Open Borders R.I.P.

Any Libtards out there still in favor of open borders? Coronavirus has nailed that coffin shut.

Anyone who still votes Democrat should be quarantined in a mental institution.


Why are you burying something and putting up a gravestone to mark an idea that never existed? No Democrat anywhere has advocated for open borders. Again, this is just another right wing fantasy/wet dream. Just like the right wing fantasy that caravans of immigrants from shithole countries were going to amass on our southern border and storm the Rio Grande (not come in through ports of origin and know, the way most immigrant come here). It's easier to whip up the low information base and say "dark people..bad!!!" to serve your xenophobic ends then it is to sit down with your opponent and have a meaningful talk about sensible immigration policy.

omfg ur way beyond an idiot.

omfg, this from the purveyor of a plethora of conspiracy theory threads that aren't conspiracy theories but instead rants?
Pot, meet kettle.
This virus bs has highlighted the reasons why we need another 4 years of President Trump to fix the decades of laziness and complacency we’ve been getting from career politicians.
Why are you burying something and putting up a gravestone to mark an idea that never existed? No Democrat anywhere has advocated for open borders. Again, this is just another right wing fantasy/wet dream. Just like the right wing fantasy that caravans of immigrants from shithole countries were going to amass on our southern border and storm the Rio Grande (not come in through ports of origin and know, the way most immigrant come here). It's easier to whip up the low information base and say "dark people..bad!!!" to serve your xenophobic ends then it is to sit down with your opponent and have a meaningful talk about sensible immigration policy.

omfg ur way beyond an idiot.

For once I agree with you

If you have something of value to add, by all means, feel free to chime in.
So far, all I've got is a bunch of right wing misdirection.
This virus bs has highlighted the reasons why we need another 4 years of President Trump to fix the decades of laziness and complacency we’ve been seeing from career politicians.
Except this proves what a fail he is

well to anyone who isn’t a moron
We already know how you think sending jobs overseas is good for this country.
Any Libtards out there still in favor of open borders? Coronavirus has nailed that coffin shut.

Anyone who still votes Democrat should be quarantined in a mental institution.


Why are you burying something and putting up a gravestone to mark an idea that never existed? No Democrat anywhere has advocated for open borders. Again, this is just another right wing fantasy/wet dream. Just like the right wing fantasy that caravans of immigrants from shithole countries were going to amass on our southern border and storm the Rio Grande (not come in through ports of origin and know, the way most immigrant come here). It's easier to whip up the low information base and say "dark people..bad!!!" to serve your xenophobic ends then it is to sit down with your opponent and have a meaningful talk about sensible immigration policy.
You're a lying piece of shit. Many of the Dims running for president said they want to abolish ICE. How are you going to control the border without an enforcement agency?
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I reiterate, just more red meat for the low information base. But, carry on.

Just do a search for "open borders democrats." And stop playing word games. :lastword1:

I did. And believe it or not, this article is the closest I could come up with as an example of what you are talking about...and this is an opinion piece, and it still doesn't quite make it there. You gonna tell me this is fake news now??

Are Democrats now the party of open borders?
Here ya go, dumbass:
Democrats will favor open borders as long as they need illegal votes to stay in power. That's forever.
And Republicans will continue to oppose open borders, every six months before an election.
This virus bs has highlighted the reasons why we need another 4 years of President Trump to fix the decades of laziness and complacency we’ve been getting from career politicians.

This morning on Meet the Press two governors said Coronavirus is a catastrophe, a crisis, pandemic. They are closing schools, bars, restaurants, canceling holiday celebrations. Then not 2 seconds later both said but they are moving ahead with their primary elections. Yes a couple million people will come into public school buildings to vote but they are just telling people to be careful. Wow, just wow.
Why are you burying something and putting up a gravestone to mark an idea that never existed? No Democrat anywhere has advocated for open borders. Again, this is just another right wing fantasy/wet dream.

Correct, that's all it is.

Ok, let's put aside the cut and crop right wing slant on this obviously Sinclair Media production. I'm not going to slog my way through the alt-right blather of this pile of compost.
If you'd like to see the full interview, here it is...hint, nowhere does Beto say the words "open border". I actually saw this interview and it had to do with the border wall and the non-existent declaration of emergency.

I reiterate, just more red meat for the low information base. But, carry on.

So HTF does this seven minute propaganda nonsense change what he said? It doesn't matter if it's in or out of context. He basically said open borders. After all, what does tearing down the wall mean other than that? It means don't have a wall on our borders, hence open border.
Democrats will favor open borders as long as they need illegal votes to stay in power. That's forever.
And Republicans will continue to oppose open borders, every six months before an election.

No, we oppose open borders 24/7 year round. Why do you think we elected President Trump? He only had one or two messages different from the other Republican candidates, and that is to attack our border and immigrant problem.
I reiterate, just more red meat for the low information base. But, carry on.

Just do a search for "open borders democrats." And stop playing word games. :lastword1:

I did. And believe it or not, this article is the closest I could come up with as an example of what you are talking about...and this is an opinion piece, and it still doesn't quite make it there. You gonna tell me this is fake news now??

Are Democrats now the party of open borders?
Here ya go, dumbass:

With Bold Immigration Plan, Bernie Sanders Becomes the Only Candidate to Call for Break Up of ICE and CBP

From your own linked article, This is what Bernie said. Now maybe my reading comprehension is a little lacking but I swear he is NOT advocating for open borders in this article.

“What we need is comprehensive immigration reform,” Sanders said at an Iowa town hall. “If you open the borders, my God, there’s a lot of poverty in this world, and you’re going to have people from all over the world. And I don’t think that’s something that we can do at this point. Can’t do it. So that is not my position.”
I reiterate, just more red meat for the low information base. But, carry on.

Just do a search for "open borders democrats." And stop playing word games. :lastword1:

I did. And believe it or not, this article is the closest I could come up with as an example of what you are talking about...and this is an opinion piece, and it still doesn't quite make it there. You gonna tell me this is fake news now??

Are Democrats now the party of open borders?
Here ya go, dumbass:

With Bold Immigration Plan, Bernie Sanders Becomes the Only Candidate to Call for Break Up of ICE and CBP

From your own linked article, This is what Bernie said. Now maybe my reading comprehension is a little lacking but I swear he is NOT advocating for open borders in this article.

“What we need is comprehensive immigration reform,” Sanders said at an Iowa town hall. “If you open the borders, my God, there’s a lot of poverty in this world, and you’re going to have people from all over the world. And I don’t think that’s something that we can do at this point. Can’t do it. So that is not my position.”
He said he wants to dismantle ICE and the CBP. That's indistinguishable from open borders. Again, how is Bernie going to enforce the border with no border enforcement agency?
I reiterate, just more red meat for the low information base. But, carry on.

Just do a search for "open borders democrats." And stop playing word games. :lastword1:

I did. And believe it or not, this article is the closest I could come up with as an example of what you are talking about...and this is an opinion piece, and it still doesn't quite make it there. You gonna tell me this is fake news now??

Are Democrats now the party of open borders?
Here ya go, dumbass:

With Bold Immigration Plan, Bernie Sanders Becomes the Only Candidate to Call for Break Up of ICE and CBP

From your own linked article, This is what Bernie said. Now maybe my reading comprehension is a little lacking but I swear he is NOT advocating for open borders in this article.

“What we need is comprehensive immigration reform,” Sanders said at an Iowa town hall. “If you open the borders, my God, there’s a lot of poverty in this world, and you’re going to have people from all over the world. And I don’t think that’s something that we can do at this point. Can’t do it. So that is not my position.”
He said he wants to dismantle ICE and the CBP. That's indistinguishable from open borders. Again, how is Bernie going to enforce the border with no border enforcement agency?

We on the left give illegals a place to hide from the federal authorities with our sanctuary cities and states. Some of our Mayors warn illegals when ICE is about to conduct workplace raids. We allow illegals to get drivers licenses in our state because we want them to be as comfortable....... er..... I mean, be as safe on the road for other Americans as possible.

We instituted motor voter policies to allow more mistakes with illegal voters. We not only refuse to hold illegals in our jails until ICE arrives, but even created law making it illegal for our police officers to contact them at any time. We shut down the government for the longest period of time in our history so the wall would never be funded. We've sent our liberal lawyers into Mexico to help immigrants penetrate our country by teaching them how to lie on their asylum applications. Our liberal judges rule against every policy Trump made to help stop illegal entry into this country. We stopped Kate's Law from becoming a reality, which would have given a minimum prison sentence of five years to illegal felons who returned to this country. We have stated we want a total elimination of ICE.

But you say we want open borders???? What in hell would make you think something like that????

rolling eyes.gif
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Just do a search for "open borders democrats." And stop playing word games. :lastword1:

I did. And believe it or not, this article is the closest I could come up with as an example of what you are talking about...and this is an opinion piece, and it still doesn't quite make it there. You gonna tell me this is fake news now??

Are Democrats now the party of open borders?
Here ya go, dumbass:

With Bold Immigration Plan, Bernie Sanders Becomes the Only Candidate to Call for Break Up of ICE and CBP

From your own linked article, This is what Bernie said. Now maybe my reading comprehension is a little lacking but I swear he is NOT advocating for open borders in this article.

“What we need is comprehensive immigration reform,” Sanders said at an Iowa town hall. “If you open the borders, my God, there’s a lot of poverty in this world, and you’re going to have people from all over the world. And I don’t think that’s something that we can do at this point. Can’t do it. So that is not my position.”
He said he wants to dismantle ICE and the CBP. That's indistinguishable from open borders. Again, how is Bernie going to enforce the border with no border enforcement agency?

We on the left give illegals a place to hide from the federal authorities with our sanctuary cities and states. Some of our Mayors warn illegals when ICE is about to conduct workplace raids. We allow illegals to get drivers licenses in our state because we want them to be as comfortable....... er..... I mean, be as safe on the road for other Americans as possible.

We instituted motor voter policies to allow more mistakes with illegal voters. We not only refuse to hold illegals in our jails until ICE arrives, but even created law making it illegal for our police officers to contact them at any time. We shut down the government for the longest period of time in our history so the wall would never be funded. We've sent our liberal lawyers into Mexico to help immigrants penetrate our country by teaching them how to lie on their asylum applications. Our liberal judges rule against every policy Trump made to help stop illegal entry into this country. We stopped Kate's Law from becoming a reality, which would have given a minimum prison sentence of five years to illegal felons who returned to this country. We have stated we want a total elimination of ICE.

But you say we want open borders???? What in hell would make you think something like that????

View attachment 312686
Its because of 78 trillion dollar boost.
Because we already have open borders for goods and capital.
Any Libtards out there still in favor of open borders? Coronavirus has nailed that coffin shut.

Anyone who still votes Democrat should be quarantined in a mental institution.


Why are you burying something and putting up a gravestone to mark an idea that never existed? No Democrat anywhere has advocated for open borders. Again, this is just another right wing fantasy/wet dream. Just like the right wing fantasy that caravans of immigrants from shithole countries were going to amass on our southern border and storm the Rio Grande (not come in through ports of origin and know, the way most immigrant come here). It's easier to whip up the low information base and say "dark people..bad!!!" to serve your xenophobic ends then it is to sit down with your opponent and have a meaningful talk about sensible immigration policy.

Ummmmmm, actual video recordings of every democrat candidate says otherwise.

You must be a paid political poster.
Oh look they want to SLAVE US while they try takingn the guns THIS IS WHEN U NEED THEM MOST AND THAT IS WHEN THEY WANT TO TAKE IT.

Americans urged to stay home as coronavirus spreads

Below are the headlines the LEFTIST SELL OUT PIGS news from apple.




Many schools, bars, and restaurants closed across the country in an effort to curb the outbreak. President Trump declared a national emergency, and the CDC recommended gatherings of more than 50 people be canceled for the next eight weeks. Trump himself tested negative for the virus — he had previously met with people who were infected. NPR

The Fed took emergency measures to support the economy. The benchmark interest rate was cut to near zero, and $700 billion in bonds will be bought to support the markets. The Senate is also set to sign an aid package this week. REUTERS

The number of cases and deaths outside of China surpassed those within as the outbreak shifted to the U.S. and Europe. Spain followed Italy and called a nationwide lockdown, Germany imposed border controls, and in France, cafés, restaurants, and movie theaters closed. Crowds swelled at American airports as travelers, rushing home, were screened. THE TIMES AND THE SUNDAY TIMES

How can you keep your kids busy when school’s out for weeks? What’s the safest way to get food if you’re self-isolating? Here are tips for staying healthy (and sane) amid the crisis. APPLE NEWS SPOTLIGHT
Any Libtards out there still in favor of open borders? Coronavirus has nailed that coffin shut.

Anyone who still votes Democrat should be quarantined in a mental institution.


Why are you burying something and putting up a gravestone to mark an idea that never existed? No Democrat anywhere has advocated for open borders. Again, this is just another right wing fantasy/wet dream. Just like the right wing fantasy that caravans of immigrants from shithole countries were going to amass on our southern border and storm the Rio Grande (not come in through ports of origin and know, the way most immigrant come here). It's easier to whip up the low information base and say "dark people..bad!!!" to serve your xenophobic ends then it is to sit down with your opponent and have a meaningful talk about sensible immigration policy.
You didn't watch the debates last night? Sanders says no one should be unhappy talking about illegal immigrants. Americans deserve to be unhappy according to him.

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