Only-trumpers could hand elections to Dems for years.

MAGA thinks the fat turd can win in 2024. Independent voters alone will bury the Insurrectionist if he wins the nomination. That will be his third strike.
Uh-huh, so who is going to beat him?

trump....or else....Person worship is not a successful agenda for a political party.

But I think the GOP war will come to a head before 2024. If trump wins the nomination, expect a third party repub. If he loses, he will burn down the entire party.
Ballot harvesting meet idiot, idiot meet ballot harvesting

trump....or else....Person worship is not a successful agenda for a political party.

But I think the GOP war will come to a head before 2024. If trump wins the nomination, expect a third party repub. If he loses, he will burn down the entire party.
😅 Simp showing his ignorance you fuckers don't have a good reason to hate trump all you got is orange man bad.
Anybody that runs against him.
82 year old Joe Biden? nope
Kamala Harris? nope
Who else can the dems put up?
Gavin Newsome? nope, CA is a mess
Pritzker? nope, didn't even beat Michelle Obama

82 year old Joe Biden? nope
Kamala Harris? nope
Who else can the dems put up?
Gavin Newsome? nope, CA is a mess
Pritzker? nope, didn't even beat Michelle Obama

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IT DOES NOT MATTER! Independent and Dem voters do not want an Insurrectionist, who has already said he will pardon the thugs who shit on the walls of congress, back in the White House.

trump....or else....Person worship is not a successful agenda for a political party.

But I think the GOP war will come to a head before 2024. If trump wins the nomination, expect a third party repub. If he loses, he will burn down the entire party.
:www_MyEmoticons_com__shush: I think we need to keep that as quiet as possible. There are a few smart Republicans.
What do you call the worship of an 80 year old man who has had two brain embolisms and can't remember what country he is in? Maybe "Brandonista"? How can democrats expect to win in 2024 with a guy who can't remember what day it is?

Democrats don't "worship" their leaders. That seems to be a Republican thing. They want a "Daddy" to lead the nation.

So now, in addition to "dementia", you've added two fantasy brain embolisms to your myths about about Biden's health. This idiocy is a good match for Hillary Clinton's strokes and her Parkinson's.

This from a group that has no problem or concerns about the health of their own 76 year old, morbidly obese candidate, who suffers from cornary artery disease due to a junk food diet and lack of exercise and is on statins to control the damage when, not if, he has a heart attack or stroke. Trump had to drop out of the walking tour of Brussels at his first NATO Summit because Trump was red faced and panting and couldn't keep up with the rest of the younger World Leaders. Last but not least, Trump's father died of Alzheimer's which is characterized by rage, paranoia and delusions - like believing you won an election which you lost.
IT DOES NOT MATTER! Independent and Dem voters do not want an Insurrectionist, who has already said he will pardon the thugs who shit on the walls of congress, back in the White House.
Moot point.
The GOP will put up Desantis, not Trump.
Who do you see in GA campaigning for Hershel?
ANS: not Trump
Do you imagine Trump would pick up votes if the Dems ran another 2nd stringer?
Of course not. That’s just how weak Trump is.
Agreed. Trump is being phased out of the GOP leadership.
You keep focusing on Trump like he will be the GOP nominee.
Never happen, Trump is damaged goods.
So who can beat Desantis or Nikki Haley?
Do you imagine Trump would pick up votes if the Dems ran another 2nd stringer?

Of course not. That’s just how weak Trump is.
1. The repub party has come to the conclusion that trump cannot win anymore. The major donors have walked away from him.
2. If trump is on the ballot, Dems and Independents will drag themselves over burning coals to vote against him. He has proven himself to be a danger to democracy. No one can get out the Dem vote like trump.

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