Open Carry will lead to wild west shoot outs

No one has advocated allowing mentally ill people like Lanza and Holmes to openly carry guns---------NO ONE.

No one is advocating that everyone walk around with a gun on his/her hip.

School security people should be armed, people with CC permits should be able to carry in any public place.

Listen RW, if I see you in a mall and see a crazed crack head pointing a gun at you, I will do everything possible to drop him before he kills you. I will find a good target angle, try to aim up to protect bystanders and put two rounds in his center of mass as quickly as possible. Since I use hollow points there is little chance of them going through him and hitting someone else. I hope to never have to do anything like that, but I know how to if it is ever necessary.

Thank you

The point is, we need sensible gun restrictions. We do not want a society where anyone can bring a gun anywhere they desire. Gun free zones make sense. We don't want you bringing your gun into your child's school. We don't want you in a movie theater or ball park armed to the teeth

All of the shootings that you mentioned occurred in gun free zones, chicago has the toughest gun laws in the nation, and the highest number or per capita gun deaths.

Guns are not the problem-------criminals and mentally ill people are the problem. put the criminals in jail the mentally ill in a hospital and there would be virtually no gun deaths.

What would happen if they were not gun free zones? Adam Lanza and James Holmes get to walk into a school or movie theater with as many weapons as they can carry?

The idea that these guys will be afraid to shoot if other people are armed is fantasy. They are prepared to die and many shoot themselves before they are done.

Criminals and crazies are the problem. Let's get some hard assed background checks
I'd love to wear my six shooter on the hip...It goes with my goat roper hat and cow shit covered boots...why I might just start to bath one night a week...

leave off the gun and you can be a member of OWS, the rest of your outfit is perfect.
Thank you

The point is, we need sensible gun restrictions. We do not want a society where anyone can bring a gun anywhere they desire. Gun free zones make sense. We don't want you bringing your gun into your child's school. We don't want you in a movie theater or ball park armed to the teeth

All of the shootings that you mentioned occurred in gun free zones, chicago has the toughest gun laws in the nation, and the highest number or per capita gun deaths.

Guns are not the problem-------criminals and mentally ill people are the problem. put the criminals in jail the mentally ill in a hospital and there would be virtually no gun deaths.

What would happen if they were not gun free zones? Adam Lanza and James Holmes get to walk into a school or movie theater with as many weapons as they can carry?

The idea that these guys will be afraid to shoot if other people are armed is fantasy. They are prepared to die and many shoot themselves before they are done.

Criminals and crazies are the problem. Let's get some hard assed background checks

PAY ATTENTION--------those guys were BREAKING THE LAW, LAWS DID NOT STOP THEM. But an armed security guard might have stopped them.


I literally LOL'd!!!

Thanks wrongwinger, you can't even define honest without help from google.

I'm even willing to have an honest discussion with you. Care to leave your childlike persona at the door?

Yeah, sounds like a larf...

I'll leave my Alinsky tactics at the door, as long as you don't inject utter absurdity and lies into the discussion.

I know you enjoy the persona you have chosen on this board. Many have tried the same thing before you. But the "if I insult my opponent, I WIN" grows very stale very quickly.

You are not impressing anyone and substituting insults for a valid point is not accomplishing anything
I'd love to wear my six shooter on the hip...It goes with my goat roper hat and cow shit covered boots...why I might just start to bath one night a week...

leave off the gun and you can be a member of OWS, the rest of your outfit is perfect.

I prefer to stay on the farm, where the animals are cleaner...

Maybe you can marry your goat after the marriage laws are made more "fair" :D
they already are--------criminals and police, and a few law abiding citizens.

That is not the country I want to live in. I left the United States almost 20 years ago, and the gun culture was part of the reason, and it was not near as bad as it is now. Open carrying is just insane.

So you would be comfortable in a country where only criminals and the government had guns? said another way---a country where only criminals had guns :D

Lame and inane as usual.

No one is advocating ‘taking away’ guns.
All of the shootings that you mentioned occurred in gun free zones, chicago has the toughest gun laws in the nation, and the highest number or per capita gun deaths.

Guns are not the problem-------criminals and mentally ill people are the problem. put the criminals in jail the mentally ill in a hospital and there would be virtually no gun deaths.

What would happen if they were not gun free zones? Adam Lanza and James Holmes get to walk into a school or movie theater with as many weapons as they can carry?

The idea that these guys will be afraid to shoot if other people are armed is fantasy. They are prepared to die and many shoot themselves before they are done.

Criminals and crazies are the problem. Let's get some hard assed background checks

PAY ATTENTION--------those guys were BREAKING THE LAW, LAWS DID NOT STOP THEM. But an armed security guard might have stopped them.


The unrestricted open carry laws being advocated by some on this board ( not necessarily you) do not help the situation

The idea that I can bring any weapon, anywhere at anytime does not make us safer. The same law that allows you to bring your AR-15 to a little league game allows those criminals and crazies to do he same
Thank you

The point is, we need sensible gun restrictions. We do not want a society where anyone can bring a gun anywhere they desire. Gun free zones make sense. We don't want you bringing your gun into your child's school. We don't want you in a movie theater or ball park armed to the teeth

All of the shootings that you mentioned occurred in gun free zones, chicago has the toughest gun laws in the nation, and the highest number or per capita gun deaths.

Guns are not the problem-------criminals and mentally ill people are the problem. put the criminals in jail the mentally ill in a hospital and there would be virtually no gun deaths.

What would happen if they were not gun free zones? Adam Lanza and James Holmes get to walk into a school or movie theater with as many weapons as they can carry?

The idea that these guys will be afraid to shoot if other people are armed is fantasy. They are prepared to die and many shoot themselves before they are done.

Criminals and crazies are the problem. Let's get some hard assed background checks

What would happen if they were not gun free zones? Adam Lanza and James Holmes get to walk into a school or movie theater with as many weapons as they can carry?

they already did that in a GUN FREE ZONE

the only thing the zone did

was prevent honest law abiding folks from protecting themselves and others
I live in an open carry state. In fact, wannabe cowboys pack heat in Safeway, while picking up their wife's Tampex and cupcakes for the church potluck. I've been here 4 years, and there is something that I noticed fairly quickly. Most of these guys are just "puttin' on the style". They don't smile, or greet people in line at the cashier. They like the fact that nobody is going to give them grief if they park their pick-um-up truck too close to another car in the lot. Nobody is going into the Seven Eleven to complain that they are blocking the gas pump while they munch a donut while visiting with Bubba. When they are on their motorcycles, everyone keeps their distance. Nobody is going to beat them to their parking space in front of the Long Branch saloon. Nobody is going to get into an argument with them while watching the Little League game. They love the intimidation factor, and it alters the interaction between people. Back when we were in high school, there was always the school bully, who everyone knew was constantly looking for a fight, so they avoided eye contact with him, and the bully got away with breaking in line, etc. These guys who are "carrying" like to intimidate, but not in an overtly manner. They confuse it with "respect".

Yeah, I'm sure they're delighted that you've arrived 4 years ago and vote for fellow bed wetters.

You're so full of shit it's disgusting.

I have lots of friends from AZ and NM. The reality is quite a contrast from your bullshit monologue. OC folks that I know personally are overtly friendly, specifically to ease people they come into contact with so that there is no concern or ill feelings from non-carriers. They're the most polite and gracious people I've ever known, and have more conflict resolution skills than any self absorbed bed wetter will ever know.

Because these laws are in non-urban areas (backwards Town USA), practiced by people who lead lives of quiet desperation.

Google Open Carry Shooting: About 30,700,000 results (0.20 seconds)

Do your homework, sparky.

QUESTION: From outward appearances, what's the difference between an "open cary activists" crossing the mall parking lot, and a mass murderer on his way into the mall???

Like this moron here:


This sort of calculated obnoxious behavior caused Starbucks to issue a letter asking people to stop open carrying in their stores, giving gun control groups a small victory. A smug open carry advocate in New Mexico alarmed lawmakers in New Mexico, which appears to be spurring legislation to restrict open carry there, and has also spurred calls to repeal repeal open carry in Wisconsin.

In one location after another, long gun open carry intentionally designed to evoke a response from the public is leading to more anti-gun laws.

And this comes from pro-gun rights folks.

These idiots just do not get it

They think flaunting their freedom to openly carry will make it easier for others to do the same

In fact, it makes it easier to pass laws prohibiting them from doing so

Nothing says "I am not a responsible gun owner like parading your weapon a a little league game or Starbucks"
What are some big Republican cities?

Name ONE bed wetter.

You can't?

That's the point you fucking moron!!!


Yet almost ever major city is a cesspool of crime, poverty, corruption, illiteracy and filth. All managed exclusively by criminally insane sociopathic authoritarians of the democrook party.

Thanks for playing! Now go get yourself a retroactive abortion.

You deserve it.
I suspect some pro-gun folks long for "wild west shoot outs".

What the fuck do you think is going on in places such as Detroit, Chicago, Philadelphia and Los Angeles.
I find a 10 gallon hat load of irony in that you people on the left have no qualms about banning ordinary law abiding citizens to exerciser their 2nd Amendment rights , yet will do NOTHING to stem the tide of carnage occurring in our urban centers. And why is this? Because those illegal carriers of weapons are on your list of politically correct protected classes.
Only in a rightwing fantasy world brought on by watching too many movies. In reality, the assailant with the ability to rapidly fire dozens of rounds will have a tactical advantage. Your open carry laws will only encourage him to bring more firepower upon you.
These guys do not care if you shoot back, they are prepared to die before they start shooting

Complete made up nonsense.

Care to elaborate? I'm open to any honest discussion

Need I?

Ok, well there are two problems with your made up scenario. First, that someone hell bent on carnage isn't going to go somewhere were its possible that some CCW permit carrier will get off a lucky shot and end his spree too early, he'll go to a gun free zone as we have already seen numerous times. And the second and major problem is that concealed carry has been around in many states for a long time and it hasn't happened yet.

Name one instance where a fully automatic weapon was used to kill a large group of people, outside of war. Because unless its a fully automatic weapon, he can't fire bullets faster than I can with my 380.
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You know? At one time in this Republic? Dueling used to be an accepted practice to defend one's honor.

Today we duel in a battle of wits, which is why someone like you would need to bring a gun.

It's not my fault bed wetters like you were stupid enough to bring media matters talking points to a gun fight your side wants to start.

I directed my comment to The T, a half wit at best. A gun might not be sufficient if you battled The T, as dim witted as you seem to be.

None yet. The idea is to avoid them before they happen. Why carry a gun if you have never been attacked?

Yes....What a solution. Closing the barn door after the horse runs away.
Hey sunshine....One carries a weapon so that they DO NOT become a crime victim.
Criminals only pick on the weak and defenseless.
Now, if I'm a crook, and I have a suspicion that my intended victim is carrying, I will move on to easier prey.
Today we duel in a battle of wits, which is why someone like you would need to bring a gun.

It's not my fault bed wetters like you were stupid enough to bring media matters talking points to a gun fight your side wants to start.

Bed wetters? Are you talking about the gun people too scared to leave the house without a gun? The guys who pee themselves when they hear gun control?

No, he's talking about the ones who wet their beds and panties by the idea that some person might have a gun and therefor try to take everyone's guns away.

Because these laws are in non-urban areas (backwards Town USA), practiced by people who lead lives of quiet desperation.

Google Open Carry Shooting: About 30,700,000 results (0.20 seconds)

Do your homework, sparky.

QUESTION: From outward appearances, what's the difference between an "open cary activists" crossing the mall parking lot, and a mass murderer on his way into the mall???

Like this moron here:


This sort of calculated obnoxious behavior caused Starbucks to issue a letter asking people to stop open carrying in their stores, giving gun control groups a small victory. A smug open carry advocate in New Mexico alarmed lawmakers in New Mexico, which appears to be spurring legislation to restrict open carry there, and has also spurred calls to repeal repeal open carry in Wisconsin.

In one location after another, long gun open carry intentionally designed to evoke a response from the public is leading to more anti-gun laws.

And this comes from pro-gun rights folks.

These idiots just do not get it

They think flaunting their freedom to openly carry will make it easier for others to do the same

In fact, it makes it easier to pass laws prohibiting them from doing so

Nothing says "I am not a responsible gun owner like parading your weapon a a little league game or Starbucks"

Ya know something wrong winger?

I actually agree with some of your sniveling bullshit here.

This isn't Khyber Pakhtunkhwa , I don't care to see people with their AR-15 chow slung at Wal-Mart.

The difference between you and I is that I won't push for laws against it.

Do you care to know why?

I'll tell you regardless.

It's because I'm not afraid of people who carry the tools of war anymore than I'm afraid of people who carry the tools of plumbing.

I can fuck your world up with a pipe wrench very quietly. Far more quietly than I can with my AK clone. It's the people who intentionally conceal the tools they use to victimize people that are a threat, not those who are openly willing to defend against criminal aggression.

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