Open Borders Nonsense and Lie

There is plenty of blame for all to share in. lots of mistakes get made when the priority becomes making the other party look bad, as apposed to working together on a solution. this all or nothing crap is going to hurt every one.
They are not preventing Border Security, that's actually what they believe in and have funded.... more Border Patrol, more custom agents, more judges, wired fences, drones, motion detectors etc and in the 2006/7 immigration reform, the 700 miles of wall that was just finished in critical areas.... It's the Wall across the whole United States, even in areas where the likelihood of crossing a dessert or mountain range is near nil, is what they believe is a waste of tax payer's money, especially since Mexico is not ever going to pay for it. :p
why don't they just fix the legislation? you know why!!! It's your hypocrisy junior.
Because it is a give and take world, they are not going to give, with nothing given back in return like DACA....

It's Trumpsters in the admin, that is preventing a deal.

Deals work for both sides, they are not simply, one sided. Trump should know that..... it will never be, "my way, or the highway".... he just lacks the mental capacity due to is narcism disorder, to understand that is not about him and him alone.
hey dumbfk, trump did put that on the table. are you truly this ignorant everyday?
trump put it on the table, the senate came up with a bipartisan bill to cover the wall and DACA etc with 25 BILLION for it all, and Don the Con, REJECTED IT,

get your facts straight girl!

And what did the democrats want in return?

Make the illegals Americans.

A other policy open borders cabal advocates.

liar liar pants on fire! :D

The Democrats did not agree with the President changing his mind to the agreement by wanting to slip in a Reduction in Legal Immigration to the bi partisan proposal, that had not been part of the deal.
There should be a reduction in legal immigration. There should be a ten year moratorium on all immigration. The democrat's sole concern is with population replacement.
The left opposes physical barriers at the border.
The left opposes detaining foreigners that illegally walk across the borders.
The left opposes detaining illegals in facilities.
The left opposes local law enforcement from cooperating with ICE.
The left opposes deporting illegal aliens.

But, no, the left doesn't support open borders (wink, wink).
I see a lot of panic in left wing groups. One debate has been held so far and all... ALL of their candidates couldn’t get their arms up fast enough to provide illegals with free healthcare.

Let the haunting of debates recently begin.
If democrats want to secure the border... why are they stopping Trump from securing the border at every opportunity? And it's not like they have an alternative plan. Why are "walls immoral"?

It's because they want an open border.

Are you deaf and dumb too?

I am neither. If you want an open border you are at least one of those.

I don't want an open border, or an open airport or an open flight school. What I don't get is trump equating a mother and a child with 19 MFing aholes from Saudi Arabia.

Where is he saying those two... or three are equal?

I mean they are equally not American citizens, but besides that?

Wow, you don't understand the difference between 19 terrorists from the middle east who came to America, took some flight training and killed 3000 people, and a mother seeking asylum with an 8 year old in tow?
There should be a reduction in legal immigration. There should be a ten year moratorium on all immigration. The democrat's sole concern is with population replacement.

No you biddable idiot, that's not the Democratic concern at all; it's what came from trump's propaganda machine that biddable idiots echo. Trump is in violation of our nation's immigration laws, and he alone created the human crisis on our southern border.

How can you be so stupid?
Open Borders is a nonsense lie. It's a misleading inaccurate misleading propaganda talking point. Supporters of Donald's lie are unable to articulate just what the heck it means in any kind of objective way.

America does not have open borders. There are many laws and rules restricting entering the USA and our detention facilities and prisons are full of people who thought America had open borders. Many immigrants have avoided legal repercussions for crossing our borders, but that is not the same as "Open Borders", whatever open borders mean.

Apparently you aren't keeping up with your own party's bullshit. That's what the demodummies are preaching now and have been for the last couple of years. Anything Trump is for they are against and for the polar opposite whether or not it makes any sense, which it never does. Either keep up or shut up because we're not going to let you get away with any revisionist bullshit here.
Get real! Anything President Obama was for, the repubtards were against. As for the southern border, why do you need anything more than thoughts and prayers? Repubtards just don't get it; neither does Dumpf.
There should be a reduction in legal immigration. There should be a ten year moratorium on all immigration. The democrat's sole concern is with population replacement.

No you biddable idiot, that's not the Democratic concern at all; it's what came from trump's propaganda machine that biddable idiots echo. Trump is in violation of our nation's immigration laws, and he alone created the human crisis on our southern border.

How can you be so stupid?
Why don't you point out the inevitable result of Democrat demographic change. Like we don't know that means population replacement.
The left opposes physical barriers at the border.
The left opposes detaining foreigners that illegally walk across the borders.
The left opposes detaining illegals in facilities.
The left opposes local law enforcement from cooperating with ICE.
The left opposes deporting illegal aliens.

But, no, the left doesn't support open borders (wink, wink).

Another easily fooled moron ^^^. Trump has violated the laws on immigration; those who seek a safe harbor can not legally be separated from their family and their children, and children cannot be detained for more than 20 days.

Another crime by Trump and his administration.
There should be a reduction in legal immigration. There should be a ten year moratorium on all immigration. The democrat's sole concern is with population replacement.

No you biddable idiot, that's not the Democratic concern at all; it's what came from trump's propaganda machine that biddable idiots echo. Trump is in violation of our nation's immigration laws, and he alone created the human crisis on our southern border.

How can you be so stupid?
Why don't you point out the inevitable result of Democrat demographic change. Like we don't know that means population replacement.

You're a victim of demagoguery, and not able of making an intelligent argument on the issue of immigration. Better to go to another forum, maybe Sesame Street has a message board.
Open borders is the goal.

Look at the guy's t-shirt:

What manner of person exploits the disabled to make a political point? I remember when the boor Trump did it. Birdsmofmamfeqther, I suppose. It's shameful but one would have to have a conscience to realize that.
You're one hell of a sanctimonious dork.

Perhaps you're too young to be familiar with civility.
Another easily fooled moron...

I disagree with the left's belief that Americans are responsible to pay for the existence of every foreigner who decides that they deserve to live here. Our asylum laws are a joke and are being abused on a monolithic scale. The overwhelming majority of the so-called ''asylum'' seekers aren't running from anything but, rather, are seeking a better opportunity. I don't begrudge them for it, but why should I be obligated to pay for their health care, their children's education, their immigration and criminal attorneys, etc., etc., etc.? Your first loyalty is to foreigners rather than to your fellow Americans.
Get real! Anything President Obama was for, the repubtards were against. As for the southern border, why do you need anything more than thoughts and prayers? Repubtards just don't get it; neither does Dumpf.

The Democratic Party is a leftist, totalitarian movement. They want to flood the nation with immigrants who, they hope, will become reliant on the welfare state and who will then vote Democrat. The Democrats will impose an endless list of rules and regulations that will stymie the creation and growth of wealth and which will result in a lower standard of living for both Americans and immigrants. Democratic elitists, of course, will prosper.

Why do you support them?
Probably far more than you have traveled, including over a dozen cross counrry trips from east coast to west coast and back via motorcycle, car, pickup truck, and RV. So, many shorter trips I lost count.
ever stay at a hotel in any city you visited?

What does that have to do with open borders? Maybe I have a camper.
Many travelers sleep in their cars at highway rest stops. Also, everyone in your vehicle does not have to show ID even at a motel.

Many travelers sleep in their cars at highway rest stops. Also, everyone in your vehicle does not have to show ID even at a motel.
but someone does, right? they person paying? hmmmm so I was right? hahhahahahahahaahaaha

The OP is just yanking your chains to get responses. Is he getting paid per response, or is he creaming his jeans over your exasperation that he doesn't get it, so you must be splainin it wrong, lol.

He knows what Bernie and Castro said, he knows what it means to all of his heroes chances of getting elected, and so he wants to wear you out in HIS thread, so he can control you.

Good plan for him, if you fall for it! Hmmm, he already has 9 pages, and on each one of them has insisted that none of you have proven a thing. Seems he actually is controlling the narrative on this issue, when he knows as well as you do, he is being a phony-baloney-)
no one could ever splain it correctly. a man with no brain like him, can't learn anything. box of rocks are smarter.

Nah, no need to splain it to him, he already knows, lol. He is just trying to use propaganda and spin, to make it seem like there is a palatable argument that they really didn't mean what was said, lololol. And just like when doing it in person, the best way to change what was meant is...………….feign surprise that everyone else took it that way, then argue from your bogus position, so that everyone else who thinks like you do, has a position to run to, and hide with you!

We used to call that kindergarten psychology back in the day, but I have a funny suspicion, the OP already knew that-)
So, go ahead and give us your easy definition of an open border. Mine is a border that can be crossed without documents or answering questions from a government official as you cross the border such as traveling between states.
Yep, what’s happening right now, way to man up
ever stay at a hotel in any city you visited?

Many travelers sleep in their cars at highway rest stops. Also, everyone in your vehicle does not have to show ID even at a motel.

but someone does, right? they person paying? hmmmm so I was right? hahhahahahahahaahaaha

The OP is just yanking your chains to get responses. Is he getting paid per response, or is he creaming his jeans over your exasperation that he doesn't get it, so you must be splainin it wrong, lol.

He knows what Bernie and Castro said, he knows what it means to all of his heroes chances of getting elected, and so he wants to wear you out in HIS thread, so he can control you.

Good plan for him, if you fall for it! Hmmm, he already has 9 pages, and on each one of them has insisted that none of you have proven a thing. Seems he actually is controlling the narrative on this issue, when he knows as well as you do, he is being a phony-baloney-)
no one could ever splain it correctly. a man with no brain like him, can't learn anything. box of rocks are smarter.
You do not have to be very smart to know what an open border is. America does not have open borders.

You carry on your phony conversation with others, not me from here forward. If they want to engage your attempt to feign ignorance, they can be my guest. Your position is untenable, and so are your friends running for President. Trump was correct...……..after that statement, the race is over!
Surrender accepted.
Yes, I accept it
Kinda like the DNC said that they weren't socialists and would run from the they run towards it and claim it's "democratic socialism" soon to be followed by "democratic communism". Don't tell me that when I see a white feathered bird with webbed feet and a yellow bill that I am just "CRAZY" for claiming it's a fucking duck.
Another easily fooled moron...

I disagree with the left's belief that Americans are responsible to pay for the existence of every foreigner who decides that they deserve to live here. Our asylum laws are a joke and are being abused on a monolithic scale. The overwhelming majority of the so-called ''asylum'' seekers aren't running from anything but, rather, are seeking a better opportunity. I don't begrudge them for it, but why should I be obligated to pay for their health care, their children's education, their immigration and criminal attorneys, etc., etc., etc.? Your first loyalty is to foreigners rather than to your fellow Americans.

You are paying an est. $700 a day for everyone of those foreigners being held in captivity. Blame it on trump, he created the chaos.
You are paying an est. $700 a day for everyone of those foreigners being held in captivity. Blame it on trump, he created the chaos.

No, the Democrats created the chaos because they encourage illegal immigration. If we built a wall and truly guarded the border and aggressively deported illegals, we wouldn't have this issue. If the left had it's way, instead of having 23 million illegals here, it would be 100 million and you'd still be wanting more.
Another easily fooled moron...

I disagree with the left's belief that Americans are responsible to pay for the existence of every foreigner who decides that they deserve to live here. Our asylum laws are a joke and are being abused on a monolithic scale. The overwhelming majority of the so-called ''asylum'' seekers aren't running from anything but, rather, are seeking a better opportunity. I don't begrudge them for it, but why should I be obligated to pay for their health care, their children's education, their immigration and criminal attorneys, etc., etc., etc.? Your first loyalty is to foreigners rather than to your fellow Americans.

You are paying an est. $700 a day for everyone of those foreigners being held in captivity. Blame it on trump, he created the chaos.

I amazed that someone as utterly stupid as you are can actually navigate the internet.........

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