Ooops! Have you ever.... ?

Ooops.... Have you ever.....

  • Called your spouse/date by your Ex's name?

    Votes: 5 27.8%
  • Walked into the wrong restroom?

    Votes: 13 72.2%
  • Asked when someone was expecting, who wasn't?

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • Forgot who you were talking to and said something inappropriate?

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • Talked to a stranger because you thought it was someone you were with?

    Votes: 9 50.0%
  • Tried to get into the wrong car?

    Votes: 10 55.6%
  • Drank someone elses drink at a bar?

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 16.7%

  • Total voters
. tapping foot..... fess up... or I'll tickle you!

oh you are a charmer.. you are... how can I resist?

If you think that thing is charming, you need to get out more, I think. ;)

He's nice to me... doesn't take much LOL! :)

Some are more easily impressed than others, I suppose. :D

I didn't say I was impressed... but, if he's willing to appease me, who am I to object :)
I'm just so glad that I realized I was in the wrong car before the owner came out and thought I was trying to steal it! :omg: I got out of there fast!!! Lol.
..what did you take with you?

Are you accusing me of being a thief now? Look, you might think that you are funny and cute, but I'm not seeing that. :) K? Why you insist on veiled insults whenever you converse with me, I do not know, but I can tell you that I'm not impressed.
. tapping foot..... fess up... or I'll tickle you!

oh you are a charmer.. you are... how can I resist?

If you think that thing is charming, you need to get out more, I think. ;)

He's nice to me... doesn't take much LOL! :)

Some are more easily impressed than others, I suppose. :D

He actually seems more interested in YOU - so he loses points for that however ;)
Sorta related, I went to a Grange for a dance thing. Gal just ahead of me from what I could see was lookin good. Slim, long beautiful hair, sexy walk. I hurried up and she leaned against the doorway. I cleared my throat to say something and he turned around with his big assed BEARD! Fuuuck, I left.

Should have struck up a conversation, He might have been interested)

He WAS. His smile ran me off.
Oboy I got a story.

So I goes out to Tulane to do some business. I'm going to be there a while and there's no available parking on the immediate campus so I park on a nearby residential street and go do my thing...

Two or three hours later I'm done, return to where I parked, pull out my key, unlock the door and get in the car. I had just cleaned the car and hey, it's looking nice inside for once. There's a little slip of paper on the seat -- it's a bank deposit slip. It's not my bank, so I figure it must belong to my new girlfriend to whom I loaned the car recently. "So that's how much she's got in the bank -- nice" I says to myself....

Then I happen to look down at the odometer (I always know exactly how many miles are on my car) --- and -- wtf -- the numbers are way off, plus they're suddenly in a different font.


It's the same kind of car, same model, exact same color and parked on the same block, but it's somebody else's car. And my key worked to unlock it. :uhh:

I slither out of the car quietly and slink away to my own. Checked the odometer before I drove away...

oh you are a charmer.. you are... how can I resist?

If you think that thing is charming, you need to get out more, I think. ;)

He's nice to me... doesn't take much LOL! :)

Some are more easily impressed than others, I suppose. :D

I didn't say I was impressed... but, if he's willing to appease me, who am I to object :)

All I know, is that he has made some accusations against me in the past that I don't appreciate, calling me a liar and now other nasty remarks, as well as now insinuating that I am a thief. Whenever I try to converse with someone else, it seems this strange creature has to jump in and interrupt to make some kind of rude remark about me. As far as I'm concerned, I don't know this person, and he is a stranger to me, so I hope you can see how I find this kind of behavior odd to say the least. Then he will wonder why I'm "rude" towards him?? Fucking weirdos galore is all I can surmise. ;)
Oboy I got a story.

So I goes out to Tulane to do some business. I'm going to be there a while and there's no available parking on the immediate campus so I park on a nearby residential street and go do my thing...

Two or three hours later I'm done, return to where I parked, pull out my key, unlock the door and get in the car. I had just cleaned the car and hey, it's looking nice inside for once. There's a little slip of paper on the seat -- it's a bank deposit slip. It's not my bank, so I figure it must belong to my new girlfriend to whom I loaned the car recently. "So that's how much she's got in the bank -- nice" I says to myself. Then I happen to look down at the odometer (I always know exactly how many miles are on my car) --- and -- wtf -- the numbers are way off, plus they're suddenly in a different font.


It's the same kind of car, same model, exact same color and parked on the same block, but it's somebody else's car. And my key worked to unlock it. :uhh:

I slither out of the car quietly and slink away to my own. Checked the odometer before I drove away...

I will have to tell my "family member" they are not alone!! LOL!
I came very close to accidentally killing one of my schoolmasters when I was 13 or 14. We were practicing the discus, which were made of some kind of heavy, composite material, and we took turns at throwing them. Mr. Brady, our games master, who was one of the many shell-shocked WWII veterans entrusted with our wellbeing, organised us into groups. My group was the last and, due to not paying attention and having my back turned to the field, I spun around and hurled my discus, which sailed about an inch over the head of Mr. Brady who'd gone to mark the distances my group had achieved. He froze, turned around, headed straight for me and booted me so hard in my left thigh that I hit the deck before even realising what had hit me. Then, being somewhat unhinged in the first place, Mr. Brady just carried on with the lesson, and I wasn't even summoned to the headmaster's office after, or caned.
Why would someone not believe me and what would they not believe me about? About my embarrassing car experience? What is your major malfunction, creep?
You are not going to lure me into an escalated conversation about people's age and stuff....I will resist your attempts on any price...
oh you are a charmer.. you are... how can I resist?

If you think that thing is charming, you need to get out more, I think. ;)

He's nice to me... doesn't take much LOL! :)

Some are more easily impressed than others, I suppose. :D

I didn't say I was impressed... but, if he's willing to appease me, who am I to object :)

All I know, is that he has made some accusations against me in the past that I don't appreciate, calling me a liar and now other nasty remarks, as well as now insinuating that I am a thief. Whenever I try to converse with someone else, it seems this strange creature has to jump in and interrupt to make some kind of rude remark about me. As far as I'm concerned, I don't know this person, and he is a stranger to me, so I hope you can see how I find this kind of behavior odd to say the least. Then he will wonder why I'm "rude" towards him?? Fucking weirdos galore is all I can surmise. ;)

It's okay he likes you - since he couldn't get your attention in a "good" way he's going the other direction....
Trust me on this. I'm older than you :)
Why would someone not believe me and what would they not believe me about? About my embarrassing car experience? What is your major malfunction, creep?
You are not going to lure me into an escalated conversation about people's age and stuff....I will resist your attempts on any price...

See ChrisL he's desperate for you.. it's actually kinda sad :(

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