Open Borders Nonsense and Lie

They are not preventing Border Security, that's actually what they believe in and have funded.... more Border Patrol, more custom agents, more judges, wired fences, drones, motion detectors etc and in the 2006/7 immigration reform, the 700 miles of wall that was just finished in critical areas.... It's the Wall across the whole United States, even in areas where the likelihood of crossing a dessert or mountain range is near nil, is what they believe is a waste of tax payer's money, especially since Mexico is not ever going to pay for it. :p
why don't they just fix the legislation? you know why!!! It's your hypocrisy junior.
Because it is a give and take world, they are not going to give, with nothing given back in return like DACA....

It's Trumpsters in the admin, that is preventing a deal.

Deals work for both sides, they are not simply, one sided. Trump should know that..... it will never be, "my way, or the highway".... he just lacks the mental capacity due to is narcism disorder, to understand that is not about him and him alone.
hey dumbfk, trump did put that on the table. are you truly this ignorant everyday?
trump put it on the table, the senate came up with a bipartisan bill to cover the wall and DACA etc with 25 BILLION for it all, and Don the Con, REJECTED IT,

get your facts straight girl!
nope, that never happened. just post it.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

President Donald Trump has rebuffed numerous opportunities to secure billions for a border wall, and with Democrats set to take control of the House that goal could be out of reach for good.

Trump’s best chance for border wall funding at the level he wants came in February 2018, when Republican Senator Mike Rounds teamed up with independent Senator Angus King on compromise immigration legislation.

It included $25 billion over a decade to build a wall along the southern border and a path to citizenship for so-called Dreamers who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children. It also barred green card holders from sponsoring adult children for permanent residency and reoriented enforcement priorities to focus on criminals in the country illegally.

Trump torched the bill as a "giant amnesty" for narrowing the scope of deportations, and complained that it didn’t end diversity visas or stop "chain migration" -- his derisive term for laws that allow American citizens to sponsor siblings and parents for green cards.

Amid fierce White House opposition and a veto threat from Trump, just eight Republican senators voted for the bill. With support from Democrats it got 54 votes, but that was short of the 60 needed to advance in the Senate. A separate immigration proposal backed by Trump got just 39 votes
you have to carry ID's everywhere in the country. when you stay at a hotel, guess what you have to give to the clerk? dude, all you leftists are fking hilarious.
One of your usual ridiculouse goofy reponses.
what's ridiculous about it? is it wrong?
Wrong in many many ways. Stupidly wrong.
so you think you can just check into a hotel? dude, you don't travel do you?
Probably far more than you have traveled, including over a dozen cross counrry trips from east coast to west coast and back via motorcycle, car, pickup truck, and RV. So, many shorter trips I lost count.
ever stay at a hotel in any city you visited?
you have to carry ID's everywhere in the country. when you stay at a hotel, guess what you have to give to the clerk? dude, all you leftists are fking hilarious.
One of your usual ridiculouse goofy reponses.
what's ridiculous about it? is it wrong?
Wrong in many many ways. Stupidly wrong.
so you think you can just check into a hotel? dude, you don't travel do you?
What does that have to do with open borders? Maybe I have a camper.
Many travelers sleep in their cars at highway rest stops. Also, everyone in your vehicle does not have to show ID even at a motel.
why don't they just fix the legislation? you know why!!! It's your hypocrisy junior.
Because it is a give and take world, they are not going to give, with nothing given back in return like DACA....

It's Trumpsters in the admin, that is preventing a deal.

Deals work for both sides, they are not simply, one sided. Trump should know that..... it will never be, "my way, or the highway".... he just lacks the mental capacity due to is narcism disorder, to understand that is not about him and him alone.
hey dumbfk, trump did put that on the table. are you truly this ignorant everyday?
trump put it on the table, the senate came up with a bipartisan bill to cover the wall and DACA etc with 25 BILLION for it all, and Don the Con, REJECTED IT,

get your facts straight girl!
nope, that never happened. just post it.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

President Donald Trump has rebuffed numerous opportunities to secure billions for a border wall, and with Democrats set to take control of the House that goal could be out of reach for good.

Trump’s best chance for border wall funding at the level he wants came in February 2018, when Republican Senator Mike Rounds teamed up with independent Senator Angus King on compromise immigration legislation.

It included $25 billion over a decade to build a wall along the southern border and a path to citizenship for so-called Dreamers who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children. It also barred green card holders from sponsoring adult children for permanent residency and reoriented enforcement priorities to focus on criminals in the country illegally.

Trump torched the bill as a "giant amnesty" for narrowing the scope of deportations, and complained that it didn’t end diversity visas or stop "chain migration" -- his derisive term for laws that allow American citizens to sponsor siblings and parents for green cards.

Amid fierce White House opposition and a veto threat from Trump, just eight Republican senators voted for the bill. With support from Democrats it got 54 votes, but that was short of the 60 needed to advance in the Senate. A separate immigration proposal backed by Trump got just 39 votes

Yup... Democrats wanted giant amnesty. This is perhaps even more ludicrous than an open border, and of course an extension of the open border mindset.

Is there anything they want for AMERICAN people, or is it always about getting more Mexicans to the voting rolls at the expense of Americans?
why don't they just fix the legislation? you know why!!! It's your hypocrisy junior.
Because it is a give and take world, they are not going to give, with nothing given back in return like DACA....

It's Trumpsters in the admin, that is preventing a deal.

Deals work for both sides, they are not simply, one sided. Trump should know that..... it will never be, "my way, or the highway".... he just lacks the mental capacity due to is narcism disorder, to understand that is not about him and him alone.
hey dumbfk, trump did put that on the table. are you truly this ignorant everyday?
trump put it on the table, the senate came up with a bipartisan bill to cover the wall and DACA etc with 25 BILLION for it all, and Don the Con, REJECTED IT,

get your facts straight girl!
nope, that never happened. just post it.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

President Donald Trump has rebuffed numerous opportunities to secure billions for a border wall, and with Democrats set to take control of the House that goal could be out of reach for good.

Trump’s best chance for border wall funding at the level he wants came in February 2018, when Republican Senator Mike Rounds teamed up with independent Senator Angus King on compromise immigration legislation.

It included $25 billion over a decade to build a wall along the southern border and a path to citizenship for so-called Dreamers who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children. It also barred green card holders from sponsoring adult children for permanent residency and reoriented enforcement priorities to focus on criminals in the country illegally.

Trump torched the bill as a "giant amnesty" for narrowing the scope of deportations, and complained that it didn’t end diversity visas or stop "chain migration" -- his derisive term for laws that allow American citizens to sponsor siblings and parents for green cards.

Amid fierce White House opposition and a veto threat from Trump, just eight Republican senators voted for the bill. With support from Democrats it got 54 votes, but that was short of the 60 needed to advance in the Senate. A separate immigration proposal backed by Trump got just 39 votes
can't make up the fake that you post. it truly is amazing how fake you are.

Here is what he actually approved.

White House proposes path to citizenship for 1.8 million people - CNNPolitics

"In what the White House framed as a "dramatic concession" and "compromise," Trump would accept a path to citizenship not just for the roughly 700,000 undocumented immigrants were covered by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program when it was ended. But the proposal would also cover those undocumented immigrants who meet the DACA criteria but did not sign up and even more who would be newly eligible under the proposal's timeframe requirements -- giving legal status and a pathway to citizenship to about 1.8 million people.
In return, the White House would like to see a $25 billion investment in a trust for border infrastructure and technology, as well as more funds for personnel, and an end to family "
One of your usual ridiculouse goofy reponses.
what's ridiculous about it? is it wrong?
Wrong in many many ways. Stupidly wrong.
so you think you can just check into a hotel? dude, you don't travel do you?
What does that have to do with open borders? Maybe I have a camper.
Many travelers sleep in their cars at highway rest stops. Also, everyone in your vehicle does not have to show ID even at a motel.
but someone does, right? they person paying? hmmmm so I was right? hahhahahahahahaahaaha
Open Borders is a nonsense lie. It's a misleading inaccurate misleading propaganda talking point. Supporters of Donald's lie are unable to articulate just what the heck it means in any kind of objective way.

America does not have open borders. There are many laws and rules restricting entering the USA and our detention facilities and prisons are full of people who thought America had open borders. Many immigrants have avoided legal repercussions for crossing our borders, but that is not the same as "Open Borders", whatever open borders mean.

Everyone knows the 'open borders' narrative is Cult45 propaganda, I.E. lies. If it weren't for deflection (as seen in most Cult45 answers so far), projection, hyperbole and lies, Cult45 would have no arguments. Feel free to prove me wrong, you nut less cowards. How come you can't support your own arguments without using any of the above examples?
One of your usual ridiculouse goofy reponses.
what's ridiculous about it? is it wrong?
Wrong in many many ways. Stupidly wrong.
so you think you can just check into a hotel? dude, you don't travel do you?
Probably far more than you have traveled, including over a dozen cross counrry trips from east coast to west coast and back via motorcycle, car, pickup truck, and RV. So, many shorter trips I lost count.
ever stay at a hotel in any city you visited?

One of your usual ridiculouse goofy reponses.
what's ridiculous about it? is it wrong?
Wrong in many many ways. Stupidly wrong.
so you think you can just check into a hotel? dude, you don't travel do you?
What does that have to do with open borders? Maybe I have a camper.
Many travelers sleep in their cars at highway rest stops. Also, everyone in your vehicle does not have to show ID even at a motel.

what's ridiculous about it? is it wrong?
Wrong in many many ways. Stupidly wrong.
so you think you can just check into a hotel? dude, you don't travel do you?
What does that have to do with open borders? Maybe I have a camper.
Many travelers sleep in their cars at highway rest stops. Also, everyone in your vehicle does not have to show ID even at a motel.
but someone does, right? they person paying? hmmmm so I was right? hahhahahahahahaahaaha

The OP is just yanking your chains to get responses. Is he getting paid per response, or is he creaming his jeans over your exasperation that he doesn't get it, so you must be splainin it wrong, lol.

He knows what Bernie and Castro said, he knows what it means to all of his heroes chances of getting elected, and so he wants to wear you out in HIS thread, so he can control you.

Good plan for him, if you fall for it! Hmmm, he already has 9 pages, and on each one of them has insisted that none of you have proven a thing. Seems he actually is controlling the narrative on this issue, when he knows as well as you do, he is being a phony-baloney-)
what's ridiculous about it? is it wrong?
Wrong in many many ways. Stupidly wrong.
so you think you can just check into a hotel? dude, you don't travel do you?
Probably far more than you have traveled, including over a dozen cross counrry trips from east coast to west coast and back via motorcycle, car, pickup truck, and RV. So, many shorter trips I lost count.
ever stay at a hotel in any city you visited?

what's ridiculous about it? is it wrong?
Wrong in many many ways. Stupidly wrong.
so you think you can just check into a hotel? dude, you don't travel do you?
What does that have to do with open borders? Maybe I have a camper.
Many travelers sleep in their cars at highway rest stops. Also, everyone in your vehicle does not have to show ID even at a motel.

Wrong in many many ways. Stupidly wrong.
so you think you can just check into a hotel? dude, you don't travel do you?
What does that have to do with open borders? Maybe I have a camper.
Many travelers sleep in their cars at highway rest stops. Also, everyone in your vehicle does not have to show ID even at a motel.
but someone does, right? they person paying? hmmmm so I was right? hahhahahahahahaahaaha

The OP is just yanking your chains to get responses. Is he getting paid per response, or is he creaming his jeans over your exasperation that he doesn't get it, so you must be splainin it wrong, lol.

He knows what Bernie and Castro said, he knows what it means to all of his heroes chances of getting elected, and so he wants to wear you out in HIS thread, so he can control you.

Good plan for him, if you fall for it! Hmmm, he already has 9 pages, and on each one of them has insisted that none of you have proven a thing. Seems he actually is controlling the narrative on this issue, when he knows as well as you do, he is being a phony-baloney-)
no one could ever splain it correctly. a man with no brain like him, can't learn anything. box of rocks are smarter.
One of your usual ridiculouse goofy reponses.
what's ridiculous about it? is it wrong?
Wrong in many many ways. Stupidly wrong.
so you think you can just check into a hotel? dude, you don't travel do you?
Probably far more than you have traveled, including over a dozen cross counrry trips from east coast to west coast and back via motorcycle, car, pickup truck, and RV. So, many shorter trips I lost count.
ever stay at a hotel in any city you visited?
Of course, but I never said you could stay in a nice morels without you or a friend having an ID and even a credit card. A basic rule for a road trip is to have someone along with a valid license and credit card. Does not have to be you.
Last edited:
Wrong in many many ways. Stupidly wrong.
so you think you can just check into a hotel? dude, you don't travel do you?
Probably far more than you have traveled, including over a dozen cross counrry trips from east coast to west coast and back via motorcycle, car, pickup truck, and RV. So, many shorter trips I lost count.
ever stay at a hotel in any city you visited?

Wrong in many many ways. Stupidly wrong.
so you think you can just check into a hotel? dude, you don't travel do you?
What does that have to do with open borders? Maybe I have a camper.
Many travelers sleep in their cars at highway rest stops. Also, everyone in your vehicle does not have to show ID even at a motel.

so you think you can just check into a hotel? dude, you don't travel do you?
What does that have to do with open borders? Maybe I have a camper.
Many travelers sleep in their cars at highway rest stops. Also, everyone in your vehicle does not have to show ID even at a motel.
but someone does, right? they person paying? hmmmm so I was right? hahhahahahahahaahaaha

The OP is just yanking your chains to get responses. Is he getting paid per response, or is he creaming his jeans over your exasperation that he doesn't get it, so you must be splainin it wrong, lol.

He knows what Bernie and Castro said, he knows what it means to all of his heroes chances of getting elected, and so he wants to wear you out in HIS thread, so he can control you.

Good plan for him, if you fall for it! Hmmm, he already has 9 pages, and on each one of them has insisted that none of you have proven a thing. Seems he actually is controlling the narrative on this issue, when he knows as well as you do, he is being a phony-baloney-)
no one could ever splain it correctly. a man with no brain like him, can't learn anything. box of rocks are smarter.

Nah, no need to splain it to him, he already knows, lol. He is just trying to use propaganda and spin, to make it seem like there is a palatable argument that they really didn't mean what was said, lololol. And just like when doing it in person, the best way to change what was meant is...………….feign surprise that everyone else took it that way, then argue from your bogus position, so that everyone else who thinks like you do, has a position to run to, and hide with you!

We used to call that kindergarten psychology back in the day, but I have a funny suspicion, the OP already knew that-)
Wrong in many many ways. Stupidly wrong.
so you think you can just check into a hotel? dude, you don't travel do you?
Probably far more than you have traveled, including over a dozen cross counrry trips from east coast to west coast and back via motorcycle, car, pickup truck, and RV. So, many shorter trips I lost count.
ever stay at a hotel in any city you visited?

Wrong in many many ways. Stupidly wrong.
so you think you can just check into a hotel? dude, you don't travel do you?
What does that have to do with open borders? Maybe I have a camper.
Many travelers sleep in their cars at highway rest stops. Also, everyone in your vehicle does not have to show ID even at a motel.

so you think you can just check into a hotel? dude, you don't travel do you?
What does that have to do with open borders? Maybe I have a camper.
Many travelers sleep in their cars at highway rest stops. Also, everyone in your vehicle does not have to show ID even at a motel.
but someone does, right? they person paying? hmmmm so I was right? hahhahahahahahaahaaha

The OP is just yanking your chains to get responses. Is he getting paid per response, or is he creaming his jeans over your exasperation that he doesn't get it, so you must be splainin it wrong, lol.

He knows what Bernie and Castro said, he knows what it means to all of his heroes chances of getting elected, and so he wants to wear you out in HIS thread, so he can control you.

Good plan for him, if you fall for it! Hmmm, he already has 9 pages, and on each one of them has insisted that none of you have proven a thing. Seems he actually is controlling the narrative on this issue, when he knows as well as you do, he is being a phony-baloney-)
no one could ever splain it correctly. a man with no brain like him, can't learn anything. box of rocks are smarter.
You do not have to be very smart to know what an open border is. America does not have open borders.
so you think you can just check into a hotel? dude, you don't travel do you?
Probably far more than you have traveled, including over a dozen cross counrry trips from east coast to west coast and back via motorcycle, car, pickup truck, and RV. So, many shorter trips I lost count.
ever stay at a hotel in any city you visited?

so you think you can just check into a hotel? dude, you don't travel do you?
What does that have to do with open borders? Maybe I have a camper.
Many travelers sleep in their cars at highway rest stops. Also, everyone in your vehicle does not have to show ID even at a motel.

What does that have to do with open borders? Maybe I have a camper.
Many travelers sleep in their cars at highway rest stops. Also, everyone in your vehicle does not have to show ID even at a motel.
but someone does, right? they person paying? hmmmm so I was right? hahhahahahahahaahaaha

The OP is just yanking your chains to get responses. Is he getting paid per response, or is he creaming his jeans over your exasperation that he doesn't get it, so you must be splainin it wrong, lol.

He knows what Bernie and Castro said, he knows what it means to all of his heroes chances of getting elected, and so he wants to wear you out in HIS thread, so he can control you.

Good plan for him, if you fall for it! Hmmm, he already has 9 pages, and on each one of them has insisted that none of you have proven a thing. Seems he actually is controlling the narrative on this issue, when he knows as well as you do, he is being a phony-baloney-)
no one could ever splain it correctly. a man with no brain like him, can't learn anything. box of rocks are smarter.
You do not have to be very smart to know what an open border is. America does not have open borders.
we have a porous one, now, but the left want it fully open. The point of the thread. already went through it all through out the tread. don't be a retread.
so you think you can just check into a hotel? dude, you don't travel do you?
Probably far more than you have traveled, including over a dozen cross counrry trips from east coast to west coast and back via motorcycle, car, pickup truck, and RV. So, many shorter trips I lost count.
ever stay at a hotel in any city you visited?

so you think you can just check into a hotel? dude, you don't travel do you?
What does that have to do with open borders? Maybe I have a camper.
Many travelers sleep in their cars at highway rest stops. Also, everyone in your vehicle does not have to show ID even at a motel.

What does that have to do with open borders? Maybe I have a camper.
Many travelers sleep in their cars at highway rest stops. Also, everyone in your vehicle does not have to show ID even at a motel.
but someone does, right? they person paying? hmmmm so I was right? hahhahahahahahaahaaha

The OP is just yanking your chains to get responses. Is he getting paid per response, or is he creaming his jeans over your exasperation that he doesn't get it, so you must be splainin it wrong, lol.

He knows what Bernie and Castro said, he knows what it means to all of his heroes chances of getting elected, and so he wants to wear you out in HIS thread, so he can control you.

Good plan for him, if you fall for it! Hmmm, he already has 9 pages, and on each one of them has insisted that none of you have proven a thing. Seems he actually is controlling the narrative on this issue, when he knows as well as you do, he is being a phony-baloney-)
no one could ever splain it correctly. a man with no brain like him, can't learn anything. box of rocks are smarter.
You do not have to be very smart to know what an open border is. America does not have open borders.

You carry on your phony conversation with others, not me from here forward. If they want to engage your attempt to feign ignorance, they can be my guest. Your position is untenable, and so are your friends running for President. Trump was correct...……..after that statement, the race is over!
Because it is a give and take world, they are not going to give, with nothing given back in return like DACA....

It's Trumpsters in the admin, that is preventing a deal.

Deals work for both sides, they are not simply, one sided. Trump should know that..... it will never be, "my way, or the highway".... he just lacks the mental capacity due to is narcism disorder, to understand that is not about him and him alone.
hey dumbfk, trump did put that on the table. are you truly this ignorant everyday?
trump put it on the table, the senate came up with a bipartisan bill to cover the wall and DACA etc with 25 BILLION for it all, and Don the Con, REJECTED IT,

get your facts straight girl!
nope, that never happened. just post it.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

President Donald Trump has rebuffed numerous opportunities to secure billions for a border wall, and with Democrats set to take control of the House that goal could be out of reach for good.

Trump’s best chance for border wall funding at the level he wants came in February 2018, when Republican Senator Mike Rounds teamed up with independent Senator Angus King on compromise immigration legislation.

It included $25 billion over a decade to build a wall along the southern border and a path to citizenship for so-called Dreamers who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children. It also barred green card holders from sponsoring adult children for permanent residency and reoriented enforcement priorities to focus on criminals in the country illegally.

Trump torched the bill as a "giant amnesty" for narrowing the scope of deportations, and complained that it didn’t end diversity visas or stop "chain migration" -- his derisive term for laws that allow American citizens to sponsor siblings and parents for green cards.

Amid fierce White House opposition and a veto threat from Trump, just eight Republican senators voted for the bill. With support from Democrats it got 54 votes, but that was short of the 60 needed to advance in the Senate. A separate immigration proposal backed by Trump got just 39 votes
can't make up the fake that you post. it truly is amazing how fake you are.

Here is what he actually approved.

White House proposes path to citizenship for 1.8 million people - CNNPolitics

"In what the White House framed as a "dramatic concession" and "compromise," Trump would accept a path to citizenship not just for the roughly 700,000 undocumented immigrants were covered by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program when it was ended. But the proposal would also cover those undocumented immigrants who meet the DACA criteria but did not sign up and even more who would be newly eligible under the proposal's timeframe requirements -- giving legal status and a pathway to citizenship to about 1.8 million people.
In return, the White House would like to see a $25 billion investment in a trust for border infrastructure and technology, as well as more funds for personnel, and an end to family "
Dudette, your article is PRECISELY what I am talking about,

Don the Con agreed to all of what you posted,

but then

when the Senate came up with the bill that met the criteria you mention above,

Trump TURNED IT DOWN... thus losing the bipartisan support needed to pass... go back to sleep, you need your beauty rest.... :p
hey dumbfk, trump did put that on the table. are you truly this ignorant everyday?
trump put it on the table, the senate came up with a bipartisan bill to cover the wall and DACA etc with 25 BILLION for it all, and Don the Con, REJECTED IT,

get your facts straight girl!
nope, that never happened. just post it.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

President Donald Trump has rebuffed numerous opportunities to secure billions for a border wall, and with Democrats set to take control of the House that goal could be out of reach for good.

Trump’s best chance for border wall funding at the level he wants came in February 2018, when Republican Senator Mike Rounds teamed up with independent Senator Angus King on compromise immigration legislation.

It included $25 billion over a decade to build a wall along the southern border and a path to citizenship for so-called Dreamers who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children. It also barred green card holders from sponsoring adult children for permanent residency and reoriented enforcement priorities to focus on criminals in the country illegally.

Trump torched the bill as a "giant amnesty" for narrowing the scope of deportations, and complained that it didn’t end diversity visas or stop "chain migration" -- his derisive term for laws that allow American citizens to sponsor siblings and parents for green cards.

Amid fierce White House opposition and a veto threat from Trump, just eight Republican senators voted for the bill. With support from Democrats it got 54 votes, but that was short of the 60 needed to advance in the Senate. A separate immigration proposal backed by Trump got just 39 votes
can't make up the fake that you post. it truly is amazing how fake you are.

Here is what he actually approved.

White House proposes path to citizenship for 1.8 million people - CNNPolitics

"In what the White House framed as a "dramatic concession" and "compromise," Trump would accept a path to citizenship not just for the roughly 700,000 undocumented immigrants were covered by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program when it was ended. But the proposal would also cover those undocumented immigrants who meet the DACA criteria but did not sign up and even more who would be newly eligible under the proposal's timeframe requirements -- giving legal status and a pathway to citizenship to about 1.8 million people.
In return, the White House would like to see a $25 billion investment in a trust for border infrastructure and technology, as well as more funds for personnel, and an end to family "
Dudette, your article is PRECISELY what I am talking about,

Don the Con agreed to all of what you posted,

but then

when the Senate came up with the bill that met the criteria you mention above,

Trump TURNED IT DOWN. go back to sleep, you need your beauty rest.... :p
dude, they didn't. so go back in your rat hole.

Tell me how the dude made the proposal and wouldn't sign what he proposed? please, your stupid is shining bright.
so you think you can just check into a hotel? dude, you don't travel do you?
Probably far more than you have traveled, including over a dozen cross counrry trips from east coast to west coast and back via motorcycle, car, pickup truck, and RV. So, many shorter trips I lost count.
ever stay at a hotel in any city you visited?

so you think you can just check into a hotel? dude, you don't travel do you?
What does that have to do with open borders? Maybe I have a camper.
Many travelers sleep in their cars at highway rest stops. Also, everyone in your vehicle does not have to show ID even at a motel.

What does that have to do with open borders? Maybe I have a camper.
Many travelers sleep in their cars at highway rest stops. Also, everyone in your vehicle does not have to show ID even at a motel.
but someone does, right? they person paying? hmmmm so I was right? hahhahahahahahaahaaha

The OP is just yanking your chains to get responses. Is he getting paid per response, or is he creaming his jeans over your exasperation that he doesn't get it, so you must be splainin it wrong, lol.

He knows what Bernie and Castro said, he knows what it means to all of his heroes chances of getting elected, and so he wants to wear you out in HIS thread, so he can control you.

Good plan for him, if you fall for it! Hmmm, he already has 9 pages, and on each one of them has insisted that none of you have proven a thing. Seems he actually is controlling the narrative on this issue, when he knows as well as you do, he is being a phony-baloney-)
no one could ever splain it correctly. a man with no brain like him, can't learn anything. box of rocks are smarter.

Nah, no need to splain it to him, he already knows, lol. He is just trying to use propaganda and spin, to make it seem like there is a palatable argument that they really didn't mean what was said, lololol. And just like when doing it in person, the best way to change what was meant is...………….feign surprise that everyone else took it that way, then argue from your bogus position, so that everyone else who thinks like you do, has a position to run to, and hide with you!

We used to call that kindergarten psychology back in the day, but I have a funny suspicion, the OP already knew that-)
So, go ahead and give us your easy definition of an open border. Mine is a border that can be crossed without documents or answering questions from a government official as you cross the border such as traveling between states.
Probably far more than you have traveled, including over a dozen cross counrry trips from east coast to west coast and back via motorcycle, car, pickup truck, and RV. So, many shorter trips I lost count.
ever stay at a hotel in any city you visited?

What does that have to do with open borders? Maybe I have a camper.
Many travelers sleep in their cars at highway rest stops. Also, everyone in your vehicle does not have to show ID even at a motel.

Many travelers sleep in their cars at highway rest stops. Also, everyone in your vehicle does not have to show ID even at a motel.
but someone does, right? they person paying? hmmmm so I was right? hahhahahahahahaahaaha

The OP is just yanking your chains to get responses. Is he getting paid per response, or is he creaming his jeans over your exasperation that he doesn't get it, so you must be splainin it wrong, lol.

He knows what Bernie and Castro said, he knows what it means to all of his heroes chances of getting elected, and so he wants to wear you out in HIS thread, so he can control you.

Good plan for him, if you fall for it! Hmmm, he already has 9 pages, and on each one of them has insisted that none of you have proven a thing. Seems he actually is controlling the narrative on this issue, when he knows as well as you do, he is being a phony-baloney-)
no one could ever splain it correctly. a man with no brain like him, can't learn anything. box of rocks are smarter.
You do not have to be very smart to know what an open border is. America does not have open borders.

You carry on your phony conversation with others, not me from here forward. If they want to engage your attempt to feign ignorance, they can be my guest. Your position is untenable, and so are your friends running for President. Trump was correct...……..after that statement, the race is over!
Surrender accepted.
Before Cheeto Jesus, were you all screaming for a Wall and accusing everyone who thought a wall wasn't enough bang for the buck as an OPEN BORDERS socialist?

I have no issue with a Wall, but it is NOT going to solve the problem as much as you think it will so if people think it costs too much, I can see their point too.
The Democrats offered 25 mil including funding for the Wall and Trump said no because he wanted MORE restrictions on immigration and he had to be greedy. So he lost. Oh well.
He's not going to get funding now. The Dems have had too much time to rile up the public with all the big bad BPA on the border nonsense. The Courts are not going to let him get away with taking money from the military to pay for it. He is not a King. When Congress says no, it means no.

Trump screwed himself.
Before Cheeto Jesus, were you all screaming for a Wall and accusing everyone who thought a wall wasn't enough bang for the buck as an OPEN BORDERS socialist?

I have no issue with a Wall, but it is NOT going to solve the problem as much as you think it will so if people think it costs too much, I can see their point too.
The Democrats offered 25 mil including funding for the Wall and Trump said no because he wanted MORE restrictions on immigration and he had to be greedy. So he lost. Oh well.
He's not going to get funding now. The Dems have had too much time to rile up the public with all the big bad BPA on the border nonsense. The Courts are not going to let him get away with taking money from the military to pay for it. He is not a King. When Congress says no, it means no.

Trump screwed himself.

Serious question.... why are you so concerned with American politics? Calling other nation's president a "cheeto jesus" doesn't appear smart.

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