Oopsie. NY Times Corrects Hit Piece on Kavanaugh

Ok STUPID, if officials said it was true why didn't the paper report that? All they reported was that this guy said it happened and then reported that the woman's friends said it did not. At least get your lies straight before you keep making an idiot of yourself.

He said it’s true, she declined to comment, her friends say she doesn’t remember.

Are we on the same page here???

If we are then that amounts to a in-contradicted claim from a witness that Kavanaugh’s dick was handed around at a party, consistent with what another claimed victim said.
It is not consistent with what any other victim has alleged.

Her lack of memory amounts to a contradiction

It is in fact consistent with Ramirez’s story of Kavanaugh’s dick being out and coming in contact with her face.
Seek professional psychiatric help.

For stating facts? You are clearly crazy.
You claimed 7 people made the claim, please provide a link to this statement, a list of names would be nice with a link to them making any such claim....
Moron, what part of declined to be interviewed do you not get?

We have friends claiming she doesn't remember, but we have officials saying she said it was true.

I'll go with officials.
Ok STUPID, if officials said it was true why didn't the paper report that? All they reported was that this guy said it happened and then reported that the woman's friends said it did not. At least get your lies straight before you keep making an idiot of yourself.

He said it’s true, she declined to comment, her friends say she doesn’t remember.

Are we on the same page here???

If we are then that amounts to a in-contradicted claim from a witness that Kavanaugh’s dick was handed around at a party, consistent with what another claimed victim said.
It is not consistent with what any other victim has alleged.

Her lack of memory amounts to a contradiction

It is in fact consistent with Ramirez’s story of Kavanaugh’s dick being out and coming in contact with her face.


She never said it came in contact with her face she said Kavanaugh waved it near her face and she pushed it away.

The newest allegation is not even remotely similar

The newest allegation is that Some other guys pushed Kavanaughs penis into the hand of a woman who does not remember any of it

The newest allegation is that Someone else committed the offense against a woman and against Kavanaugh who is also a victim

It is radically different the details MATTER

So two stories of Kavanaugh's dick being out and about at parties is not like each other?

Are you serious??
Ok STUPID, if officials said it was true why didn't the paper report that? All they reported was that this guy said it happened and then reported that the woman's friends said it did not. At least get your lies straight before you keep making an idiot of yourself.

He said it’s true, she declined to comment, her friends say she doesn’t remember.

Are we on the same page here???

If we are then that amounts to a in-contradicted claim from a witness that Kavanaugh’s dick was handed around at a party, consistent with what another claimed victim said.
It is not consistent with what any other victim has alleged.

Her lack of memory amounts to a contradiction

It is in fact consistent with Ramirez’s story of Kavanaugh’s dick being out and coming in contact with her face.


She never said it came in contact with her face she said Kavanaugh waved it near her face and she pushed it away.

The newest allegation is not even remotely similar

The newest allegation is that Some other guys pushed Kavanaughs penis into the hand of a woman who does not remember any of it

The newest allegation is that Someone else committed the offense against a woman and against Kavanaugh who is also a victim

It is radically different the details MATTER

So two stories of Kavanaugh's dick being out and about at parties is not like each other?

Are you serious??

Once again NO

In ramirez claim kavaniaugh waved it in her face and she brushed it away.

In the newst allegation someone else assaulted Kavanugh and pushed his dick into the hand of another victim who contradicts the story.

Once again the details matter. And they are vastly different.

The only similarity is he had his pants down. From there the stories are lightyears apart.
So where are the apologies from those leftists who jumped all over the original thread about Kavanaugh?



Wry Catcher?











Fort Fun Indiana?



caddo kid?


Have you people no shame? You should be feeling very stupid rght about now. You're probably to stupid to realize it, but Rush Limbaugh predicted that you would do exactly what you did, back during Kavanaugh's swearing in.

Fk them all, no integrity
Never made a comment because it was a he said she said deal, based my opinion on things he said. the guy is creepy.
Based on unsubstantiated information? Wow, aren’t you fair. You should never use that word again
Ok STUPID, if officials said it was true why didn't the paper report that? All they reported was that this guy said it happened and then reported that the woman's friends said it did not. At least get your lies straight before you keep making an idiot of yourself.

He said it’s true, she declined to comment, her friends say she doesn’t remember.

Are we on the same page here???

If we are then that amounts to a in-contradicted claim from a witness that Kavanaugh’s dick was handed around at a party, consistent with what another claimed victim said.
It is not consistent with what any other victim has alleged.

Her lack of memory amounts to a contradiction

It is in fact consistent with Ramirez’s story of Kavanaugh’s dick being out and coming in contact with her face.


She never said it came in contact with her face she said Kavanaugh waved it near her face and she pushed it away.

The newest allegation is not even remotely similar

The newest allegation is that Some other guys pushed Kavanaughs penis into the hand of a woman who does not remember any of it

The newest allegation is that Someone else committed the offense against a woman and against Kavanaugh who is also a victim

It is radically different the details MATTER

So two stories of Kavanaugh's dick being out and about at parties is not like each other?

Are you serious??
It’s the same fake story Déjà vu still fake. You really want people talking incriminating shit about you that’s fake? Ever hear the saying, do unto others as you want for yourself? Rhetorical
What "investigators"? There is no investigation going on against Kavanaugh.

It was an FBI background check, which could have possibly been influenced by the White House, since it wasn’t a criminal investigation.

Yeah, right. Alex Jones just called and said he'd like to book you as a guest on his show...


What did I say that is anything less than fact?
With every passing post you make.

Blah blah blah.

Quote something specific I said that you don’t think is factual.
I did.
Leftists/liberals explain this, from the Daily Mail:

PIERS MORGAN: Trump’s right - this Kavanaugh sex smear fiasco proves the New York Times is now a partisan hack paper intent on destroying his presidency by any means necessary

Published: 14:17 EDT, 16 September 2019 | Updated: 16:01 EDT, 16 September 2019

Selected excerpt:

".....As a former newspaper editor myself, these sort of excruciatingly embarrassing mea culpas make me cringe as much as they make me laugh; been there, seen the play, read the book, suffered the shame etc.

But sometimes a ridiculous correction appears that goes way beyond any semblance of humor, and makes my eyeballs explode.

In the early hours of yesterday morning, the New York Times posted online a sensationally lurid story about Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh.

It was from a new book that two of the paper’s reporters – an arts writer and Wall Street correspondent - have written about Kavanaugh’s college years.

The bombshell allegation was that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted a young woman at Yale.

Specifically, they state that a classmate of Kavanaugh’s named Max Stier claims he ‘saw Mr Kavanaugh with his pants down at a drunk dorm party where friends pushed his penis into the hands of a female student.’

It was a stunning revelation, particularly in light of the furor surrounding his nomination and explosive claims – which he vehemently denied - from Christine Blasey Ford that he had sexually assaulted her.

And it sparked an immediate firestorm of furious reaction led by Democrat presidential candidates Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren who all promptly called for Kavanaugh to be impeached.

Then came the correction.

A sharp-eyed journalist, The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway, who’d been sent an advance copy of the book, spotted a crucial omission and tweeted about it.

In a new ‘Editors’ note’ posted a few hours later, the New York Times stated: ‘An earlier version of this article, which was adapted from a forthcoming book, did not include one element of the book’s account regarding an assertion by a Yale classmate that friends of Brett Kavanaugh pushed his penis into the hand of a female student at a drunken dorm party. The book reports that the female student declined to be interviewed and friends say she does not recall the incident. That information has been added to the article.’


red bolding mine



The New York Slimes, as usual play games with the truth. Leftists fell on this lie so fast, demanding Kavanaugh be impeached.... based... on an unsupported allegation"

Really they made the impeachment demand without regards for the evidence, which makes them unfit to run for the Presidency.

He said it’s true, she declined to comment, her friends say she doesn’t remember.

Are we on the same page here???

If we are then that amounts to a in-contradicted claim from a witness that Kavanaugh’s dick was handed around at a party, consistent with what another claimed victim said.
It is not consistent with what any other victim has alleged.

Her lack of memory amounts to a contradiction

It is in fact consistent with Ramirez’s story of Kavanaugh’s dick being out and coming in contact with her face.


She never said it came in contact with her face she said Kavanaugh waved it near her face and she pushed it away.

The newest allegation is not even remotely similar

The newest allegation is that Some other guys pushed Kavanaughs penis into the hand of a woman who does not remember any of it

The newest allegation is that Someone else committed the offense against a woman and against Kavanaugh who is also a victim

It is radically different the details MATTER

So two stories of Kavanaugh's dick being out and about at parties is not like each other?

Are you serious??

Once again NO

In ramirez claim kavaniaugh waved it in her face and she brushed it away.

In the newst allegation someone else assaulted Kavanugh and pushed his dick into the hand of another victim who contradicts the story.

Once again the details matter. And they are vastly different.

The only similarity is he had his pants down. From there the stories are lightyears apart.

Once again, to say that multiple stories of Kavanaugh having his dick out at parties are vastly different is just plain nuts.

Once again, not-recollecting IS NOT DENIAL.
Ok STUPID, if officials said it was true why didn't the paper report that? All they reported was that this guy said it happened and then reported that the woman's friends said it did not. At least get your lies straight before you keep making an idiot of yourself.

He said it’s true, she declined to comment, her friends say she doesn’t remember.

Are we on the same page here???

If we are then that amounts to a in-contradicted claim from a witness that Kavanaugh’s dick was handed around at a party, consistent with what another claimed victim said.
It is not consistent with what any other victim has alleged.

Her lack of memory amounts to a contradiction

It is in fact consistent with Ramirez’s story of Kavanaugh’s dick being out and coming in contact with her face.


She never said it came in contact with her face she said Kavanaugh waved it near her face and she pushed it away.

The newest allegation is not even remotely similar

The newest allegation is that Some other guys pushed Kavanaughs penis into the hand of a woman who does not remember any of it

The newest allegation is that Someone else committed the offense against a woman and against Kavanaugh who is also a victim

It is radically different the details MATTER

So two stories of Kavanaugh's dick being out and about at parties is not like each other?

Are you serious??
Still waiting for that link to 7 people.......
He said it’s true, she declined to comment, her friends say she doesn’t remember.

Are we on the same page here???

If we are then that amounts to a in-contradicted claim from a witness that Kavanaugh’s dick was handed around at a party, consistent with what another claimed victim said.
It is not consistent with what any other victim has alleged.

Her lack of memory amounts to a contradiction

It is in fact consistent with Ramirez’s story of Kavanaugh’s dick being out and coming in contact with her face.


She never said it came in contact with her face she said Kavanaugh waved it near her face and she pushed it away.

The newest allegation is not even remotely similar

The newest allegation is that Some other guys pushed Kavanaughs penis into the hand of a woman who does not remember any of it

The newest allegation is that Someone else committed the offense against a woman and against Kavanaugh who is also a victim

It is radically different the details MATTER

So two stories of Kavanaugh's dick being out and about at parties is not like each other?

Are you serious??
Still waiting for that link to 7 people.......

I gave the link earlier.

Oopsie. NY Times Corrects Hit Piece on Kavanaugh

during a ten-month investigation, the Times found that Ramirez’s allegations were corroborated by at least seven people, and uncovered an account of a parallel incident: A former Yale classmate named Max Stier says he witnessed Kavanaugh with his pants down at a different dorm party, and that his friends had pushed his penis into a female student’s hands.

They weren't all first hand witnesses, but they did contaporaniously hear about the incident.
It is not consistent with what any other victim has alleged.

Her lack of memory amounts to a contradiction

It is in fact consistent with Ramirez’s story of Kavanaugh’s dick being out and coming in contact with her face.


She never said it came in contact with her face she said Kavanaugh waved it near her face and she pushed it away.

The newest allegation is not even remotely similar

The newest allegation is that Some other guys pushed Kavanaughs penis into the hand of a woman who does not remember any of it

The newest allegation is that Someone else committed the offense against a woman and against Kavanaugh who is also a victim

It is radically different the details MATTER

So two stories of Kavanaugh's dick being out and about at parties is not like each other?

Are you serious??

Once again NO

In ramirez claim kavaniaugh waved it in her face and she brushed it away.

In the newst allegation someone else assaulted Kavanugh and pushed his dick into the hand of another victim who contradicts the story.

Once again the details matter. And they are vastly different.

The only similarity is he had his pants down. From there the stories are lightyears apart.

Once again, to say that multiple stories of Kavanaugh having his dick out at parties are vastly different is just plain nuts.

Once again, not-recollecting IS NOT DENIAL.

Not recollecting a significant incident like this is in fact a contradictionand refutation of the claim. ANd yes it is denying that she was a vic tim as alleged.

Once again they are only similar if you stop at the part about having his pants down and his penios out.

You are willfully ignoring the rest of the crucial details which are vastly different.
It is not consistent with what any other victim has alleged.

Her lack of memory amounts to a contradiction

It is in fact consistent with Ramirez’s story of Kavanaugh’s dick being out and coming in contact with her face.


She never said it came in contact with her face she said Kavanaugh waved it near her face and she pushed it away.

The newest allegation is not even remotely similar

The newest allegation is that Some other guys pushed Kavanaughs penis into the hand of a woman who does not remember any of it

The newest allegation is that Someone else committed the offense against a woman and against Kavanaugh who is also a victim

It is radically different the details MATTER

So two stories of Kavanaugh's dick being out and about at parties is not like each other?

Are you serious??
Still waiting for that link to 7 people.......

I gave the link earlier.

Oopsie. NY Times Corrects Hit Piece on Kavanaugh

during a ten-month investigation, the Times found that Ramirez’s allegations were corroborated by at least seven people, and uncovered an account of a parallel incident: A former Yale classmate named Max Stier says he witnessed Kavanaugh with his pants down at a different dorm party, and that his friends had pushed his penis into a female student’s hands.

They weren't all first hand witnesses, but they did contaporaniously hear about the incident.

That is not a list

It is claim without corroboration or names.

The newest allegation is radically different and not parallel as has been proven
It is in fact consistent with Ramirez’s story of Kavanaugh’s dick being out and coming in contact with her face.


She never said it came in contact with her face she said Kavanaugh waved it near her face and she pushed it away.

The newest allegation is not even remotely similar

The newest allegation is that Some other guys pushed Kavanaughs penis into the hand of a woman who does not remember any of it

The newest allegation is that Someone else committed the offense against a woman and against Kavanaugh who is also a victim

It is radically different the details MATTER

So two stories of Kavanaugh's dick being out and about at parties is not like each other?

Are you serious??

Once again NO

In ramirez claim kavaniaugh waved it in her face and she brushed it away.

In the newst allegation someone else assaulted Kavanugh and pushed his dick into the hand of another victim who contradicts the story.

Once again the details matter. And they are vastly different.

The only similarity is he had his pants down. From there the stories are lightyears apart.

Once again, to say that multiple stories of Kavanaugh having his dick out at parties are vastly different is just plain nuts.

Once again, not-recollecting IS NOT DENIAL.

Not recollecting a significant incident like this is in fact a contradictionand refutation of the claim.

Bullshit. Not recollecting is not contradictory evidence.

NOT having been handed a dick is at least as memmorable as having been handed a dick, sop "she don't remember" by some friends is just a denial to comment.

I can very definetively say I have never been handed a dick and god knows I drank way more than I should have on many not-recent occasions.
Ok STUPID, if officials said it was true why didn't the paper report that? All they reported was that this guy said it happened and then reported that the woman's friends said it did not. At least get your lies straight before you keep making an idiot of yourself.

He said it’s true, she declined to comment, her friends say she doesn’t remember.

Are we on the same page here???

If we are then that amounts to a in-contradicted claim from a witness that Kavanaugh’s dick was handed around at a party, consistent with what another claimed victim said.
It is not consistent with what any other victim has alleged.

Her lack of memory amounts to a contradiction

It is in fact consistent with Ramirez’s story of Kavanaugh’s dick being out and coming in contact with her face.


She never said it came in contact with her face she said Kavanaugh waved it near her face and she pushed it away.

The newest allegation is not even remotely similar

The newest allegation is that Some other guys pushed Kavanaughs penis into the hand of a woman who does not remember any of it

The newest allegation is that Someone else committed the offense against a woman and against Kavanaugh who is also a victim

It is radically different the details MATTER

So two stories of Kavanaugh's dick being out and about at parties is not like each other?

Are you serious??

What proof do you have? The former Clinton lawyer? I did see your link or the names of the seven witnesses either, you must of forgot.
The Times didn't correct shit. They were forced to admit they were assholes. But most people already knew that.
It is in fact consistent with Ramirez’s story of Kavanaugh’s dick being out and coming in contact with her face.


She never said it came in contact with her face she said Kavanaugh waved it near her face and she pushed it away.

The newest allegation is not even remotely similar

The newest allegation is that Some other guys pushed Kavanaughs penis into the hand of a woman who does not remember any of it

The newest allegation is that Someone else committed the offense against a woman and against Kavanaugh who is also a victim

It is radically different the details MATTER

So two stories of Kavanaugh's dick being out and about at parties is not like each other?

Are you serious??
Still waiting for that link to 7 people.......

I gave the link earlier.

Oopsie. NY Times Corrects Hit Piece on Kavanaugh

during a ten-month investigation, the Times found that Ramirez’s allegations were corroborated by at least seven people, and uncovered an account of a parallel incident: A former Yale classmate named Max Stier says he witnessed Kavanaugh with his pants down at a different dorm party, and that his friends had pushed his penis into a female student’s hands.

They weren't all first hand witnesses, but they did contaporaniously hear about the incident.

That is not a list

It is claim without corroboration or names.

The newest allegation is radically different and not parallel as has been proven

Nope, the story is very similar - drunk Bret with his dick out.

You are not saying anything that makes me think otherwise.
He said it’s true, she declined to comment, her friends say she doesn’t remember.

Are we on the same page here???

If we are then that amounts to a in-contradicted claim from a witness that Kavanaugh’s dick was handed around at a party, consistent with what another claimed victim said.
It is not consistent with what any other victim has alleged.

Her lack of memory amounts to a contradiction

It is in fact consistent with Ramirez’s story of Kavanaugh’s dick being out and coming in contact with her face.


She never said it came in contact with her face she said Kavanaugh waved it near her face and she pushed it away.

The newest allegation is not even remotely similar

The newest allegation is that Some other guys pushed Kavanaughs penis into the hand of a woman who does not remember any of it

The newest allegation is that Someone else committed the offense against a woman and against Kavanaugh who is also a victim

It is radically different the details MATTER

So two stories of Kavanaugh's dick being out and about at parties is not like each other?

Are you serious??

What proof do you have? The former Clinton lawyer? I did see your link or the names of the seven witnesses either, you must of forgot.

Ummm witness testimony - I though we went over that?

Just because he worked at one time as Clinton's lawyer doesn't mean he is a false witness.

And even if you are inclined to belive that he is lying, how to explain FBI not interested in interviewing him at the time they had to do a background check?

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