Only Women Can Have an Opinion About Abortion

Last I checked there were more men becoming a woman and even they can't carry a fetus.

Do men have to carry a fetus for 40 weeks?? Let me know when they do and I will discuss it with you.

I'll call 911 for you, what do I tell them, you have gone mad.
Using this standard, infertile women need to shut up about abortion, elderly women need to shut up about abortion, women who become men and have their sex organs altered need to shut up about abortion. Only those women who can still possibly become pregnant are allowed to talk about abortion. Then, when we get that sewed up, only gun owners will be allowed to talk about gun ownership. When you own a gun, we can discuss it.

Your weapon affects me, my pregnancy or anyone's pregnancy doesn't affect you.
The weapon does not affect ANYONE without intentionally usi g it to murder someone. These are not parallel arguments
If you mother decided to abort you, it is the same as murdering would not exist. But your father, who wanted you desperately would still be affected by your death. Very big difference. You really have no argument.

Notice to all women...BE RESPONSIBLE. You are grown up now. If you don't want children, take birth control or use a permanent measure to avoid it. The father has his own mind and may select a partner who can give him the family he wants. It would not be you.

Not when your freaks shoot up everything, churches, theaters, synagogues, and esp schools.
Last I checked there were more men becoming a woman and even they can't carry a fetus.

Do men have to carry a fetus for 40 weeks?? Let me know when they do and I will discuss it with you.

I'll call 911 for you, what do I tell them, you have gone mad.
Im fine with women deciding, as long as they take all the financial responsibility if they have the child without the fathers consent. You cant have it both ways.

Most do, unless a male wants the abortion, which by what I read happens a lot.
Last I checked there were more men becoming a woman and even they can't carry a fetus.

Do men have to carry a fetus for 40 weeks?? Let me know when they do and I will discuss it with you.

I'll call 911 for you, what do I tell them, you have gone mad.
Using this standard, infertile women need to shut up about abortion, elderly women need to shut up about abortion, women who become men and have their sex organs altered need to shut up about abortion. Only those women who can still possibly become pregnant are allowed to talk about abortion. Then, when we get that sewed up, only gun owners will be allowed to talk about gun ownership. When you own a gun, we can discuss it.

Your weapon affects me, my pregnancy or anyone's pregnancy doesn't affect you.
The weapon does not affect ANYONE without intentionally usi g it to murder someone. These are not parallel arguments
If you mother decided to abort you, it is the same as murdering would not exist. But your father, who wanted you desperately would still be affected by your death. Very big difference. You really have no argument.

Notice to all women...BE RESPONSIBLE. You are grown up now. If you don't want children, take birth control or use a permanent measure to avoid it. The father has his own mind and may select a partner who can give him the family he wants. It would not be you.

Not when your freaks shoot up everything, churches, theaters, synagogues, and esp schools.
Women seem to be to irresponsible to manage their own affairs in these matters. A half century is far more then enough time to see what is better. This is not better. This is equality based on inferiority forcing the world to kowtow to politically inspired gains. Hopefully this virus turns into something nasty and tanks the economies of much of the world. Then we can rebuild using more sense.
Only Women Can Have an Opinion About Abortion
It isn't the opinions, just the decisions.
Last I checked there were more men becoming a woman and even they can't carry a fetus.

Do men have to carry a fetus for 40 weeks?? Let me know when they do and I will discuss it with you.

I'll call 911 for you, what do I tell them, you have gone mad.
Using this standard, infertile women need to shut up about abortion, elderly women need to shut up about abortion, women who become men and have their sex organs altered need to shut up about abortion. Only those women who can still possibly become pregnant are allowed to talk about abortion. Then, when we get that sewed up, only gun owners will be allowed to talk about gun ownership. When you own a gun, we can discuss it.

Your weapon affects me, my pregnancy or anyone's pregnancy doesn't affect you.
The weapon does not affect ANYONE without intentionally usi g it to murder someone. These are not parallel arguments
If you mother decided to abort you, it is the same as murdering would not exist. But your father, who wanted you desperately would still be affected by your death. Very big difference. You really have no argument.

Notice to all women...BE RESPONSIBLE. You are grown up now. If you don't want children, take birth control or use a permanent measure to avoid it. The father has his own mind and may select a partner who can give him the family he wants. It would not be you.

Not when your freaks shoot up everything, churches, theaters, synagogues, and esp schools.
Women seem to be to irresponsible to manage their own affairs in these matters. A half century is far more then enough time to see what is better. This is not better. This is equality based on inferiority forcing the world to kowtow to politically inspired gains. Hopefully this virus turns into something nasty and tanks the economies of much of the world. Then we can rebuild using more sense.

Soon a woman will be Potus of the US and sit in the oval office, we were subjugate to men since the beginning of time, and this year is the 100th year which allowed women to vote, we are the master race, just ask my husband.:) Little do they know, we controlled the them.
Using this standard, infertile women need to shut up about abortion, elderly women need to shut up about abortion, women who become men and have their sex organs altered need to shut up about abortion. Only those women who can still possibly become pregnant are allowed to talk about abortion. Then, when we get that sewed up, only gun owners will be allowed to talk about gun ownership. When you own a gun, we can discuss it.

Your weapon affects me, my pregnancy or anyone's pregnancy doesn't affect you.
The weapon does not affect ANYONE without intentionally usi g it to murder someone. These are not parallel arguments
If you mother decided to abort you, it is the same as murdering would not exist. But your father, who wanted you desperately would still be affected by your death. Very big difference. You really have no argument.

Notice to all women...BE RESPONSIBLE. You are grown up now. If you don't want children, take birth control or use a permanent measure to avoid it. The father has his own mind and may select a partner who can give him the family he wants. It would not be you.

Not when your freaks shoot up everything, churches, theaters, synagogues, and esp schools.
Women seem to be to irresponsible to manage their own affairs in these matters. A half century is far more then enough time to see what is better. This is not better. This is equality based on inferiority forcing the world to kowtow to politically inspired gains. Hopefully this virus turns into something nasty and tanks the economies of much of the world. Then we can rebuild using more sense.

Soon a woman will be Potus of the US and sit in the oval office, we were subjugate to men since the beginning of time, and this year is the 100th year which allowed women to vote, we are the master race, just ask my husband.:) Little do they know, we controlled the them.

maybe if women got off their fat ass's and did some of the hard work then they would be allowed more opinions on things,,,

and you may control your husband with your lewinski tricks but that only works for so long
Last I checked there were more men becoming a woman and even they can't carry a fetus.

Do men have to carry a fetus for 40 weeks?? Let me know when they do and I will discuss it with you.

I'll call 911 for you, what do I tell them, you have gone mad.
Using this standard, infertile women need to shut up about abortion, elderly women need to shut up about abortion, women who become men and have their sex organs altered need to shut up about abortion. Only those women who can still possibly become pregnant are allowed to talk about abortion. Then, when we get that sewed up, only gun owners will be allowed to talk about gun ownership. When you own a gun, we can discuss it.

Your weapon affects me, my pregnancy or anyone's pregnancy doesn't affect you.

Your denial of and your killing of your child may not affect anyone other than the child killed, either. . .

But that brings us back to children and their Constitutional right to the equal protections of our laws.

The female already a person has rights over the fetus.
And who speaks for the child? Because the female was irresponsible, the child will be put to death? Is that the moral values we carry in the US?
Using this standard, infertile women need to shut up about abortion, elderly women need to shut up about abortion, women who become men and have their sex organs altered need to shut up about abortion. Only those women who can still possibly become pregnant are allowed to talk about abortion. Then, when we get that sewed up, only gun owners will be allowed to talk about gun ownership. When you own a gun, we can discuss it.

Your weapon affects me, my pregnancy or anyone's pregnancy doesn't affect you.
The weapon does not affect ANYONE without intentionally usi g it to murder someone. These are not parallel arguments
If you mother decided to abort you, it is the same as murdering would not exist. But your father, who wanted you desperately would still be affected by your death. Very big difference. You really have no argument.

Notice to all women...BE RESPONSIBLE. You are grown up now. If you don't want children, take birth control or use a permanent measure to avoid it. The father has his own mind and may select a partner who can give him the family he wants. It would not be you.

Not when your freaks shoot up everything, churches, theaters, synagogues, and esp schools.
Women seem to be to irresponsible to manage their own affairs in these matters. A half century is far more then enough time to see what is better. This is not better. This is equality based on inferiority forcing the world to kowtow to politically inspired gains. Hopefully this virus turns into something nasty and tanks the economies of much of the world. Then we can rebuild using more sense.

Soon a woman will be Potus of the US and sit in the oval office, we were subjugate to men since the beginning of time, and this year is the 100th year which allowed women to vote, we are the master race, just ask my husband.:) Little do they know, we controlled the them.
Morality should not be determined by the gender of the president. When murder is wrong, it does not matter who sits in the POTUS chair.
Going back to the OP ... a couple of wires got crossed and I'd like to try and clarify ...
There are two sexes ... male and female ...
There are three genders ... masculine, feminine and neuter ...
One set is strictly biological, the other set is strictly social ... in fact, the second set is linguistic, but that's a different tale ...
Abortion is biological ...

I do think think the fathers should be involved from the beginning of the decision process ... but that subjects many of the fathers to criminal prosecution for second-degree rape ... 10 years prison ... thirty-somethings knocking up teen girls ... that's the first problem with Jackson's moral values ...

No one likes to talk about child support collection in these discussions ... this is biology, there's a mama and a dada and the law says both are financially responsible to the child ... we're not SovCits, so we can't just simply sign off on our debts ... the second problem with Jackson's moral values ... I have a stack of legal documents 15 inches long and I only got half of what I was entitled to ... that's a fuck load of time sitting in court rooms, fighting with ADA's, filling out yet more paperwork ... my case was strictly DoJ, it would have been three times worse through HHS (no welfare for me, but again that's another tale) ...

16-year-olds make mistakes ... we as a society try to work past these childish mistakes and if the lesson is learned, we need to try and move on ... the third problem with Jackson's moral values ... two children kicked out of school, no diploma, no job skills ... locked into menial work for minimum wage for the rest of their lives ... all for having one too many drinks one night ...that's just plain cruel ...

The solution, historically, is to keep the girls locked up until they're old enough to be sold ... the fourth problem with Jackson's moral values ... this is still practiced is some parts of rural India, probably elsewhere just India has a bit more Free Press than places like China or South Sudan ...

The Bible doesn't prohibit abortion ... and don't think for a second it wasn't available ... it's been well known since antiquity that if you kick a girl in the stomach hard enough, she'll miscarry ... the Bible does prohibit sex outside of marriage, and this is the Christian battle ... only cowards fight against abortion, beating on little girls "in trouble' is easy ... getting full grown men to keep their pants zipped up, well that's difficult ... as a test, go to your local DA's office and find out how many decades they're behind on child support enforcement ... then I DARE you to come back here and post what they say ...

I am a man ... "I don't know and I have no opinion" -- Jet Black ... my female relatives tell me I'm against abortion, but it shouldn't be illegal ... sorry, I just don't have the right "plumbing" to have a qualified opinion ... this is biology, and that means estrogen ... or shut the fuck up ... [adorable grin] ...
Your weapon affects me, my pregnancy or anyone's pregnancy doesn't affect you.
The weapon does not affect ANYONE without intentionally usi g it to murder someone. These are not parallel arguments
If you mother decided to abort you, it is the same as murdering would not exist. But your father, who wanted you desperately would still be affected by your death. Very big difference. You really have no argument.

Notice to all women...BE RESPONSIBLE. You are grown up now. If you don't want children, take birth control or use a permanent measure to avoid it. The father has his own mind and may select a partner who can give him the family he wants. It would not be you.

Not when your freaks shoot up everything, churches, theaters, synagogues, and esp schools.
Women seem to be to irresponsible to manage their own affairs in these matters. A half century is far more then enough time to see what is better. This is not better. This is equality based on inferiority forcing the world to kowtow to politically inspired gains. Hopefully this virus turns into something nasty and tanks the economies of much of the world. Then we can rebuild using more sense.

Soon a woman will be Potus of the US and sit in the oval office, we were subjugate to men since the beginning of time, and this year is the 100th year which allowed women to vote, we are the master race, just ask my husband.:) Little do they know, we controlled the them.

maybe if women got off their fat ass's and did some of the hard work then they would be allowed more opinions on things,,,

and you may control your husband with your lewinski tricks but that only works for so long

Over 30 years, and us women work, always have done more than our share, just underappreciated.
The weapon does not affect ANYONE without intentionally usi g it to murder someone. These are not parallel arguments
If you mother decided to abort you, it is the same as murdering would not exist. But your father, who wanted you desperately would still be affected by your death. Very big difference. You really have no argument.

Notice to all women...BE RESPONSIBLE. You are grown up now. If you don't want children, take birth control or use a permanent measure to avoid it. The father has his own mind and may select a partner who can give him the family he wants. It would not be you.

Not when your freaks shoot up everything, churches, theaters, synagogues, and esp schools.
Women seem to be to irresponsible to manage their own affairs in these matters. A half century is far more then enough time to see what is better. This is not better. This is equality based on inferiority forcing the world to kowtow to politically inspired gains. Hopefully this virus turns into something nasty and tanks the economies of much of the world. Then we can rebuild using more sense.

Soon a woman will be Potus of the US and sit in the oval office, we were subjugate to men since the beginning of time, and this year is the 100th year which allowed women to vote, we are the master race, just ask my husband.:) Little do they know, we controlled the them.

maybe if women got off their fat ass's and did some of the hard work then they would be allowed more opinions on things,,,

and you may control your husband with your lewinski tricks but that only works for so long

Over 30 years, and us women work, always have done more than our share, just underappreciated.

funny thing is I havent seen many if any of you bimbos out on the construction sites of the homes that keep you so safe and warm,,,

and those blowjobs you use to keep us with you only last so long so you should keep a good supply of chapstick around,,,
Last I checked there were more men becoming a woman and even they can't carry a fetus.

Do men have to carry a fetus for 40 weeks?? Let me know when they do and I will discuss it with you.

I'll call 911 for you, what do I tell them, you have gone mad.
Using this standard, infertile women need to shut up about abortion, elderly women need to shut up about abortion, women who become men and have their sex organs altered need to shut up about abortion. Only those women who can still possibly become pregnant are allowed to talk about abortion. Then, when we get that sewed up, only gun owners will be allowed to talk about gun ownership. When you own a gun, we can discuss it.

Your weapon affects me, my pregnancy or anyone's pregnancy doesn't affect you.

Your denial of and your killing of your child may not affect anyone other than the child killed, either. . .

But that brings us back to children and their Constitutional right to the equal protections of our laws.

The female already a person has rights over the fetus.
And who speaks for the child? Because the female was irresponsible, the child will be put to death? Is that the moral values we carry in the US?
Mentioning morality and the U.S. at the same time invites some uncomfortable reminders. Having rained down fire, death and destruction on so many innocents over such a long time makes a claim of such collective morality sound hollow. Better to leave any moral questions about pregnancy to those who undergo it.
Your weapon affects me, my pregnancy or anyone's pregnancy doesn't affect you.
The weapon does not affect ANYONE without intentionally usi g it to murder someone. These are not parallel arguments
If you mother decided to abort you, it is the same as murdering would not exist. But your father, who wanted you desperately would still be affected by your death. Very big difference. You really have no argument.

Notice to all women...BE RESPONSIBLE. You are grown up now. If you don't want children, take birth control or use a permanent measure to avoid it. The father has his own mind and may select a partner who can give him the family he wants. It would not be you.

Not when your freaks shoot up everything, churches, theaters, synagogues, and esp schools.
Women seem to be to irresponsible to manage their own affairs in these matters. A half century is far more then enough time to see what is better. This is not better. This is equality based on inferiority forcing the world to kowtow to politically inspired gains. Hopefully this virus turns into something nasty and tanks the economies of much of the world. Then we can rebuild using more sense.

Soon a woman will be Potus of the US and sit in the oval office, we were subjugate to men since the beginning of time, and this year is the 100th year which allowed women to vote, we are the master race, just ask my husband.:) Little do they know, we controlled the them.
Morality should not be determined by the gender of the president. When murder is wrong, it does not matter who sits in the POTUS chair.

Tramp use to be fine with abortions, until he found he could get the Evangelical vote and all the zealots.

I even suspect he paid for a few, but with the NDA and money , they can be shut up.
Not when your freaks shoot up everything, churches, theaters, synagogues, and esp schools.
Women seem to be to irresponsible to manage their own affairs in these matters. A half century is far more then enough time to see what is better. This is not better. This is equality based on inferiority forcing the world to kowtow to politically inspired gains. Hopefully this virus turns into something nasty and tanks the economies of much of the world. Then we can rebuild using more sense.

Soon a woman will be Potus of the US and sit in the oval office, we were subjugate to men since the beginning of time, and this year is the 100th year which allowed women to vote, we are the master race, just ask my husband.:) Little do they know, we controlled the them.

maybe if women got off their fat ass's and did some of the hard work then they would be allowed more opinions on things,,,

and you may control your husband with your lewinski tricks but that only works for so long

Over 30 years, and us women work, always have done more than our share, just underappreciated.

funny thing is I havent seen many if any of you bimbos out on the construction sites of the homes that keep you so safe and warm,,,

and those blowjobs you use to keep us with you only last so long so you should keep a good supply of chapstick around,,,

Apparently that is what you think of females. I suspect you hang around with sluts, or you had a terrible mother.
Women seem to be to irresponsible to manage their own affairs in these matters. A half century is far more then enough time to see what is better. This is not better. This is equality based on inferiority forcing the world to kowtow to politically inspired gains. Hopefully this virus turns into something nasty and tanks the economies of much of the world. Then we can rebuild using more sense.

Soon a woman will be Potus of the US and sit in the oval office, we were subjugate to men since the beginning of time, and this year is the 100th year which allowed women to vote, we are the master race, just ask my husband.:) Little do they know, we controlled the them.

maybe if women got off their fat ass's and did some of the hard work then they would be allowed more opinions on things,,,

and you may control your husband with your lewinski tricks but that only works for so long

Over 30 years, and us women work, always have done more than our share, just underappreciated.

funny thing is I havent seen many if any of you bimbos out on the construction sites of the homes that keep you so safe and warm,,,

and those blowjobs you use to keep us with you only last so long so you should keep a good supply of chapstick around,,,

Apparently that is what you think of females. I suspect you hang around with sluts, or you had a terrible mother.

in otherwords you know I'm right and have nothing else but insults,,,
Soon a woman will be Potus of the US and sit in the oval office, we were subjugate to men since the beginning of time, and this year is the 100th year which allowed women to vote, we are the master race, just ask my husband.:) Little do they know, we controlled the them.

maybe if women got off their fat ass's and did some of the hard work then they would be allowed more opinions on things,,,

and you may control your husband with your lewinski tricks but that only works for so long

Over 30 years, and us women work, always have done more than our share, just underappreciated.

funny thing is I havent seen many if any of you bimbos out on the construction sites of the homes that keep you so safe and warm,,,

and those blowjobs you use to keep us with you only last so long so you should keep a good supply of chapstick around,,,

Apparently that is what you think of females. I suspect you hang around with sluts, or you had a terrible mother.

in otherwords you know I'm right and have nothing else but insults,,,

You need help, not all women are sluts and whores.
Look at the calendar. Do you know what year it is? It’s 2020! Say it with me: two thousand twenty. That means it’s long past time for us to get a few important things straight, once and for all: gender is a social construct, but only women can have an opinion on abortion, but you can change your gender if you want, but oh my goodness the room is spinning somebody please send help right away.


To all of you backwoods knuckle-draggers: it’s time to drop your antiquated social views and lug your unintelligent self into the present millennium. A person’s assigned birth sex does NOT correlate to their gender identity, but the Patriarchy runs the world and oppresses all women, but you should NEVER assume somebody’s gender, but wow seriously I don’t know where I am and I’m extremely light-headed and I need medical attention at once please call 911.

Are you educating yourself? Do you understand what I’m saying, you bigot? It’s very clear. There are no longer ANY excuses for you to remain a drag on evolved society. NONE.

You should also know that the idea of “gender” is just a meaningless series of impositions society has forced upon us, but you can change your gender simply by adhering to these impositions, and oh yep that’s it I have to lay down now goodbye.
I'm male, and I have an opinion on abortion.

Oh look, nothing happened.

Yet another right wing snowflake tantrum thread...
maybe if women got off their fat ass's and did some of the hard work then they would be allowed more opinions on things,,,

and you may control your husband with your lewinski tricks but that only works for so long

Over 30 years, and us women work, always have done more than our share, just underappreciated.

funny thing is I havent seen many if any of you bimbos out on the construction sites of the homes that keep you so safe and warm,,,

and those blowjobs you use to keep us with you only last so long so you should keep a good supply of chapstick around,,,

Apparently that is what you think of females. I suspect you hang around with sluts, or you had a terrible mother.

in otherwords you know I'm right and have nothing else but insults,,,

You need help, not all women are sluts and whores.

when did I say they were???
Over 30 years, and us women work, always have done more than our share, just underappreciated.

funny thing is I havent seen many if any of you bimbos out on the construction sites of the homes that keep you so safe and warm,,,

and those blowjobs you use to keep us with you only last so long so you should keep a good supply of chapstick around,,,

Apparently that is what you think of females. I suspect you hang around with sluts, or you had a terrible mother.

in otherwords you know I'm right and have nothing else but insults,,,

You need help, not all women are sluts and whores.

when did I say they were???

maybe if women got off their fat ass's and did some of the hard work then they would be allowed more opinions on things,,,

and you may control your husband with your lewinski tricks but that only works for so long

This quote leads me to beleive you have a bad taste of women in your life.
funny thing is I havent seen many if any of you bimbos out on the construction sites of the homes that keep you so safe and warm,,,

and those blowjobs you use to keep us with you only last so long so you should keep a good supply of chapstick around,,,

Apparently that is what you think of females. I suspect you hang around with sluts, or you had a terrible mother.

in otherwords you know I'm right and have nothing else but insults,,,

You need help, not all women are sluts and whores.

when did I say they were???

maybe if women got off their fat ass's and did some of the hard work then they would be allowed more opinions on things,,,

and you may control your husband with your lewinski tricks but that only works for so long

This quote leads me to beleive you have a bad taste of women in your life.

well youve not proven yourself to be very bright,,,
a simple thank you would have sufficed,,,

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