Oops, seems AG Barr has a problem

Barr's Legal Views Come Under Fire From Conservative-Leaning Lawyers

A group of conservative-leaning lawyers criticized Attorney General William Barr for the expansive view of presidential power he espoused in a recent speech and for his conclusion this spring that President Donald Trump had not obstructed justice in the Russia investigation.

“In recent months, we have become concerned by the conduct of Attorney General William Barr,” the group, Checks & Balances, said in a statement that was shared Friday with The New York Times.

Members of the group have sharply denounced what they described as abuses of power by Trump, who is facing a fast-moving impeachment inquiry. The speech by Barr last week, in which he argued that the president had never overstepped his authority, so alarmed them that they felt compelled to push back publicly.

The Justice Department declined to comment.

It seems the AG has overstepped his defense of the President, so much so that The Donald may lose his lap puppy; he'll need to keep Sen. Graham and Rep. Jordan close - if he loses these two lap puppy's he might order our troops to invade Canada.
The Democrat Hate Machine is going to relentlessly attack AG Barr for exposing dirty democrat swamp.
Barr's Legal Views Come Under Fire From Conservative-Leaning Lawyers

A group of conservative-leaning lawyers criticized Attorney General William Barr for the expansive view of presidential power he espoused in a recent speech and for his conclusion this spring that President Donald Trump had not obstructed justice in the Russia investigation.

“In recent months, we have become concerned by the conduct of Attorney General William Barr,” the group, Checks & Balances, said in a statement that was shared Friday with The New York Times.

Members of the group have sharply denounced what they described as abuses of power by Trump, who is facing a fast-moving impeachment inquiry. The speech by Barr last week, in which he argued that the president had never overstepped his authority, so alarmed them that they felt compelled to push back publicly.

The Justice Department declined to comment.

It seems the AG has overstepped his defense of the President, so much so that The Donald may lose his lap puppy; he'll need to keep Sen. Graham and Rep. Jordan close - if he loses these two lap puppy's he might order our troops to invade Canada.
The Democrat Hate Machine is going to relentlessly attack AG Barr for exposing dirty democrat swamp.
Barr IS the Swamp
Lol. Did they express concern when Eric Holder proclaimed that he was Obama's "wingman"? Lol. Thanks for the laugh!
I see that meme quite a lot. Can you name for me anything Holder did that's the equivalent of Billy the Bagman's deceitful characterization of the Mueller report as exonerating Trump when the opposite is true? Or Billy's jaunt around the world in search of information justifying Don's refusal to accept the intel agency's assessment that Russia meddled in the 2016 for Don's benefit?
Barr's Legal Views Come Under Fire From Conservative-Leaning Lawyers

A group of conservative-leaning lawyers criticized Attorney General William Barr for the expansive view of presidential power he espoused in a recent speech and for his conclusion this spring that President Donald Trump had not obstructed justice in the Russia investigation.

“In recent months, we have become concerned by the conduct of Attorney General William Barr,” the group, Checks & Balances, said in a statement that was shared Friday with The New York Times.

Members of the group have sharply denounced what they described as abuses of power by Trump, who is facing a fast-moving impeachment inquiry. The speech by Barr last week, in which he argued that the president had never overstepped his authority, so alarmed them that they felt compelled to push back publicly.

The Justice Department declined to comment.

It seems the AG has overstepped his defense of the President, so much so that The Donald may lose his lap puppy; he'll need to keep Sen. Graham and Rep. Jordan close - if he loses these two lap puppy's he might order our troops to invade Canada.
The Democrat Hate Machine is going to relentlessly attack AG Barr for exposing dirty democrat swamp.
But..................you realize the people criticizing Billy the Bagman are conservatives.........right?
“At a conference hosted by the Federalist Society, an influential conservative legal group, Barr said in his speech that those who have sought to hem in Trump were denying the will of voters, subverting the Constitution and undermining the rule of law.” ibid

Irony, indeed.

The will of the majority of the voters was that Trump not be president, following Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution is not to ‘subvert’ the Founding Document, and Trump’s policies have exhibited nothing but contempt for the rule of law – no president is above the law, including Trump.
Barr's Legal Views Come Under Fire From Conservative-Leaning Lawyers

A group of conservative-leaning lawyers criticized Attorney General William Barr for the expansive view of presidential power he espoused in a recent speech and for his conclusion this spring that President Donald Trump had not obstructed justice in the Russia investigation.

“In recent months, we have become concerned by the conduct of Attorney General William Barr,” the group, Checks & Balances, said in a statement that was shared Friday with The New York Times.

Members of the group have sharply denounced what they described as abuses of power by Trump, who is facing a fast-moving impeachment inquiry. The speech by Barr last week, in which he argued that the president had never overstepped his authority, so alarmed them that they felt compelled to push back publicly.

The Justice Department declined to comment.

It seems the AG has overstepped his defense of the President, so much so that The Donald may lose his lap puppy; he'll need to keep Sen. Graham and Rep. Jordan close - if he loses these two lap puppy's he might order our troops to invade Canada.

OOOOOOOOOOOO, 18 never Trumper lawyers disagree with AG Barr...you've got him this time!
Barr's Legal Views Come Under Fire From Conservative-Leaning Lawyers

A group of conservative-leaning lawyers criticized Attorney General William Barr for the expansive view of presidential power he espoused in a recent speech and for his conclusion this spring that President Donald Trump had not obstructed justice in the Russia investigation.

“In recent months, we have become concerned by the conduct of Attorney General William Barr,” the group, Checks & Balances, said in a statement that was shared Friday with The New York Times.

Members of the group have sharply denounced what they described as abuses of power by Trump, who is facing a fast-moving impeachment inquiry. The speech by Barr last week, in which he argued that the president had never overstepped his authority, so alarmed them that they felt compelled to push back publicly.

The Justice Department declined to comment.

It seems the AG has overstepped his defense of the President, so much so that The Donald may lose his lap puppy; he'll need to keep Sen. Graham and Rep. Jordan close - if he loses these two lap puppy's he might order our troops to invade Canada.
The Swamp is filled with Never Trumpers of all types Dem, Gop, Ind. What they have in common is fear of the man in power who isn't part of their club.

There is some fear within those who do not support trump continuing as POTUS. His abuse of power has already harmed many of our citizens, and others, such as the Kurds and members of the DACA community.

The Kurds are not Americans and neither are the DACAs.

Try to keep up!

"...His abuse of power has already harmed many of our citizens, and others, such as the Kurds and members of the DACA community.

Reading and comprehension is handicapped when biases and prejudices get in the way. Open your mind, and before you attack put them away.
Barr's Legal Views Come Under Fire From Conservative-Leaning Lawyers

A group of conservative-leaning lawyers criticized Attorney General William Barr for the expansive view of presidential power he espoused in a recent speech and for his conclusion this spring that President Donald Trump had not obstructed justice in the Russia investigation.

“In recent months, we have become concerned by the conduct of Attorney General William Barr,” the group, Checks & Balances, said in a statement that was shared Friday with The New York Times.

Members of the group have sharply denounced what they described as abuses of power by Trump, who is facing a fast-moving impeachment inquiry. The speech by Barr last week, in which he argued that the president had never overstepped his authority, so alarmed them that they felt compelled to push back publicly.

The Justice Department declined to comment.

It seems the AG has overstepped his defense of the President, so much so that The Donald may lose his lap puppy; he'll need to keep Sen. Graham and Rep. Jordan close - if he loses these two lap puppy's he might order our troops to invade Canada.
This is nothing new, of course – the authoritarian right’s advocacy of the imperial presidency dates back to Nixon, consistent with conservatives’ contempt for democracy, consensus, and compromise.

For Republicans, control of the executive branch is paramount – where their failed, wrongheaded policies can be implemented via fiat, absent consensus and compromise; indeed, Republicans are perfectly content with their minority government, illustrating their disdain for the will of the majority of the people.
Lol. Did they express concern when Eric Holder proclaimed that he was Obama's "wingman"? Lol. Thanks for the laugh!

Really, is this this ^^^ your conclusion? I suppose you didn't read the link, or if you did you're in denial.

A breakaway group that the leader of the Federalist Society thinks is idiotic and whose founding principles are unsound.

Thank you for the laugh
I went to their website....They're fewer than 20 lawyers that nobody outside of DC swamp circles has ever heard about.

Big fat hairy deal.

AG Barr does not have a problem. The Democrats and Deep Staters about to be indicted by Barr have a problem.
AG Barr does not have a problem. The Democrats and Deep Staters about to be indicted by Barr have a problem.

"Deep Staters"? They're not deep, as in hidden. They were the Three Amgios, AG Barr, Rep Jordan and his band of the ill-named Freedom Caucus, Moscow Mitch, Sens. Graham and Grassley, all exposed by their divisiveness and abuse of the Constitution.
"Deep Staters"? They're not deep, as in hidden. They were the Three Amgios, AG Barr, Rep Jordan and his band of the ill-named Freedom Caucus, Moscow Mitch, Sens. Graham and Grassley, all exposed by their divisiveness and abuse of the Constitution.
That's not the problem at all. The problem is politicians like the Democrats who are not loyal to America.
Barr's Legal Views Come Under Fire From Conservative-Leaning Lawyers

A group of conservative-leaning lawyers criticized Attorney General William Barr for the expansive view of presidential power he espoused in a recent speech and for his conclusion this spring that President Donald Trump had not obstructed justice in the Russia investigation.

“In recent months, we have become concerned by the conduct of Attorney General William Barr,” the group, Checks & Balances, said in a statement that was shared Friday with The New York Times.

Members of the group have sharply denounced what they described as abuses of power by Trump, who is facing a fast-moving impeachment inquiry. The speech by Barr last week, in which he argued that the president had never overstepped his authority, so alarmed them that they felt compelled to push back publicly.

The Justice Department declined to comment.

It seems the AG has overstepped his defense of the President, so much so that The Donald may lose his lap puppy; he'll need to keep Sen. Graham and Rep. Jordan close - if he loses these two lap puppy's he might order our troops to invade Canada.

A breakaway group that the leader of the Federalist Society thinks is idiotic and whose founding principles are unsound.

Thank you for the laugh

The leader of the Federalist Society is a idiot. His founding principles apparently depend on whether the President has a D or R in front of his name.

You are the one who is laughable.
The Swamp is filled with Never Trumpers of all types Dem, Gop, Ind. What they have in common is fear of the man in power who isn't part of their club.

There is some fear within those who do not support trump continuing as POTUS. His abuse of power has already harmed many of our citizens, and others, such as the Kurds and members of the DACA community.

The Kurds are not Americans and neither are the DACAs.

Try to keep up!

The Kurds did the heavy lifting for us. We owe them a debt of gratitude. What Trump did is not how you repay that debt. Many of the people in DACA are American as America is the only country they have known. They are more American than you are.
Barr's Legal Views Come Under Fire From Conservative-Leaning Lawyers

A group of conservative-leaning lawyers criticized Attorney General William Barr for the expansive view of presidential power he espoused in a recent speech and for his conclusion this spring that President Donald Trump had not obstructed justice in the Russia investigation.

“In recent months, we have become concerned by the conduct of Attorney General William Barr,” the group, Checks & Balances, said in a statement that was shared Friday with The New York Times.

Members of the group have sharply denounced what they described as abuses of power by Trump, who is facing a fast-moving impeachment inquiry. The speech by Barr last week, in which he argued that the president had never overstepped his authority, so alarmed them that they felt compelled to push back publicly.

The Justice Department declined to comment.

It seems the AG has overstepped his defense of the President, so much so that The Donald may lose his lap puppy; he'll need to keep Sen. Graham and Rep. Jordan close - if he loses these two lap puppy's he might order our troops to invade Canada.
CRCs don't care....they WANT a trump dictatorship.
George Conway? Are you kidding? Kellyann's husband might as well be a democrat. The rest of the tiny coalition are old establishment types who were never elected to anything. You might call them part of the "swamp". Barr has nothing to fear from old farts like Havaad professor Charles Fried.
"Deep Staters"? They're not deep, as in hidden. They were the Three Amgios, AG Barr, Rep Jordan and his band of the ill-named Freedom Caucus, Moscow Mitch, Sens. Graham and Grassley, all exposed by their divisiveness and abuse of the Constitution.

That's not the problem at all. The problem is politicians like the Democrats who are not loyal to America.

What do you mean by not being loyal to America? Are you?

How about a test:

Was McConnell loyal to America when he refused to put forth President Obama's nominee for the Supreme Court?

Is Rep. Jordan loyal to America when he attacks the veracity of witnesses under oath?

Is VP Pence loyal to America when he claims to be a Christian first, then a conservative and finally - with out naming the United States - a Republican?

Is President Trump loyal to America when he attacks all Democrats, all liberals, all progressives, characterizes Mexicans as rapists and murderers, attacks Islam, and spends his time on Twitter (mindful of Nero and his fiddle***)?

Are the conservative legislatures in the several states loyal to American women when they pass laws to restrict legal abortions?

Are Republican Governors loyal to Americans when they close polling places near and easily accessible, or limit the time to vote which prevents those who cannot vote on a work day or take time off and lose pay?

***Not historically accurate, but metaphorically an insight into trumps ineptitude.
Cleaned thread of trolling, posts with no content, and/or off topic comments.
Lol. Did they express concern when Eric Holder proclaimed that he was Obama's "wingman"? Lol. Thanks for the laugh!

Really, is this this ^^^ your conclusion? I suppose you didn't read the link, or if you did you're in denial.
We know that the closer Barr gets to issuing indictments....the louder the wails from Swamp Creatures will become.

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