Only the GOP can celebrate what will be the end of their terror on US citizens!!

Funny you s
For the last and final time President Stupid, wages wages wages wages wages are the issues in this country and until wages see a hike, your beautiful tax reform is meaningless, you stupid moron!!

And for those excited about the tax exemption increase....since the 4000 plus personal exemption is gone, what was the fuckin point?

The American stupid, unless your sitting on some huge windfall, this tax bill is for the well off....not the poor white trash cans in poor hick towns wishing for a coal mine to return or negro's wishing for better wages.

Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) told reporters Tuesday morning that he had “no concerns whatsoever”
about the popularity of the tax bill.
The days of listening to voters....OVER!!!

Funny you should mention higher wages.

These Companies Are Promising More Money to Employees After the Passage of the GOP Tax Bill
Did you bother reading your link?

AT&T is giving raises and bonuses to managers. Not everyone. Managers.

The other companies? Who knows?

Let me explain it AGAIN.

Obama left office with unemployment at less than 5%. With over 6.2 million jobs available.

If you work at Burger King, you can learn any jobs within a day or two. If you work at Boeing in Engineering, you may spend a year working in engineering before you become seriously productive. Designing passenger jets is way different than assembling a Bacon Burger.

We need educated people.

So what do Republicans do? They cut education, job training and anything that will actually help grow the economy.

What is the answer? Letting in educated immigrants. You watch. That is exactly what they will eventually do. They don't have any other choice. The business community will demand it. After all, Republicans can't be educated. They don't have the ability to do complicated jobs.
Winning and Winning and Winning!! .... :thup:

I'm curious.
What is it you imagine you've won?

Tax cuts. Where have you been?

For who?

80% of Americans.

With what? 60% going to the top 1%? And then what? We already know the tax cuts for Americans aren't permanent. They will go up in a couple of years. And the cost of healthcare will go up for everyone. What you imagine you save in taxes you will pay 10 times that amount in healthcare, at least. You watch.

We are so fuked.

Your numbers are incorrect. Use this handy chart from CNN to calculate your savings:

Use this calculator to see how the tax bill affects your paycheck - CNNPolitics
Funny you s
For the last and final time President Stupid, wages wages wages wages wages are the issues in this country and until wages see a hike, your beautiful tax reform is meaningless, you stupid moron!!

And for those excited about the tax exemption increase....since the 4000 plus personal exemption is gone, what was the fuckin point?

The American stupid, unless your sitting on some huge windfall, this tax bill is for the well off....not the poor white trash cans in poor hick towns wishing for a coal mine to return or negro's wishing for better wages.

Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) told reporters Tuesday morning that he had “no concerns whatsoever”
about the popularity of the tax bill.
The days of listening to voters....OVER!!!

Funny you should mention higher wages.

These Companies Are Promising More Money to Employees After the Passage of the GOP Tax Bill
Did you bother reading your link?

AT&T is giving raises and bonuses to managers. Not everyone. Managers.

The other companies? Who knows?

Let me explain it AGAIN.

Obama left office with unemployment at less than 5%. With over 6.2 million jobs available.

If you work at Burger King, you can learn any jobs within a day or two. If you work at Boeing in Engineering, you may spend a year working in engineering before you become seriously productive. Designing passenger jets is way different than assembling a Bacon Burger.

We need educated people.

So what do Republicans do? They cut education, job training and anything that will actually help grow the economy.

What is the answer? Letting in educated immigrants. You watch. That is exactly what they will eventually do.
That is what the POTUS promised during his campaign. He is now cutting chain immigration and moving towards a merit-based immigration system. One of the merit points is education.
Funny you s
For the last and final time President Stupid, wages wages wages wages wages are the issues in this country and until wages see a hike, your beautiful tax reform is meaningless, you stupid moron!!

And for those excited about the tax exemption increase....since the 4000 plus personal exemption is gone, what was the fuckin point?

The American stupid, unless your sitting on some huge windfall, this tax bill is for the well off....not the poor white trash cans in poor hick towns wishing for a coal mine to return or negro's wishing for better wages.

Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) told reporters Tuesday morning that he had “no concerns whatsoever”
about the popularity of the tax bill.
The days of listening to voters....OVER!!!

Funny you should mention higher wages.

These Companies Are Promising More Money to Employees After the Passage of the GOP Tax Bill
Did you bother reading your link?

AT&T is giving raises and bonuses to managers. Not everyone. Managers.

The other companies? Who knows?

Let me explain it AGAIN.

Obama left office with unemployment at less than 5%. With over 6.2 million jobs available.

If you work at Burger King, you can learn any jobs within a day or two. If you work at Boeing in Engineering, you may spend a year working in engineering before you become seriously productive. Designing passenger jets is way different than assembling a Bacon Burger.

We need educated people.

So what do Republicans do? They cut education, job training and anything that will actually help grow the economy.

What is the answer? Letting in educated immigrants. You watch. That is exactly what they will eventually do. They don't have any other choice. The business community will demand it. After all, Republicans can't be educated. They don't have the ability to do complicated jobs.
Michael Moore once said, as long as we keep Americans uneducated, impoverished and unhealthy, politicians will always have the upper hand. What you said is absolutely correct....foreign workers will work for less.
I'm curious.
What is it you imagine you've won?
Tax cuts. Where have you been?
For who?
80% of Americans.
With what? 60% going to the top 1%? And then what? We already know the tax cuts for Americans aren't permanent. They will go up in a couple of years. And the cost of healthcare will go up for everyone. What you imagine you save in taxes you will pay 10 times that amount in healthcare, at least. You watch.

We are so fuked.
Your numbers are incorrect. Use this handy chart from CNN to calculate your savings:

Use this calculator to see how the tax bill affects your paycheck - CNNPolitics
Just as I taxes will go up....never expected anything more from this tax shit. Average hard working people like myself...we're screwed. 20-40 get nothing!!!
Tax cuts. Where have you been?
For who?
80% of Americans.
With what? 60% going to the top 1%? And then what? We already know the tax cuts for Americans aren't permanent. They will go up in a couple of years. And the cost of healthcare will go up for everyone. What you imagine you save in taxes you will pay 10 times that amount in healthcare, at least. You watch.

We are so fuked.
Your numbers are incorrect. Use this handy chart from CNN to calculate your savings:

Use this calculator to see how the tax bill affects your paycheck - CNNPolitics
Just as I taxes will go up....never expected anything more from this tax shit. Average hard working people like myself...we're screwed. 20-40 get nothing!!!
Pay your fair share. For the children.
With what? 60% going to the top 1%? And then what? We already know the tax cuts for Americans aren't permanent. They will go up in a couple of years. And the cost of healthcare will go up for everyone. What you imagine you save in taxes you will pay 10 times that amount in healthcare, at least. You watch.

We are so fuked.
Your numbers are incorrect. Use this handy chart from CNN to calculate your savings:

Use this calculator to see how the tax bill affects your paycheck - CNNPolitics
Just as I taxes will go up....never expected anything more from this tax shit. Average hard working people like myself...we're screwed. 20-40 get nothing!!!
Pay your fair share. For the children.
I've been working since I was 16 years old. I've never taken a dime of unemployment and served 10 years in the US Navy. I've had my share of windfalls while raising my kids. I'm not complaining a bit. Last year I got back 136 dollars from federal and 16 dollars from state. Like I said, single people with no dependants, just get screwed. And yes, I really don't mind nor care....I'm off the treadmill in a few years and I can't wait.
80% of Americans.
With what? 60% going to the top 1%? And then what? We already know the tax cuts for Americans aren't permanent. They will go up in a couple of years. And the cost of healthcare will go up for everyone. What you imagine you save in taxes you will pay 10 times that amount in healthcare, at least. You watch.

We are so fuked.
Your numbers are incorrect. Use this handy chart from CNN to calculate your savings:

Use this calculator to see how the tax bill affects your paycheck - CNNPolitics
Just as I taxes will go up....never expected anything more from this tax shit. Average hard working people like myself...we're screwed. 20-40 get nothing!!!
Pay your fair share. For the children.
I've been working since I was 16 years old. I've never taken a dime of unemployment and served 10 years in the US Navy. I've had my share of windfalls while raising my kids. I'm not complaining a bit. Last year I got back 136 dollars from federal and 16 dollars from state. Like I said, single people with no dependants, just get screwed. And yes, I really don't mind nor care....I'm off the treadmill in a few years and I can't wait.
It's for the children.
80% of Americans.
With what? 60% going to the top 1%? And then what? We already know the tax cuts for Americans aren't permanent. They will go up in a couple of years. And the cost of healthcare will go up for everyone. What you imagine you save in taxes you will pay 10 times that amount in healthcare, at least. You watch.

We are so fuked.
Your numbers are incorrect. Use this handy chart from CNN to calculate your savings:

Use this calculator to see how the tax bill affects your paycheck - CNNPolitics
Just as I taxes will go up....never expected anything more from this tax shit. Average hard working people like myself...we're screwed. 20-40 get nothing!!!
Pay your fair share. For the children.
I've been working since I was 16 years old. I've never taken a dime of unemployment and served 10 years in the US Navy. I've had my share of windfalls while raising my kids. I'm not complaining a bit. Last year I got back 136 dollars from federal and 16 dollars from state. Like I said, single people with no dependants, just get screwed. And yes, I really don't mind nor care....I'm off the treadmill in a few years and I can't wait.

You're a 10yr navy vet and you're /terrified/ of a tax cut?
Funny you s
For the last and final time President Stupid, wages wages wages wages wages are the issues in this country and until wages see a hike, your beautiful tax reform is meaningless, you stupid moron!!

And for those excited about the tax exemption increase....since the 4000 plus personal exemption is gone, what was the fuckin point?

The American stupid, unless your sitting on some huge windfall, this tax bill is for the well off....not the poor white trash cans in poor hick towns wishing for a coal mine to return or negro's wishing for better wages.

Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) told reporters Tuesday morning that he had “no concerns whatsoever”
about the popularity of the tax bill.
The days of listening to voters....OVER!!!

Funny you should mention higher wages.

These Companies Are Promising More Money to Employees After the Passage of the GOP Tax Bill
Did you bother reading your link?

AT&T is giving raises and bonuses to managers. Not everyone. Managers.

The other companies? Who knows?

Let me explain it AGAIN.

Obama left office with unemployment at less than 5%. With over 6.2 million jobs available.

If you work at Burger King, you can learn any jobs within a day or two. If you work at Boeing in Engineering, you may spend a year working in engineering before you become seriously productive. Designing passenger jets is way different than assembling a Bacon Burger.

We need educated people.

So what do Republicans do? They cut education, job training and anything that will actually help grow the economy.

What is the answer? Letting in educated immigrants. You watch. That is exactly what they will eventually do. They don't have any other choice. The business community will demand it. After all, Republicans can't be educated. They don't have the ability to do complicated jobs.
Michael Moore once said, as long as we keep Americans uneducated, impoverished and unhealthy, politicians will always have the upper hand. What you said is absolutely correct....foreign workers will work for less.
Michael Moore the multi-millionaire anti-capitalist ? riiiight.
It is disconcerting but not unexpected to see a sizeable minority in the US, Lying Trump voters, who constantly work against and root against their own best interests. They've actually been convinced beyond all question that the only thing that matters is their team winning. Them getting benefit from their 'team' winning is cast aside. Their minds have been conditioned for years down to the simplest thing that a sentient mind can understand and emote about. Us vs Them. All of life for them is now Us vs Them. They've been reduced to the same response a computer has to a programmer. 0 or 1, Us vs Them. Or a dog. On everything.

Republicans just redistributed $1.5 trillion from the poor and middle class every year. And the rubes they prey on are cheering.

Life is stranger than fiction, we see it every day.
You know, there are several large corporations like Home Depot and others who have already announced that they will use the tax cuts to reinvest in their stock and drive up the price of their companies.

No, they aren't interested in raising wages or expanding to create more jobs.
Corporate america is already sitting on 2 trillion dollars of stock profits.....wages are still the same, nothing has changed nor will it.
Really? And, just where is this magical 2 trillion dollars sitting? A bank account? Off-shore? My pocket? Yours?

You said it - now, prove it.
You know, there are several large corporations like Home Depot and others who have already announced that they will use the tax cuts to reinvest in their stock and drive up the price of their companies.

No, they aren't interested in raising wages or expanding to create more jobs.
Pretty naive, aren't you?

What's the impact to YOU if Home Depot increases its value?

(Time to demonstrate your profound understanding of macroeconomics)

Let's see if you know what the hell you're talking about (I got $10 on NO!)

Republicans said that the tax cuts were going to increase wages and create a whole bunch of more jobs because the companies would expand with all the increased savings in tax bills. But in reality, those companies are planning on increasing their stock value with the savings.

What is the impact to me personally? Probably nothing, but I hate it when politicians tell us one thing when in reality it's another.
Bottom line is this, its the little guy, not the middle class, not the rich, and certainly not the uber rich that moves this economy. For the little guy, those who haven't had a raise in almost 20 years, who will see next to nothing in their checks with this tax cut, its this guy who will determine the success of this tax bill and who will vote accordingly next Nov.

Yep, and if this tax bill doesn't deliver all that Trump and the GOP have promised, I predict a bloodbath for the GOP in 2018, and another in 2020.

But, if it does deliver, it will be delayed until the tax cuts on the middle class and poor expire and everyone's tax bill goes up.
Wow ---- I'm guessing the reality bus skipped your neighborhood this week, huh?
"trust me" ..... made me spit all over my screen.

Thanks a lot.
You know, there are several large corporations like Home Depot and others who have already announced that they will use the tax cuts to reinvest in their stock and drive up the price of their companies.

No, they aren't interested in raising wages or expanding to create more jobs.
Corporate america is already sitting on 2 trillion dollars of stock profits.....wages are still the same, nothing has changed nor will it.
Buy stock. You, too, can own a piece of corporate America.
Boy, it's a real bitch ---- you get what you earn - not one nickel more and not one nickel less.
You know, there are several large corporations like Home Depot and others who have already announced that they will use the tax cuts to reinvest in their stock and drive up the price of their companies.

No, they aren't interested in raising wages or expanding to create more jobs.
Corporate america is already sitting on 2 trillion dollars of stock profits.....wages are still the same, nothing has changed nor will it.
Buy stock. You, too, can own a piece of corporate America.
Try cutting back and on drugs and alcohol.

You know, most people in the military who are under the rank of E5 don't have enough money to invest in the stock market, don't you?

Did you also know that we pay the military so little that at the rank of E5 and below, you qualify for WIC? That is an assistance program that gives mothers and their infants food and formula for 6 months after the child is born. I used it when I was in the military, and I know of many others who used it as well.
You were in the military a LONG time ago, then .... that is no longer true.

It is conceivable that an E-2 with four dependents could qualify, but highly unlikely.
Corporate america is already sitting on 2 trillion dollars of stock profits.....wages are still the same, nothing has changed nor will it.
Buy stock. You, too, can own a piece of corporate America.
Try cutting back and on drugs and alcohol.

You know, most people in the military who are under the rank of E5 don't have enough money to invest in the stock market, don't you?

Did you also know that we pay the military so little that at the rank of E5 and below, you qualify for WIC? That is an assistance program that gives mothers and their infants food and formula for 6 months after the child is born. I used it when I was in the military, and I know of many others who used it as well.
You were in the military a LONG time ago, then .... that is no longer true.

It is conceivable that an E-2 with four dependents could qualify, but highly unlikely.

Really? Because here are the WIC eligibility requirements for income.

Texas WIC Income Guidelines:

Number of Household Members* Gross Monthly Household Income** Gross Yearly Household Income**
1 $0 up to $1,860 $0 up to $22,311
2 $0 up to $2,504 $0 up to $30,044
3 $0 up to $3,149 $0 up to $37,777
4 $0 up to $3,793 $0 up to $45,510
5 $0 up to $4,437 $0 up to $53,243
6 $0 up to $5,082 $0 up to $60,976
*A pregnant woman's household is increased by the number of infants she is expecting. For more than six household members, or if you have any income questions, call your local WIC clinic.

And here is the pay chart for 2017 for the military for people who have been in 6 years or less...................
Enlisted pay chart for less than 2 to over 6 years of service.
Pay Grade Years of Service
Less than 2
Over 2 Over 3 Over 4 Over 6
2875 3138 3258 3418 3542
E-6 2487 2736 2857 2975 3097
E-5 2278 2431 2549 2669 2857
E-4 2089 2196 2315 2432 2536
E-3 1886 2004 2126 2126 2126
E-2 1793 1793 1793 1793 1793
E-1 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600
Less than 4 months

You know, there are several large corporations like Home Depot and others who have already announced that they will use the tax cuts to reinvest in their stock and drive up the price of their companies.

No, they aren't interested in raising wages or expanding to create more jobs.
Pretty naive, aren't you?

What's the impact to YOU if Home Depot increases its value?

(Time to demonstrate your profound understanding of macroeconomics)

Let's see if you know what the hell you're talking about (I got $10 on NO!)

Republicans said that the tax cuts were going to increase wages and create a whole bunch of more jobs because the companies would expand with all the increased savings in tax bills. But in reality, those companies are planning on increasing their stock value with the savings.

What is the impact to me personally? Probably nothing, but I hate it when politicians tell us one thing when in reality it's another.
I hate it when politicians tell us one thing when in reality it's another
come on ABS this shit has been going on for quite some time now....
Funny you s
For the last and final time President Stupid, wages wages wages wages wages are the issues in this country and until wages see a hike, your beautiful tax reform is meaningless, you stupid moron!!

And for those excited about the tax exemption increase....since the 4000 plus personal exemption is gone, what was the fuckin point?

The American stupid, unless your sitting on some huge windfall, this tax bill is for the well off....not the poor white trash cans in poor hick towns wishing for a coal mine to return or negro's wishing for better wages.

Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) told reporters Tuesday morning that he had “no concerns whatsoever”
about the popularity of the tax bill.
The days of listening to voters....OVER!!!

Funny you should mention higher wages.

These Companies Are Promising More Money to Employees After the Passage of the GOP Tax Bill
Did you bother reading your link?

AT&T is giving raises and bonuses to managers. Not everyone. Managers.

The other companies? Who knows?

Let me explain it AGAIN.

Obama left office with unemployment at less than 5%. With over 6.2 million jobs available.

If you work at Burger King, you can learn any jobs within a day or two. If you work at Boeing in Engineering, you may spend a year working in engineering before you become seriously productive. Designing passenger jets is way different than assembling a Bacon Burger.

We need educated people.

So what do Republicans do? They cut education, job training and anything that will actually help grow the economy.

What is the answer? Letting in educated immigrants. You watch. That is exactly what they will eventually do. They don't have any other choice. The business community will demand it. After all, Republicans can't be educated. They don't have the ability to do complicated jobs.
thats funny dean....the AT&T phone guy who came out today said he is getting one.....he aint no manager....
It is disconcerting but not unexpected to see a sizeable minority in the US, Lying Trump voters, who constantly work against and root against their own best interests. They've actually been convinced beyond all question that the only thing that matters is their team winning. Them getting benefit from their 'team' winning is cast aside. Their minds have been conditioned for years down to the simplest thing that a sentient mind can understand and emote about. Us vs Them. All of life for them is now Us vs Them. They've been reduced to the same response a computer has to a programmer. 0 or 1, Us vs Them. Or a dog. On everything.

Republicans just redistributed $1.5 trillion from the poor and middle class every year. And the rubes they prey on are cheering.

Life is stranger than fiction, we see it every day.
that the only thing that matters is their team winning
like the die hard democrats dont feel the same way.....

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