010. Go look at the following polls: Pew, Gallup, USNews, Rasmussen........all show the same. Global warming at or very near the bottom of the list. Only nuts have it on the top of their list, which is less than 3% of the people.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

If the OCD AGW folks want to label 98% of the public as "idiots".......well, God bless!!!!

but nobody cares..........:bye1:

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