Only-trumpers could hand elections to Dems for years.

trump....or else....Person worship is not a successful agenda for a political party.

But I think the GOP war will come to a head before 2024. If trump wins the nomination, expect a third party repub. If he loses, he will burn down the entire party.
I'd guess that MAGA media will keep them from doing that. They'll lead the flock by the nose to the candidate(s) with the best shot at winning. If Trump melts down at that, and he very well might, they'll just ignore and dismiss him.

trump....or else....Person worship is not a successful agenda for a political party.

But I think the GOP war will come to a head before 2024. If trump wins the nomination, expect a third party repub. If he loses, he will burn down the entire party.
Anyone who thinks Desantis is going to take the nomination away from that ape Trump is a fool. Anyone with an I.Q. of at least 10 can win an election in Florida if they're a Republican. Trump will eat Ronny boy alive in the primaries because his cult asslickers still love him.
Those fools could be blindfolded in a voting booth & still figure out how to fill in a ballot for that orange knuckle dragger, all they need is a whiff of his ass. Ask Dim Lantern.

Trump will be the nominee unless DOJ tosses his sorry ass in prison where he belongs.

trump....or else....Person worship is not a successful agenda for a political party.

But I think the GOP war will come to a head before 2024. If trump wins the nomination, expect a third party repub. If he loses, he will burn down the entire party.

Yo dumbfuck, you just lost the House
I'd guess that MAGA media will keep them from doing that. They'll lead the flock by the nose to the candidate(s) with the best shot at winning. If Trump melts down at that, and he very well might, they'll just ignore and dismiss him.
trump will not be ignored. He thrives on attention, good or bad. He will demand he continue as the King maker. The repubs have a problem.
I don't think any other Republican would run as a third party candidate if Trump wins the nomination.

But there is a very high chance Trump will if he doesn't get the nomination. He's just that kind of sore loser. His MAGAlomania will bring the whole party down with him.
That would be amazing to watch.
What did you win? TDS inflicted one

I mean really
The [rhetorical] question is will Republicans learn from the 2022 GOP midterm disaster.

Will Republicans continue to nominate election deniers.

Will conservatives continue to lie about elections being ‘stolen.’

Will conservatives continue to lie about election ‘fraud’ and ‘cheating.’

And will conservatives continue to undermine our democratic institutions with voter suppression and disenfranchisement – such as opposing early voting (as we saw in Georgia) and opposing voting by mail.

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