Oops, seems AG Barr has a problem

"Deep Staters"? They're not deep, as in hidden. They were the Three Amgios, AG Barr, Rep Jordan and his band of the ill-named Freedom Caucus, Moscow Mitch, Sens. Graham and Grassley, all exposed by their divisiveness and abuse of the Constitution.
That's not the problem at all. The problem is politicians like the Democrats who are not loyal to America.

Being loyal to America is to oppose the likes of Trump – to oppose Trump’s contempt for the rule of law, his contempt for the Constitution and its case law, and his contempt for our democratic institutions.

Being loyal to America is to oppose Trump’s racism, bigotry, and incessant lying – to oppose his reckless, irresponsible spreading of conspiracy theories, and to oppose his attacks on a free and independent press.

And being loyal to America is to seek to remove from office a president such as Trump who has abused his power, violated his oath of office, and who has clearly demonstrated that he is unfit to be president.

The problem is Trump and his blind partisan cult members who refuse to acknowledge that fact.
"Deep Staters"? They're not deep, as in hidden. They were the Three Amgios, AG Barr, Rep Jordan and his band of the ill-named Freedom Caucus, Moscow Mitch, Sens. Graham and Grassley, all exposed by their divisiveness and abuse of the Constitution.
That's not the problem at all. The problem is politicians like the Democrats who are not loyal to America.

Being loyal to America is to oppose the likes of Trump – to oppose Trump’s contempt for the rule of law, his contempt for the Constitution and its case law, and his contempt for our democratic institutions.

Being loyal to America is to oppose Trump’s racism, bigotry, and incessant lying – to oppose his reckless, irresponsible spreading of conspiracy theories, and to oppose his attacks on a free and independent press.

And being loyal to America is to seek to remove from office a president such as Trump who has abused his power, violated his oath of office, and who has clearly demonstrated that he is unfit to be president.

The problem is Trump and his blind partisan cult members who refuse to acknowledge that fact.
Being loyal to America is overthrowing the legally elected government put in place according to the constitution?

You sound exactly like every treasonous bastard that ever came down the poopshute.
When you see shit like this you know the deep staters are stressing. The only problem Barr has is a lack of jail space for all the treasonous bastards who are trying to fix our elections and overthrow Trump.
"Deep Staters"? They're not deep, as in hidden. They were the Three Amgios, AG Barr, Rep Jordan and his band of the ill-named Freedom Caucus, Moscow Mitch, Sens. Graham and Grassley, all exposed by their divisiveness and abuse of the Constitution.
That's not the problem at all. The problem is politicians like the Democrats who are not loyal to America.

Being loyal to America is to oppose the likes of Trump – to oppose Trump’s contempt for the rule of law, his contempt for the Constitution and its case law, and his contempt for our democratic institutions.

Being loyal to America is to oppose Trump’s racism, bigotry, and incessant lying – to oppose his reckless, irresponsible spreading of conspiracy theories, and to oppose his attacks on a free and independent press.

And being loyal to America is to seek to remove from office a president such as Trump who has abused his power, violated his oath of office, and who has clearly demonstrated that he is unfit to be president.

The problem is Trump and his blind partisan cult members who refuse to acknowledge that fact.
Being loyal to America is overthrowing the legally elected government put in place according to the constitution?

You sound exactly like every treasonous bastard that ever came down the poopshute.
Loyal Americans hold politicians liable for criminal acts
The Swamp is filled with Never Trumpers of all types Dem, Gop, Ind. What they have in common is fear of the man in power who isn't part of their club.

There is some fear within those who do not support trump continuing as POTUS. His abuse of power has already harmed many of our citizens, and others, such as the Kurds and members of the DACA community.

A man who can't be bought, like Trump, is a danger to the entire swamp. Why, he could expose the carefully crafted Embezzlement scheme put together by Hillary where foreign aid is funneled to companies like Burisma then kicked back to the children of powerful swampers through insane "salaries."

Trump endangers ALL of the swamp.
Yes, AG Barr has a problem.....who goes down first!


Sadly, Barr will never do anything. democrats are above the law.
Too many true believers of the conspiracy theories have denied Reality.

Barr is under attack by more than the Democrats, real Republicans and real patriots see the precedent being set by trump, and the support by the Chief Law Enforcement Officer which will effect future administrations.

Sinclair Lewis' novel, "It Can't Happen Here" was prophetic, even those who believe it does not apply to trump, should realize a future POTUS can have it happen here.
George Conway is a notorious never-trumper and worse. He has been a vocal critic for three freaking years. Pretending that he is just a "conservative leaning lawyer" is dishonest but typical of the junk we see in the NY Times rag.
George Conway is a notorious never-trumper and worse. He has been a vocal critic for three freaking years. Pretending that he is just a "conservative leaning lawyer" is dishonest but typical of the junk we see in the NY Times rag.
Conway is an American Patriot
Liberal Democrats like C_Clayton_Jones don't realize the founding fathers knew exactly what they were doing. Not everyone is smart enough to vote. Liberals are responsible for America going downhill. Those with less intelligence should not be able to vote.
Barr's Legal Views Come Under Fire From Conservative-Leaning Lawyers

A group of conservative-leaning lawyers criticized Attorney General William Barr for the expansive view of presidential power he espoused in a recent speech and for his conclusion this spring that President Donald Trump had not obstructed justice in the Russia investigation.

“In recent months, we have become concerned by the conduct of Attorney General William Barr,” the group, Checks & Balances, said in a statement that was shared Friday with The New York Times.

Members of the group have sharply denounced what they described as abuses of power by Trump, who is facing a fast-moving impeachment inquiry. The speech by Barr last week, in which he argued that the president had never overstepped his authority, so alarmed them that they felt compelled to push back publicly.

The Justice Department declined to comment.

It seems the AG has overstepped his defense of the President, so much so that The Donald may lose his lap puppy; he'll need to keep Sen. Graham and Rep. Jordan close - if he loses these two lap puppy's he might order our troops to invade Canada.

Yawwwwwwwwwwwwwwnn.....how boring......more never Trumpers.....whoah!

Being loyal to America is to oppose the likes of Trump – to oppose Trump’s contempt for the rule of law, his contempt for the Constitution and its case law, and his contempt for our democratic institutions.

Being loyal to America is to oppose Trump’s racism, bigotry, and incessant lying – to oppose his reckless, irresponsible spreading of conspiracy theories, and to oppose his attacks on a free and independent press.

And being loyal to America is to seek to remove from office a president such as Trump who has abused his power, violated his oath of office, and who has clearly demonstrated that he is unfit to be president.

The problem is Trump and his blind partisan cult members who refuse to acknowledge that fact.
Being loyal to Murica would entail chucking fifth columnist pinko creeps like you out of helicopters.
Barr's Legal Views Come Under Fire From Conservative-Leaning Lawyers

A group of conservative-leaning lawyers criticized Attorney General William Barr for the expansive view of presidential power he espoused in a recent speech and for his conclusion this spring that President Donald Trump had not obstructed justice in the Russia investigation.

“In recent months, we have become concerned by the conduct of Attorney General William Barr,” the group, Checks & Balances, said in a statement that was shared Friday with The New York Times.

Members of the group have sharply denounced what they described as abuses of power by Trump, who is facing a fast-moving impeachment inquiry. The speech by Barr last week, in which he argued that the president had never overstepped his authority, so alarmed them that they felt compelled to push back publicly.

The Justice Department declined to comment.

It seems the AG has overstepped his defense of the President, so much so that The Donald may lose his lap puppy; he'll need to keep Sen. Graham and Rep. Jordan close - if he loses these two lap puppy's he might order our troops to invade Canada.

Yawwwwwwwwwwwwwwnn.....how boring......more never Trumpers.....whoah!

Do you have a rebuttal or anything of substance to offer?
Barr's Legal Views Come Under Fire From Conservative-Leaning Lawyers

A group of conservative-leaning lawyers criticized Attorney General William Barr for the expansive view of presidential power he espoused in a recent speech and for his conclusion this spring that President Donald Trump had not obstructed justice in the Russia investigation.

“In recent months, we have become concerned by the conduct of Attorney General William Barr,” the group, Checks & Balances, said in a statement that was shared Friday with The New York Times.

Members of the group have sharply denounced what they described as abuses of power by Trump, who is facing a fast-moving impeachment inquiry. The speech by Barr last week, in which he argued that the president had never overstepped his authority, so alarmed them that they felt compelled to push back publicly.

The Justice Department declined to comment.

It seems the AG has overstepped his defense of the President, so much so that The Donald may lose his lap puppy; he'll need to keep Sen. Graham and Rep. Jordan close - if he loses these two lap puppy's he might order our troops to invade Canada.

Yawwwwwwwwwwwwwwnn.....how boring......more never Trumpers.....whoah!

Do you have a rebuttal or anything of substance to offer?

What happened the "W" on your name, Stasi boi? :dunno:

You moron Stalinists and your wild conjecture are amusing.
The Swamp is filled with Never Trumpers of all types Dem, Gop, Ind. What they have in common is fear of the man in power who isn't part of their club.

There is some fear within those who do not support trump continuing as POTUS. His abuse of power has already harmed many of our citizens, and others, such as the Kurds and members of the DACA community.

The Kurds are not Americans and neither are the DACAs.

Try to keep up!

"...His abuse of power has already harmed many of our citizens, and others, such as the Kurds and members of the DACA community.

Reading and comprehension is handicapped when biases and prejudices get in the way. Open your mind, and before you attack put them away.

The DACA community only exists because obummer, your hero, violated the law in the most egregious abuse of power witnessed in decades.

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